Ever been chased by a crazed road rage driver?

Ever been chased by a crazed road rage driver?


V8 Disco

474 posts

209 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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ben_h100 said:
Maybe it's because he didn't like the fact one of his peers (agewise) was driving something worth ten times his car and he was jealous, I don't know.
I doubt it, probably just one of the millions of inconsiderate, rude, angry and violent muppets that seem to be out there these days.


Original Poster:

7,248 posts

224 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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rottie102 said:
To all the "men" whinging in this thread -
As mr T says:

and stand up to bullies. Otherwise they will keep doing it if all you can do is run away with tail between your legs and complain on the net later smile .
Most of them are cowards and will back down as soon as confronted.

Edited by rottie102 on Saturday 26th June 10:33
Sorry, but WTF?!?

Not all of us want confrontations and to be threatened with violence. All this talk of "let's sort this out like men!" crap does my fking head in. "Like men?" Is that what "Men" should do???? Fight to prove who is the bigger man? Or is it just all down to talk? We're not animals fighting each other for territory or the fairer sex, we're supposed to be a civilised society. If someone cuts me up or makes a mistake whilst driving I will usually look at them in the eye from my car and wait for some sort of acknowledgement of their mistake, if they wave sorry, then great, I'll acknowledge it, if not I'm not going to ask them for a fight FFS. I've got much more important things to worry about. I simply don't even give it a second thought, at all. The thought of revenge or letting them know they've inconvenienced me somehow wouldn't even cross my mind.

And to say "Most of them are cowards and will back down as soon as confronted' is all good and well, but what was I supposed to do? Stop, pull over and find out exactly why he tried so damn hard to get me to pull over? I doubt it was for a nice friendly chat was it? I have no weapons as such in my car, I don't care for a broken nose, I've never been in a fight and don't plan on getting in one either. If most of them will back down, then surely there's a percentage that will pull a knife or have a good punch or enjoy keying or denting (cracking fibreglass) cars. I would rather not sodding well find out thanks!!!!!!!!!! I aint gonna be the one to "Teach him a lesson". I have much more important things to worry about. smile

Rant over.

Edited by danyeates on Saturday 26th June 17:12

i remember

3,296 posts

188 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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Carry a gun, wave it about a bit and he wont be doing it again.


22,096 posts

228 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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I am hopeless at this sort of confrontation. I have therefore formulated a plan should I ever find myself in this unpleasant situation.

If followed, by someone whose immediate plans seem to involve a firm punch to my nose, I will simply drive to the nearest police station.


Original Poster:

7,248 posts

224 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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ben_h100 said:
Maybe it's because he didn't like the fact one of his peers (agewise) was driving something worth ten times his car and he was jealous, I don't know.
Possibly, I know the people on my street haven't been that inviting since my girlfriend and I moved into our house. A few of them are council houses and our house is probably the nicest on the street, with the nicest car, and we're certainly the youngest by a long way, so kind of get used to the jealousy. One of them is really friendly, but seems to mope about not having a job to me, then comment on how often we go on holiday. In a kind of friendly way, but I know he kind of resents me for it. Not very nice jealousy, kind of feel like outsiders!

Someone once said to me, always buy the worst house in the nicest area, not vice versa, or something along those lines, quite good advice strangely enough. Anyway I've wondered off topic somewhat.


2,284 posts

219 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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MoonMonkey said:
DaveL485 said:
Second- I was in a short stretch of dual carraigeway coming into Minworth nr Birmingham, overtaking slow traffic and this prelude is *right* up my arse flashing like mad. Arrogant tosser. So I stayed in the outside lane, we were already over the speed limit too. He skips to the inside and tries to undertake, which I detest, so (I know I shouldnt) I jinked to the left. Not much, but enough. The guy panicked and locked up before realising I was just warning him off. However, Here's me chuckling to myself when he overtakes on a blind corner of a now single lane road and tries to pull me up. I outbrake him and overtake, he repeats and nearly stopped me this time, I had to reverse and pull around by which time he's out of his car coming for me. Granted, when I passed him the thump with the wing mirror wasnt necessary but the THUD was immensely satisfying. He chases me again and is hanging out his window screaming and waving, and then starts throwing his LUNCH at me rofl I had an orange and a banana bounce off my bonnet. In the end I just jinked off an exit which he couldnt make before carrying on to work. The fruit thing still makes me laugh now.
Saying that though, he was a black dude and fairly hefty. I was probably a few seconds from a bloody good kicking
Hmmmm. Am I the only one to think you come across as a bit ttful behind the wheel..?? So the other guy has anger mgt problems but why the fk didn't you just pull over and let the bellend pass ffs..??
Nope, you're not the only one...

The guy obviously had a screw loose. Why anyone would want to provoke him further is beyond me. confused

The Riddler

6,565 posts

199 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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omgus said:
The Riddler said:
omgus said:
hehe ^^^^

This is going to be like cadence clutching and the 335d joke soon though.
No it isnt. It's st, and damaging other peoples property, especially their p&j isn't something most true petrol heads would laugh and joke about. Where as the two things you've said were quite amusing, at the time.
Alright grumpy, i meant that it will be referenced everytime anyone has a chance to get it in. I have already seen it on several different threads, and most of them have made me smile, there is a difference between finding the reference to an act reported in a thread funny, and finding the act itself funny.
And there is a difference between using it on every single unrelated thread in the hope it will get you a 'lol' or a 'rofl' and using it with good timing, on a thread where it will actually be funny. Most memes get over used, by people purely wanting to boost their post count, for people to add their 'rofl' and '+1' and boost theirs too.

To sum it up, its wky and not funny.


1,546 posts

181 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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danyeates said:
ben_h100 said:
Maybe it's because he didn't like the fact one of his peers (agewise) was driving something worth ten times his car and he was jealous, I don't know.
Possibly, I know the people on my street haven't been that inviting since my girlfriend and I moved into our house. A few of them are council houses and our house is probably the nicest on the street, with the nicest car, and we're certainly the youngest by a long way, so kind of get used to the jealousy. One of them is really friendly, but seems to mope about not having a job to me, then comment on how often we go on holiday. In a kind of friendly way, but I know he kind of resents me for it. Not very nice jealousy, kind of feel like outsiders!

Someone once said to me, always buy the worst house in the nicest area, not vice versa, or something along those lines, quite good advice strangely enough. Anyway I've wondered off topic somewhat.
Agree with you there. I don't live in my hometown anymore as I've moved away with work, however my parents live here so I like to visit. Seems to be full of Mr Big Fishes in a small pond - pondlife actually..!


6,429 posts

192 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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I had it once in my Legnum.
Following some old guy through a 30, doing 15mph on my speedo, there was nothing you can do but sorta sit up their arse a bit as you need to keep moving, otherwise I would of been stop start, end of the 30 was NSL, straight bit of road, nothing coming, indicated pulled out and booted it.

Apparently this was not the correct thing to do in a high powered car, because when the old boy realises you are about to overtake, and then attempts to swerve out and side swipe you but instead almost hits a bush as you have already overtaken and pulled back in by the time he has swerved out.

Came back into a 30mph zone, so I sat at 30mph, the old boy caught up, flashing his lights, sitting up my arse, horn on and throwing me all sorts of gestures, he kept up my arse through the town, I though to myself "I wonder if he is going to follow me" so I turned left at the next junction, he followed, I turned left again, he followed, turned left at the end of the road he followed, and left again, he followed, I had gone around the block, and he was now looking for places to overtake on a one way system.

Then my cunning plan arose, I headed straight on at a roundabout and onto one of my favourite roads, 30mph through the 30, still sat up my arse, hit the NSL I booted it, got around the first few bends fairly quickly, and quickly dived right into an old disused road, which you can only see if you are coming the other way, old boy drove past, trying to be quick in his Focus, he got around the bend out of sight and I reversed out, turned back onto the road, and then headed back after him.

Sat a safe distance behind him, waving and smiling at him, he then panicked as his plan had backfired, I followed him for around 45 minutes, was fricking hilarious to watch his driving, slamming the anchors to try and get me to run into the back of him, even though I was at a distance where it wouldn't actually effect me in anyway shape or form. Then I got bored, and just booted it past him, giving him the bird.

What I should of done was thrown a can of Red Bull at him, some people are just head cases, but if you can out wit them and get behind them, the results most of the time are hilarious.

Also had someone follow me in my Landy, I drove up the mountain on the road, and there was a guy parked up in the car park, which gave me that impression that I didn't want to be there, only going up to walk the dog, so I turned around and parked in the bottom car park, and the guy drove down the road and stopped 100 feet away from where I now decided to park, about to get out, and though, I will move again and see what happens, Landies get nicked left right and center, on my own with the dog, wasn't comfortable about this guy.

So I moved to a pull in further down the road, and he rolled forward again, fk this, it was getting dark, I decided to leave, car followed me again, keeping 100 foot distance, knowing the lanes well, and them only being single track I got my foot down a bit in the safe areas, and pulled out a good gap, round some tight corners I drove down another disused path, handbrake on, lights off, he drove past, reversed out, after a few minutes, he had stopped down the bottom of the hill looking for me, so I trundled down behind him.

Very bad move on his behalf though, lowered Audi A4 on 17s coupled with a road that was more suited to the landy, 75% of the potholes he went over produced a loud bang and a scrape, and he lost his splitter on the bumper, funny to see him panic though, when the pursuer becomes the pursuee.


1,564 posts

193 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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The Riddler said:
omgus said:
hehe ^^^^

This is going to be like cadence clutching and the 335d joke soon though.
No it isnt. It's st, and damaging other peoples property, especially their p&j isn't something most true petrol heads would laugh and joke about. Where as the two things you've said were quite amusing, at the time.
I always thought the dodo juice story would have gained 335d proportions. Epic thread.

For those who have not seen it, see below. At first will not make much sense but follow the related links. Face-palm at it's very best.



20 posts

169 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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There really are alot of jackasses on the road and you have got to be careful, my girlfriend was driving me and her home in her small engine fiesta. Some t**t in a seat leon decides to stick to her rear bumper for ages trying to push her to go faster, come to a short dual carriageway and instead of just going past he drives along side us and eventually swerves to ram us just missing her front quarter. Now i know not everyone likes to solve things in an aggressive manner and some people take it too far ( i.e the guy mentioning a gun, i'm sorry but thats the most stupid suggestion going) but if i ever see this driver around in the words of Mr T he'll 'Meet my friend pain!!!'


2,911 posts

206 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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June 27th 1986, 1 day after I passed my test, im out cruising in my parents Nissan micra, 3 mates in car, we are kings of the world, lol.

Go to a party at the welding institute nr cambridge, cut entrance a bit night, miss front of another car by mm, how only god knows, so roar off up the road towards the old A11, with matey in hot pursuit.

Get to a T junction onto the A11, stop, wait for gap, matey pulls up behind me, jumps out, runs to window, leans in, hits me resulting in broken nose,cut eyebrow and broken tooth.

I always wonder how the hell i managed to just sit there with foot on clutch peddle the whole time, if id let go id have gone out into the main A11, with matey hanging out of side window.

After he was done I just drove to addenbrookes A&E for rest of night.

God I was knob back then, some might say I still am, bless.


745 posts

234 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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I've been chased a few times, but the two most notable to me both started similarly.

The first was when I was on my way to a friends house, which involved going along a local dual carriageway which is seperated by roundabouts. I was travelling in the left lane, at the 70 (at the time) limit which to some people might seem fast as it's a short section. I'm approacing the roundabout in the left lane, intending to turn left, there are twin queues of about 3 cars waiting at the roundabout, and just ahead of me in the right hand lane is a Vectra, doing about 50.

Because of the initial speed differential (we are both slowing at this point), I catch him and roll alongside, at which point he suddenly veers to the right hand side of his lane and brakes sharply. I thought it seemed weird, but carried on up to the traffic and came to a near standstill. All of a sudden I hear tyre squeal and the Vectra is alongside me, with the driver screaming at me about how he was moving left, halfway into my lane and my undertake had nearly killed him. I said sorry, but he wasn't indicating and hadn't left his lane, it was also a short section with no other cars so why was he in that lane to begin with? His response was to get out the car with a bat and start coming for me!

The traffic ahead of me hadn't quite cleared but there is grass and pavement alongside the roundabout so I hopped onto there, round the traffic and down towards the village. I thought I had lost him but in another queue of traffic at a mini roundabout, he appeared two cars behind me, and jumped out again with his bat. Bizarrely, I had recently read on this very forum that police drivers sometimes drive up to mini roundabouts on the offside, stop and give a single beep with the horn, which seems to stun the drivers and give them a chance to get across. It seemed like my only plan, so I scurried off up the right hand side, beeped the horn and a path cleared! I raced off and rang my friend, telling him to be outside when I got there, with whatever weapons he could lay his hands on. When I got there and pulled in, he met me with his Dad, two golf clubs and a shotgun! When the crazed Vectra driver arrived, he slowed to a crawl, shouted at me once and then drove off like a normal person.

My second incident was when I was turning right at the very same roundabout I met the Vectra driver, but trying to head in the other direction. There are three lanes onto the roundabout there, which appear from a single carriageway. I was driving my Boxster with the roof down and the music up.

I was indicating right, with another car in the middle lane not indicating at all. I saw that a good gap was approaching and ended up pulling onto the roundabout just behind and to the right of this other car (I forget the model), which was looking to go straight over.

Because it was nice and warm, and I was wanting to enjoy myself, I picked up some speed and went round the inside of the other car (which still appeared to be going straight on), but as I got alongside, he turned quite sharply into the roundabout, causing me to tighten my line and brake a bit, causing the tiniest squeal from the tyres. The other driver pulled back to his lane, but carried on to the third exit (my exit) a little ahead of me.

Once onto the dual carriageway, he stayed on the left so I accelerated past him, he flashed his lights and I waved, thinking that he was apologising for straying out of lane and my having to take avoiding action. However, this was not his intention! He was angry at me for trying to overtake on the roundabout, and gave chase along the dual carriageway, and along the following section of motorway. As I was not in the habit of driving the Boxster slowly, I didn't actually notice he was chasing me, I was just cruising at about 1 to 1.1 leptons.

I came off at the next junction, and stopped behind some cars at the traffic lights, I was (I am afraid to say), singing, when I was punched in the head from someone standing to my right. Who then proceeded to reach into the car, take the keys and throw them into the trees lining the junction. He then hit me a couple more times, cutting his hand on the wind deflector in the process. He shouted that people like me were the reason his girlfriend was in hospital, got back in his car and drove off.

I called the police with his registration, even got a witness who was too scared to drive away herself! My car was blocking half the junction and had no keys so I thought the police would show up quickly to help. However they didn't turn up at all, and it was nearly 30 minutes before I found the keys (aided by my wife who drove up from home and parked behind me in the junction to help!).

The police did follow up eventually, they went round to the blokes girlfriends house and she said he was driving at the time. He got given a caution and I was told taking it any further would just mean I had to take a day off work, and he wouldn't get any more than that anyway.

Sorry for rambling!


15,241 posts

217 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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Yes. Some nutter thought it a good idea to follow me when i was 17 & overtake me at any opportunity & then slam on his brakes. I swerved around him everytime & proceeded to approach the police station because after approx 5 mins of this, i was scared. Ufortunatley for him we both came to a set of red traffic lights & the next thing i knew my door was open & punches raining down on me! I was dragged out of my car but was quick enough to slam my foot as hard as i could in his nut sack, he went down screaming & i drove off. To this day ( i am now 34 ) still have no idea what his problem was.

Come to think about it, the guy who did this to me was in a black mk 1 golf gti with blacked out windows! Must be a golf thing!

Edited by boobles on Saturday 26th June 21:44


Original Poster:

7,248 posts

224 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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MaximumJed said:
Sorry for rambling!
Not at all, quite an interesting read.

I did actually laugh out loud when your friend met you on the side of the road with a shotgun! rofl


574 posts

172 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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Easy to be a hero on the internet.

Last year I went to a Portsmouth v Rangers pre-season friendly with my daughter. Nice summer's day in the Boxster, roof down.

Leaving the ground I had to make a fairly swift exit from a side road onto a dual carriageway. Was never within 50 feet of another car, but one of my fellow Glaswegians in a following car took offence (to the car maybe?) and started to give us dog's abuse when we slowed down at the next set of lights.

I was a bit concerned: suddenly I felt very vulnerable in an open car, and then my daughter decided to turn round and give them the Agincourt sign. I think she thought we were going to lose them, but the road ahead was nose to tail.

I'm not ashamed to say I took the pragmatic way out and took the next side road I could find and kept a good look in the mirror.

No point getting a kicking/stabbing if you can avoid it.


2,256 posts

203 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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Got chased in my RX8 about 12 months ago.

Was just minding my own business, working the wankel through some twisties. Came out of them and into a village, 4 young males appeared behind my car and tailgate me (me sticking to the limit as it was a village) we then get to the NSL and obviously I floored it off as it was now safe to do so.

As I went to floor it off, I saw them on my right (trying to overtake) in the wrong lane, no problem I thought I won't hold them up as they only in a Vectra. Completely loose them through the twisties and thought nothing of it. 5 minutes and 10 miles later down the road I had parked up and was takling to my mate on his drive. These nutters re appeared and pulled over, all frothing at the mouth shouting various obsceneties.

I asked what the problem was, their reply? "Just cuz you got a fast car you think you're hard innit" to which I laughed and said no to. The one that had a maglight type torch and was geting closer


7,487 posts

196 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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pits said:
I had it once in my Legnum.




Original Poster:

7,248 posts

224 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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Ry_B said:
Got chased in my RX8 about 12 months ago.

Was just minding my own business, working the wankel through some twisties. Came out of them and into a village, 4 young males appeared behind my car and tailgate me (me sticking to the limit as it was a village) we then get to the NSL and obviously I floored it off as it was now safe to do so.

As I went to floor it off, I saw them on my right (trying to overtake) in the wrong lane, no problem I thought I won't hold them up as they only in a Vectra. Completely loose them through the twisties and thought nothing of it. 5 minutes and 10 miles later down the road I had parked up and was takling to my mate on his drive. These nutters re appeared and pulled over, all frothing at the mouth shouting various obsceneties.

I asked what the problem was, their reply? "Just cuz you got a fast car you think you're hard innit" to which I laughed and said no to. The one that had a maglight type torch and was geting closer
Is there an end to this story?! rofl

Edited by danyeates on Saturday 26th June 23:01


7,487 posts

196 months

Saturday 26th June 2010
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danyeates said:
Ry_B said:
Got chased in my RX8 about 12 months ago.

Was just minding my own business, working the wankel through some twisties. Came out of them and into a village, 4 young males appeared behind my car and tailgate me (me sticking to the limit as it was a village) we then get to the NSL and obviously I floored it off as it was now safe to do so.

As I went to floor it off, I saw them on my right (trying to overtake) in the wrong lane, no problem I thought I won't hold them up as they only in a Vectra. Completely loose them through the twisties and thought nothing of it. 5 minutes and 10 miles later down the road I had parked up and was takling to my mate on his drive. These nutters re appeared and pulled over, all frothing at the mouth shouting various obsceneties.

I asked what the problem was, their reply? "Just cuz you got a fast car you think you're hard innit" to which I laughed and said no to. The one that had a maglight type torch and was geting closer
Is there an end to this story?! rofl

Edited by danyeates on Saturday 26th June 23:01
I'll go with either laptop battery dying, or memory loss from the beating by the guys in the vectra....