Have you ever been a victim of road rage while driving?

Have you ever been a victim of road rage while driving?



707 posts

75 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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The last time it happened was a few years ago.

I was behind a car at a set of traffic lights waiting to turn right in a right turn only lane. He was a little into the junction waiting for a gap between me and him was a lights controlled pedestrian crossing I was leaving it clear stopped behind the stop line, behind me was another car.

Now no gap appeared in the oncoming traffic so the lead car and us had to wait for a fair time and then the lights went amber, the approaching traffic slowed and the lead car went through. I did not move I would have to have gambled, I was short of the junction behind the stop line and had a pedestrian crossing in front.

When I looked behind I could see the bloke in the car raging for some reason, perhaps he thought I should have crossed the stop line on a late amber even though I was already stopped.
Anyway I saw him start to reverse, he then went into the left lane came forward, cut in front of me into the lane and stopped partly blocking the pedestrian crossing!!! Obviously a complete idiot.

Anyway the lights eventually change and we are both able to take the right turn in sequence, the road is now a dual carriageway, he takes the outside lane and beans it, I move into the inside lane and just because I was a little annoyed at the little git, I power alongside and sit there, I knew the outside lane turned into a right turn only lane further along. Even though he could be wanting that turn I actually suspected he just took the outside lane just to show he was fast. He gave it more but I just kept pace, not undertaking just staying level. Soon enough we approached the lights and he was in the right turn only with no ability to go straight on. Other cars had come up behind. He then jumped out of his car, he was a young Asian bloke pretty much foaming at the mouth, I just smiled at him, no intent to get out, until he banged on my car roof! Suffice to say the next 30 seconds did not proceed to his advantage and I was a still able to move off on green I think it took him a bit longer to get going.


14,000 posts

86 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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Max_Torque said:
ST Ford said:
i was following the arrows on the floor so there is no need to indicate.
Really....... ;-)
The trouble with arrows and roads numbers on the road, is that they nearly always obscured in heavy traffic. Then those with local knowledge assume everyone knows what is signed there.

Mound Dawg

1,915 posts

176 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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Y16 SES said:
....an old lifted Vauxhall Frontera comes speeding up behind me and at the last minute slams on the brakes
Sounds like you got between a Walt and the emergency he was attending.


309 posts

140 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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In my youth I once got dragged out of my car for blowing my horn when some halfwit cut me up. I knew it was bad when he blocked my path with his car and got out, he was f*#king massive. Reported to the old bill who couldn't have cared less. But then again I did something similar to someone else a few years later.

I've also chased a guy for about 10 miles at ridiculous speeds as he tried to get away, not sure if I'd have even got out if he stopped, but it was funny at the time with a car full of mates.

Also had 4 guys get out and rush my car at traffic lights when a mate (ex mate) decided to stick two fingers up and shout abuse at some guy for poor driving while in a part of town that was notorious for drug dealing and gang violence. Had to jump a red light to potentially avoid hospital food for the both of us.

Much calmer nowadays, although my dashcam sound recordings may disagree of course.

ST Ford

Original Poster:

291 posts

84 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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0ddball said:
Roughly translated, I st myself.
I realise this response is opening me up to getting abuse for being an Internet tough guy that Pistonheads love to troll but I was expecting a childish response like this so here is my reply. I’m 6ft2, just under 16 stone and have done various martial arts since the age of 11. I have also been strength training lifting heavy at the gym for well over 10 years so I’m quite strong aswell as being able to look after myself should I need to fight.
This guy was about 40 obviously small in stature given he looked small sat in the seat of a little Honda Jizz. And he looked like he weighed 10 stone on a good day given how skinny he was. Do you really think i was scared of that? I don’t like violence anymore than the next person and I was almost baffled by the fact he was being so angry considering I had done nothing wrong and his wife had.
If he would have gotten out of the car and come up to me like you tend to see a lot these days then of course I would have got out and dealt with him but with shouting things from his car I chose to ignore it.
It feels like the wrong decision given how angry I still am about letting him shout at me like that with such anger for no valid reason but at the same time I know logically I made the correct decision to ignore at get on with my life.

ST Ford

Original Poster:

291 posts

84 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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DonkeyApple said:
Each punch you deliver to a rat person makes their life better and yours worse. There is as much upside to engaging with a member of the worthless animal detritus end of society as there is in stepping in a dog turd.
True. I’m a happy laid back person and he was obviously angry at life so if I would have stooped down to his level by getting angry and starting a fight I could have been facing assault charges or a claim against me for personal injury instead of just getting on with my life. Yes it’s angered me but it’s another day and I’m here living a decent enough life without any potential comebacks hanging over me. It’s a busy retail park so it would have only taken one dashcam warrior or a person with a phone to start filming us which would have been even worse had I retaliated

ST Ford

Original Poster:

291 posts

84 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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MartinVert said:
I would suggest in the modern world you are in the minority if you've only just had your first taste of road rage. The sad thing is that nobody who is happy, healthy, well-adjusted and in a good place loses it like that over such a trivial thing. I know this myself because when I'm in a good spot, I don't give a monkey's toss if someone cuts me up or whatever, whereas if I'm really wound up I do (not that I've ever abused someone for 10 seconds at lights over anything).
Society is just getting meaner and nastier.
That’s very true. I get cut up or tailgated all the time and I just ignore it and get on with my life. So many people get in there safe little metal box and see it as an excuse to bully and abuse others to let out all there anger and shortcomings in life. The roads are just getting worse and worse.


6,811 posts

189 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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I was once chased by a loony in an MX5 who took exception to me not anticipating him being in the wrong lane at a roundabout. He followed me directly to the Police station dangerously weaving through traffic where I was about to do a job. He seemed surprised why the blokes in uniform were waiting to have a word with him.


56 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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You should have laughed at him, his heart attack..

Berkshire bred

985 posts

77 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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Not long after i started driving I was half way across a mini RaB and a bmw comes towards me at big speed. At the very last moment he veers to his right to go right at the RaB as he does this he flicks on his indicator.

I am half way across the RaB so keep on going. He also carries on as if to drive into me while he is giving it large with horn, lights, gestures the full works. I turn in my seat and express my displeasure in the form of a dhead gesture while making a spaz face at him.

He spins round the RaB and pulls up behind me at a set of lights. He gets out of his car and approaches my window, he is a big chap but fat instead of muscle. He begins with the threats and abuse saying he will harm me in various inventive ways. I simply said to him very quietly to fk of back to his car before I get out of mine and hurt him (My exact words).

He retreated back to his bmw while still shouting abuse. Whether I would have taken the medieval approach had he not retreated I am not sure. I think he basically quickly decided that he didn't know who or what he could be dealing with and that I may in fact have taken great pleasure in damaging him extensively. In this situation lots of confidence worked in my favour although that may not always be the case.

Disclaimer: I am not claiming to be Jackie chans lesser known yet harder brother (I'm far from it) i just reacted quickly to an unpleasant situation. I am also not necessarily recommending this course of action.


4,312 posts

159 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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I had a bloke at a merge in turn point, marked by a sign that said, "Merge in turn," block me from merging ahead of him even though I was level with the car in front of him and looking to drop in behind it rather than push as far ahead as possible.

I pulled in behind and he and his son, who was probably in his early teens, were laughing and jeering at me.

Their clapped out Focus then stalled and they couldn't get it going again so I had the joy of just steering round them and leaving them behind. Sometimes Karma does get people.


5,456 posts

147 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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I had a bloke punch me in the face many years ago. Unfortunately for him I was riding a motorbike, wearing a full-face helmet. He hurt his hand, turned round and got back in his car. Was quite funny.


46 posts

77 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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markw996 said:
In my youth I once got dragged out of my car for blowing my horn when some halfwit cut me up. I knew it was bad when he blocked my path with his car and got out, he was f*#king massive. Reported to the old bill who couldn't have cared less. But then again I did something similar to someone else a few years later.

I've also chased a guy for about 10 miles at ridiculous speeds as he tried to get away, not sure if I'd have even got out if he stopped, but it was funny at the time with a car full of mates.

Also had 4 guys get out and rush my car at traffic lights when a mate (ex mate) decided to stick two fingers up and shout abuse at some guy for poor driving while in a part of town that was notorious for drug dealing and gang violence. Had to jump a red light to potentially avoid hospital food for the both of us.

Much calmer nowadays, although my dashcam sound recordings may disagree of course.
That sounds horrifically traumatic - someone called me a c*nt the other day for not crossing the road fast enough to allow them to shoot off at the lights at said crossing at warp speed the second amber hit, I'm pretty sure I'd be traumatised if I was in a car and someone blocked my path and dragged me out of it.

Why on earth did you give someone else the same treatment years later?


26,582 posts

224 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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bhstewie said:
ST Ford said:
so as a man would you guys have made the same decision or would you have gotten out of the car and dealt with him?

Google Kenneth Noye.
Was that road rage then? Or was that a cover for a different motivation?


1,702 posts

94 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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I've been a victim of road rage a few times, only one I remember is some big wagon driver that almost took me out and decided to put his fat red middle age angry face out of the window and about abuse in our direction. I literally just laughed, gave him a cheeky thumbs up and carried on my day.

I find passive aggressive people much worse. Last week I was on a bypass, two lane bypass that merges about a mile in. People who don't know the highway code sit in lane 1 during busy times instead of using both lanes. While others... Me included will use both lanes and merge where appropriate. Anyway myself and a few other cars were in the right hand lane going about 30mph, when all of a sudden this BMW pulls straight out from left lane risking a pile up so he can crawl along in the right hand lane at same pace as his "place" in the left.

I assume he thought I would be seething and angry, but I just laughed while cars before me beeped. When we got to the roundabout I pulled along side him to thanks him for nearly causing an accident and laugh at how sad his life must be. But he wouldn't even make eye contact, he then put foot down, dangerously pulling into roundabout almost causing another smash.

Gf filmed some of it on her phone, was considering showing it the police. But truth is one day the idiot will do that to the wrong person. Let nature take its course.

I am gonna get a dash cam tho.


18,855 posts

197 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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He was probably a shop-lifting benefits scrounging junkie. Forget about him.


1,375 posts

129 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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I dont mind a bit of agro myself


1,815 posts

124 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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Did the right thing to ignore it, you got home safely and most likely so did he. What's the alternative? Maybe you smack him and get away with it, maybe he puts you in hospital, maybe you end up in a cell. All just because you went for a drive.

Unless you're a Neanderthal then both getting where you're going without drama has got to be the best option. If you've done that much martial arts then you already know the most successful fight is the one you avoid.


1,291 posts

74 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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Had a guy punch my wife in the helmet (she was on her bike, myself and my friend on our own bikes), after he took offence at us filtering and jumped out his 4x4 and punched my wife in the helmet, when he saw me and my friend pull up, he them got in his car, jumped a red light and headed off at a rapid pace. We dialled 999, to report our concern about his driving and assault on my wife, they put a marker on his car.
Later in the day we got a phone call to say he got pulled over on the M6 speeding and they had him on camera jumping the traffic lights (was Preston town centre) and he had been done for both, so good outcome.

once had a car pull out on me turning right out of a junction, gave him plenty of the horn, he decided to stop and jump out of their car. Shouting at me, I could not understand a word he was saying. Because his car had not actually finished his manoeuvre that cut me up, he left enough room for me to drive around the LHS of his car and left he stood in the road looking like a misplaced traffic cone.


8,839 posts

185 months

Sunday 22nd April 2018
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Yes, road raged at and spat on by an irate cyclist who made a mistake but still acted like he was right.

I was driving in town, up a hill with a very narrow section of road that has priority in my favour, a bus had stopped at the build out in the road (as he was required to by the signage) and the cyclist overtook the bus at speed and almost crashed into the front of my van, I was going slowly so had spotted this happening and had come to a complete stop to try and avoid an accident.

The cyclist mounted the pavement (pushing a couple of people out of his way and shouted at me about trying to kill him or something and then spat in my face and rode off.

I Learnt that day that it was possible to do a 3 point turn in the narrowest part of Penzance town centre,

I also learnt that a cyclist who does not care about the safety of others will ride on pavements and through red lights to get away from someone in a van who wants to have a word.

The cyclist and I had a fight when I finally caught up with him and even after the fight (which he started by shoving me) he was still convinced that he did not have to obey any road signs and he was 100% ok to spit at me.

So we had another fight.

Not my best moment and neither of us gained any ground and there were no winners.

I should have run his fking bike over, I would be sat here typing this feeling like I had at least got one up on him.