One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 3

One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 3



56 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Hackney said:
jogger1976 said:
OpulentBob said:
mp3manager said:
Going through the roadworks on the A1 at Leeming Bar, 50 mph speed limit for 12 miles, presumably for the safety of the roadworker types.

A Hilux pickup, DN14 DVX, with full reflective chevrons and 'Highway Maintenance' on the back was weaving all over the road as the roadworker type texted on his smartphone.

"Roadworker types"?


Did a road worker run off with your wife? You've got a hard-on for them. You and V8 Fiddler. You both have a bit of a chip about them.

Just hang back in your TDi Passat and approach them like you would any of the other hundreds of people texting and driving. You won't be TOO late for your photocopier sales meeting.
I don't get the whole beef some people have with roadworkers.confused
While I'd agree that the Hilux driver is a knob for being on his mobile, I'd think that of anyone, regardless of their status.
I'm not sure I'd want to be stuck working by the side of a motorway in all weathers, with idiots lobbing random crap at me and generally not paying attention as they speed past. I'm not sure what their pay rate is - perhaps Opulent Bob knows?- it would have to be considerably more than I'm earning now to tempt me.
I think I'll take my warm, dry safe office thanks!
What you and opulent Bob seemed to miss (before discussing hard one and road workers) is
A) where this took place and
B) the supposed job of he hilux driver

We're supposed to drive at 50 to protect the workforce through roadworks.
What's the point if people from the same industry (remember the "Highway Maintenance" on the hilux) apparently don't give a fk.
Highway maintenance stickers are on all sorts of vehicles. Anyone who may need to stop on a road for working purposes by law has to have a maintenance sticker.
That could be a tree feller who needs to prune an overhanging branch (not a "road worker"), a plant delivery driver (not a "road worker"), a computer IT techy type who needs to download some data from a roadside counter (not a "road worker"). IIRC the only people that don't need them are emergency services.

Just like not every one who drives a Passat TDi is a photocopier salesman, and everyone that drives a 320d is not an IT contractor.

You never did answer, Hackers old chap. What do you do for a living? Your profile is suspiciously blank, yet you like having a dig at the chaps that design and maintain roads... Are you a professional cyclist?


4,220 posts

115 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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ORD said:
Knobhead today who pulled from L2 to L3 on the M1 without indicating and without checking his mirrors.

I was about halfway past him (level with his back seats) when he started to move into L3. It was not in traffic. I was going probably 10mph faster than he was - 60 something vs 70 something. No excuse whatsoever. I can't believe he hasn't been killed by now driving like that.

Anchors on and down to about 30mph in as long as it took me to shout 'fk!', steer right as far as I could and prepare mentally for the impact. He missed my front bumper by a whisker and carried on as though nothing had happened (despite me leaning on the horn).

If some other knob had been tailgating me, there would have been 3 cars in a big cuddle in L3.
Even if you were in his blind spot, he/she/it should have been looking in their rear mirrors periodically at all times and anticipated that you would be alongside at the same time they would need to change lanes.

That way they could have accelerated and be long past the car in L2 before you got near, or indicated their intention early enough for you to accelerate and pass them.


18,120 posts

129 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Mandalore said:
Even if you were in his blind spot, he/she/it should have been looking in their rear mirrors periodically at all times and anticipated that you would be alongside at the same time they would need to change lanes.

That way they could have accelerated and be long past the car in L2 before you got near, or indicated their intention early enough for you to accelerate and pass them.
I agree entirely. I was almost certainly in his blind spot when he began the manoeuvre, but I wasn't dawdling there! He obviously began the manoeuvre and checked his mirrors at the same time. No indication at all that he even intended to overtake. When one of these things happen, I always ask whether I could have done anything better, but this one was utterly unavoidable and quite scary.


17,085 posts

168 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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The fking stupid yokels of Surrey.

Specifically last Sunday afternoon, between Leatherhead and Esher. The epicentre seemed to have been Oxshott.

Seriously, you bunch of bumpkins? Did the nasty road closures fry your (apparently limited) brains? I'm a solo cyclist, riding the PUBLIC HIGHWAY long after the big cycle event that closed your roads had finished. The closure had the sum total of F**K ALL to do with me. So take your posturing, your abuse, and your frankly laughable threats of violence, and cram them where the sun don't shine.

Jeez. In Leatherhead I was abused by a fat pedestrian, shouting "Oi! ******y, Oi!" and then he started running lumbering after me as fast as his tree trunk legs could carry him. The poor fat fker looked like he might expire at any moment, from the exertion.

Then it was a busybody, giving me a lecture while I was stopped at a traffic light. Helpfully (he must have thought), he pointed out that I could legally ride onto the footway to avoid the red light at which I was waiting. True, there was a few yards worth of white paint, allowing cyclists to turn left legally against the red light, but there was also a gaggle of pedestrians (including him) waiting to cross the road. I didn't think that they'd appreciate being skittled out of my path simply to save me a few seconds, so I was more than happy to wait on the carriageway as it gave me a chance to catch my breath. But no matter how much I explained that I was quite happy where I was, he was virtually insisting I bypass the traffic light. Bizarre.

Then came the humdinger. Volvo behind me, blind right hand bend ahead. Volvo driver too impatient to wait the 'blink of an eye' it would have taken to get a better view of the road ahead, and decides to cane it past me ON the bend. Cue the oncoming traffic, causing the nut holding the steering wheel to panic steer toward me, and I barely managed to stay upright, having an uncomfortably close encounter with the kerb. Barely seconds later, I catch up to him at a red light (so your crude manoeuvre saved you no time whatsoever then?) and pulled up alongside. Through the (closed) window I simply ask "was that worth the risk?" at which the window rolls down, and the chavvy, bumfluffed driver in a 'muscle vest' but without the muscles, gives me a blank look and a "whaaaa?". I think he genuinely believed he'd done nothing wrong, and the exchange ended when he drove away as the lights changed.

The pièce de résistance? The fat, mouthy (possibly Brazillian, judging by the baseball cap and accent) 'geezer' in a big ugly AMG Merc in the car behind. Despite me being safely out of the way in the empty 'right turn only' lane, and the light being green, he decided to stop and accuse me of creating the close pass in the first place, claiming the Volvo driver had "done nothing wrong" and generally waving his arm about out of his window, trying to grab at me. He wouldn't move, cars behind were tooting, so I started to move away ahead of him. But no, he paces me, still shouting crap like "why are you bikers all the same*" and trying to keep me penned into the opposite lane. By now, the lights have changed again, and traffic from the opposite direction, over the railway bridge, is thankfully slowing for the red, as the 'Big Man' in his big car tries to force me into the path of a coach. Eventually he roared away (lovely noise from the big AMG Merc, by the way) and it was over as fast as it had begun. Bearing in mind, though, that this is a single carriageway 'A' road, but with a 30mph limit (regularly spaced street lighting AND repeater signs, FFS!) and that I was travelling at 20 mph (GPS verified), what the juddering fk is the point of risking the safety of your family (Volvo-man had two kids in the back), the safety of some other poor sod (the oncoming driver, and potentially a family too), AND that of a cyclist, simply to save maybe two seconds getting to a traffic light that was red anyway.

The rest of the drivers in Oxshott at the time are ALL KNOBS too. There. See how silly generalisations about an "out group" are?* All of the drivers are knobs, because some drivers are ignorant twunts and can't obey a speed limit, or control the speed and direction of their vehicle without endangering another ROAD USER!!!!

This was a highly unusual cluster of incidents, centred around an area that had 'suffered' road closures for the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey cycle event. I sympathise with residents, really I do, but at the end of the day, I wasn't involved in the event, and had no part in the TROs and decisions to allow the closures. If you had a beef with the event and where/how it was run, take it up with the event organisers. Or complain to the Prudential, the headline sponsor. Maybe chase after 26,000 cyclists, and threaten to fight them all. I'd actually respect the mouthy wker who tried that wink ,but picking a fight with a solo cyclist long after the event that upset you has finished. Pathetic.

The other 'knob' on Sunday was the leader of a scary laughable biker moped gang who passed me going up Box Hill. He swerved his silly sowing-machine at me, trying to push me over the verge and down the hill. The other three didn't have the stones for that sort of shenanigans, but they strayed far closer than needed, revving the tits off their pathetic scooters. The leader got the 'beans' gesture from me, which he clearly saw as he was looking back, and I've no doubt the other three clearly saw it as they were behind me at the time. But sadly, there was no ambush waiting for me at the top of the hill. I assume they fked off as fast as their 'bikes' would carry them, as there was a Police van at the top, so I had a quick word, reported the dole-fodder, and got an assurance that they (the Police) would look out for them. Sadly I had no camera on board (see! I'm not "that sort" of cyclist at all wink ) and didn't get any of their registration numbers, so not a great deal the police can really do.

The final knob of the day was...? Why ME, of course. Close to midnight, nearing home, I was approaching a 4-way junction when the traffic light turned red. I slowed, preparing to stop, but as I got closer to the line, I could clearly see that there wasn't another living soul on the streets in all four directions. So I thought "fk it!" and just blew straight through the red light. Typical cyclist, eh? No regard for the rules of the road! I also 'wrong-sided' a roundabout which was similarly devoid of any other traffic. I'm probably going straight to hell for that. Beelzebub is probably preparing a bunk for me as I type... tongue out

I rode 113 miles on Sunday. 99 of those miles were entirely without incident. All of the nonsense detailed above occurred in the 14 miles (probably less) between Box Hill and Oxshott. I passed, and was passed, by probably thousands of drivers. Most were fairly cheerful, some even smiled and waved, to me! A humble cyclist! Only two of them got shirty with me. Both in Oxshott. Is it a particularly bad place to live? Or is it just "something in the water"?


6,871 posts

210 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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jogger1976 said:
OpulentBob said:
mp3manager said:
Going through the roadworks on the A1 at Leeming Bar, 50 mph speed limit for 12 miles, presumably for the safety of the roadworker types.

A Hilux pickup, DN14 DVX, with full reflective chevrons and 'Highway Maintenance' on the back was weaving all over the road as the roadworker type texted on his smartphone.

"Roadworker types"?


Did a road worker run off with your wife? You've got a hard-on for them. You and V8 Fiddler. You both have a bit of a chip about them.

Just hang back in your TDi Passat and approach them like you would any of the other hundreds of people texting and driving. You won't be TOO late for your photocopier sales meeting.
I don't get the whole beef some people have with roadworkers.confused
While I'd agree that the Hilux driver is a knob for being on his mobile, I'd think that of anyone, regardless of their status.
I'm not sure I'd want to be stuck working by the side of a motorway in all weathers, with idiots lobbing random crap at me and generally not paying attention as they speed past. I'm not sure what their pay rate is - perhaps Opulent Bob knows?- it would have to be considerably more than I'm earning now to tempt me.
I think I'll take my warm, dry safe office thanks!

Liquid Knight

15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Blown2CV said:
Liquid Knight said:
I was tailgated again today as I went into town. Nothing unusual at all but every time I checked my mirrors the tailgater gestured, flashed headlights and pulled faces.

I stopped at the petrol station to put a tenner in and the tailgater pulled up behind me, got out and said...

"I bet that pissed you off".

"What; being tailgated?"

"Yeah, I thought it'd wind you up".

"Not really. The two second rule only counts of you're intelligent enough to be able to count to two. Anyone who's thick enough to drive a Nissan Qasqai is therefore exempt".

I left him to it as I paid for the fuel and he was gone by the time I was back.
You glaringly missed the reason why he felt the need to tailgate you avec gestures in the first place. Why did he do that then, because it never happens spontaneously.
I have no idea. I wasn't driving my car so maybe my mate had a run in with him and he thought I was he.


26,566 posts

233 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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yellowjack said:
Yokel knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. fat knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, pedestrian knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Volvo knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz late night knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz home at midnight.

You should change you name to Knobmagnet.


32,278 posts

202 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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eztiger328 said:
knitware said:
You can have fun with ‘those types’. Some years ago where I used to live.

Travelling home from work there’s a series of 3 roundabouts, the 3rd being a lovely positive camber sharp right onto a straight.

It’s a 40 mph limit road and If there is no traffic you can go through each roundabout at 40 mph with the 3rd being the tightest though it’s still possible, in a car…

So a nice white flatbed transit thing turns off the 1st roundabout and greets my behind. I’m going 40mph he wants to go faster. We maintain our 40 through the 2nd roundabout, he’s bumper close, I maintain speed through the third, I’m wondering if he realises how tight this is and that I’m not breaking so no tail lights to warn.

I glance in my mirror and see him over steering then correcting and his van violently swerving back trying to get control eventually skidding across the road and coming to a stop at the curb.

I had a little chuckle.
Ah tailgaters....

My commute has some lovely tight corners, two in particular right after one another. One of these I can take comfortably at 60 while the majority slow down to 30/40 and the other is quite tight which I can take at around 45 max if I push it while others slow down to 20/30. The second corner is notorious for cars and vans approaching too fast in the opposite direction rolling off into the adjacent field to the extent that a single flapping strand of blue and white police tape is almost a permanent fixture at the side of the road.

Now because I know the road and my car so well i rarely brake for these corners anymore, I set the speed prior and maintain it through the corner. This really scares tailgaters as I find most use the car in fronts brake lights as an indicator to brake themselves and they get a rude awakening when they find themselves entering a 30mph corner at 45mph in their Berlingo van biggrin. If they managed to stay on the road they stay waaaaay back from me after that.

I also remember some Mini driver with something to prove chasing me when I was on a bit of mission on the section of road mentioned above. I took the first corner at 60, Mini driver managed to just hang on but fell back. He appeared in my rear view mirror as I was taking the second (nasty) corner at 45. I completed the corner and proceeded to drive for another couple of miles before turning off onto a lane.

Now that Mini even driving slowly should have reappeared by the time I had driven down the lane (I could still see the main road in the rear view mirror) But he never reappeared! I suspect he took a liking to the flapping police tape on the side of the road. biggrin

Yup that is a good game.

Another variation I used when driving coaches was to stay out longer than normal around parked cars & then move in quickly just before a parked car on the other side of the road. Not at a place they could actually overtake before anyone says owt.

That got similar results smile


17,085 posts

168 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Monkeylegend said:
yellowjack said:
Yokel knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. fat knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, pedestrian knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Volvo knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz late night knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz home at midnight.

You should change you name to Knobmagnet.
Yup. I probably should, as I seem to have attracted another one already... wink


29,071 posts

205 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Liquid Knight said:
Blown2CV said:
Liquid Knight said:
I was tailgated again today as I went into town. Nothing unusual at all but every time I checked my mirrors the tailgater gestured, flashed headlights and pulled faces.

I stopped at the petrol station to put a tenner in and the tailgater pulled up behind me, got out and said...

"I bet that pissed you off".

"What; being tailgated?"

"Yeah, I thought it'd wind you up".

"Not really. The two second rule only counts of you're intelligent enough to be able to count to two. Anyone who's thick enough to drive a Nissan Qasqai is therefore exempt".

I left him to it as I paid for the fuel and he was gone by the time I was back.
You glaringly missed the reason why he felt the need to tailgate you avec gestures in the first place. Why did he do that then, because it never happens spontaneously.
I have no idea. I wasn't driving my car so maybe my mate had a run in with him and he thought I was he.
Your wording suggests it happens a lot.


4,220 posts

115 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Monkeylegend said:
yellowjack said:
Yokel knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. fat knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, pedestrian knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Volvo knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz late night knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz home at midnight.

You should change you name to Knobmagnet.'re a bit slow?? Most of us worked out the definition and perfect example of oxymoron ages ago. laugh

Liquid Knight

15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Blown2CV said:
Liquid Knight said:
Blown2CV said:
Liquid Knight said:
I was tailgated again today as I went into town. Nothing unusual at all but every time I checked my mirrors the tailgater gestured, flashed headlights and pulled faces.

I stopped at the petrol station to put a tenner in and the tailgater pulled up behind me, got out and said...

"I bet that pissed you off".

"What; being tailgated?"

"Yeah, I thought it'd wind you up".

"Not really. The two second rule only counts of you're intelligent enough to be able to count to two. Anyone who's thick enough to drive a Nissan Qasqai is therefore exempt".

I left him to it as I paid for the fuel and he was gone by the time I was back.
You glaringly missed the reason why he felt the need to tailgate you avec gestures in the first place. Why did he do that then, because it never happens spontaneously.
I have no idea. I wasn't driving my car so maybe my mate had a run in with him and he thought I was he.
Your wording suggests it happens a lot.
Maybe the tailgater is a serial antagonist. There are plenty of pillocks about so apart from the headlight flashing, funny faces and stuff it was just another day; another tailgater. wink


736 posts

139 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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M Badges on non M sport BMW's

Excessive Camber on modified Hatchbacks

Built not bought stickers

I could probably think of a lot more!

(And yes , my single thing might of accidentally became 3 things wink )


26,566 posts

233 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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yellowjack said:
Monkeylegend said:
yellowjack said:
Yokel knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. fat knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, pedestrian knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Volvo knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz late night knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz home at midnight.

You should change you name to Knobmagnet.
Yup. I probably should, as I seem to have attracted another one already... wink
An no doubt you will soon be posting a diatribe about it on here complete with google maps and diagrams blabla


2,479 posts

281 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Hooli said:

Yup that is a good game.

Another variation I used when driving coaches was to stay out longer than normal around parked cars & then move in quickly just before a parked car on the other side of the road. Not at a place they could actually overtake before anyone says owt.

That got similar results smile
Near me there is a nasty left hander that tightens as you go round it about 400 yard from a mini roundabout, this is on a long stretch of country lane. Guy in front in a 208 decides hes going all out from the roundabout, I keep up but at a safe distance, come to the left hander, I back off as I know I can't take it at that speed, he goes round it without really slowing down, as I get round the bend hes disappeared. At first I was in awe as he had to be some sort of God to take it that fast and he'd disappeared up the road, then I saw his car in the ditch.


7,586 posts

169 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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An ageing chap in a Vectra, started coming towards me past parked cars that were on his side, I was already passing them when he appeared. Stopped and signaled for him to reverse, he didn't and started coming towards me, he then gave me a gesture to say "it's a one way", it wasn't and the parked cars were facing both ways and there was funny white lines in the middle of the road which may have been a clue it wasn't and gave me a glare of evil, So I said "you really are a crap driver, aren't you?", he didn't like that.
He also clipped somoene's mirror and didn't bother stopping to check for damage, I forgot about that until I posted, or I'd have checked on his behalf and left his plate number.


2,452 posts

156 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Liquid Knight said:
I was tailgated again today as I went into town. Nothing unusual at all but every time I checked my mirrors the tailgater gestured, flashed headlights and pulled faces.

I stopped at the petrol station to put a tenner in and the tailgater pulled up behind me, got out and said...

"I bet that pissed you off".

"What; being tailgated?"

"Yeah, I thought it'd wind you up".

"Not really. The two second rule only counts of you're intelligent enough to be able to count to two. Anyone who's thick enough to drive a Nissan Qasqai is therefore exempt".

I left him to it as I paid for the fuel and he was gone by the time I was back.


76 posts

120 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Peirs Morgan.

All that jazz

7,632 posts

148 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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Monkeylegend said:
yellowjack said:
Monkeylegend said:
yellowjack said:
Yokel knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. fat knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, pedestrian knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Volvo knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz late night knob..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz home at midnight.

You should change you name to Knobmagnet.
Yup. I probably should, as I seem to have attracted another one already... wink
An no doubt you will soon be posting a diatribe about it on here complete with google maps and diagrams blabla

You missed out the links to the Highway Code, in bold. biglaugh


26,566 posts

233 months

Tuesday 4th August 2015
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babo456 said:
Peirs Morgan.
And his twin brother Piers.