Seeing an idiot get their just desserts

Seeing an idiot get their just desserts


The Vambo

6,688 posts

143 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Subaru Impreza owner on here laughing at people who didn't have awesome WRC turbo spec super traction, sliding in the snow.

Some time later.... posted about crashing said Subaru in the snow.

Think he got slaughtered biggrin


1,270 posts

145 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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A massive cretin I used to work with always drove like a loon - wheel spinning everywhere, speeding through the high street, skidding to a stop etc.

In the car park I noticed all 4 tyres on his car looked dangerously low, the fronts had canvas showing on the inner edge. When I told him he went off on one, got abusive and said he wasn't going to do anything about it.

The following weekend he had a blow out doing 100mph on a motorway and stuffed the car into a central reservation, reduce it to frag and was lucky to walk away. The police also did him for the other 3 bald tires. I chuckled!


18,120 posts

129 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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tomsugden said:
Some years ago I was driving in Battersea in South London. Most of the bus lanes there are only active from 4pm to 7pm, and it was about 2pm, so I used the bus lane. I noticed a truck parked up ahead, so indicated to move out. A woman took exception to this and closed the gap between her and the car in front to block me. The car in front of her then had to brake for the queue of traffic in front, and she piled straight into the back of it. Oh how I laughed.
I would LOVE to see this happen. The number of drivers that accelerate hard to prevent you merging between them and the car in front is absurd! The insanely annoying thing is that they only know you are about to do it if you signal! They would just have to brake if you nudged out, but they decide instead to punish politeness.

daddy cool

4,005 posts

231 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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This thread reminds me of Alan Partridge


6,414 posts

183 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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The Vambo said:
Subaru Impreza owner on here laughing at people who didn't have awesome WRC turbo spec super traction, sliding in the snow.

Some time later.... posted about crashing said Subaru in the snow.

Think he got slaughtered biggrin
I remember that thread. I believe the user was also saying how he could feel the tread blocks moving so he knew he was losing grip. Or something like that.

It does raise a smile when I'm on the motorway and I see someone driving like an idiot (tailgating, poor lane discipline, general dickery) and I then see them parked up having a chat with a Police officer a bit later on. I remember seeing a bloke on a quad bike harass some pedestrians on a footpath, a little while later I heard a skid and a thud, he'd managed to crash it (at some speed) into the only tree in the park.


13,300 posts

160 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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I was driving through Sparkbrook at about 25mph due to snow (30mph limit).

The guy in the Celica behind me decided it wasn't fast enough so went shooting past my Range Rover and slid off the road into some railings.

I said nothing and just smiled as I trundled past.


9,490 posts

227 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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I didn't think he is going to have an accident, but some muppet in a Rover 25, might have been an MG ZR, not sure, leaving our close way to fast for the fresh fall of snow. I was doing ~10mph, he was probably nearer double that, tried to turn off the main road out of the village on a side road, slide into the kerb and smashed an alloy.

I chuckled.


1,775 posts

176 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Some time ago I was doing some advanced riding stuff down in Devon with an ex-motorcycle copper (him ZX6R, me TL1000S in case you were wondering). We weren't hanging about (his rules were basically if it's NSL and it's safe, speed up, but no above marked speed limits), but even going at a fair lick, we got overtaken by a bloke on a Gixxer going at some insane speed. About a mile or so up the road, there was a set of tyre marks and a recently made gap in the hedge where he'd gone through it and down a bank on the other side. Already people peering through the gap and downwards.

I must admit to "knob, you got what you asked for" flashing through my mind, before I was thinking "hope to goodness he's OK".


39,635 posts

271 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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DoubleSix said:
Good to see a few naysayers on there also proved wrong!


10,345 posts

245 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Not exactly what you were asking for, but on a track day years ago now was a guy whose T-shirt proudly proclaimed "I AM THE STIG".

Consequently he stuffed it in the Armco in the morning and spent the rest of the day walking round with his arms folded over the writing. biggrin


2,125 posts

133 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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I buckled an alloy by leaning out of the drivers window of my MG ZR looking down to check out how cool my neon ground kit looked lighting up the freshly fallen snow. Saw the corner coming too late and too fast and understeered straight into the curb with a massive bang. Sheer luck there was no parked car to collide with.

My mate, doing the same on the other side of the car, hadn't seen it coming either.

I kind of wish I had it on video.


10,096 posts

219 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Is it good to see bad things to happen to people, even if they're aholes?

I'm not sure.

I'd quite like to see a thread where arrogant people can trade stories of all the times the managed to push a little guy out the way and no bad came of it at all. I bet that happens more than just desserts.


2,655 posts

129 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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How timely!

I was behind someone last night, they were in an audi TT, we were part of a line of traffic doing 10-15 mph. I could seem them texting (head down, head up, head down, head up, head know) then they just kept their head down. And then drive into a (high) kurb.



I laughed and pointed as they looked up in their rear view mirror (i then quickly stopped incase they were big and strong and wanted to beat me up). The person then floored it, possibly to make a point, I dunno.


1,555 posts

135 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Went to Alton Towers with some friends, they were in another car. On the way out I left for the exit, then a few cars in between, then my friends in the other car. Coming up to the traffic lights at the exit an Audi A4 went into the back of me due to thinking I'd go through the amber light. Fortunately only cosmetic damage.

My friends said they'd seen this Audi tear out of the car park a few cars ahead of them and thought it was a bit of a knobbish thing to do.

In the end I ended up relieving him of £250 to repair my bumper. Hopefully he's a bit more careful now.


4,480 posts

143 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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I was working for a large coal firm a few years ago, and we had a really bad snow which obviously hindered our ability to deliver in as timely a manner as we would've liked.

After a few elderly residents complain the local Councillor storms into reception ranting and raving, demanding to speak to the MD (who was himself stranded at home). Been fair to the company they did their best in some very difficult circumstances, but the windbag was having none of it.

As he storms off and jumps in his jag he boots it through the car park and sets off up quite a lengthly incline to leave our premises. And gets stuck.

The entire office (100+ people) at this point where keen to have a nosey at what all the fuss was about so saw this go wrong. He then had the brass balls to come down to reception and demand someone extract his car, our site managers exact words were 'get knotted, walk home'.

Car was still there a week later until someone had the genius idea of reporting it as abandoned to the council.


211 posts

205 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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I am hoping that the man who drives his golf (lowered, resprayed in blackboard paint, numberplate on dashboard) as fast as he possibly can up a short section of road in the centre of Bath will eventually be arrested for being a .


8,516 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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sassthathoopie said:
Last winter I bought a 4x4 camper van and took the missus off exploring US ski areas. One morning we were on a very long empty straight road in Montana. It was epic blizzard conditions, -10c and 3 inches of snow fallen on a road already ploughed that day. Despite having a long way to drive I felt 35 ish was as fast as was willing to go bearing in mind the terrible vis and exceptionally low grip even with 35" offroad tyres. Having not seen any vehicle for 10 mins a BMW X5 turned up at high speed and sat right on my bumper. I was very nervous as I was already working very hard to anticipate the road and judge speed, kinks, depressions etc.

He's been on my bumper for 2 mins when we crest a brow and I nearly have a heart attack! A huge artic has broken down/stuck on the opposite side coming up a steep grade with a slight bend. Overtaking on my side of the road is another huge artic doing 5mph with a line of traffic behind it eek

I gingerly try to stop 10,000lbs of camper on a steep hill doing 35mph without spinning, while X5 chap decides this is his ideal moment to overtake. (Either that or powder snow had obscured my brake lights). He comes past at speed, visibly sts himself, steers hard back to our side ahead of me, and gets a right tank slapper going. He has to choose which truck to hit so slides into the stationary one, drivers side first at 90 degrees with a very expensive sounding bang.

I got Snomad stopped with 10 lengths to spare but was pretty pumped! Imagine writing off your house, 50 miles from the nearest town, in a blizzard!

Eventually we got the road clear and a plough turned up. Looked like serious chassis damage done to the X5, but the guy seemed ok fortunately.
I've heard of pimping your ride but eekeek


1,834 posts

228 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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On an early morning airport run from Devon to London, I decided on the 303 being the better route. I wasn't hanging about at all, but got overtaken by some kid in a Civic Type R. It was a shonky overtake made at pointless speed by a driver with absolutely no talent. I said so much to my passenger and professed that he'd stack it before too long. Lo and behold, we come to a nasty, off camber, downhill, 120° right hander which is partially blocked by... You guessed it, a badly mangled Type R.

Bloke was a total cocksprocket.



12,467 posts

171 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Many moons ago I used to work as a lifeguard. The pool at which I worked was next to a youth centre where, on a Friday night, the local boy racers would congregate to try and impress the under-privileged young-teenage girls. One of the individuals who would be there every Friday, without fail, drove a slammed-to-the-floor, blue and white roller-pained Rover Metro with no rear seats, a half-cage and a sound system that consisted of two hi-fi speakers (!) suspended from the upper bar of his rollcage (!!) by piano wire (!!!). Most of the other drivers were relatively well-behaved (well, as much as one usually expects young men of their ilk in a relatively rough area to be) but he was a proper liability. Had a couple of run-ins with him on the road too and he was incredibly irresponsible with his driving in residential areas.

One day I was driving into work and I spotted a pair of wheels just visible from a grassy, tree-lined bank beside the road with a couple of police cars pulled up outside. I was late for work and didn't think much more of it, but on gazing out of the windows an hour or so later I see a very mangled blue-and-white Metro on the back of a low-loader rumbling down the road. On my way home when driving past the same spot, I couldn't help but laugh when I spotted a single, solitary hi-fi speaker, missing the front grille but still partially wrapped in piano wire, sitting on the verge.


246 posts

166 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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ManOpener said:
Many moons ago I used to work as a lifeguard. The pool at which I worked was next to a youth centre where, on a Friday night, the local boy racers would congregate to try and impress the under-privileged young-teenage girls. One of the individuals who would be there every Friday, without fail, drove a slammed-to-the-floor, blue and white roller-pained Rover Metro with no rear seats, a half-cage and a sound system that consisted of two hi-fi speakers (!) suspended from the upper bar of his rollcage (!!) by piano wire (!!!). Most of the other drivers were relatively well-behaved (well, as much as one usually expects young men of their ilk in a relatively rough area to be) but he was a proper liability. Had a couple of run-ins with him on the road too and he was incredibly irresponsible with his driving in residential areas.

One day I was driving into work and I spotted a pair of wheels just visible from a grassy, tree-lined bank beside the road with a couple of police cars pulled up outside. I was late for work and didn't think much more of it, but on gazing out of the windows an hour or so later I see a very mangled blue-and-white Metro on the back of a low-loader rumbling down the road. On my way home when driving past the same spot, I couldn't help but laugh when I spotted a single, solitary hi-fi speaker, missing the front grille but still partially wrapped in piano wire, sitting on the verge.
Superb biggrin