One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 2

One single thing that makes you think "knob" Vol 2



5,340 posts

254 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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Are we allowed to confess that we may have done something a bit knobish but theres a BUT in it too?


18,120 posts

129 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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stitchface said:
The suicidal passat-driving who tried to overtake me just now on my way home from work.

I was doing just over the 50 limit when y bks decides he just has to get home to his microwave dinner for one quicker than I am allowing him. OK I think, just wait for that oncoming van to pass and you can get past me safely if you're nippy. But no, that's not good enough, he wants to go now!

Which is fine, if he had a warp drive or some sort of rocket-assisted take-off apparatus. But he didn't. He's got a fking 2 litre diesel.

And so, as his headlights reach roughly my elbow the three of us realise that actually, this isn't going to end so well.

I slam on; the van slams on; rep boy slams on. We all stop safely, luckily.

The prick then proceeds to follow me too closely for a few more miles (although interestingly there was one stop at a traffic light where the chickenst left ~30m gap between us) before flashing ME as I take my turning.

Why didn't you put the hammer down as soon as it became clear that matey boy would have to brake and come in behind you? I've had this once before and, admittedly, the decision to accelerate is a bit counter-intuitive, because it feels like blocking the overtake; but once it is clear that he cannot get passed, getting out of his way by going forward is the best idea.

Lost soul

8,712 posts

184 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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AlexRS2782 said:
The 2 bellends from Enterprise Car Hire that I had the pleasure of finding on the road when i was out this afternoon in Camberley. Essentially the 2 fktards were racing each other in a pair of 64 reg Astras, one white, one black. I'm assuming they were in the process of going back to their local car hire location, or delivering one of the cars to an unsuspecting customer.

Either way their exploits included:

The driver of the white car nearly rear ending a learner driver who was already on the Ravenswood r/bout as he entered the r/bout far too quickly.

Attempting to drag race his friend in the black Astra up the Crawley Hill which resulted in the one in the white car nearly going head first into a Megane that was coming down the hill towards them. Had it not been for the lady in the Megane slamming on the brakes when she did they would have hit head on.

Shortly after the one in the white car nearly ran over a mother with pushchair who was crossing the road near the Park Road Doctors surgery.

To top it off both of them must have pushed 50+ in a 30 zone heading through the back roads of Camberley towards the A30 as I couldn't keep up with them.

Shame I don't have a dashcam in the 205 as otherwise that footage would have come in useful. Either way both reg plates have now been reported to local policing who say they will follow up smile
Sounds like you were in on the race and driving just as fast inappropriately as them


6,874 posts

210 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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People who can't even get lazy right.

For example, mini-cab drivers who double park when there's an empty space (usually more than one so plenty of room) right by the kerb that they could pull into which is actually closer to the front door.

Luckily if it's late at night or early morning they pip the horn anyway, 'cos cab horns can only be heard by the customer can't they.


1,265 posts

121 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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ORD said:
stitchface said:
The suicidal passat-driving who tried to overtake me just now on my way home from work.

I was doing just over the 50 limit when y bks decides he just has to get home to his microwave dinner for one quicker than I am allowing him. OK I think, just wait for that oncoming van to pass and you can get past me safely if you're nippy. But no, that's not good enough, he wants to go now!

Which is fine, if he had a warp drive or some sort of rocket-assisted take-off apparatus. But he didn't. He's got a fking 2 litre diesel.

And so, as his headlights reach roughly my elbow the three of us realise that actually, this isn't going to end so well.

I slam on; the van slams on; rep boy slams on. We all stop safely, luckily.

The prick then proceeds to follow me too closely for a few more miles (although interestingly there was one stop at a traffic light where the chickenst left ~30m gap between us) before flashing ME as I take my turning.

Why didn't you put the hammer down as soon as it became clear that matey boy would have to brake and come in behind you? I've had this once before and, admittedly, the decision to accelerate is a bit counter-intuitive, because it feels like blocking the overtake; but once it is clear that he cannot get passed, getting out of his way by going forward is the best idea.
Probably because he was in a panic situation. He was also just cruising along at 50 whilst likely paying attention probably wasn't alert to the type of situation he describes. On a motorway travelling at higher speeds someone may consider other situation avoiding options.

At the end of the day it was the Passat driver who thought he could complete an impossible overtake. So even if the OP chose to take no avoiding action to help him out, the Passat driver would still shoulder 100% of the blame. Why didn't you do this? Why didn't you do that? He doesn't know either, but you weren't in that situation were you?

BTW the way stitchface clearly has massive amount of restraint as I would probably be out if we stopped at a junction after and giving the Passat guy what for after pulling that st.

Edited by Swanny87 on Thursday 23 October 10:53

Edited by Swanny87 on Thursday 23 October 10:54


1,629 posts

179 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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ORD said:
Why didn't you put the hammer down as soon as it became clear that matey boy would have to brake and come in behind you? I've had this once before and, admittedly, the decision to accelerate is a bit counter-intuitive, because it feels like blocking the overtake; but once it is clear that he cannot get passed, getting out of his way by going forward is the best idea.
This is a difficult one, there's always the "mirror dance" between person A slowing to let person B complete the overtake, when B also slows because he finally realises he can't make it, so person A then speeds up to let the slowing B pull in behind, but B's seen A slowing, and decided he can complete the move after all and is now accelerating too... etc. I've ended up stationary at the end of a slip road with someone because of this once (years ago) and I just stick with it now.


694 posts

248 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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Lost soul said:
Sounds like you were in on the race and driving just as fast inappropriately as them
and the real reason he's ranting is because he couldn't keep up wink


7,289 posts

120 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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The 'Miss Piggy' NHS nurse in her Peugeot 107 at McDonalds today..

Now I usually avoid the place, but as I had to pop up to the retail park at lunch, I decided to fill the car up then grab a coffee (Maccies brew isn't bad).

She's sat behind me in the Drive-Thru, phone between her ear and shoulder, fag in mouth, rummaging around for change.. I keep glancing back as I'm paranoid she's gonna bump me..

I leave the Drive-Thru (a notably tightly-kerbed one that had me wincing as I drove the Mini out - still getting used to the proportions and super low profile tyres wouldn't hold up well against a 6" kerb!)

I reverse into a pitch, make sure I'm neat and turn the car off..

I watch her juggle her supersize meal, fag, phone and change as she pulled away from the window, hopped over the kerb, and parked opposite me, perfectly 50/50 across 2 of the 'wait for your order' picthes.. Even though she had her order...

I wish I'd got a photo but she was looking right at me most of the time.. She managed to eat her emal before I finished my small coffee.. Lights up another fag, still on the phone, and drives out, the wrong way! as it's a one-way system car park because it's so tight..

If her driving etiquette is any indication of the quality of whatever type of nursing she does, I'd want to steer well clear!!


117 posts

123 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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ORD said:
Why didn't you put the hammer down as soon as it became clear that matey boy would have to brake and come in behind you? I've had this once before and, admittedly, the decision to accelerate is a bit counter-intuitive, because it feels like blocking the overtake; but once it is clear that he cannot get passed, getting out of his way by going forward is the best idea.
It's a fair point, but I was already off the throttle and covering the brake. Changing down and going for it wasn't an option by the time I realised he was actually going through with it.

As for 'having a word' the idea did cross my mind, but he held waaaayyyy back at the lights and I was in still in uniform, which wouldn't go well for me if reported.


1,261 posts

131 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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..................I perfectly reasonably flash my lights to let him know I'm there, as he's just pulled out on me with about three car lengths of space and by this point a fair closing speed as I'd actually looked ahead going into the roundabout and carried some speed and also I'd appreciate if he can make it quick, he brake checks me.

I absolutely love it when they do this, as I can then nip around them on the inside like a cat up a tree, the numpties are still baraking as I pass them. Somehow doubt it is legal but all I am doing is avoiding an potential accident so I'm good with it.

This really winds up the 'I'm going to block you' Muppets biggrin


40,896 posts

192 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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mrf said:
seems to be an odd upsurge in utterly crap / driving under the influence of late....
that's because all the emphasis is on speeding with cams for everything....


3,382 posts

168 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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Happily driving along the dual carriageway and there is one of those tiny little Peugeot things that look like a shoe. Driver is a knob, refuses to get into the left lane but is a good 5 miles under the speed limit, then speeds up, slows down etc so I sit in the inside lane and let her get on with it. I spotted the Police van up in front, she didn't. She cut across me into my lane, I dropped back as I didn't trust her. There is an exit coming up and all traffic is slow and by now she's level with the Police van. She's spotted the van and is so panicked she forgets her exit. She slams on the anchors and slowly turns across the hatching cutting up another couple of cars who are already in that lane and causing everything to stop.
Police van winds down window quickly, starts waving and shouting at her 'WHAT THE fkING HELL ARE YOU DOING!?'. It was most amusing.


8,074 posts

215 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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Lost soul said:
Sounds like you were in on the race and driving just as fast inappropriately as them
Am I due a Parrot here, but how have you come to that assumption?

rich_b said:
and the real reason he's ranting is because he couldn't keep up wink
Again, am I due a Parrot, or if serious, why would I report their driving to the Police if I was doing the same?

For clarity, and I'm not sure why I feel the need to explain this, they started out in the left lane of a r/bout i was turning right at, so in the wrong lane to begin with, which is where they went past me and in his attempts to stick with his friend one of them nearly hit the learner driver as they flew onto the r/bout.

They got slowed down by another car that was turning right further around the r/bout, which is where I caught up and then shortly after got to witness them attempting to drag race up a hill. The hill is rather steep so it wasn't surprising that's why one couldn't overtake the other on the wrong side of the road. The car coming down the hill is what slowed them up again briefly.

Nearly running over the woman with the pushchair was shortly after they had finished their hill climb so I was still within a reasonable distance at 30mph to be able to witness what they were up to. After nearly running over the woman with pushchair, that is when they decided to speed up as road in front was clear. Seeing as I was still doing 30 they disappeared into the distance.

Having said that, and based on some recent posts / threads from other users on here, it would seem that sort of driving is actually perfectly acceptable in roads with a 30 limit, near houses, etc, so long as it's in respect of making progress, regardless of whether or not it's dangerous.

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Thursday 23 October 17:57


951 posts

157 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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Clio driver this morning with a seriously delayed fit of apopleptic rage.

Swerving about, flashing lights, indicating!! With noone near them. I'd passed about 3 seconds previously...

How did I set them off? Overtake. Good road positioning, clear signals in plenty of time. Under the speed limit at all times...


1,251 posts

128 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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I'd like to nominate the driver of the Astra estate driving along the A414 towards Hatfield this evening.

He joined in front of a Mini Cooper, which I was directly behind and proceeded to drive at about 35-40mph mph; the road is NSL dual-carriageway. When the driver of the Mini attempted to pass the Astra sped up, then swerved to the right, causing the Mini to nearly hit the barrier. He then straddled both lanes for a couple of hundred metres before turning off just before the A1M. confused

I have no idea what makes people do things like this as there could've been really nasty crash.frown


6,233 posts

193 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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To the retard wearing camouflage clothing riding his unlit push iron along an unlit country road at 6 am this morning you are a fecking idiot.

The car in front of me only saw him very last minute which was very understandable and had to brake and swerve quite sharply. Surprised I didn't see witness boards for a fatal crash on the way home. Darwinism at its best.


6,477 posts

183 months

Friday 24th October 2014
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Saw a bit of a knobbish artic driver this morning. On a two-lane roundabout, with two lanes on all entrances and exits. Traffic often does straight overs in both lanes, especially on the main route across the roundabout since there is a right turn lane immediately following the roundabout which is much easier to enter from lane two. I followed a small bus onto the roundabout in lane two, both of us intending to go straight over. As we were crossing the petrol tanker waiting in the left lane of the next entrance decided he would go straight over (presumably thinking we were doing a right). He then got very angry and honked the bus for cutting across him, I had to stop in the middle of the roundabout while he sorted himself out (seemed safer). Even had we been doing a right though, there's not really space to have a long vehicle like that alongside other traffic so he'd have most likely hit my car (or I'd have had to brake).

Unusual to see professional drivers (I don't count taxis in that, they all drive like bellends) behaving that poorly in my experience.


1,629 posts

179 months

Friday 24th October 2014
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Flibble said:
Unusual to see professional drivers (I don't count taxis in that, they all drive like bellends) behaving that poorly in my experience.
Whilst this is true, it is not unusual to see HGV drivers trying every trick in the book to conserve momentum (for obvious reasons but it still doesn't give them carte blanche to be a knob or do illegal stuff like run red lights)

Edited by masermartin on Monday 27th October 09:52

iva cosworth

44,044 posts

165 months

Friday 24th October 2014
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Woman in a Honda CRV who hooted me on a mini roundabout.

SHE was the one who wasn't using it properly by cutting across the RHS of it.


3,354 posts

159 months

Friday 24th October 2014
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This Honda driver, make sure to read the text underneath for extra urine removal.