why do people do this and why are they so stupid??

why do people do this and why are they so stupid??



11,102 posts

183 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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Maybe relevent. Many years ago, when I worked part time in a pub a few evenings a week, a rowdy crows of teen loud mouths began to have a weekly meet. Despite being asked nicely to behave by the land lady, they continued to be an abusive pain in the neck. So she invited her brother along for the same evening. And he brought his local rugby club mates along. The rowdies were given some instructions in the car park about being rude and yobbish. Problem solved !!!


56 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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MDMA . said:
the person doing this knows right from wrong. I'm bored of the upbringing excuse. how long will people keep using this ? until the end of time ? if you want to do better in life, you have got to do it yourself. moral compass springs to mind.
Personal responsibility, absolutely. But if there are no real consequences for your actions then there is a limited deterrent, especially when the morals are out of the window already?


11,102 posts

183 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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Catch. Retribution. Educate.


422 posts

180 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
I think that our rejection of cruel and unusual punishment is one of the big things that make us a civilized society a cut above the likes of Saudi Arabia.
Does the fact that lowlife scum can walk nonchalantly down our streets, threatening us and damaging our property with impunity make this country a more civilised place to live than a country where that isn't the case? I'm not so sure.

I think it would be healthy for a lot of people (not saying necessarily you personally) to have a long hard think about their smug presumption that our current liberal approach to crime and punishment is really a good thing. Remember, it's usually the poorest people who are stuck living among concentrations of lowlife like this.

On the other hand wink, do I want to live in Saudi Arabia? No.


705 posts

171 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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Sterilisation, but they should also be made to replace all the tyres they damaged, and physically do it in a workshop ( supervised of course ). A 6 month sentence of being the dogsbody at a kwik fit would teach him (them?) a lesson about money. Cretins


15,966 posts

120 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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incase anyone calls the above fake.



56 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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I genuinely think grabbing him round the throat, or even push him to the ground and kneel on his chest, telling him you've seen him and his 2 little bumchum mates on camera stabbing the tyres, everyone in the street knows it's him, and if you see him even look at your car again you'll punch him so fking hard his eyes will fall out, would be a good option. It's the only thing he would understand, and more importantly, would take seriously. He can go running to the police, but you've got a video of him slashing tyres...

(It's not about being an internet badass etc, but as said, he will not take a visit and an apologetic slap on the wrists from Plod very seriously at all.)

Don't give him a cuddle and £50 and tell him it's OK, it's just a byproduct of our society, so really, slashed tyres is all of our faults etc.


3,138 posts

222 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
boz1 said:
Does the fact that lowlife scum can walk nonchalantly down our streets, threatening us and damaging our property with impunity make this country a more civilised place to live than a country where that isn't the case? I'm not so sure.
You may think differently, but having some loosers walking "nonchalantly" is more civilized than hundreds of public executions.
What's a looser and just out of interest, do you consider wars and killing animals for food, civilized?

This country excelled at torture and the death penalty, then it got all pussy whipped and liberal. Then scrotes walk around like they own the place with ZERO fear of punishment. Bring back the medieval torture racks I say.

Animals deal with their runts quite effectively, by either killing them or abandoning them to be picked off by other animals. Shame worthless humans aren't subjected to the same fate.


56 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
MDMA . said:
the person doing this knows right from wrong. I'm bored of the upbringing excuse. how long will people keep using this ? until the end of time ? if you want to do better in life, you have got to do it yourself. moral compass springs to mind.
You may be bored...but a bad upbringing and violence as a child does tend to increase the chance of criminality in later life.

You can ignor it, or come up with a piratical way of addressing it.
So, you'd have this kid in your house, to mentor him?

The practical way of addressing this is through education and consequence. Going back a few years some bottom feeder put a knife to the side of two of my tyres. It cost half a day out of the office, a few hundred quid and shed load of inconvenience. Imagine if those cars belong to a single parent, a mother, with another child out of school. If this was on a school day what happens then, maybe she's broke to add to the misery.

All these problems, because this piece of garbage decides it's a bit of a laugh. No.

In my day when the Police were mentioned it was time to worry. The thought of going to court or any kind of record turned me cold. I wanted a job, I wanted to go to Uni. In fact I was more scared of what my father might do, the Police probably would've been the soft option. Anyway. The point is we are treating kids like adults, reasoning with them when they are unreasonable. Society is scared of discipline, everything is PC, this is the result. Kids walk around with tags like badges of honour, laugh at authority and pull knives at the first sign of trouble, what a great world we're creating?

I hope it never happens to you but if and when it does perhaps you can report back on your feelings? I'd be fascinated to know how you'd address the problem actually.


56 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
Or in a pragmatic way we could work out what is the best way to stop them doing this in the future, I suspect…”giving them a good lashing” is pretty low down the list of effective measures.

It depends on what you think the criminal system should be for. If you think it should be for revenge and punishment then corporal punishment and lengthy prison stints probably make sense to you. If you think its aim should be to reduce criminality then rehabilitation and addressing problems before crime happens would be the focus.
The criminal justice system should be both a deterrent and rehabilitation. What 'makes sense to me' is a society that doesn't allow anti-social behavior to impact on others and there to be robust punishments in place to deter people.


40,882 posts

192 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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SuperchargedVR6 said:
Animals deal with their runts quite effectively, by either killing them or abandoning them to be picked off by other animals. Shame worthless humans aren't subjected to the same fate.
so Sharia law this way please?


56 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
Donald Trump ...is that you?

When you start suggesting bringing back medieval torture as punishment for petty vandalism I suggest we will probably never find much common ground.
You haven't suggested much yourself?


3,016 posts

158 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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OpulentBob said:
Are you like 12 or something? confused


5,776 posts

206 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
So the agreed punishment for a few hundred quids of damage is torture and eventual murder?
This, either a lot of keyboard warriors are on here these days or a bunch of raving lunatics. If caught, he should be made to replace all the tyres he slashed and compensate people for the inconvenience and given community service in the area he vandalised, if he fails to comply with any of this, prison should be the next step.

But then this is PH where damage to cars matters more than human life smile Not condoning his actions by the way, he's clearly a tt, just saying there is a more reasonable punishment than that put forward by some on here.


422 posts

180 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
having some loosers walking "nonchalantly" is more civilized than hundreds of public executions.
I'm interested in why you think that, because you don't explain it. I infer that you think it's obvious that one is better than the other, but you're clearly making some kind of morally relative trade-off.

I think your assumption should be wide open to debate among reasonable people.

A few questions:
1. Does the existence of the death penalty automatically make a country less civilised than ours? The USA executes quite a number of people; does this automatically make it a less civilised country than ours (ignoring other differences)?

2. Or is it some particular characteristic of the executions that matters? Is it the fact that they are public? Or is it the number of executions? Or perhaps is it the specific crimes for which they are the punishment?

and, most importantly:
3. How do you take into account (or assign some relative 'value' to), the abject misery of hundreds of thousands of people living in deprived areas who have to put up with incessant antisocial behaviour, vandalism and petty (and not so petty) crime, and abuse and threats when they walk the streets? People, often poor, who feel unsafe and trapped in their own homes and enjoy very little quality of life because their existence is blighted by a minority that they have the misfortune to live alongside.

If some tougher criminal justice could ameliorate the lives of many people (and I don't really want to open the debate as to whether it would), would you confidently say that change would make us a less 'civilised' country, so we shouldn't do it?


32,278 posts

202 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
So the agreed punishment for a few hundred quids of damage is torture and eventual murder?
That creature is an obvious hopeless case who'll never become human & join society, so yes it's the correct punishment.


3,695 posts

193 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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currybum said:
SuperchargedVR6 said:
This country excelled at torture and the death penalty, then it got all pussy whipped and liberal. Then scrotes walk around like they own the place with ZERO fear of punishment. Bring back the medieval torture racks I say.

Animals deal with their runts quite effectively, by either killing them or abandoning them to be picked off by other animals. Shame worthless humans aren't subjected to the same fate.
Donald Trump ...is that you?

When you start suggesting bringing back medieval torture as punishment for petty vandalism I suggest we will probably never find much common ground.
"Crucifixion" for car theft in Belfast.



10,923 posts

190 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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DavidJG said:
May I also suggest something else - perhaps the parents should also be held accountable?

Unless this scrote is mentally ill then bad parenting has played a significant part in forming his behaviour. Corporal punishment isn't necessary to raise a child well, such that the child becomes a responsible adult.

Maybe if parents were held accountable for the behaviour of their offspring, they might spend less time watching ste TV, subjecting their offspring to yet more ste TV and instead spend their time raising the kids properly??
I think there is a lot in this. When I was a kid, I absolutely knew you just don't go around damaging other people's stuff, and that if I did do anything so retarded, there would be consequences.

Maybe parents minds would be focused if their flatscreens were sold to help pay for the damage?


1,640 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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Got to weigh in for the liberal side here.

My wife used to teach in a grim school in Blackpool, every kind of social problem you can imagine, grooming, drugs, domestic violence etc.

When you're brought up in an environment like that, where nobody wants you in the house, you're lucky if you have a bed to sleep on, is it a surprise these kids don't have a good 'moral compass'? When would they have had that demonstrated to them by someone who matters to them?

That there are no consequences to offenders for actions like this is obviously wrong. However, the root causes should be addressed, and euthanising the underclass doesn't really seem like an acceptable way.


Original Poster:

1,042 posts

102 months

Wednesday 10th February 2016
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The guy doing the stabbing is 18 years old so old enough to know better.

I'm pretty sure he's probably the same scumbag that keyed mine and a lot of my neighbours cars about a year ago. I never fixed that but if I had he would have cost me close to a grand personally.

It's tough knowing that he might get away with it. I've asked police to keep my updated. If I don't get justice I know where the scrote bag lives and everything now. Even followed him around for a bit the other day without him even noticing.