Gets Your Goat! worst driving traits

Gets Your Goat! worst driving traits


Baz Tench

5,648 posts

192 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Mr2Mike said:
Comfort brakers mad Tiny bend in the road? BRAKE! Car coming the other way? BRAKE! Car approaching from behind? BRAKE! It's like following a bloody mobile disco.
This pisses me off no end!

The thing is, they probably don't even realise they're doing it.

Shouldn't be on the road, full stop.

GT6 Jonsey

853 posts

124 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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People in cars that think they are driving a lorry and flick the opposite way before they turn off a main road. WHY WHY


10,923 posts

190 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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GT6 Jonsey said:
People in cars that think they are driving a lorry and flick the opposite way before they turn off a main road. WHY WHY
See comments on this on previous page.

Cylinder 8

45 posts

116 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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People who not only leave their foot on the brake in stationary traffic, but do it on a hill. I worry they are going to roll back when they set off but they almost always use the handbrake perfectly to do a hill start. As you obviously need to use the handbrake anyway, why not do it as soon as you've stopped? WHY? confused


2,184 posts

200 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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GT6 Jonsey said:
People in cars that think they are driving a lorry and flick the opposite way before they turn off a main road. WHY WHY
Much better than those who drive over kerbs constantly!

In some very long cars it is needed on some tight turns.


3,571 posts

125 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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200Plus Club said:
Don't get me started on people who move their car over to block safe slow filtering on motorbikes in heavy traffic. Often tempted to accidentally clip their wing mirror off...
I've seen this. It's stupid.

I'm not a motorcyclist, wouldn't even know how to make one go! However, if I see one doing this I move over to give them room to get through safely. Why people can't all just be a little more courteous and aware of their surroundings, i do not know.


230 posts

115 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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There are a lot of roads around here with nice twisty NSL sections, and quite a lot of long 30 or 40mph sections through villages.

On Sunday, I was driving through one of these 40mph sections when I picked up a tailgater. At the NSL sign I accelerated and drove the next few miles putting more and more distance between me and him. The next 30mph section was about a mile long, and he's up my chuff again. As the next NSL is seen in the distance, he accelerates, overtakes me and then sits in front of me at 50mph through the next section, no safe overtaking opportunities.

On the subject of people not being able to drive at a constant speed, I agree with a previous poster that it's probably unconscious. Late at night and on empty motorways I've been known to play a game with middle lane sitters. I overtake in the right lane, move across to the left lane when safe and maintain a speed where I am slowly pulling away from them. Clearly the idea that they should be gaining on anything in the left lane is powerful, and they start to accelerate. Long before they would be overtaking again, I push the speed up a few mph. Again and again. People have ended up doing easily 20mph over the speed they had been doing before they realise.


146 posts

120 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Buff Mchugelarge said:
Stupid, dangerous and utterly pointless.
+1 Nothing gets my goat more.

Prime example on the way home tonight: Single lane doing 50mph with a line of 5/6 cars making steady progress in shocking weather conditions, driving rain and gale force winds... yet some utter tw*t speeds up right behind me and drives no further than 6 inches off my back bumper looking to get past at any opportunity on twisty tight road.


865 posts

137 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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kambites said:
The problem with it is that it's horrible to sit behind. It's monumentally selfish to shine a load of super-bright LEDs in the face of the person behind you just to save you having to move the gear level into "neutral" and put the handbrake on. I've driven automatic hire cars a lot and I've never found it a problem to put the car in neutral and the handbrake on when I'm stopped with a car behind me.

One day I'll get annoyed enough to buy one of these overpowered laser pens to shine in the mirrors of the car in front when people do this to me. smile

Edited by kambites on Thursday 13th November 14:18
If you've ever had some bellend drive into the back of you in traffic "because your brakelights were on and the traffic light was green so I though you were moving" you'd sit with your brakelights on when stopped too. I'm glad my Merc does the same as the other posters Disco, it reduces the stupidity of people behind you. Also if you don't stare directly at the lights you won't be blinded by them, and they certainly don't have a reflector to form a beam so I've never really been dazzled by them at all.


7,331 posts

246 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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BobSaunders said:
LeoSayer said:
Motorway joiners who expect vehicles on the motorway to make way for them.
I disagree here. If there is space in L2 then move across if it is safe. It makes if safer for people on the "on ramp" to merge into L1 at the correct motorway speed.

We should match motorway speeds when joining, but it is safer to join at 70mph, rather than having to slow to 50mph to merge behind you as your to lazy to move across a lane.
Who says I don't?

It's a simple highway code rule:

Joining the motorway. When you join the motorway you will normally approach it from a road on the left (a slip road) or from an adjoining motorway.

You should:
give priority to traffic already on the motorway
check the traffic on the motorway and match your speed to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane


35,349 posts

236 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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TheAllSeeingPie said:
kambites said:
The problem with it is that it's horrible to sit behind. It's monumentally selfish to shine a load of super-bright LEDs in the face of the person behind you just to save you having to move the gear level into "neutral" and put the handbrake on. I've driven automatic hire cars a lot and I've never found it a problem to put the car in neutral and the handbrake on when I'm stopped with a car behind me.

One day I'll get annoyed enough to buy one of these overpowered laser pens to shine in the mirrors of the car in front when people do this to me. smile

Edited by kambites on Thursday 13th November 14:18
If you've ever had some bellend drive into the back of you in traffic "because your brakelights were on and the traffic light was green so I though you were moving" you'd sit with your brakelights on when stopped too. I'm glad my Merc does the same as the other posters Disco, it reduces the stupidity of people behind you. Also if you don't stare directly at the lights you won't be blinded by them, and they certainly don't have a reflector to form a beam so I've never really been dazzled by them at all.
That's why any sensible and considerate person keeps the brake lights on until a car pulls up behind them, and then when they've come to a halt, pops the car into neutral and puts the handbrake on. In certain situations I do that in my manual car as well, just to advertise more clearly the fact that I'm there. There's no point in continuing to burn someone's retinas though when they're the only person who can see your brake lights.


1,771 posts

127 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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andburg said:
ToothbrushMan said:
Drivers that:-
1. Bip their horns when sat behind you whilst you stay outside of a yellow box junction waiting for the exit to clear.....i almost wish i could drive back round behind them and bip my horn at them....
2. Those who see you approach whilst they have to pull out of a T junction because their house is seemingly on fire but then once ahead of you they drop speed to sauntering "i dont give a damn now im in front you" pace. Thought you was in a mad rush earlier????
3. Frustrated drivers who are intent on getting past you but due to traffic conditions just seem to be thwarted at every opportunity then as you approach some lights two lanes your inner lane is free and the outer lane is rammed they have to punch in so that at the lights you dont waft past them on the inside lane whilst theyre stuck at the back of the queue.
4. That do not adjust their speed up or down to match and fit in with whats already on the main road especially in road works 50 limits.
5. Lads who get up onto your back bumper then drop back 50 metres then speed up to your bumper again....then drop the hell off impatient tt. with the seat fully reclined, one finger on the steering wheel, leaning to one side in an over exxaggerated look at me arent i the bks rehearsed pose.again.....get the fk outta here!
7. Middle aged white guys who wear lots of gold rings again seat right back with thumb of right hand under the top of the wheel whilst the 4 fingers extend over the top of the wheel either patting or strumming the top of the dashboard to some tune on the look a knob mate.
8. That cant go anywhere but see you pull across their path turning right out of a T junction but to make turn trickier they drive virtually up flush to your car door. Wtf is that for knob end! You aint going anywhere...
whoa there mr happy!
Well i must fit right in on here then.....


1,771 posts

127 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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LeoSayer said:
Who says I don't?

It's a simple highway code rule:

Joining the motorway. When you join the motorway you will normally approach it from a road on the left (a slip road) or from an adjoining motorway.

You should:
give priority to traffic already on the motorway
check the traffic on the motorway and match your speed to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane
wrong. Do that at 70 and what you end up with given that the joining motorist is a stubborn point maker.....are two cars side by side in L1 and L2 both now doing 70 or as ive witnessed when i have been forced to move over is the joiner then all of a sudden finds the magic go pedal can be pressed down further so he then pulls away in L1. you come in from the left you give way to traffic just as you would have to if all 3 lanes are chokka. Well i can say it all day long but you still get the wkers.
if they have the poke to speed up once youve been inched into L2 why dont they nail it beforehand to miss you completely? No....its about being a tosspot.simple as that.


1,771 posts

127 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Sorry chap.i copied the wrong reply so youre absolutely right regarding rule 259...


10,923 posts

190 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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crosseyedlion said:
GT6 Jonsey said:
People in cars that think they are driving a lorry and flick the opposite way before they turn off a main road. WHY WHY
Much better than those who drive over kerbs constantly!

In some very long cars it is needed on some tight turns.
Really? I had the impression the Maybach 62 had been a poor seller in the UK.


2,184 posts

200 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Europa1 said:
crosseyedlion said:
GT6 Jonsey said:
People in cars that think they are driving a lorry and flick the opposite way before they turn off a main road. WHY WHY
Much better than those who drive over kerbs constantly!

In some very long cars it is needed on some tight turns.
Really? I had the impression the Maybach 62 had been a poor seller in the UK.
In my long wheelbase e38 BMW 7 Series it was necessary sometimes! only quite slight but Became habit.

I don't see the harm in people swinging out slightly? Only if people are passing around the outside.


11,430 posts

268 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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People who drive slowly along short-cuts.
In fact, anyone who dawdles and doesn't know what an accelerator is. Haven't they got somewhere better to be?


155 posts

216 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Truck drivers that take 10 miles to overtake each other because they're both speed limited and can't really do much more than sit side by side endlessly, blocking two lanes and going slow. Worse on dual carriageways when there's no way past.


2,485 posts

126 months

Thursday 13th November 2014
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Mephistofleas said:
Tyre Tread said:
People who don't position their cars at the centreline when turning right so that vehicles going straight on, or in the case of at a T junction, turning left, can continue on their way unimpeded instead of having to sit needlessly behind Mr/Mrs I'll sit in the middle of the lane and needlessly block traffic that could be going on its merry way.

Really gets up my nose!

Smacks massively of tunnel-vision and inconsiderate mouth breathers with ZERO appreciation for anyone else on the road nor any desire to make things flow as smoothly as possible for everyone.

Also not indicating...
Yes Yes yes


904 posts

174 months

Friday 14th November 2014
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i agree with many of these comments!
One I have been noticing a lot lately that gets my goat, people entering dual carriageways/motorways from slip roads, and expect people to move over for them all the time, every time. It's like they have forgotten that if you enter from a slip road, you have to give way if it is not safe to join the carriageway! Unless I am wrong, but I don't think I am?

The husband and I were on our way back from Chessington recently, on the A303 heading home and the road was chocca for a Saturday night. A car appeared on one of the quieter slip-roads nearing Andover and although there was no-where for the husband to move over to for the guy to move out, the guy decided he would pull out anyway - he almost sideswiped our car as three cars went into two lanes under the bridge. My husband never uses the horn on his car - that is the first and only time I've ever seen him use it, it was seriously close to becoming an RX8 sandwich!

Also, the elephant racing trucks on the A34 all the time, and the one that almost side swiped me today as he pulled out without indicating when I was level with his trailer - I had to brake sharpish! I know truckers have a lot of challenges to deal with, and i imagine it can be frustrating sometimes, but all he had to do was wait five/ten seconds until I was past and then it wouldn't have been a problem! I was doing 70 and then had brake down to 56.001 in an ancient mk1 MX5 very quickly! I know many might not agree with me though!