People driving up your ar$e grrrr!

People driving up your ar$e grrrr!



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535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Hoofy not at all, 30 limit means do not exceed 30, doesn’t mean you religiously have to travel at 29.99 does it. I get the point some of you are making, I’m not travelling like a slug here, I’m talking about a few mph below the limit, cold or not cold. My rant is purely based on setting off first thing in the morning. It’s uncalled for, people have this idea in your head that if the limits 40 you must go 40 and above, and if the roads clear you have to make up some ground and even speed


Original Poster:

535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Mcbodge ofcourse I defrost my windows before setting off, which car do you know that instantly does this in the middle of winter? I’m most cases you have to actually set off and drive the car for any real heat to be created in the fan! By M car I was referring to a e93 m3.


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535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Tonyvid, FairPlay mate 280k out of mapped Saab- wow! Unfortunately they don’t build them bulletproof like they used to. I have 550ft lbs come in at 3000 revs so you can understand my concerns for driving at 5mph less then the speed limit in the first 10 mins of driving in the morning


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535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Hoofy I have to disagree, whilst I break speed limits like eveyone else does, I’m not so keen on doing this first thing in the morning, and if I have to go abit slower, then I will. Doesn’t give someone the right to speed up to my rear end just because I’m not going 29mph. Mcbodge did I say m3, oops I meant micra smile


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535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Sane human calm down fella! I drive at what speed I want to drive. The day you or anyone catches my rear end it won’t be pretty


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535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Ndtman haha quality


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535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Think a lot of people might be missing the fact that I live in London. The roads are congested 80% of the time, and the minute there clear, whether it be 6am in the morning or 8pm at night, people instantly assume it’s a ticket to drive like a complete prat. If a cars going 10mph and the roads clear- I get the frustration, I too get frustrated. But if it’s 6am, first thing in the morning, freezing cold and foggy, relax abit! That’s my only issue here, there’s no need for it. I’m ived just finished work or home from the gym maybe I don’t want to travel at 1mph less then the national speed limit, just overtake me already


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535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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Guess I’ll surrender my license for be too safe for my own good then. While the chap in his van red lining the st out of it exceeding the speed limit gets a brucey bonus


Original Poster:

535 posts

64 months

Friday 7th February 2020
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As always on here people twist and turn the story! My cars Make and model is not relevant, as always people get nosey and start reading up a users previous post, anyone with a brain won’t drive there car hard when the weathers minus 1 outside. My cars dsg and as tuned it hangs on to gears for longer (my preference) so no I can’t select shifting points at 2000 revs unless I use the paddle sts which would be even more daft in a cold car. Besides that I’m not going 30 over a huge pot hole or speed bump just because the speed limit says so. Couldn’t give a monkeys what the limit is or what half of you think. People feel no way about throwing a transit over a speed bump so throw there toys at the Pram when everyone else don’t. Truth is anything with half decent go about it, people are tw@ts and want to bum the life out of you, suppose my cocky number plate adds to this too. Just can’t win with some people, if I hoof it and drive like a asbo I’m a tw@t and if I go too slow people will moan too. To the user who think a 335d stands any chance, have a day off mate, the diesel will throw mountains of torque and then run out of puff Lol I trouble 140s and m4s how’s your diesel doing anything! My last car was a m3 and I can tell you that car had nothing on the way this car pulls now. I drove that soft when it was cold too, hot the same bellends coming up behind my Arse in that too. It’s just jealous pricks, had I been in a little corsa I would just be overtaken- facts!


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535 posts

64 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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Mixed reviews on here as always, it’s simple! if a car aheads going slowly I just take the hint and overtake when possible. Unless a cars going 5mph or comes to a dead stop for absolutely no reason or without warning then off course I get the hump. A car travelling mid 20s in a 30 or 30-mid 30s in a 40, and 60 on the motorway is no big deal. People just play the Arse no reason. It’s literally first thing in the morning I experience this, just no need for it. Roads are empty enough, so why do people play the c*unt for no reason. Get horned at for slowing down for a speed bump, what the bloody hell are they there for, errrr to slow you down! No everyone wishes to fly over a bump at 20mph. No point justifying my actions, I simply wanted to put it out there that’s it’s not cool to pressure a car ahead of you into making progress, for all you know they may be experiencing problems, and if they really wanted to be a C*unt and wanted to claim on insurance for whatever reason they could easily slam the brakes on you and 9/10 the driver behind would be at fault, but that’s another argument for another day. As someone mentioned earlier it might be a good idea to get a rear dash fitted. I should add, your a complete moron if your going 30/40 soon as you set off in the morning and it’s minus 1 outside!


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535 posts

64 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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I meant rear dash cam*
I don’t think I’m coming across as aggressive at all. You said it yourself mate, ‘consider other road users’ so why is it people aren’t considering my actions when I travel in accordance with the speed limit for a given road. I’m sorry but I’d love to see a lot of you justify going in excess of 30 and a minimum of 30 in a court of law! It’s a limit for a bloody reason. Jeeez how daft are some of you. If My cars cold and I want to go below the speed limit- I will continue to do so, if I slow down for a speed bump or pot hole, guess what?- I will do. Not F’ing my car up for some idiot in a shed who has ants in his pants, if people can’t see my point, you really need to ‘consider other road users’


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535 posts

64 months

Saturday 8th February 2020
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I actually give up! Clearly the majority think I’m in the wrong and it’s perfectly fine to drive up to someone’s rear bumper, flash them and even horn. I’d like to hear what each parties insurer thinks of that and what a court of law would have to say! Anyway I’m done, I will continue to drive As I please, it’s my car and I pay the bills for it so basically everyone’s negativity is totally irrelevant to me, ciao


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535 posts

64 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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Surprised this threads still going lol only popped in to comment on the post above about a old e90 335d troubling a stage 2 golf R. What planet are you on? I get to 60 in a little over 3 seconds, I have a petrol engine which I’m able to rev a lot more then some old diesel barge lol I have 4WD which just grips onto the road as if it’s on rails. Pointless even going over then this, my last car was a e93 m3 (aka the daddy of the range) so what some crappy ancient 335 diesel Has on it I will never know. They cost 4/5k for a reason mate lol Without a doubt the golf R is quicker then my previous car.


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535 posts

64 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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Sadly not mate, the torque comes in early, max bhp comes at the end when going 7000odd revs. My peak torque comes in early on and stays constant then takes a dip down way up the rev range when the full bhp comes in


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535 posts

64 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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No the point of this thread was that there’s too many bellends out there that drive like complete idiots! Not once did I bring up what cars I own or drive, it’s you nosey detectives checking up my profile asking questions, I didn’t take it off topic yapping in about 335d etc that’s all all you


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535 posts

64 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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The e93 is convertible hardtop yes! List price is more than a coupe and saloon from factory- again irrelevant. People ask questions off topic then brainless Belends assume I’m on here to talk about What I drive .


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535 posts

64 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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So we agree tailgating is uncalled for! If someone isn’t making progress on a road it still doesn’t mean anyone should be almost touching there rear bumper, that stupidity! My point exactly. And in addition to that I mentioned my run around car which is by no means capable of anything, it’s a 1.0 litre smart car, received no abuse like this whether I’m going 5 or 10mph below the limit, so why is a boy racers wet dream getting abused, as did my previous car. I know you didn’t mention a e90 335d but someone else on here seems to think if I buy one of Them I will be leaving everything like sh*t off the end of a shovel...


Original Poster:

535 posts

64 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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In fact don’t answer that, leave it at that. Points been made