Funny little bit of Karma.

Funny little bit of Karma.



17,108 posts

168 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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xjay1337 said:
Driving in the wrong lane, inappropriately, can cause irritation to other drivers.

I'm fully with the OP in the sorry sthole that this thread has descended into.

It's a motorway. Traffic in lane 1 is often the 'heavies' and lots of them (claim to be) limited to 56mph. Getting into lane 1 between these 'heavies' in busy traffic is suicidal for "making progress" because you WILL be blocked into lane 1 by all the dickwads tailgating each other at 65mph in lane 2.

Lane 2 is full of coaches and Mr Magoo in his Toyota Avensis, who thinks he's an excellent driver "because lane discipline" but actually he's a dickwad too, because he doesn't read the road, fails to make it easy for folk to move out from lane 1, and thereby causes people to not want to change lanes to their left, ever.

Lane 3 is fking La-La land. It's the preserve of idiots like the Astra van driver in the OP's tale. People who will flash their lights, and aggressively tailgate drivers in front even when *especially* when there's a solid queue ahead in all four lanes and no safe space in which to move left. If you are being tailgated by one of these fkwits and dare to leave that all important thinking/braking space ahead of you, they get even more apoplectic. These morons fail to realise that it is the very act of driving too close to other vehicles, and changing lanes into spaces that are barely there, which causes the roads to run slower in the first place. They are the architects of their own delays.

Lane 4? Well that's technically "the third overtaking lane". But is frequently full of supercars, luxobarges, hot hatches and 'apsirational brand' idiots who refuse to leave it until they want their exit, whereupon they force their way through three other lanes of drivers who don't want said exit. In the OP's tale it's where the Astra could, and should, have gone to safely overtake in good time and clear space, before returning, serenely, to lane 3 and repeating this process as and when necessary to maintain progress. Why didn't he? Probably because, unlike the OP, he's a lane hogging lazy of a driver, who's decided that he wants to stay in lane 3 and is too stupid, or lacks the driving skill, to move between lanes safely and swiftly.

Why do drivers like 'Astraman' and a good percentage of the keyboard wkers warriors on here seem to want everyone else to push left into inappropriate (non) spaces, when they themselves almost never do "because faster car/better driver, innit, bruv".

Well fk 'em, OP. I'd have done the same as you to be fair. I'll ONLY move left where I am absolutely certain that doing so will leave me with a safe gap to the vehicle ahead of me, AND when I'm absolutely certain that any move left will not cause the vehicle I pull in ahead of to have to slow to accommodate said manoeuvre. That may mean I continue to sit in a given lane passing (so called) spaces into which others expect me to move. That says far more about their lack of skill and spacial awareness than it does mine, thank's all the same.

And while I'm about it, thanks very much to all the adenoidal pedants who have now de-railed and ruined what looked like being an amusing little thread about Karma.

I was going to relate the tale of a hot headed young Doris who wanted to join the A322 dual carriageway that runs from the M4 to Windsor just south of Slough. Traffic was running quite slowly, both lanes were full, no lane change was possible, even if I wanted to accommodate her joining from the slip road. Cue her trying to force her way into lane 1 about level with my 'B' pillar, which got her a "toot" to let her know I was there. What followed had me crying with laughter. The car behind me allowed a gap which she got into, and had she left it at that all would have been just fine and dandy. But no, she decided that her 'rightful place' was ahead of me. She set about getting there by hanging back, then 'gunning it' into a developing gap to her right, which required her to brake extremely hard to avoid hitting there car ahead. Then she did the same to me, 'gunning it' into the half space in front of me, such that she was diagonally positioned between lanes 1 and 2. This was accompanied by much flashing of lights (when behind me) and much angry horn blasting. Well this caused the two white-shirted gentlemen in the dark coloured 3 Series BMW beside me to shake their heads a great deal. When she began to brake check me (why do idiots who appear to be in a hurry seem so keen to slow down?) the BMW got along side of her. Some fancy blue lights came on, a siren sounded, and the passenger in the BMW held up a nice yellow jacket in his window, and pointed down the road. She filled the gap she'd allowed to develop ahead of her, the nice Policemen filled the gap between me and her, and (due to the lack of anywhere to pull her over immediately) followed her down to the A308 roundabout where she was invited to turn off the D/C, presumably to be dealt with somewhere safer. As she (very sedately) made her way down the slip road to the roundabout below, I pointed, and gave her my very best Nelson Muntz.

The moral of this story? When Karma strikes, quit being a pedantic know-it-all and enjoy the moment...


4,585 posts

126 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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yellowjack said:
Loads of sensible stuff.
Well said.

Cool story too!

CS Garth

2,863 posts

107 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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This thread is the strongest proof yet that total bell ends shouldn't be given access to the interweb. They should be made to stand on a street corner and do their ranting there like in the olden days.

OP's story clearly states the astraman van was in the wrong (the 5-0 pulled the astra not the OP) yet the negative, critical abuse thrown at the poor guy is unbelievable.

Anyone who is criticising him - you literally do not know what the f*ck you are talking about. You are speculating. Shut up idiots.


10,569 posts

204 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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WinstonWolf said:
AyBee said:
Swanny87 said:
Here's a novel idea. The OP may have been overtaking something if he was in L3? A lot of keyboard warriors on here...
OP said:
To avoid an incident, I pulled to the left lane and carried on pootling along.
Except he's already stated that he pulled over to the left and carried on pootling. So, by his own admission, he was pootling in lane 3 with space to the left to move into. If he'd done that originally, said van could have continued on his path without getting agitated. How many times do you see people flashing cars to move over when there isn't room to do so and when the other option is for them to move right and overtake? I'd have done the same as the van in this situation and yet, it's the van that gets pulled and the OP goes on his way thinking that his driving is fine...

One of the main reasons our motorways are crowded is because people essentially narrow the available road space (since we can't overtake on both sides) with their poor road positioning, oblivious that they're in the wrong (the OP).
OP was in L3, L4 was free.
As was L2, by the OP's admission. Do you think the van would have flashed the OP if there hadn't been space in L2 that the OP should have been in? I don't. The OP, by dawdling in L3, was effectively turning a 4 lane motorway into 2 usable lanes because we're not legally allowed to undertake in the UK, it doesn't matter that L4 was free.


17,596 posts

106 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Darko92 said:
Lol, I think PH is the only forum where this thread will turn into a debate about my driving skills??

Have none of you been on the M25 during peak rush hour time? The 1st lane is hogged by lorries driving at about 50ish, the second and third lane are your general cruisers, I was in the 3rd Lane because I had just overtaken someone else and the 2nd lane to my left had a big old coach in it. So no, I couldnt move over smile If you read the thread again, as soon as I COULD move over, I did, to let the dumbass Astravan driver through.

Judging by the comments on this, I assume you people that posted telling me how to drive sit in the 1st lane going at 50mph all day everyday yep?
Indeed. I'm all for 'keep left' on most motorways, but the M25 at rush hour isn't 'most motorways'.

You have 4-5 lanes to choose from, and L1 and L2 average speeds are normally in the 60-65mph region due to volume of lorries (and associated elephant racing) and frequency of junctions. L3 is the sweet spot to make 70-75mph progress for the most part when traffic is heavy, unless you want to be dipping in and out of L2 and constantly changing speed due to sheer weight of traffic. As a result, L4/5 are then freed up for repmobiles and 4x4s to tailgate each other at 80-90mph.


72,857 posts

241 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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AyBee said:
WinstonWolf said:
AyBee said:
Swanny87 said:
Here's a novel idea. The OP may have been overtaking something if he was in L3? A lot of keyboard warriors on here...
OP said:
To avoid an incident, I pulled to the left lane and carried on pootling along.
Except he's already stated that he pulled over to the left and carried on pootling. So, by his own admission, he was pootling in lane 3 with space to the left to move into. If he'd done that originally, said van could have continued on his path without getting agitated. How many times do you see people flashing cars to move over when there isn't room to do so and when the other option is for them to move right and overtake? I'd have done the same as the van in this situation and yet, it's the van that gets pulled and the OP goes on his way thinking that his driving is fine...

One of the main reasons our motorways are crowded is because people essentially narrow the available road space (since we can't overtake on both sides) with their poor road positioning, oblivious that they're in the wrong (the OP).
OP was in L3, L4 was free.
As was L2, by the OP's admission. Do you think the van would have flashed the OP if there hadn't been space in L2 that the OP should have been in? I don't. The OP, by dawdling in L3, was effectively turning a 4 lane motorway into 2 usable lanes because we're not legally allowed to undertake in the UK, it doesn't matter that L4 was free.
The cop choosing to pull the van driver over suggests he was being a bit of a knobber.

CS Garth

2,863 posts

107 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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AyBee said:
As was L2, by the OP's admission. Do you think the van would have flashed the OP if there hadn't been space in L2 that the OP should have been in? I don't. The OP, by dawdling in L3, was effectively turning a 4 lane motorway into 2 usable lanes because we're not legally allowed to undertake in the UK, it doesn't matter that L4 was free.
See my earlier post. That's you that is.


1,072 posts

244 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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So in short....

Person posts funny story on pistonheads

Keyboard warriors smell blood and start picking apart story as they have little else to do in life.

Normal people just read story smile, roll eyes at keyboard warriors & proceed to next thread.


7,703 posts

230 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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Far too many of the hyena types on here. Nippy little bds.


2,162 posts

257 months

Thursday 26th November 2015
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yellowjack said:
I was going to relate the tale of a hot headed young Doris who
Thank goodness you didn't! wink

Well said