Just witnessed the most bizarre argument in a Petrol Station

Just witnessed the most bizarre argument in a Petrol Station



8,110 posts

218 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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So many drivers are so flaming angry.

I was a kid in the seventies
Riding a yellow chopper bike
I remember I had a t shirt with 73 on it in 1973
Slade, Mud, glam rock in the charts
If there was a programme on one of the three stations on the TVs, showing what life would be like in fifty years, it would be that we'd all have jet packs, or helicopters

No one predicted just one very long line of traffic.

Biker's Nemesis

38,862 posts

210 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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stuttgartmetal said:
So many drivers are so flaming angry.

I was a kid in the seventies
Riding a yellow chopper bike
I remember I had a t shirt with 73 on it in 1973
Slade, Mud, glam rock in the charts
If there was a programme on one of the three stations on the TVs, showing what life would be like in fifty years, it would be that we'd all have jet packs, or helicopters

No one predicted just one very long line of traffic.
I had a Yellow Raleigh Chopper which I got Christmas 1975/6. I was the fixed handle bar version.


7,468 posts

215 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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poing said:
It's exactly this that makes me want to buy a dashcam but I'm worried about becoming one of the people on that thread! I sometimes suspect it's a very strong virus that gets injected at the factory and contaminates all the owners.
It's perfectly possible to resist the virus. If you have any sort of life at all, you simply won't find the time or inclination to take the SD card into the house and try and find that... nothing, really... which didn't even happen on the card, leave alone edit and post it.

I have saved and posted to Youtube 2 videos from my dashcam (using one for a couple of years now). One was a deliberate road rage running over that happened in front of me, the other is of my car breaking down at the weekend so I could show my mechanic exactly what happened. Neither are publicly listed on Youtube.


53,052 posts

257 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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stuttgartmetal said:
So many drivers are so flaming angry.

I was a kid in the seventies
Riding a yellow chopper bike
I remember I had a t shirt with 73 on it in 1973
Slade, Mud, glam rock in the charts
If there was a programme on one of the three stations on the TVs, showing what life would be like in fifty years, it would be that we'd all have jet packs, or helicopters

No one predicted just one very long line of traffic.
Posting style is strange,
But at times like poetry.
This is beautiful.


5,930 posts

265 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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Garth, that was a haiku...

My Chopper was purple with extra wide handlebars.

Saw a couple of guys having a stand up barney in Aldi car park earlier today, violence was threatened, all over some interaction which probably seemed worth coming to blows over at the time, someone was actually prepared to hit a stranger over an Aldi parking space.

Somebody is allowing these people to breed.


3,167 posts

132 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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There's a road I drive on most days going past Brands Hatch. The speed limit is 60mph, and there's a downhill stretch with a speed camera at the bottom of it.

Almost every day without fail the car I am following is doing roughly 60mph, and then brakes and slows to about 40mph past the camera.

If it's clear to do so (very long and wide bit of road) I usually overtake the car whilst continuing at 60mph.

The above happened about a year ago while following a new-shape Honda CR-V. The driver of the Honda (probably in his 30s) brakes to about 35mph past the camera, so I cruise past thinking nothing of it.

A few hundred yards down the road I see the CR-V in my mirror charging up behind me with lights flashing and lots of crazy arm movements from the driver. I just carried on driving and ignored him.

At the end of the road there is a roundabout followed by a dual-carriageway. He aggressively positioned himself to overtake me before we'd even exited the roundabout. His face when he couldn't quite make any progress on a smoky old diesel Peugeot was priceless!


Original Poster:

749 posts

134 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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I'm just gutted the guy who was in the Polo GTI isn't on here. I'm starting to think the whole thing was a bad dream, but I know it wasn't, as I can still see her shouting the words "...you have a tiny cock..." every time I close my eyes.

Biker's Nemesis

38,862 posts

210 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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LankyLegoHead said:
I'm just gutted the guy who was in the Polo GTI isn't on here. I'm starting to think the whole thing was a bad dream, but I know it wasn't, as I can still see her shouting the words "...you have a tiny cock..." every time I close my eyes.
But can You picture his tiny cock?


1,116 posts

156 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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I had an incident today, driving down a road with cars parked on both sides.

I could see a car coming towards me but I had no where to pull in. I could see that there were gaps Ahead so continued.

The other driver decided that He had right of way so did not pull in, and passed the gaps.

So we end up nose to nose, with the more mature gentleman gesturing me to back up, perhaps 15 car lengths,versus his less than 1 car length.

He then starts to point at what was obviously a dash cam, and changed his gestures to a threatening fist and punch action.

By this time there is a car behind me, so reversing the 15 car lengths is more of a problem.

More gestures and pointing at the dashcam.

I am now bored by this so get my work papers and start reading ithen. I wasn't in a rush.

Now a car appears behind the mature gentleman and the driver gets out.

On seeing this mr mature immediately reversed 5 feet to allow me to safely pass. Perhaps the dash cam was forward facing only.

So I thanked him and drove forwards.

Apparently I will be getting a letter soon. Cannot wait ........


2,669 posts

145 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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I last saw an angry man in a petrol station about 35 years ago.

I was working there in college holidays, Saturday night we shut at 8, sometimes people would try and get petrol after we were shutting - not on my watch.

One week a temperamental local pulled in at 8:02 shouting that we must serve him, the doors were locked the pumps and lights off but the tannoy on.

My mental work mate grabbed the mic, hid behind the counter and started whispering the guy's name over and over in a singsong type child's voice.

He went toxic, we had to stay much later than expected until he gave up pretending to leave and then screeching back onto the forecourt hoping to catch us out in the open.


767 posts

180 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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My turn:

Commuting home, about half a mile the end going along a main road in Bristol. Out pulls a chap in a BMW X5 from a side street, cutting me up and resulting in blast of the horn. Never mind, off we pop. He signals right onto my road, I follow as you know, it's my road. He seemed to have misunderstood what was happening, as when we got to the small U shaped road set off from the main drag where mine and a couple of other houses are located he pulled in, dropped his window and started asking "WTF I was following him, and do I want to have a word".

I pointed behind him at the garage door slowly opening and asked if he could move out of my drive. His wife looked mortified.

200Plus Club

10,840 posts

280 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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A couple weeks ago a "gentleman" offered to do me over because I was "levving" my engine at him in the Maccy D drive through queue .he was frothing at the mouth angry hence not even talking properly . unbeknown to him I was actually revving my engine because I thought the heat Shield was rattling again. I think I wound him up because I shouted back "levving" what's that"?
Thankfully the assistant passed him his kids meals and he glared at me while driving off. Strange folk.


1,573 posts

166 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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On Sunday I observed one of these dheads on the M25 near Heathrow.
I was in lane 3 and some lane hogging prat in a VW GV12PXU in lane 4 doesn't move over so the car coming up behind them flashes them. The VW driver then brake tests down to about 40, nearly causing an accident on a busy M25. They stay in lane 4 and when I turn off at J11 the VW is still hogging lane 4.

Some drivers don't seem to be able to accept they've made a mistake.
A while ago I was southbound in lane 1 on the A3 at Guildford, just before the cathedral exit. A car cuts across the front of me with inches to spare and takes the exit at the last moment. I give him a short blast on the horn and he gives me the finger. Why did not he accept he was the one in the wrong!!


261 posts

167 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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FiF said:
Not as mad as some of the other stories but I got some verbals in a Shell station for not pulling forward to the front pump.

Pointing out that I was filling with V power and this was the only pump which dispensed that grade was pointless.

The little man went berserk ranting diesel is diesel, it's all the same.

My reply was that was maybe true but I'm buying petrol, V power petrol.

Even his missus laughed and told him he was being a tt.

Suspect some people just go out looking for an argument, bit like PH.
Before it was refurbished the Shell station where I fill up only had V Power diesel and petrol on the last pump on the right hand side. I was in my Defender and I only needed the cooking diesel so I stopped at the pump before. A woman in a Ranger Rover starts honking her horn telling me to go to the end pump. I said no, I only needed the ordinary diesel and proceeded to fill up. Meanwhile she is still ranting and raving at me trying to tell me that it is all the same diesel. She eventually squeezes through and goes to the last pump (the V Power pump) and starts to fill up whilst still bhing at me. She couldn't have put in more than two litres before she rams the nozzle back in the pump and goes into the shop to pay, still muttering errr.... mutter....

She them comes out goes to get in her motor, I'm still filling up the Landy when she starts mouthing off again! It's all the same stuff blah blah blah..... I just said "yeah yeah yeah whatever" finished filling and went to pay. She finally gets in her car revs the t1ts off it going off the forecourt blowing her horn, gesticulating and probably calling me every name under the sun!

Nowt so queer as folk!


2,299 posts

93 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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There's some fantastic stories in this thread. It must be all the fumes in the air that drives people batty in petrol stations lol.


7,003 posts

101 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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I was parked in the parking spaces on the far left as I was only going to the store and not filling up. Just behind the silver car in this map view:

I came out and there's no room to manoeuvre out so I have to wait for the cars on my right who are filling up to pay and leave so I can get out and leave myself. I've been sat indicating right for about 5 minutes by the time the car to my right has finished filling up is leaving so begin to pull out thinking the old boy would realise I had been in the shop, finished and just wanted to leave the forecourt. I start to pull right to cut out in front of him as I didn't want him stopped and blocking my exit again to fill up for another 10 minutes. Old boy was't having it at all and was on the horn, and gesturing at me. I just continued to pull right, waiting for the inevitable crunch. The crunch never came and he lost his little battle. Still on the horn and gesturing at me I just slowly drove past the pump and carried on my exit of the petrol station. When I didn't stop at the pump and carried on going the horns stopped and he acted a little embarrassed that he caused a massive fuss. EVERYONE was watching this happen and I assume thinking horrid things about me for cutting in but when I carried on driving and he was still beeping and shouting I hope people realised he was being a prat.

It was so weird.


3,100 posts

189 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Only had one altercation with an angry dad - wagging your finger at him is a surefire way of winding him up, but waving goodbye out of the window when he gets stuck in the wrong lane is downright stupid eek Ended up literally barging his way through traffic and caught me up, blocked me in on a roundabout and got out, I fully expected punches to be exchanged, but then he turned around and got back in his car and drove off with a very angry face furious I was then really stupid and waved goodbye again wavey


22,722 posts

236 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Derek Smith said:
I was on the M40 in the middle lane. I was in my Chimaera, outside me was a Cerbera V8. We were having a bit of a chat via handsignals. A Renault 5 almost sat on the bumper of the Cerb, this at a bit over 70mph, and flashed headlights.

Now I not suggesting this is the correct response, but:

The Cerb driver waved goodbye to me, dropped a gear or two, revved the engine (a delightful scream from the exhaust) and dropped the clutch. Clouds of smoke streamed from the rear tyres, leaving two black lines in the outside lane. The Cerb shot off into the distance.

The Renault driver must have thought that the Cerb driver had braked as she'd stamped on hers. To her, the Cerb must have seemed like it was rocket powered.

She came past a couple of minutes later staring straight ahead.

Be careful who you tailgate.
...because you might be tailgating a prick in a Cerbera?


1,175 posts

221 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Driving somewhere in East London the other day, I was in the left hand lane approaching a junction, indicating to turn left then finding the road was closed (think a tree was down on the road) so I'd have to continue straight (in the right hand lane). There was only a queue of 2-3 cars in the other lane, so I signalled over and merged in front of a Merc driver, who blew his horn, gave me the coffee beans, started to tailgate me and on a couple of occasions, tried to swerve out and overtake me, only to be stopped by oncoming traffic on every occasion. It was a 30mph limit.

He looked to be in his 50s, but driving around like that is probably due a blood pressure induced heart attack soon.


579 posts

179 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Forgive the essay, but...

I was driving home from work a few years back when I had an old Audi S3 – straight after leaving work I was pulled over by the police who asked me to switch my fog lights off “I didn’t even know they were on” said I, and tried the fog light switch which was stuck in the ‘on’ position somehow. The police saw the problem switch and just said to get it fixed ASAP and in the meantime maybe pull the fuse when I get home (we were causing a bit of a traffic jam pulled over at rush hour).

So on I went on my merry way, eventually coming up behind a black Mitsubishi Evo (7, I think) with a Nurburgring sticker on the back. As we enter a 60mph zone through some woods he does an emergency stop to a complete standstill right after a blind bend, forcing me to stop too… and then starts reversing at me as fast as he can, stopping only when I manage to get my car in to reverse to avoid a collision! I make a ‘WTF?’ gesture and he speeds off just before someone comes around the bend behind us both.

Then, a little further down the road and we’ve come in to my village. He’s still in front of me and the lights are red ahead – great. Predictably, at the red light he jumps out of his car, I drop my window and try to pre-empt his inevitable rant by calmly saying “sorry, my fog light switch is stuck on” but he is shouting and swearing “YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME! YOU fkING NUTTER!” etc and going purple with rage already. I respond with “I could’ve killed you? You’re the one reversing straight at me round a blind bend in a 60 zone”. He puts his arm through my open window and starts grabbing at my indicators and flicking my dashboard switches “I’LL GIVE YOU fkING BROKEN SWITCHES YOU !”. Then, when I try to wind my window back up he grabs me by the collar and tries to pull me out of my car, through the window, with my seatbelt on! I eventually manage to get his arm out of my car and put my window up.

The lights then change to green and other traffic starts beeping at him and after some more screaming and shouting about how he nearly died (due to the 2-candle-power fogs on a 2003 S3) he gets back in his car and speeds off.

The wker was in his fifties and was a clear case of Small Man Syndrome – If I’d been able to get out of my car at any point I’m sure he would’ve discovered that I was much younger and larger than him (powerfully built company director, obvz) and thought twice. Made me want to keep a taser or mace in my car!

Oh, and just the other week I was crawling along in traffic at less than 10mph (car irrelevant but since it’s PH I was in my old V8 Vantage) going round a traffic island where you have to dip in to the cycle lane as the road narrows – a cyclist undertakes me in the wafer of cycle lane remaining on my inside and bangs on the side of my car “ARE YOU A BICYCLE? THIS IS A CYCLE LANE YOU IDIOT!” and rides off. When the traffic gets up to speed again I catch up with him and calmly say “I know it’s a cycle lane but maybe you should be paying attention to the fact there’s a traffic island and not try to undertake moving cars where the road narrows?” He didn’t have a response to that, and victory was mine. He looked the helmetcam type but I bet he wouldn’t post that vid on youtube!