Spite, Jealousy or Ignorance?

Spite, Jealousy or Ignorance?



Original Poster:

7,921 posts

230 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Little gripe here:

Your tootling along on a dual, come up behind the car in L2 & L1 is clear, why do some people refuse to move over? I understand some people are oblivious and just carry on, however, you get some people who will go to great lengths to try and stop your progress.

I had one guy in a diesel estate Vectra sitting in front of me, L1 clear accelerating as hard as he could (note smoke) in L2 trying to stay in front instead of just moving over & leaving me past?

My question is why do people do this? I find it infuriating, by no means I have the fastest car on the road, however if its in your rear view mirror you certainly know its no one litre shopping car.

If I had a GTR or something obviously more powerful in my mirror I would merely move out of the way and watch it disappear into the distance, If I wanted a "play" in these conditions, id move over into lane one and see what the car in L2 could do, I wouldnt block its progress thats for sure.

I cant decide whether the people who intentionally stop your progress are spiteful, jealous or just ignorant.

Before anyone says, I never tailgate and always keep a safe distance, iv only ever flashed my lights when im at the end of my tether and its usually to signal im there rather than to intimidate. Undertaking is not something I do unless its a 60mph L2 cruiser who is totally oblivious to whats going on around them.

I may be alone in my frustrations as everyone seems to "have a go" or some how get one over the FRS i.e. getting boxed in or cut up is a regular occurence whilst out & about.

ludicrous speed

959 posts

199 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Normally in this situation a semi-tailgate seems to do the trick, if it doesn't just flash them or undertake them.


1,483 posts

210 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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You're complaining that people confuse your focus with a shopping carconfused


3,861 posts

190 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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If L1 is totally clear then there is no reason not to move over. I do get upset though when there is traffic in L1, and I'm L2 going at the speed limit (or maybe a bit over!), and it's still not quick enough for the car behind me and they're sitting on my backside. On those occasions, quite honestly, I'll drive to deliberately piss them off.. push me and I push back smile


Original Poster:

7,921 posts

230 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Chicane-UK said:
If L1 is totally clear then there is no reason not to move over. I do get upset though when there is traffic in L1, and I'm L2 going at the speed limit (or maybe a bit over!), and it's still not quick enough for the car behind me and they're sitting on my backside. On those occasions, quite honestly, I'll drive to deliberately piss them off.. push me and I push back smile
Yeah totally agree, I do the same, In fact last night I had a Transit Connect up my rear and hanging to the far right of his lane almost saying "come on - get out of the way, let me past" despite the fact that L1 & L2 was packed with traffic.

My complaint is strictly aimed at when L1 & L2 is clear.

Ehonda- I meant that its obvious a FRS is not an underpowered shopping car, its a very purposeful looking car.

It maybe down to peoples perception of the type of drivers I suppose, I had never thought about that, Im not your typical FRS driver though i.e. I aint bald, I dont have the driving posture of an angry chimpanzee and I certainly aint roided up laugh


3,861 posts

190 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Have to say though - nice car. Not a big fan of Fords really but the last gen Focus RS was a great looking motor and the new RS just has so much road presence! They're totally unmistakeable! Would love to have a good nose around one and see what they're like from the passenger seat some day!

There is one on a driveway at a house round the corner from me and it looks angry and purposeful just parked up behind a gate!


24,498 posts

191 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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I've got the car in the picture and it seems to clear most cars quite effectively. Certainly better than the van does.

In general, I find tailgating/flashing etc. to be counterproductive. It just encourages the great British stubbornness trend.

I do find the gentlest move to the left, as if I'm about to undertake quite effective, mind.


1,483 posts

210 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Tuvra said:
Ehonda- I meant that its obvious a FRS is not an underpowered shopping car, its a very purposeful looking car.
I doubt very much if most people on here would confuse it with a one litre shopping car. My parents would, my sister would, my in-laws probably haven't registered any difference in the performance of cars since the 70's.
Most people I know have no interest in cars and I wouldn't expect them to know the difference between an entry level fiesta and a GTR.
That's no excuse for poor lane discipline though.

Edited by ehonda on Tuesday 11th January 09:10


2,222 posts

191 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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To be fair, shopping car or no, if L1 is clear they shouldn't be in L2.

You should try the M27 - some of the worst driving I've seen every time I venture near it. People sat in L4 while the other 3 are empty, or just making up the lanes as they go along...


22,655 posts

204 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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People are bell ends, without wanting to resort to stereo types when I had my last 2 fords it felt like every other Audi/VW/Seat tdi on the road wanted to sit in front of me when I caught them to stop me passing or somehow prove they had achieved more in life than me by holding me up. I had a similar experience when driving a 207 a few weeks ago, oddly the stupidity rarely comes from 'cocks' in BMWs or from drivers of the more performance oriented VAG models, oh and those that drive Citroen Picassos who probably have something angry to be about.


3,581 posts

200 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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As further above, people move out of the way even on normal roads when in the Griff.
If in the CLK or GTV they don't seem to bother!


15,855 posts

234 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Are your foglights on? As those don't look like driving lights, in which case I think you've just declared any opinion of yours null and void.


24,498 posts

191 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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I do get people trying to race me, that's for sure.

But they don't deliberately try and obstruct me as far as I can tell.


27,646 posts

263 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Jealousy? Wishful thinking. They probably think you tarted up your Focus yourself and have a 'point to prove'.

Spite or ignorance more likely. Spite, because they're doing the self-righteous 'Well you can't go over 70 or else it's dangerous and any car becomes uncontrolable at such unimaginable speeds so I don't know why he's being so impatient' (my late grandfather was like this. He once wrote a letter to his Nissan dealer telling him that, although he was delighted with his Micra's fuel economy, he felt that selling a car capable of 90mph was irresponsible. No, I'm not joking.)

Or ignorance because they fail to understand the situation around them. I think the TDIers and the German go-faster brigade are the worst for similar reasons. The TDIs take ages to get up to speed and the drivers will keep them sitting in the power band, knowing that if they accelerate they'll quickly run out of oomph, and if they decelerate they'll lose a lot of ground, so they'll sit there blocking everyone in behind them, or tailgating anyone in front.

I have a feeling that the sledgehammer German cars are worst for tailgating simply because they do the opposite of what a frantic sports car or hot hatch does, and make 100mph feel like 30, so as a result, if they're zooming along in the outside lane at 120 and encounter someone overtaking another car at, say, 85, they'll react as though someone's just cut them up in a bulldozer.

Edited by Twincam16 on Tuesday 11th January 09:34

Monty Python

4,813 posts

202 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Funny thing this morning on the M53 where it goes from 2 lanes to 3. In L1, come up behind an Audi in L2. Move to L3, overtake, return to L1. What does Audi do? Moves into L3.

Why? Are there magnets in the central reservation that attract cars?

I'm with JC on this - they should put snipers on the bridges and shoot anyone not in the correct lane.

Edited by Monty Python on Tuesday 11th January 09:35


7,543 posts

173 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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nonuts said:
Are your foglights on? As those don't look like driving lights, in which case I think you've just declared any opinion of yours null and void.
Do you really think that's his car or is it a German press photo?


15,855 posts

234 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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DannyVTS said:
Do you really think that's his car or is it a German press photo?
No idea, if it isn't his car why bother posting the photo, most of us know what a Focus RS looks like.


20,894 posts

196 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Another thread about people not moving into lane 1?

This seems to be happening daily of late.

Nice photo btw.

In the UK people don't move over beacuse:

1. Ignorant - don't know how to drive on the motorway. No idea about staying left unless overtaking. Easy to undertake as these people have complete lack of awareness of the road.
2. s - want to police the road. The limit is 70, how dare anyone go faster. If they can't go faster than 70, neither can you. Worse than number 1, as these individuals will actively try and block you from getting past.


22,907 posts

246 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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nonuts said:
DannyVTS said:
Do you really think that's his car or is it a German press photo?
No idea, if it isn't his car why bother posting the photo, most of us know what a Focus RS looks like.

Pistonheads: Inane Pedantry Matters rolleyes


22,655 posts

204 months

Tuesday 11th January 2011
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Marf said:
nonuts said:
DannyVTS said:
Do you really think that's his car or is it a German press photo?
No idea, if it isn't his car why bother posting the photo, most of us know what a Focus RS looks like.

Pistonheads: Inane Pedantry Matters rolleyes
Exactly, the picture brightened up the thread IMO.