Why do you flash me?



15,169 posts

236 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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greygoose said:
Thankyou4calling said:
Did he really come to a complete stop as another car approached? That really is an accident waiting to happen, you can't survive long driving like that surely.
But slowing down makes your car narrower when meeting approaching cars, doesn't it???
The smaller the space, the lower the pace wink

In all probability; his headlights were probably not great so he slowed when meeting traffic as he could see less of the road ahead.

Or, he may have eyesight issues.


5,146 posts

206 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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T0MMY said:
Getting flashed by the overtakee or by someone half a mile up the road is par for the course these days, just ignore it.

I overtook a caravan the other day and the driver immediately put his foot down as I pulled out. When I was in front and looked in my mirror, him and his charming wife were both giving me the finger and the universal wker sign. They caught me up again at a junction and came alongside as it was two lanes, at which point the guy started shouting at me to get out and have a fight with him on the roadsidelaugh As appealing as that sounded I just didn't have the time to spare but I do wonder what his young kids in the back made of it all.
Blow the driver a kiss. They'll have an aneurism. hehe


690 posts

214 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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I was driving the other half's car a few weeks ago, and was following a guy in a BMW Z3. After about 10 minutes of being behind him, he started tapping the brakes sporadically - didn't think much of it, just dropped back a little further and continued behind him.

About a mile and a bit later, the road opened out to a dual carriageway and he really slowed, so maintaing the same speed I overtook him. As soon as I was passed, his headlights went on full beam, and he started to flash me. So, curious more than anything, I slowed and wound the window down to find out what the hell he was doing.

As he draws alongside, he shouts over 'Your f***ing lights are well bright, turn them off'. To which, whilst roughly doing 45/ 50mph along a deserted dual-carriageway, I had to shout back explaining that they were DRL's, and I physically couldn't turn them off, and the headlights weren't on full beam either - with a quick demo of what full beam actually was.

To which, he was quite sheepish and deeply apologetic, before carrying on his merry way. I found that incident funny more than anything - particularly when stopping alongside of him at traffic lights several miles later - where I got a further apology!

A couple of night ago, driving the OH's car again, I had a women get out of her car at a junction and launch a verbal tirade at me for the same reason - prior to this though, she'd been doing 28mph through a NSL zone, coming to complete stops every time another car came the opposite direction, because 'it was a narrow road'. And I was 'driving like an idiot' - not sure how as I was behind her and maintained the same distance at all times - and she went on to lecture me that she'd 'already witnessed one accident that evening and didn't want to see another'. She didn't really have an answer for me when I asked her, as a witness to an accident did you stop and provide details for the police?

She then quickly went off on one about the lights, like I'd installed them myself, before parting with 'Yeah whatever, I've got your number plate anyway.'

Good. Good for you. Daft bint. rolleyes

In the four years I've lived in the South, I've gone from loving driving at any opportunity to absolutely despising the drive to work on some days - mainly those in term time. The standard of driving in Surrey is absolutely terrible; I genuinely felt more comfortable being a passenger in a taxi in Vietnam, than I do trying to get in to Dorking some days...


1,559 posts

178 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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Clivey said:
Blow the driver a kiss. They'll have an aneurism. hehe
I actually wound my window down then kept pointing at my ear saying I couldn't hear him. He just got louder and louder until I laughed and drove away. Inretrospect, it's probably better not to wind up psychopaths.


5,146 posts

206 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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T0MMY said:
I actually wound my window down then kept pointing at my ear saying I couldn't hear him. He just got louder and louder until I laughed and drove away. Inretrospect, it's probably better not to wind up psychopaths.
No, no, no...goad him into chasing you with his caravan on the back. laugh


454 posts

178 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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And this is why I have bought a front and rear full HD camera setup for my car.


10,923 posts

190 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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JohnoVR6 said:
I was driving the other half's car a few weeks ago, and was following a guy in a BMW Z3. After about 10 minutes of being behind him, he started tapping the brakes sporadically - didn't think much of it, just dropped back a little further and continued behind him.

About a mile and a bit later, the road opened out to a dual carriageway and he really slowed, so maintaing the same speed I overtook him. As soon as I was passed, his headlights went on full beam, and he started to flash me. So, curious more than anything, I slowed and wound the window down to find out what the hell he was doing.

As he draws alongside, he shouts over 'Your f***ing lights are well bright, turn them off'. To which, whilst roughly doing 45/ 50mph along a deserted dual-carriageway, I had to shout back explaining that they were DRL's, and I physically couldn't turn them off, and the headlights weren't on full beam either - with a quick demo of what full beam actually was.

To which, he was quite sheepish and deeply apologetic, before carrying on his merry way. I found that incident funny more than anything - particularly when stopping alongside of him at traffic lights several miles later - where I got a further apology!

A couple of night ago, driving the OH's car again, I had a women get out of her car at a junction and launch a verbal tirade at me for the same reason - prior to this though, she'd been doing 28mph through a NSL zone, coming to complete stops every time another car came the opposite direction, because 'it was a narrow road'. And I was 'driving like an idiot' - not sure how as I was behind her and maintained the same distance at all times - and she went on to lecture me that she'd 'already witnessed one accident that evening and didn't want to see another'. She didn't really have an answer for me when I asked her, as a witness to an accident did you stop and provide details for the police?

She then quickly went off on one about the lights, like I'd installed them myself, before parting with 'Yeah whatever, I've got your number plate anyway.'

Good. Good for you. Daft bint. rolleyes

In the four years I've lived in the South, I've gone from loving driving at any opportunity to absolutely despising the drive to work on some days - mainly those in term time. The standard of driving in Surrey is absolutely terrible; I genuinely felt more comfortable being a passenger in a taxi in Vietnam, than I do trying to get in to Dorking some days...
Come to Cambridge for the day. You'll feel a whole lot better about the standard of driving in Surrey afterwards.

I too have experienced the irrational headlight flashing/fist- or middle-digit waving when I have overtaken other cars. It did seem to mainly be when I owned the Europa then the Evora, and on reflection I think it was an angry reaction to being startled as I blitzed past in a riot of speed and noise - ie the dozy f&*^tards hadn't been checking their mirrors so nearly weed themselves at being so rudely brought back to the need to pay attention when piloting a ton or 2 of metal around...


12,467 posts

171 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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The bit that worries me is the growing trend for these kinds of people to try and block overtake attempts by crossing the central divider/white line/whatever the proper term is and obstructing you. I've taken to dropping into third at ~40 and absolutely flooring it past anyone doing 40 in a 60 as they generally don't notice until you're past them, as I'm of the belief that it's probably safer than a more casual overtake that gives them an opportunity to do something stupid to try and stop it.

On a recent jaunt it turned into a game of "how large a speed differential can I get with the vehicle I'm passing whilst still remaining under the speed limit" which was quite good fun.


22 posts

116 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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I've had 2 incidents with these types of wallys- one I was on a bike (I know not popular with everyone but still!) I was travelling in a village then town at 7:45 in the morning doing 30 or less so obviously no overtaking, I didn't pull out in front of anyone and I wasn't close to anyone. I pulled into petrol station, starting filling up and this woman came alongside me and shouted "you effing d*ck" so I looked puzzled and she continued to glare at me so I said "and good morning to you too" she then screamed "eff off" and sped off. I turned to the woman on adjacent pump and she looked equally puzzled.

Another was when the Mrs was driving, on a clear straight stretch of B road on a bright afternoon overtook a car doing 35mph. Previously she'd been sat back and coping with his excessive braking on bends so he had no reason to...go mental... anyway we reached a queue of traffic at a standstill so the numpty caught up, GOT OUT and shouted at the wife "You stupid bh you can't drive blah blah" and she smirked pointed at his crotch and said "aww do you get disability for that?" then we drove off. I was very proud.


166 posts

197 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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ging84 said:
over taking someone is the ultimate insult to someone's manliness, worse than taking a st in their wife's mouth or flicking their moustache.
The only way to get any manliness back after being overtaken is to keep up with them no matter much faster than you were doing you need to do, flashing your lights adds extra manliness by showing you have high-beams and you know how to turn them on
I've had a strange incident today. Overtake a mondeo on a national speed limit country lane. Driver takes insult to this and speeds up to follow me literally inches from my bumper for a few miles.

The guy comes along side me on a straight section (I'd slowed right down as he was being ridiculous) and starts waving what I now know was a warrant card at me! Swerves his car towards mine, whilst alongside - so I have to avoid him. He overtakes and stops. I pull alongside, wind my window down to ask what the f*** he's up to. Tells me to pull over up the road.

I'm livid and pull up behind him where he stops. The guy gets out and starts mouthing off that my driving is appalling because I was doing 90 ( I wasn't). Told him that I overtook him perfectly safely on a clear straight stretch and HE was driving like a loon. Told me I would be getting a letter about my driving and he had a camera recording everything and sped off.

I've decided tonight that I'm going to he local police station I assume he works at (rural area) to make a formal complaint. Poor behaviour for anyone, disgusting for a police officer. I seriously hope he has recording equipment in his car.

Pit Pony

8,933 posts

123 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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minerva said:
He genuinely stopped as other cars, coming the other way, went past. My wife looked up to see what I had stopped for and even she thought it dangerous. I was given permission to overtake by her before I did!
Wife's do that don't they? Mine gets pissy if I take her cars over 4000 rpm as I might explode the engine. Yes indeed that's why the red line it at 6,500 rpm.


17,333 posts

281 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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zimmerman said:
ging84 said:
over taking someone is the ultimate insult to someone's manliness, worse than taking a st in their wife's mouth or flicking their moustache.
The only way to get any manliness back after being overtaken is to keep up with them no matter much faster than you were doing you need to do, flashing your lights adds extra manliness by showing you have high-beams and you know how to turn them on
I've had a strange incident today. Overtake a mondeo on a national speed limit country lane. Driver takes insult to this and speeds up to follow me literally inches from my bumper for a few miles.

The guy comes along side me on a straight section (I'd slowed right down as he was being ridiculous) and starts waving what I now know was a warrant card at me! Swerves his car towards mine, whilst alongside - so I have to avoid him. He overtakes and stops. I pull alongside, wind my window down to ask what the f*** he's up to. Tells me to pull over up the road.

I'm livid and pull up behind him where he stops. The guy gets out and starts mouthing off that my driving is appalling because I was doing 90 ( I wasn't). Told him that I overtook him perfectly safely on a clear straight stretch and HE was driving like a loon. Told me I would be getting a letter about my driving and he had a camera recording everything and sped off.

I've decided tonight that I'm going to he local police station I assume he works at (rural area) to make a formal complaint. Poor behaviour for anyone, disgusting for a police officer. I seriously hope he has recording equipment in his car.
This sounds like a good one. Hope you update. I personally have no idea what an off-duty whatever-he-was has the power to do.


3,441 posts

225 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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I had similar this week followed a skoda along nsl roads for some miles never getting past 40mph. No problem, safe distance wait for an overtake, which eventually presented itself in the form of a long straight, perfect visibility, no oncoming cars or side roads and no need to break the 60 limit to pass. Pulled in when well past him at which point he stared with the headlight flashing. No idea what these types are thinking but just ignore them.


9,614 posts

228 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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Just laugh it off, no point getting offended.

I got given the coffee beans hand signal from an old grannie the other day.


865 posts

137 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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T0MMY said:
Getting flashed by the overtakee or by someone half a mile up the road is par for the course these days, just ignore it.

I overtook a caravan the other day and the driver immediately put his foot down as I pulled out. When I was in front and looked in my mirror, him and his charming wife were both giving me the finger and the universal wker sign. They caught me up again at a junction and came alongside as it was two lanes, at which point the guy started shouting at me to get out and have a fight with him on the roadsidelaugh As appealing as that sounded I just didn't have the time to spare but I do wonder what his young kids in the back made of it all.
I find these people the most fun on the roads. Sit in front of them with your cruise control set to exactly half of the speed limit. Watch them froth at the mouth for a few mins then speed off in the knowledge that you've knocked at least 30 mins off their life with self induced stress. Much safer than having a punch up at the traffic lights.


17,333 posts

281 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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That works so long as there isn't a set of lights a couple of miles up the road. punch

B'stard Child

28,604 posts

248 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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You queue jumped - how rude biggrin


5,146 posts

206 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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swisstoni said:
That works so long as there isn't a set of lights a couple of miles up the road. punch
In that situation, if the tcensoredt is stupid enough to jump out of his car and start towards mine, I'm not taking any chances. - They're getting run over. I'm not waiting for them to put a hammer through the window.


2,122 posts

131 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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I've had this before whilst driving the 2.8TD SWB Pajero. Cruising along at 60, gaining on someone in front doing around 45-50, at about 11 at night. Perfectly safe to cruise past (On the A35 between Bakers arms and Slepe if you know it) so I did as braking and getting that thing up to speed again uses diesel.

Person I overtook flashed like mad and sped up to stay on my tail. Fine, doesn't bother me at all... I actually think it's laughably pathetic as I get it a lot (loud exhaust probably screams fk you at everyone).

Turned off a couple of miles later and they followed me. Thought that's a bit weird, so turned into a road that only really goes in a 1 mile loop unless you live down there, they followed me right the way round and back out again.

Right OK... bit of a blessing being in the Pajero now. Led them into a village I know very well and turned off down a green lane. Their Rover 25 made it about 100m before beaching itself and I pootled on down to the road at the other end and went home.

fking jobsworths.


Edited by vtecyo on Saturday 1st November 11:27


6,860 posts

165 months

Saturday 1st November 2014
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hotchy said:
T0MMY said:
Getting flashed by the overtakee or by someone half a mile up the road is par for the course these days, just ignore it.

I overtook a caravan the other day and the driver immediately put his foot down as I pulled out. When I was in front and looked in my mirror, him and his charming wife were both giving me the finger and the universal wker sign. They caught me up again at a junction and came alongside as it was two lanes, at which point the guy started shouting at me to get out and have a fight with him on the roadsidelaugh As appealing as that sounded I just didn't have the time to spare but I do wonder what his young kids in the back made of it all.
If had that once, i actually got out, when he seen i was 6 ft 7 and well built he sharpishly drove away. If he did get out... maybe i would of drove away lol
A colleague of mine had that around 2months back. The bloke told him to pull into the lay-by around the corner, he obliged and the bloke drove past hehe