PH thoughts on this 'Advanced' driver's dashcam vids?

PH thoughts on this 'Advanced' driver's dashcam vids?



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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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Just been on an Advanced driving forum looking around and found some links to a drivers' videos in which he is supposedly 'outing' bad driving.

In the first link we see a Range Rover driver suposedly making a mistake:

And in this link, a BM driver supposedly making the same error:

Now IMO it's the 'Advanced' driver who is at fault, and quite badly.

IMO he should be stopping a car length BEFORE his driveway, causing the following driver to stop at that point, then moving towards the centre line to make his intentions clear before beginning the reversing manouvre, instead of going past the driveway and expecting the follower to know that his intention is to reverse into the driveway behind.

First he exhibits very bad form then posts these videos on YT to make out the other driver is at fault.


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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The guy is the chairman of an Institute of Advanced Motorists local group.


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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R_U_LOCAL said:
I reverse on to my drive. I am firmly of the opinion that the traffic moving along the main road in both directions has priority over my manoeuvre, so I pull in with a left indicator just past my driveway, wait until the following traffic has passed me and its clear in both directions and then back on to the drive.

This clown seems to be expecting following drivers to be reading his mind and then acting nobbish when they misunderstand his signal and position.

OP, do you have a link to the forum / thread where this was posted?

Third post in.


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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996TT02 said:
He's a plonker. One of those saddos trying to catch out other drivers' "imperfect" driving but only managing to show off his utter incompetence.
My sentiment entirely, IMO he isn't making his intentions anywhere near clear enough.


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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Pepperami said:

I'm not a huge fan of the holier than thou attitude of some (not all) IAM people but I think this should be played at his local group.
That's not gonna happen, the guy's the chairman!

Funny that this didn't get picked up on the forum where he advertises his videos, but then it doesn't surprise me, they only pat each other on the back and tell each other how great they are.


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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wolves_wanderer said:
When I have cars following me I pull to the side of the road and wait until they've passed before reversing into my drive. I'm not an advanced driver though so obviously I'm wrong.
You're not wrong, there's nothing advanced about those videos.

The more you watch them the more it looks like a 'crash for cash' attempt...'He ran right up the back of me!'


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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FiF said:
Clicked thread link, saw who it was. Bloke is an utter Gareth. Ignore him.
This thread isn't a personal attack, on any individuals or that website, just an observation of some very bad form.

Edited by 25NAD90TUL on Sunday 17th August 17:59


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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martine said:
There's one thing worse than a pompous Advanced Driver...that's a pistonheads user who slags of those that have taken further driver training when often they have no idea what advanced driving is really all about...
Really? And that's worse than an 'Advanced driver' who posts other people's mistakes on YT and blames them when clearly it is the poster who is to blame?

'they have no idea what advanced driving is really all about'

Really? Apologies for not being a member of your 'back-slappers' club, but it offers no certificates to go with the others I already have...An observation is an observation and what you see here is one, and a good one at that. You have not done yourself many favours with this post have you?

I dunno, these 'advanced' drivers...Perhaps you'll link to this thread in AD section of PH, see what reaction you get.

Edited by 25NAD90TUL on Sunday 17th August 17:17


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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martine said:
There's one thing worse than a pompous Advanced Driver...that's a pistonheads user who slags of those that have taken further driver training when often they have no idea what advanced driving is really all about...
Would you care to ellaborate on this?

And state why those videos ARE what 'advanced driving' is about?

Further, are you going to state your opinion on the videos? Or is that beyond your current scope of comment?

To me, from a certificated Advance Driving viewpoint, the video poster has made a complete hash of that manouvre and then blamed others, is this not your view? What is your view? Or can you not express that being as it's a member of your elite driving club?

How long before the YT videos are removed? I'll take bets it won't be long, are these vids going to be shown at South Yorks local group as someone else suggested?

Edited by 25NAD90TUL on Sunday 17th August 20:13


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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martine said:
I have get frustrated by people (not necessarily you) who have all sorts of ideas about what advanced driving is (and the IAM) who are often speaking from ignorance. It seems to be the ones who attack are the ones least likely to have git involved. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of pedants and old-fashioned views in the IAM but like any group of 90,000+ members you get all sorts!

Rather than focus on these minority (and I really think they are), why not congratulate those who have realised there is more to driving and are keen to learn new techniques and improve their driving further? It does take a big leap sometimes to admit there might, just might, be other ways of driving...nearly everyone who hasn't taken further training thinks they are better than they actually are. It's even been the subject of research...look up 'Dunning-Kruger' affect if you're not already familiar.
I've taken considerable amounts of further driver training and can see no cause for congratulation in those videos.


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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These people don't half network...

Two minutes ago on ADUK...

ADUK said:
The only advice I'd give is, " take the videos down immediately and don't put up any more". "Advanced" driving doesn't need any more negative publicity.
Hmmm yes, quite.


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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The Moose said:
Dombooth is, I believe, one of ours. Surprised he's not showed himself on this thread to be honest.
That would be very interesting hearing what his response would be, the videos are still up on YT so he's probably chairing an IAM group meeting.


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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Worse thing about it is the thread where the videos are advertised is called 'Drivers duty to inform police about driving offenses' and is about recording minor misdemeanors and reporting them to the bobbies.

The guy in those vids is clearly a wannabe bobby with phrases like 'yankee romeo' etc etc...

And then...just read this in the same thread as a response to this one:

ADUK said:
'Advanced' driving has always been very much a minority interest, and rapidly developing technology is going to reduce the potential audience even further.

Those who wish to enjoy their driving in the future (advanced or otherwise) are going to have to make specific arrangements to get that enjoyment.
A pretty damning indictment, if this is how the AD fraternity gets their enjoyment!


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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martine said:
I haven't commented on the videos deliberately...
Why is that? Or is it the obvious that it looks like?

martine said:
I just hate all the guys who jump on the chance to attack advanced drivers/driving & the IAM etc - often with very little knowledge (yourself excluded by the sound of it).

Often those 'outside' advanced driving seem to pick up on bad examples or pedantic observers and use that to throw the whole thing I said there are good and bad in every club/company/group of people.

Would you agree advanced driving taught properly is great and a 'genuine contribution to road safety' (as they say) and everyone should be encouraged to do it?
Hi, to be quite honest it wasn't the cameracar drivers' technique particularly that offended me. It does look like a stressful situation to be fair.

It was the fact that those videos had been posted on YT to attempt humiliation on the drivers concerned, who imo, and most others in this thread, were quite rightly confused. That was where the offense was taken.

Martin said:
Would you agree advanced driving taught properly is great and a 'genuine contribution to road safety' (as they say) and everyone should be encouraged to do it?
Yes Martin I agree 100% with your statement, no problem there.

The problem was those nasty YT videos, I see they have been removed following the damage limitation excercise at ADUK, a wise move.

Perhaps you might realise one day why you are all so badly perceived, those vids coming from a local group chairman were a disgrace, I think we're all agreed on that fact.

Edited by 25NAD90TUL on Sunday 17th August 23:58


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133 months

Sunday 17th August 2014
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dombooth said:
Roo said:
How about letting the cars behind you past before you start reversing?

You could give them a hint of your intentions by, oh I don't know, sitting there with the car in reverse for more than two seconds before starting the manoeuvre.

Also, how do you flash your reversing lights whilst driving along? Maybe they think there's a fault with them so aren't actually expecting you to reverse when they come on. Again.
Drop the attitude fella, I'm ignoring a lot of the personal attacks and insults, lets give it a rest eh.

To let all the cars past, I'd need to be there for a good few hours unfortunately.

To flash them, I lift up the ring and slide the knob over to the right, makes the light come on without engaging reverse gear.

Excuse me...

YOU Drop the attitude fella!

YOU acted like the fool when you posted those videos, as someone said to you in the ADUK thread, 'make sure you're squeaky clean'...

You didn't and got rumbled, man up and leave your attitude where your pride now resides!


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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It's quite a hobby isn't it this?

Police-style videoing drivers' misdemeanours and posting it on YT, there seems to be a lot of it going on, and as the OP it seems to highlight a lot of faults in the cameracar operators' drive as in this case. Can anyone tell me roughly how much it costs to buy a camera for this kind of activity?


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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The 'information' phase of the system has clearly gone out of the window.

What was your grade Dominic?

IAM First wasn't it?


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Sunday 17th August 2014
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Roo said:
My mum is a member of the IAM.

I'll ask her tomorrow if it's normal procedure in the training to be taught to try and select, a non synchromesh, reverse gear whilst driving along to attempt to indicate to other road users that you'll be reversing.
It won't be.

For those who want to know, the correct proceedure was to stop a car length BEFORE the driveway, pointing the front end towards the centre line, giving information to the driver behind by first indicating RIGHT to take position toward the centre line, and giving further information with over-the shoulder glances at the car behind, once it is clear that there is going to be some kind of manouvre taking place, slow movement forwards and adjustments in positioning followed by reversing lamps would give further information as to what was happening and then the car would reverse into the driveway without issue.

ie: Information-Position

The cameracar driver is an aggressive driver and indicated left as if to pull into the side of the road followed by an aggressive reverse into traffic, further aggression was demonstrated by the in-car verbaling and the horn blasting as in the BM video.

I think if either of the cars had hit him, it would have been 'he ran right into the back of me'...

And all this under the guise of demonstrating where other drivers were at fault!

Nice work DomBooth, yet more st left at the IAM's doorstep.

Stinks doesn't it? I'm leaving it at that though now.

Best wishes all!


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133 months

Monday 18th August 2014
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martine said:
I haven't commented on the videos deliberately...
This said it all for me Martin.

A bit of honesty wouldn't have hurt anyone. You could have said 'Dom made a mistake, an error of judgement, and his technique here is unsound' but no, close ranks.

The YT posts were malicious, those films were aimed at 'showing up' those other drivers. You could've been honest and made some comment, but chose not to, choosing instead to stick together and take the offensive.

The IAM could be a damn good thing were if not for this type of 'slimey' attitude displayed by a few, and it is a great shame.

I'll keep an eye out in future too and if I see anything as crass as those videos again you can be sure it will end up here.

You 'hate' those people who take every oportunity to have a dig at the IAM and AD, I know what drives them to it, the 'slippery, slimey' nature of certain members. It was this type of 'people' who ruined my IAM experience, causing me to give up on 3 years of membership, many hours observer training and the acquaintance of some DAMN GOOD people at my own local group, soured by the pettiness and unsavoury nature of those minority of members who congregate on the internet, putting prospective future drivers off.

I deliberately didn't post this thread in Advanced Driving section.

The IAM keep emailing asking me to outline where improvements can be made, as I suppose they do with all long-term members who just suddenly lapse...

I know this eulogy will go in one ear and out of the other, you can't take criticism, as outlined by the statement in quotes at the top of this post.

Thanks for your corespondance.


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133 months

Tuesday 19th August 2014
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M4cruiser said:
Dom, for what it's worth, I just don't get why everyone seems to be against you. It was obvious to me (another IAM member) <snip>
As a member you always have to be right even in the face of that evidence?

M4cruiser said:
They should be saying "thankyou, now I won't get myself into that predicament".
For real????

M4cruiser said:
Keep up the video work, but please offer them as training, not as a rebuke to the idiots in them.
Typical to have a way off the mark view of who the idiot/idiots actually were!

Who was the idiot in this case? The general opinion here is that the idiot was driving the camera car.