Have you ever been a victim of road rage while driving?

Have you ever been a victim of road rage while driving?



656 posts

250 months

Saturday 10th November 2018
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Following on from the Kenneth Noye references....

Back in the late 90s I was a young lad driving a mk2 fiesta.

On the way home from work one day a discovery appeared a couple of cars behind me and I could see that he made some suicidal overtakes and ended up behind me.

The next bit of clear road appeared and I overtook the car in front and the disco followed. He tried to pass me but just didn't have the power to do it... disco tdi''s aren't known for their performance....

I wasn't doing anything to prevent him passing me, just progressing around the nsl.

The disco was right on my tail, flashing main beams and generally trying to get me to pull over so I did so thinking he would just go past.

He pulled in as well, blocked me in and proceeded to drag me out of my car...

It was pretty scary and although he didn't beat the crap out of me it was pretty unpleasant with him bending my arm up behind my back etc. I managed to get free of him and made my escape.

It taught me a lesson... if someone seems unhinged just let them go.


693 posts

80 months

Thursday 6th December 2018
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A stagecoach bus driver cut me in the roundabout inside the university of surrey campus when I had the right of way and brazenly drove across me,I stopped and hooted my car horn once ,the fellow just stopped the bus in the middle of roundabout and didn't allow me to pass and was glaring away for a whole minute and then drove off

Anyone else had any similar experiences with bus drivers?


53,012 posts

185 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Burwood said:
In NZ on holiday i overtook a Falcon V8 doing 20mph and the facially tattoo'd polynesian gent took offence. He got out of the car after blocking the road. All 20 stone plus of him, frothing at the mouth. To say he was upset was an understatement I thought holy st. I actually thought he was doing to kill me. He shouted and screamed a lot at my barely open window and that was it although he took a few attempts to get back in his car, having forgotten to tell meto fk off one last time. I think what saved a serious assault were the dozens of other rode users looking on in shock.
That made me chuckle. Sorry Burwood. From all the stories I've read about Haku (and family), I can imagine how scary that was, never mess with a Polynesian. They are stronger than normal humans and have an extreme level of pain tolerance.


687 posts

185 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Only ever had it once, I was playing football up north and obviously took a wrong turn. I gave the guy a wave as if to say 'sorry mate' this clearly wasn't enough for a mouthy chookter! He was a lot less of a mouthpiece when he realised 5 guys were in the motor.


2,292 posts

223 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Benten said:
Only ever had it once, I was playing football up north and obviously took a wrong turn. I gave the guy a wave as if to say 'sorry mate' this clearly wasn't enough for a mouthy chookter! He was a lot less of a mouthpiece when he realised 5 guys were in the motor.
What's so scary about a burger?


8,516 posts

202 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Johnnybee said:
Benten said:
Only ever had it once, I was playing football up north and obviously took a wrong turn. I gave the guy a wave as if to say 'sorry mate' this clearly wasn't enough for a mouthy chookter! He was a lot less of a mouthpiece when he realised 5 guys were in the motor.
What's so scary about a burger?
OP can't spell teuchter.

"Teuchter is a Lowland Scots word originally used to describe a Scottish Highlander, in particular a Gaelic-speaking Highlander. Like most such cultural epithets, it can be seen as offensive, but is often seen as amusing by the speaker."

I am married to a teuchter...


197 posts

72 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Had one a few weeks ago which ended pretty comically.
I was following a guy for a couple of miles, all 30mph limit and he's clearly on his phone - all the usual signs are there, wandering out of his lane, poor positioning, random braking... the usual stuff.

Eventually the car in front stops to trun right and he has to wait... doesn't notice when it's gone so sits there holding the traffic up for a few seconds, then stalls...

We then pull up side by side at a red light... him turning right, me going left. He's clearly still dicking about with his phone on his lap so I made eye contact and wound down my window - he does the same and I say (with a cheerful smile..) 'maybe put your phone down mate?'

He instantly goes mental - calling me a wker, screaming his head off... proper red mist stuff.

The left filter then turns green - I smile & set off, he revs up his crappy old Focus and tears off only to realise the right filter still has a red light when he comes face-to-face with the traffic crossing the junction bringing everything to a standstill.



687 posts

185 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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matchmaker said:
Johnnybee said:
Benten said:
Only ever had it once, I was playing football up north and obviously took a wrong turn. I gave the guy a wave as if to say 'sorry mate' this clearly wasn't enough for a mouthy chookter! He was a lot less of a mouthpiece when he realised 5 guys were in the motor.
What's so scary about a burger?
OP can't spell teuchter.

"Teuchter is a Lowland Scots word originally used to describe a Scottish Highlander, in particular a Gaelic-speaking Highlander. Like most such cultural epithets, it can be seen as offensive, but is often seen as amusing by the speaker."

I am married to a teuchter...
Correct, I tried spelling it but no auto-correct to save me.


26,973 posts

265 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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I have been both the aggressor and aggressee.

I've jumped out my car on many occasions and been involved in a physical altercation once - it could have ended very badly and I regret it, yet have made the irrational decision to get out of my car several times since.

I have always had a temper and whilst it takes longer to loose it now I'm older, there is a point where we all say #**#

The interesting bit is we don't know when others are going to reach that point nor what they are prepared to do - seeing various youtube clips is eye opening.

I was pushed through a red light after beating a driver from the previous set, some people are surprisingly easy to upset !


165 posts

127 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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The thing that makes me want to kill people on the road is if someone drives like a complete tw*t, nearly crashes into you when they're 100% in the wrong and then look at you as if it's your fault.

I had it just earlier in the week. A minicab driver pulled out from a side street without looking at all, right in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes and missed him by a few cm. He then had the cheek to look me up and down and mouth something off as if it was somehow my fault. I stopped next to him and invited him to pull over and get out so I could kick the sh*t out of him. Naturally he declined and sped off.


56 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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I was in a queue of slow moving traffic the other day and the girl driving the car in front of me was playing with her phone. Problem was that she kept not noticing the car in front of her move off, so leaving a huge gap. I eventually got fed up and drove round her. She then went off on one and drove 6" from my bumper, shouting and screaming abuse. At the next junction I got out into a gap and left her behind. Thought no more about until later that day when I noticed a car coming the other way swerving towards me. It was her again, obviously still upset from that morning ! Luckily there was a bus behind me, so she went back to her side and drove off. Odd that she had held a grudge all day and recognised my car though.


5,082 posts

155 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Anyone who gets a bit radgie with me , I just blow them a kiss and smile.

Seems to defuse them easily enough.


16,876 posts

257 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Grahamdub said:
Odd that she had held a grudge all day and recognised my car though.
Just sayin' .. ;-)

I had similar with a distracted driver and help up my mobile whilst pointing to non-existent dashcam. He chilled out immediately, though it could easily have had the opposite effect.

Edited by fido on Friday 24th May 16:54


4,220 posts

115 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Acidrop said:
The thing that makes me want to kill people on the road is if someone drives like a complete tw*t, nearly crashes into you when they're 100% in the wrong and then look at you as if it's your fault.
And,, they are usually the ones who get all road ragey..


5,949 posts

95 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Sort of had an incident a couple of months back. Guy in some newish Toyota(?) SUV thing cut me up at a roundabout and then took umbrage at me sounding the horn so decided to stop just after the exit as he wanted to have a word. Then when I simply drove round him he started to follow me, tailgating then backing off. Did a few laps around the local estate to see if he'd get bored but in the end I pulled over and got out and asked what his problem was.

Not something I'd normally do but thankfully he was a fat middle aged fker who started spouting rules from the highway code about which lane to use when using a roundabout, at which point I pointed out that the highway code also says "unless signs indicate otherwise" (which they clearly did), called him a stupid wker and then drove off. Not really my proudest moment, but I just don't understand people like that.

Ultimately I count myself lucky he wasn't some heavily built psycho, but likewise if this guy keeps going around following people like this he's liable to end up getting a bit of a kicking if he chooses the wrong person to follow. Kind of reminded me of the Harry Enfield know it all father-in-law character.


4,220 posts

115 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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fido said:
Grahamdub said:
Odd that she had held a grudge all day and recognised my car though.
Just sayin' ..
Was it a real she though??


20,083 posts

118 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Kenneth Noy is being released soon.


1,417 posts

147 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Zetec-S said:
....he was a fat middle aged fker who started spouting rules from the highway code about which lane to use when using a roundabout...
Definitely a Pistonheader hehe


56 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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nonsequitur said:
Kenneth Noy is being released soon.
Whereas his victim's fiancee is living under a witness protection scheme, and presumably always will be. What a fked-up world.


8,535 posts

175 months

Friday 24th May 2019
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Johnnybee said:
Benten said:
Only ever had it once, I was playing football up north and obviously took a wrong turn. I gave the guy a wave as if to say 'sorry mate' this clearly wasn't enough for a mouthy chookter! He was a lot less of a mouthpiece when he realised 5 guys were in the motor.
What's so scary about a burger?
The prices.