Current "safe" speed(ing) limit on French autoroute?

Current "safe" speed(ing) limit on French autoroute?



422 posts

180 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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Johnniem said:
Using a detector is as illegal as speeding. That is all that is being said. Other than that, take the information and do what the hell you want, as everyone else will. I was merely showing that the advice someone was giving to 'use Waze' was as erroneous as telling them to keep on speeding.
I cannot understand the mentality of people like you who get a kick out of lying to other people they've never met on an internet forum. Waze is legal in France. If you want to be smart, and safe, use it.


2,619 posts

153 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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CSK1 said:
Gendarmes have to take your license from 40 KM/H above the speed limit.
They'll take your British license and post it back to you, you will later get a court sentence giving you a temporary ban of driving in France, this is if you exceeded the 40 KM/H above limit threshold.
I know as this was explained to me by a nice gendarme who fined me just below this threshold "because if I fine you for the actual speed you were doing I'd have to take your license on the spot Sir" so he wrote down 39 KM/H above the speed limit, fined me €90 on the spot and sent me on my way advising me to stay below the 40 KM/H above the speed limit.
Nice bloke he was, thanked him for his advice which I obey to ever since.
Motorway equals 170 KM/H max, careful at 110 zones, reduce your speed to 150 and extra careful for 90 restricted zones, often road works where they will catch you out (that's where Clarkson and Co got busted.
And Waze is completely legal as is Coyote which gives you location of fixed cameras and mobile speed traps (hidden gendarmes with a speed gun), they are not supposed to give you the exact location but it is always at 3/4 of the "danger zone" which is 4,000 M the trap will be at 3,000 M, be it fixed or hidden.
You can download he Coyote app or buy the device.
Speed detectors are banned but Waze and Coyote relies on exchange of information between drivers which is legal.
There's no harm or danger involved if your speed is adapted to the weather and traffic situation. Doing 150 or 170 KM/H on a deserted motorway on a sunny day isn't dangerous.
Doing 60 KM/H where 50 is allowed in town can be dangerous.
It's all a question of adapting your speed to the situation you're in.
Problem is that everyone tells you in France 130 is safe, you're not at risk and people fall asleep. And above 130 you:re the bad guy who needs to be taught a lesson!
This is the answer to the question that the OP originally asked. Between 131 Kmh and 169 Kmh (when it's not raining) the most you risk is a €90 fine. No points on your UK licence, no speed awareness course, no requirement to tell your UK insurance company. Whilst a €90 fine is far from ideal, some people might consider it an acceptable risk.

Over 170 Kmh and it's an instant, on the spot 1 month ban and a fine of €750. If you're the only person in your car / on your motorbike, you will be required to leave it at the police station, make your own way to where you're going and collect it in a month. If there's another driver in your car, then they can take over the driving.


13,864 posts

98 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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boz1 said:
Johnniem said:
Using a detector is as illegal as speeding. That is all that is being said. Other than that, take the information and do what the hell you want, as everyone else will. I was merely showing that the advice someone was giving to 'use Waze' was as erroneous as telling them to keep on speeding.
I cannot understand the mentality of people like you who get a kick out of lying to other people they've never met on an internet forum. Waze is legal in France. If you want to be smart, and safe, use it.
I think historically it had an issue because it showed the locations of cameras, whereas as someone described above it's now a 'zone' that it warns of, albeit that the camera is at a fixed point in that zone. Probably where his view came from.

Anyway, it's legal today.


13,989 posts

203 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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boz1 said:
Johnniem said:
Using a detector is as illegal as speeding. That is all that is being said. Other than that, take the information and do what the hell you want, as everyone else will. I was merely showing that the advice someone was giving to 'use Waze' was as erroneous as telling them to keep on speeding.
I cannot understand the mentality of people like you who get a kick out of lying to other people they've never met on an internet forum. Waze is legal in France. If you want to be smart, and safe, use it.
Thank you mate. Shrill, condescending and alarmist is how he came across. Highly irregular.

omniflow said:
CSK1 said:
Gendarmes have to take your license from 40 KM/H above the speed limit.
They'll take your British license and post it back to you, you will later get a court sentence giving you a temporary ban of driving in France, this is if you exceeded the 40 KM/H above limit threshold.
I know as this was explained to me by a nice gendarme who fined me just below this threshold "because if I fine you for the actual speed you were doing I'd have to take your license on the spot Sir" so he wrote down 39 KM/H above the speed limit, fined me €90 on the spot and sent me on my way advising me to stay below the 40 KM/H above the speed limit.
Nice bloke he was, thanked him for his advice which I obey to ever since.
Motorway equals 170 KM/H max, careful at 110 zones, reduce your speed to 150 and extra careful for 90 restricted zones, often road works where they will catch you out (that's where Clarkson and Co got busted.
And Waze is completely legal as is Coyote which gives you location of fixed cameras and mobile speed traps (hidden gendarmes with a speed gun), they are not supposed to give you the exact location but it is always at 3/4 of the "danger zone" which is 4,000 M the trap will be at 3,000 M, be it fixed or hidden.
You can download he Coyote app or buy the device.
Speed detectors are banned but Waze and Coyote relies on exchange of information between drivers which is legal.
There's no harm or danger involved if your speed is adapted to the weather and traffic situation. Doing 150 or 170 KM/H on a deserted motorway on a sunny day isn't dangerous.
Doing 60 KM/H where 50 is allowed in town can be dangerous.
It's all a question of adapting your speed to the situation you're in.
Problem is that everyone tells you in France 130 is safe, you're not at risk and people fall asleep. And above 130 you:re the bad guy who needs to be taught a lesson!
This is the answer to the question that the OP originally asked. Between 131 Kmh and 169 Kmh (when it's not raining) the most you risk is a €90 fine. No points on your UK licence, no speed awareness course, no requirement to tell your UK insurance company. Whilst a €90 fine is far from ideal, some people might consider it an acceptable risk.

Over 170 Kmh and it's an instant, on the spot 1 month ban and a fine of €750. If you're the only person in your car / on your motorbike, you will be required to leave it at the police station, make your own way to where you're going and collect it in a month. If there's another driver in your car, then they can take over the driving.
That's it - close thread.

Another two consecutive posts of sanity... wtf is the world coming to when petrolheads are infiltrated by the kind of mentality that we detest. The crazies should be banished to Mumsnet!

Up to 169kph is absolutely fine for covering distance safely and swiftly. Anything more is an indulgence and we all squeeze the throttle sometimes!


64 posts

57 months

Tuesday 8th October 2019
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I set off a speed camera in France as I mistook 110 kph for mph. Didn't receive a ticket though.

I'll be more careful next time though as the gendarmerie don't look like a friendly bunch

Pan Pan Pan

9,999 posts

113 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
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Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Superleg48 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
I doubt you have ever been on the same road as me, at the same time, so your spouting of rubbish regarding people driving at the posted limit in the centre lane, (which you have no way of substantiating) is showing you up as being the idiot here.
What is the problem? if you come up behind someone in the centre lane, who is travelling at the poste limit, when you are travelling at well over the legal limit, don't you have the brains to signal and move into the outer lane to get past, or should everyone else on the roads get out of your way when you want to break the law? if your car control when you are breaking the law is so monstrously poor it seems you need every lane available to allow you to break the law without hitting something.
If there is a hazard to other road users, it must be you, as you are someone who wants to speed every where, regardless of posted limits or road conditions, but it seems you need an entire motorway`s width to do that without hitting something, wouldn't a push bike be a bit safer for you? It would for everyone else on the roads around you.
Yes, but sitting in the middle lane of a 3 lane carriageway is also idiotic in the first place, irrespective of speed. Keep left unless overtaking.

I am powerfully built company director and a driving god. Thank you.
Who is `sitting' in the middle lane of a three lane of a 3 lane carriageway?
What is idiotic, is to be travelling at the NSL in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway with a packed inside lane, but then having to keep slowing down so as to slot in between HGV`s and other vehicles doing 60mph or less in the inner lane, and then have to leave the inside lane, and accelerate back up to the NSL, just so that a tw*t like exige77 can carry on breaking the law, because he has not got the brains, or coordination to signal, move into the outer lane, and simply overtake, which is what most people who want to exceed the limit, but who have more than one brain cell would do.
If he wants to break the law by driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit, that is his business, but to expect people who are driving at the legal limit to get out of his way, because he is either too stupid, or too lazy to change lanes to overtake them, is truly ridiculous.
The stupidity continues smile

Where does it say “driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit” ?

Only in your post I think.

People like you become obsessed with speeding.
Most people speed every day but usually by a few mph and then for a short time where appropriate.

This thread is about speed on the French autoroute (check the title). Most French Autoroutes are two (2) lane. If people like you drive at the posted limit in the overtaking lane, you are blocking the motorway.

You have turned this thread into a reckless speeding everywhere thread.

Well done !!

As I clearly mentioned above, I don’t speed on French motorways. I’m not sure what your contribution to this thread is other then bleating on about reckless speeding ?
If you would care to look, my contribution to this thread was to say that on French motorways, exceeding the posted limit is not really necessary, because even when travelling at the useful French dry road limit of 130 kph, great distances can easily be covered legally.
Where in any of my posts did I say that I stay in the outer lane after overtaking a vehicle in the inside lane, just because I am travelling at the posted limit, even when there are vehicles behind me who want to exceed the limit? you made that up, because the fact is I did not say any such thing..
What you seem to be saying, is that people who are travelling legally at the posted limit in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway, must dive out of the way, and into the slower moving inside lane, whenever someone who wants to break the limit comes up behind, (when all a competent faster driver has to do, is signal,, move into the outside lane, and overtake)
If someone driving fast, does not have the skill to keep their car between the lane markings when travelling fast, why should someone who is driving legally at the posted limit in the centre lane, have to get out of the way, into the nearside lane, to facilitate that driver breaking the law?
Making a driver in the centre lane, who is travelling legally at the posted limit having to keep on diving into the slower usually busy inside lane, just so another driver who wants to exceed the posted limit can do so without having to move to the outer lane to overtake is absolute nonsense. Essentially penalizing someone who is driving legally, to accommodate someone else who wants to drive illegally.
Your using emotive language as all anti speed people do.

There’s no need to “dive” out of the overtaking lane. It’s for overtaking only. Once you finish your overtake, you should move back to the driving lane, in our case the left lane. It’s the law. If you don’t do it, you’re not driving legally. This is the part you don’t get.

You make it sound so easy when you say faster vehicles should just indicate and overtake. The reality on British roads is there is usually a queue of vehicles in the overtaking lanes trying to get past a slower vehicle, in an overtaking lane while not overtaking. This is illegal.

By taking your moral high ground position you like people to think your law breaking is not as bad as other people’s law breaking because theirs is about speeding and that’s much worse.
You seem to be the retard here, as it seems you are hard of reading, Where did I say dive out of the `overtaking' lane. I referred to driving at the posted limit in the CENTRE lane of a 3 LANE carriageway, with slower moving HGV`s and other vehicles packing the nearside lane.
If you can count to more than would realize that this would leave the outer, or 3rd lane Which you refer to as the `overtaking' lane, free for anyone who wants to drive at speeds above the posted limit.
If someone wants to exceed the posted limit that is entirely their business, and on a two lane carriageway I just move to the nearside lane to let them get past, but if the nearside lane is solid with traffic, I will not put my life in danger by having to slow down, just so that I can slot in between two slow moving HGV`s. the drivers of which probably wont appreciate a car diving into their braking zone to do no more than get out of the way of someone who wants to break the law..
What you seem to be saying is that people who are travelling at the legal limit in the outer lane of a 2 LANE carriageway, should either break the law, by speeding up, or cause an accident by braking, so that they can slot into the slower nearside lane, just to accommodate someone who wants to drive illegally above the posted limit.
You may not be aware of the fact that the first rule in the highway code, is keep left (except when overtaking) If a driver in the outer lane, and travelling at the legal limit, is both overtaking slower vehicles, in the inside lane, and keeping to the legal limit, then that driver is complying fully with the HWC.
In this situation If someone wants to go faster than the posted limit `they' are factually the ones driving illegally.


6,519 posts

193 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
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Centre lane of three is an overtaking lane.

It’s hopeless discussing this with you.

Edited by Exige77 on Wednesday 9th October 11:26


14,675 posts

215 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Superleg48 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
I doubt you have ever been on the same road as me, at the same time, so your spouting of rubbish regarding people driving at the posted limit in the centre lane, (which you have no way of substantiating) is showing you up as being the idiot here.
What is the problem? if you come up behind someone in the centre lane, who is travelling at the poste limit, when you are travelling at well over the legal limit, don't you have the brains to signal and move into the outer lane to get past, or should everyone else on the roads get out of your way when you want to break the law? if your car control when you are breaking the law is so monstrously poor it seems you need every lane available to allow you to break the law without hitting something.
If there is a hazard to other road users, it must be you, as you are someone who wants to speed every where, regardless of posted limits or road conditions, but it seems you need an entire motorway`s width to do that without hitting something, wouldn't a push bike be a bit safer for you? It would for everyone else on the roads around you.
Yes, but sitting in the middle lane of a 3 lane carriageway is also idiotic in the first place, irrespective of speed. Keep left unless overtaking.

I am powerfully built company director and a driving god. Thank you.
Who is `sitting' in the middle lane of a three lane of a 3 lane carriageway?
What is idiotic, is to be travelling at the NSL in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway with a packed inside lane, but then having to keep slowing down so as to slot in between HGV`s and other vehicles doing 60mph or less in the inner lane, and then have to leave the inside lane, and accelerate back up to the NSL, just so that a tw*t like exige77 can carry on breaking the law, because he has not got the brains, or coordination to signal, move into the outer lane, and simply overtake, which is what most people who want to exceed the limit, but who have more than one brain cell would do.
If he wants to break the law by driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit, that is his business, but to expect people who are driving at the legal limit to get out of his way, because he is either too stupid, or too lazy to change lanes to overtake them, is truly ridiculous.
The stupidity continues smile

Where does it say “driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit” ?

Only in your post I think.

People like you become obsessed with speeding.
Most people speed every day but usually by a few mph and then for a short time where appropriate.

This thread is about speed on the French autoroute (check the title). Most French Autoroutes are two (2) lane. If people like you drive at the posted limit in the overtaking lane, you are blocking the motorway.

You have turned this thread into a reckless speeding everywhere thread.

Well done !!

As I clearly mentioned above, I don’t speed on French motorways. I’m not sure what your contribution to this thread is other then bleating on about reckless speeding ?
If you would care to look, my contribution to this thread was to say that on French motorways, exceeding the posted limit is not really necessary, because even when travelling at the useful French dry road limit of 130 kph, great distances can easily be covered legally.
Where in any of my posts did I say that I stay in the outer lane after overtaking a vehicle in the inside lane, just because I am travelling at the posted limit, even when there are vehicles behind me who want to exceed the limit? you made that up, because the fact is I did not say any such thing..
What you seem to be saying, is that people who are travelling legally at the posted limit in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway, must dive out of the way, and into the slower moving inside lane, whenever someone who wants to break the limit comes up behind, (when all a competent faster driver has to do, is signal,, move into the outside lane, and overtake)
If someone driving fast, does not have the skill to keep their car between the lane markings when travelling fast, why should someone who is driving legally at the posted limit in the centre lane, have to get out of the way, into the nearside lane, to facilitate that driver breaking the law?
Making a driver in the centre lane, who is travelling legally at the posted limit having to keep on diving into the slower usually busy inside lane, just so another driver who wants to exceed the posted limit can do so without having to move to the outer lane to overtake is absolute nonsense. Essentially penalizing someone who is driving legally, to accommodate someone else who wants to drive illegally.
Your using emotive language as all anti speed people do.

There’s no need to “dive” out of the overtaking lane. It’s for overtaking only. Once you finish your overtake, you should move back to the driving lane, in our case the left lane. It’s the law. If you don’t do it, you’re not driving legally. This is the part you don’t get.

You make it sound so easy when you say faster vehicles should just indicate and overtake. The reality on British roads is there is usually a queue of vehicles in the overtaking lanes trying to get past a slower vehicle, in an overtaking lane while not overtaking. This is illegal.

By taking your moral high ground position you like people to think your law breaking is not as bad as other people’s law breaking because theirs is about speeding and that’s much worse.
You seem to be the retard here, as it seems you are hard of reading, Where did I say dive out of the `overtaking' lane. I referred to driving at the posted limit in the CENTRE lane of a 3 LANE carriageway, with slower moving HGV`s and other vehicles packing the nearside lane.
If you can count to more than would realize that this would leave the outer, or 3rd lane Which you refer to as the `overtaking' lane, free for anyone who wants to drive at speeds above the posted limit.
If someone wants to exceed the posted limit that is entirely their business, and on a two lane carriageway I just move to the nearside lane to let them get past, but if the nearside lane is solid with traffic, I will not put my life in danger by having to slow down, just so that I can slot in between two slow moving HGV`s. the drivers of which probably wont appreciate a car diving into their braking zone to do no more than get out of the way of someone who wants to break the law..
What you seem to be saying is that people who are travelling at the legal limit in the outer lane of a 2 LANE carriageway, should either break the law, by speeding up, or cause an accident by braking, so that they can slot into the slower nearside lane, just to accommodate someone who wants to drive illegally above the posted limit.
You may not be aware of the fact that the first rule in the highway code, is keep left (except when overtaking) If a driver in the outer lane, and travelling at the legal limit, is both overtaking slower vehicles, in the inside lane, and keeping to the legal limit, then that driver is complying fully with the HWC.
In this situation If someone wants to go faster than the posted limit `they' are factually the ones driving illegally.
Lane 2 and Lane 3 are both overtaking lanes. Exige77 was referring to the centre lane when he referenced an overtaking Lane. I’m genuinely staggered that this needs explaining on here of all places.

Pan Pan Pan

9,999 posts

113 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Exige77 said:
Centre lane of three is an overtaking lane.
You actually managed to get that correct The centre lane is for overtaking slow moving traffic in the nearside lane, the outer lane is for those who want to overtake vehicles, which are not travelling at the posted limit in the centre lane, NONE of the lanes are legal for speeds above the posted limit. Try doing 90 in the nearside lane, and see if that makes a difference when Plod feels your collar.
If people do want to travel above the posted limit then that is absolutely fine with me, that is `their' business, but to expect people who are already travelling legally, to slow down and get into the nearside lane, simply to accommodate people who want to travel illegally at above the legal limit is absolute nonsense.


6,519 posts

193 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Centre lane of three is an overtaking lane.
You actually managed to get that correct The centre lane is for overtaking slow moving traffic in the nearside lane, the outer lane is for those who want to overtake vehicles, which are not travelling at the posted limit in the centre lane, NONE of the lanes are legal for speeds above the posted limit. Try doing 90 in the nearside lane, and see if that makes a difference when Plod feels your collar.
If people do want to travel above the posted limit then that is absolutely fine with me, that is `their' business, but to expect people who are already travelling legally, to slow down and get into the nearside lane, simply to accommodate people who want to travel illegally at above the legal limit is absolute nonsense.
You’re just making things up.

You don’t understand the basic principles of driving on motorways in UK.

There is no slow moving traffic lane.

Waste of time to discuss things with the hard of thinking.

Pan Pan Pan

9,999 posts

113 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Centre lane of three is an overtaking lane.
You actually managed to get that correct The centre lane is for overtaking slow moving traffic in the nearside lane, the outer lane is for those who want to overtake vehicles, which are not travelling at the posted limit in the centre lane, NONE of the lanes are legal for speeds above the posted limit. Try doing 90 in the nearside lane, and see if that makes a difference when Plod feels your collar.
If people do want to travel above the posted limit then that is absolutely fine with me, that is `their' business, but to expect people who are already travelling legally, to slow down and get into the nearside lane, simply to accommodate people who want to travel illegally at above the legal limit is absolute nonsense.
You’re just making things up.

You don’t understand the basic principles of driving on motorways in UK.

There is no slow moving traffic lane.

Waste of time to discuss things with the hard of thinking.
Err, remind me again what speed HGV`s are limited to on motorways? It is you who don't understand the principles of driving on motorways.
You have lost the argument regarding driving legally, and are now just trying to bluster your way out of the corner you have backed yourself into,
Waste of time trying to discuss things with those who believe the law does not apply to them.


6,519 posts

193 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Centre lane of three is an overtaking lane.
You actually managed to get that correct The centre lane is for overtaking slow moving traffic in the nearside lane, the outer lane is for those who want to overtake vehicles, which are not travelling at the posted limit in the centre lane, NONE of the lanes are legal for speeds above the posted limit. Try doing 90 in the nearside lane, and see if that makes a difference when Plod feels your collar.
If people do want to travel above the posted limit then that is absolutely fine with me, that is `their' business, but to expect people who are already travelling legally, to slow down and get into the nearside lane, simply to accommodate people who want to travel illegally at above the legal limit is absolute nonsense.
You’re just making things up.

You don’t understand the basic principles of driving on motorways in UK.

There is no slow moving traffic lane.

Waste of time to discuss things with the hard of thinking.
Err, remind me again what speed HGV`s are limited to on motorways? It is you who don't understand the principles of driving on motorways.
You have lost the argument regarding driving legally, and are now just trying to bluster your way out of the corner you have backed yourself into,
Waste of time trying to discuss things with those who believe the law does not apply to them.
Staggering lack of understanding for someone who frequents a motoring forum.

You are making the case for middle lane morons.

Your logic is completely flawed.

Pan Pan Pan

9,999 posts

113 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Centre lane of three is an overtaking lane.
You actually managed to get that correct The centre lane is for overtaking slow moving traffic in the nearside lane, the outer lane is for those who want to overtake vehicles, which are not travelling at the posted limit in the centre lane, NONE of the lanes are legal for speeds above the posted limit. Try doing 90 in the nearside lane, and see if that makes a difference when Plod feels your collar.
If people do want to travel above the posted limit then that is absolutely fine with me, that is `their' business, but to expect people who are already travelling legally, to slow down and get into the nearside lane, simply to accommodate people who want to travel illegally at above the legal limit is absolute nonsense.
You’re just making things up.

You don’t understand the basic principles of driving on motorways in UK.

There is no slow moving traffic lane.

Waste of time to discuss things with the hard of thinking.
Err, remind me again what speed HGV`s are limited to on motorways? It is you who don't understand the principles of driving on motorways.
You have lost the argument regarding driving legally, and are now just trying to bluster your way out of the corner you have backed yourself into,
Waste of time trying to discuss things with those who believe the law does not apply to them.
Staggering lack of understanding for someone who frequents a motoring forum.

You are making the case for middle lane morons.

Your logic is completely flawed.
No I really am not, It is just that your unique interpretation of what is legal, and what is not, on UK motorways is flawed.
Go away read the highway code properly, and then come back to re discuss.


6,519 posts

193 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all

Time to lock the thread mods.

Pan Pan Pan

9,999 posts

113 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Exige77 said:

Time to lock the thread mods.
Ha Ha smile


3,184 posts

217 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Superleg48 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
I doubt you have ever been on the same road as me, at the same time, so your spouting of rubbish regarding people driving at the posted limit in the centre lane, (which you have no way of substantiating) is showing you up as being the idiot here.
What is the problem? if you come up behind someone in the centre lane, who is travelling at the poste limit, when you are travelling at well over the legal limit, don't you have the brains to signal and move into the outer lane to get past, or should everyone else on the roads get out of your way when you want to break the law? if your car control when you are breaking the law is so monstrously poor it seems you need every lane available to allow you to break the law without hitting something.
If there is a hazard to other road users, it must be you, as you are someone who wants to speed every where, regardless of posted limits or road conditions, but it seems you need an entire motorway`s width to do that without hitting something, wouldn't a push bike be a bit safer for you? It would for everyone else on the roads around you.
Yes, but sitting in the middle lane of a 3 lane carriageway is also idiotic in the first place, irrespective of speed. Keep left unless overtaking.

I am powerfully built company director and a driving god. Thank you.
Who is `sitting' in the middle lane of a three lane of a 3 lane carriageway?
What is idiotic, is to be travelling at the NSL in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway with a packed inside lane, but then having to keep slowing down so as to slot in between HGV`s and other vehicles doing 60mph or less in the inner lane, and then have to leave the inside lane, and accelerate back up to the NSL, just so that a tw*t like exige77 can carry on breaking the law, because he has not got the brains, or coordination to signal, move into the outer lane, and simply overtake, which is what most people who want to exceed the limit, but who have more than one brain cell would do.
If he wants to break the law by driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit, that is his business, but to expect people who are driving at the legal limit to get out of his way, because he is either too stupid, or too lazy to change lanes to overtake them, is truly ridiculous.
The stupidity continues smile

Where does it say “driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit” ?

Only in your post I think.

People like you become obsessed with speeding.
Most people speed every day but usually by a few mph and then for a short time where appropriate.

This thread is about speed on the French autoroute (check the title). Most French Autoroutes are two (2) lane. If people like you drive at the posted limit in the overtaking lane, you are blocking the motorway.

You have turned this thread into a reckless speeding everywhere thread.

Well done !!

As I clearly mentioned above, I don’t speed on French motorways. I’m not sure what your contribution to this thread is other then bleating on about reckless speeding ?
If you would care to look, my contribution to this thread was to say that on French motorways, exceeding the posted limit is not really necessary, because even when travelling at the useful French dry road limit of 130 kph, great distances can easily be covered legally.
Where in any of my posts did I say that I stay in the outer lane after overtaking a vehicle in the inside lane, just because I am travelling at the posted limit, even when there are vehicles behind me who want to exceed the limit? you made that up, because the fact is I did not say any such thing..
What you seem to be saying, is that people who are travelling legally at the posted limit in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway, must dive out of the way, and into the slower moving inside lane, whenever someone who wants to break the limit comes up behind, (when all a competent faster driver has to do, is signal,, move into the outside lane, and overtake)
If someone driving fast, does not have the skill to keep their car between the lane markings when travelling fast, why should someone who is driving legally at the posted limit in the centre lane, have to get out of the way, into the nearside lane, to facilitate that driver breaking the law?
Making a driver in the centre lane, who is travelling legally at the posted limit having to keep on diving into the slower usually busy inside lane, just so another driver who wants to exceed the posted limit can do so without having to move to the outer lane to overtake is absolute nonsense. Essentially penalizing someone who is driving legally, to accommodate someone else who wants to drive illegally.
Your using emotive language as all anti speed people do.

There’s no need to “dive” out of the overtaking lane. It’s for overtaking only. Once you finish your overtake, you should move back to the driving lane, in our case the left lane. It’s the law. If you don’t do it, you’re not driving legally. This is the part you don’t get.

You make it sound so easy when you say faster vehicles should just indicate and overtake. The reality on British roads is there is usually a queue of vehicles in the overtaking lanes trying to get past a slower vehicle, in an overtaking lane while not overtaking. This is illegal.

By taking your moral high ground position you like people to think your law breaking is not as bad as other people’s law breaking because theirs is about speeding and that’s much worse.
You seem to be the retard here, as it seems you are hard of reading, Where did I say dive out of the `overtaking' lane. I referred to driving at the posted limit in the CENTRE lane of a 3 LANE carriageway, with slower moving HGV`s and other vehicles packing the nearside lane.
If you can count to more than would realize that this would leave the outer, or 3rd lane Which you refer to as the `overtaking' lane, free for anyone who wants to drive at speeds above the posted limit.
If someone wants to exceed the posted limit that is entirely their business, and on a two lane carriageway I just move to the nearside lane to let them get past, but if the nearside lane is solid with traffic, I will not put my life in danger by having to slow down, just so that I can slot in between two slow moving HGV`s. the drivers of which probably wont appreciate a car diving into their braking zone to do no more than get out of the way of someone who wants to break the law..
What you seem to be saying is that people who are travelling at the legal limit in the outer lane of a 2 LANE carriageway, should either break the law, by speeding up, or cause an accident by braking, so that they can slot into the slower nearside lane, just to accommodate someone who wants to drive illegally above the posted limit.
You may not be aware of the fact that the first rule in the highway code, is keep left (except when overtaking) If a driver in the outer lane, and travelling at the legal limit, is both overtaking slower vehicles, in the inside lane, and keeping to the legal limit, then that driver is complying fully with the HWC.
In this situation If someone wants to go faster than the posted limit `they' are factually the ones driving illegally.
Exige77 is right
Pan Pan Pan is wrong

/ Thread

Pan Pan Pan

9,999 posts

113 months

Wednesday 9th October 2019
quotequote all
Filibuster said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Exige77 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Superleg48 said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
I doubt you have ever been on the same road as me, at the same time, so your spouting of rubbish regarding people driving at the posted limit in the centre lane, (which you have no way of substantiating) is showing you up as being the idiot here.
What is the problem? if you come up behind someone in the centre lane, who is travelling at the poste limit, when you are travelling at well over the legal limit, don't you have the brains to signal and move into the outer lane to get past, or should everyone else on the roads get out of your way when you want to break the law? if your car control when you are breaking the law is so monstrously poor it seems you need every lane available to allow you to break the law without hitting something.
If there is a hazard to other road users, it must be you, as you are someone who wants to speed every where, regardless of posted limits or road conditions, but it seems you need an entire motorway`s width to do that without hitting something, wouldn't a push bike be a bit safer for you? It would for everyone else on the roads around you.
Yes, but sitting in the middle lane of a 3 lane carriageway is also idiotic in the first place, irrespective of speed. Keep left unless overtaking.

I am powerfully built company director and a driving god. Thank you.
Who is `sitting' in the middle lane of a three lane of a 3 lane carriageway?
What is idiotic, is to be travelling at the NSL in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway with a packed inside lane, but then having to keep slowing down so as to slot in between HGV`s and other vehicles doing 60mph or less in the inner lane, and then have to leave the inside lane, and accelerate back up to the NSL, just so that a tw*t like exige77 can carry on breaking the law, because he has not got the brains, or coordination to signal, move into the outer lane, and simply overtake, which is what most people who want to exceed the limit, but who have more than one brain cell would do.
If he wants to break the law by driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit, that is his business, but to expect people who are driving at the legal limit to get out of his way, because he is either too stupid, or too lazy to change lanes to overtake them, is truly ridiculous.
The stupidity continues smile

Where does it say “driving everywhere at speeds well above the posted limit” ?

Only in your post I think.

People like you become obsessed with speeding.
Most people speed every day but usually by a few mph and then for a short time where appropriate.

This thread is about speed on the French autoroute (check the title). Most French Autoroutes are two (2) lane. If people like you drive at the posted limit in the overtaking lane, you are blocking the motorway.

You have turned this thread into a reckless speeding everywhere thread.

Well done !!

As I clearly mentioned above, I don’t speed on French motorways. I’m not sure what your contribution to this thread is other then bleating on about reckless speeding ?
If you would care to look, my contribution to this thread was to say that on French motorways, exceeding the posted limit is not really necessary, because even when travelling at the useful French dry road limit of 130 kph, great distances can easily be covered legally.
Where in any of my posts did I say that I stay in the outer lane after overtaking a vehicle in the inside lane, just because I am travelling at the posted limit, even when there are vehicles behind me who want to exceed the limit? you made that up, because the fact is I did not say any such thing..
What you seem to be saying, is that people who are travelling legally at the posted limit in the centre lane of a 3 lane carriageway, must dive out of the way, and into the slower moving inside lane, whenever someone who wants to break the limit comes up behind, (when all a competent faster driver has to do, is signal,, move into the outside lane, and overtake)
If someone driving fast, does not have the skill to keep their car between the lane markings when travelling fast, why should someone who is driving legally at the posted limit in the centre lane, have to get out of the way, into the nearside lane, to facilitate that driver breaking the law?
Making a driver in the centre lane, who is travelling legally at the posted limit having to keep on diving into the slower usually busy inside lane, just so another driver who wants to exceed the posted limit can do so without having to move to the outer lane to overtake is absolute nonsense. Essentially penalizing someone who is driving legally, to accommodate someone else who wants to drive illegally.
Your using emotive language as all anti speed people do.

There’s no need to “dive” out of the overtaking lane. It’s for overtaking only. Once you finish your overtake, you should move back to the driving lane, in our case the left lane. It’s the law. If you don’t do it, you’re not driving legally. This is the part you don’t get.

You make it sound so easy when you say faster vehicles should just indicate and overtake. The reality on British roads is there is usually a queue of vehicles in the overtaking lanes trying to get past a slower vehicle, in an overtaking lane while not overtaking. This is illegal.

By taking your moral high ground position you like people to think your law breaking is not as bad as other people’s law breaking because theirs is about speeding and that’s much worse.
You seem to be the retard here, as it seems you are hard of reading, Where did I say dive out of the `overtaking' lane. I referred to driving at the posted limit in the CENTRE lane of a 3 LANE carriageway, with slower moving HGV`s and other vehicles packing the nearside lane.
If you can count to more than would realize that this would leave the outer, or 3rd lane Which you refer to as the `overtaking' lane, free for anyone who wants to drive at speeds above the posted limit.
If someone wants to exceed the posted limit that is entirely their business, and on a two lane carriageway I just move to the nearside lane to let them get past, but if the nearside lane is solid with traffic, I will not put my life in danger by having to slow down, just so that I can slot in between two slow moving HGV`s. the drivers of which probably wont appreciate a car diving into their braking zone to do no more than get out of the way of someone who wants to break the law..
What you seem to be saying is that people who are travelling at the legal limit in the outer lane of a 2 LANE carriageway, should either break the law, by speeding up, or cause an accident by braking, so that they can slot into the slower nearside lane, just to accommodate someone who wants to drive illegally above the posted limit.
You may not be aware of the fact that the first rule in the highway code, is keep left (except when overtaking) If a driver in the outer lane, and travelling at the legal limit, is both overtaking slower vehicles, in the inside lane, and keeping to the legal limit, then that driver is complying fully with the HWC.
In this situation If someone wants to go faster than the posted limit `they' are factually the ones driving illegally.
Exige77 is right
Pan Pan Pan is wrong

/ Thread
I suggest you go away and read the highway code as well. Alternatively you can drive (in any lane) on a motorway at say 90 mph, whilst I drive in any lane at 70 mph, any guesses which one Plod might want to pull up, and have a quiet word with?
Unless you can point out where I am wrong, your brief comment is really quite pointless.


13,864 posts

98 months

Thursday 10th October 2019
quotequote all
You're wrong because you think the driving of others excuses yours.

It doesn't, you aren't the traffic police, you don't have a calibrated speedo, you don't get to decide if they're exceeding the limit.

21st Century Man

41,084 posts

250 months

Thursday 10th October 2019
quotequote all
Bloody stupid argument. If you read carefully what each has said, there is no disagreement, and yet we have pages and pages of tit for tat.

Pan is talking about driving in L2 up to but not beyond the speed limit whilst passing (overtaking) traffic in L1. If you want to pass him then use L3, but he's not speeding up beyond the limit and not pulling over into the slower traffic in L1 just for your benefit. He's no middle lane moron as he's repeatedly made clear the keep left rule, and he'll be using L1 as soon as he's clear of the slower traffic.

For the life of me, I can't see anything wrong with that?


13,989 posts

203 months

Thursday 10th October 2019
quotequote all
A helpful guide that I picked up in IAM observations (Institute of Advanced Motorcyclists) is that, if you can move left for at least ten seconds, then do so.