RE: 'Not Guilty' Motorists Face Court Costs

RE: 'Not Guilty' Motorists Face Court Costs



18,650 posts

211 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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TVR653X said:
Absolutely disgusting. Is this even legal?! Surely you could take it to the EU Human Rights courts and get it thrown out? How can someone who is innocent be forced to pay?!
That would be the EU that BLiar is hoping to be Emperor of?


90 posts

212 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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Trials of motoring offences are pretty expensive too. Perhaps those people who think succesful Defendants (who are therefore innocent, whether you think they are or not) should pay their own costs also think we should get rid of trials, and just give the police the power to fine people at will with no judicial oversight. After all, isn't the old mantra that the innocent have nothing to fear from the police?


7,377 posts

241 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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TVR653X said:
Absolutely disgusting. Is this even legal?! Surely you could take it to the EU Human Rights courts and get it thrown out? How can someone who is innocent be forced to pay?!
EU rules don't apply- they only apply when it suits THEM not YOU.

In Sweden- it's illegal for you to be incriminated for speeding by just your registration plates without evidence of who was driving- but those rules don't apply to you.
It's cheaper to buy many cars in Germany- but if you import them into the netherlands or Finland they'll tally a huge tax onto you. That's united Europe. Why anyone advocates this farce is beyond me.

Fetchez la vache

5,583 posts

216 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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Kozy said:
Instead of handing them out like flyers.....
Surely "handing them out like flyers" is exactly what they'll be doing. This will no doubt come in with an adjustment in the way they calculate the cost, say, £100.
I expect as soon as this comes in "safety partnerships" will just sit on all motorway bridges and street corners taking pictures of everybody, no matter what your speed is or in fact whether you're in a car or not.


773 posts

179 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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The petition will achieve nothing. Labour will lose the next election. The Conservatives will be more of the same. This country has got to be one of the worst countrys in europe, regarding quality of life. The sooner I can get of this awful rock, and away from its stupid fat people, the better.

Charmless man

427 posts

186 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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The thing is this could affect anyone of britains drivers. Potentially you could loose your licence over something you have not done then have to pay a lot to prove your innocence.

Trouble is the country is screwed becasue of both Winky McSlack Jaw and the fact that all 40 million people who drive can't be arsed to complain about it. We are all just as much to blame because we can't be bothered to do anything about it apart from moan on an internet forum!


8,542 posts

186 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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Licence to print money. We have to cut our costs so this is another attack on a soft target and has the other effect of taking more drivers off our overcrowded roads.

Nothing suprises me anymore about this ste country we live in.

at least it's not as bad as Zimbabwe..............................................yet


2,803 posts

212 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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4,721 posts

200 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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I know i should'nt (Probably induce a Myocardial Infarct!)

You stupid , you deplorable idiotic narrow minded blind twunt. Thicker then a whale's forskin, more dense then iridium, how did you ever get to where you are? What train of morans let you get away with being a 1st class bell end sucker all these years ? Surley someone must have noticed before now.....



24 posts

183 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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Inocent Moterist being hit once again by car hating labour goverment.


18,650 posts

211 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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GingerWizard said:
I know i should'nt (Probably induce a Myocardial Infarct!)

You stupid , you deplorable idiotic narrow minded blind twunt. Thicker then a whale's forskin, more dense then iridium, how did you ever get to where you are? What train of morans let you get away with being a 1st class bell end sucker all these years ? Surley someone must have noticed before now.....


nice use of analogies

GMS lawyer

26 posts

176 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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Charmless man said:
The thing is this could affect anyone of britains drivers. Potentially you could loose your licence over something you have not done then have to pay a lot to prove your innocence.

Trouble is the country is screwed becasue of both Winky McSlack Jaw and the fact that all 40 million people who drive can't be arsed to complain about it. We are all just as much to blame because we can't be bothered to do anything about it apart from moan on an internet forum!
I agree, moaning on an internet forum is not the answer. The petition has already assisted in raising awareness of the issue and led to my meeting with the Shadow Minister for Justice last week and believe me, the Tories are going to be doing something about this. They can see that saving £20million is a mere drop in the ocean of the overall budget cuts that are needed and that in reality, this rule change will serve to actually increase costs and affect the mid to lower income drivers and businesses the most.

Other areas that could be addressed instead of shifting the burden to the motorist are the scandalous inefficiencies within the CPS and Court Services themselves . These will be high on the Conservative agenda if they are elected.

I understand your cynicism and believe me, I have my own doubts about politicians generally, but the Shadow secretary for jsutice and shadow minister we are dealing with are from a legal background, a Human Rights QC and a non-practising barrister who UNDERSTAND what we are talking about. The Labour Lord Bach has missed the point entirely and completely ignored the views of 100 prominent bodies and individuals when the responses to the consultation were "considered."

Keep spreading the word shout and don't let apathy and cyncism get the better of you


268 posts

193 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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pistonlager said:
What would be really unpopular?
All basic income tax at 30%
Or continue making up the difference this country needs with the 'snide' taxation.

Maybe the parents of the 250,000 weekly truants should cough up for the £millions this government has spent on new
and upgraded schools in the past decade that their little darlings don't attend.
What would be a far better approach is to close all of the unnecessary offices within the government and civil service. There are literally offices for everything you can think of. Most of which have no real benefit apart from the tiniest minority.

Instead of cutting public spending on things we actually need, why not try cutting it on things we dont!

People say this government is not socialist, but the way we are going we will give nearly all our money in tax. It is a war of attrition, they have slowly but surely worn away out incomes and bolstered their own coffers and we get no better services for it. The last thing we need it more money taken from us and our human rights violated at the same time, especially by someone whom was not elected as Prime Minister but has chosen to be pretty much self appointed dictator.

When will enough people see what is going on and actually do something about it?


40,300 posts

219 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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This place is like the twilight zone.

This was all discussed here months ago.


356 posts

223 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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So far the petition has support from the Law Society, dozens of QC's and the Criminal Bar Association have fully endorsed the sentiments behind the petition. The petition is also backed by the following organizations:

1. Association of Motor Offence Lawyers (AMOL);
2. Health and Safety Lawyers Association;
3. The Criminal Bar Association;
4. The Association of British Drivers;
5. Drivers' Alliance (responsible for the largest ever petition against road pricing who obtained 1.8 million signatures over a 3 month period); and
6. The London Criminal Solicitors' Association;
7. The Taxpayers' Alliance; and
8. The AA.

Where the hell is the RAC mad, I thought they were meant to be a motoring association, bunch of usless Wcensoredkrs more like


2,458 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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Absolute bloody disgrace.
I can not believe this is possible.. it's got to be a breach of human rights or something surely!?!?!?

Guilty until proven innocent AND fined/taxed for the privilege of being innocent!?!?!!!



40,300 posts

219 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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B10BRW said:
So far the petition has support from the Law Society, dozens of QC's and the Criminal Bar Association have fully endorsed the sentiments behind the petition. The petition is also backed by the following organizations:

1. Association of Motor Offence Lawyers (AMOL);
2. Health and Safety Lawyers Association;
3. The Criminal Bar Association;
4. The Association of British Drivers;
5. Drivers' Alliance (responsible for the largest ever petition against road pricing who obtained 1.8 million signatures over a 3 month period); and
6. The London Criminal Solicitors' Association;
7. The Taxpayers' Alliance; and
8. The AA.

Where the hell is the RAC mad, I thought they were meant to be a motoring association, bunch of usless Wcensoredkrs more like
I'm not surprised that lawyers are at the top of the list.

1) It isn't about motorists, it's about all summary offending.
2) It isn't that those acquitted have to pay for pleading not guilty, it's that only reasonable costs incurred in that defence will be refunded (ie legal aid rates).

In other words those that can afford a lawyer for their defence will be recompensed to the same levels as those that couldn't afford a lawyer.

The lawyers are heading the campaign because it's the fees they claim that will be capped.

Edited by vonhosen on Tuesday 20th October 19:22


12 posts

200 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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PLEASE keep quiet about this! I'm afraid the idiots in Washington and our local cities will think it is a good idea.


9,844 posts

231 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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Honestly of all the half-baked, un democratic rules that have been implimented by this government this must be one of the worst!

Our whole legal system is based on being Innocent until proven guilty. This effectively pushes people to incriminate themselves and accept being guilty for something they are not just because they cannot afford to pay the financial cost of being not guilty!

It is utterly ridiculous and honestly i am truely amazed that this has been allowed to pass.

If the Government dont want unnecessary legal costs then stop prosecuting innocent people.
Get your act together rather than the Motorist being Damned if they do and Damned if they dont!!


62 posts

190 months

Tuesday 20th October 2009
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fking wkers!
I hope the fat piece of st (Brown) burns in fking hell!
I hate this country!
These idiots need fking hanging!