RE: PH Investigates: Trouble At The 'Ring

RE: PH Investigates: Trouble At The 'Ring

Tuesday 18th January 2011

PH Investigates: Trouble At The 'Ring

Has the Nürburgring as we know (and love) it become a lost cause?

The Ring boulevard looks deserted off season...
The Ring boulevard looks deserted off season...
A giant screen blasts out images of motor-racing and high-octane excitement but there's nobody watching. Bored shop staff count the seconds until closing time, the fronts of fancy boutiques framed by tracks of an inoperative roller-coaster. Welcome to the Nürburgring, 2011.

...and it's the same inside.
...and it's the same inside.
Later the same day the legendary Pistenklause down the road in Nürburg itself is doing a roaring trade, boisterous beer-fuelled conversation echoing off walls and ceilings covered in photos, artefacts and autographs of 'ringers and racers past and present.

Back at the Ringwerk, or NüroDisney as critics refer to it, the cynically Fangio-branded El Chuco steakhouse is empty, one of the adjacent hotels deserted, the other, a four-star luxury edifice complete with casino, resorting to hawking rooms that should rake in hundreds of Euros for just €77 a pop.

OK, it's off-season and the track is shut but the whole point of redeveloping the place was to attract new people over and above the 'ring regulars. But they're not coming. And the place is now hundreds of millions of Euros in debt and fans are so worried they've set up a Save The Ring campaign, complete with Facebook page and merchandise.

The Pistenklaus remains popular
The Pistenklaus remains popular
So how did we get here? Brace yourself, this gets complicated! The basic facts though. The Nürburgring is publicly owned by the state of Rheinland-Pflaz and the facilities until recently run by Nürburgring GmbH on behalf of the state.

Former CEO Walter Kafitz wanted more. He wanted, to quote a local we spoke with, "a castle in the sky" to out-do the real one down the road in Nürburg.

In 2004 he and the chairman of the 'ring's supervisory board Ingolf Deubel - also local minister of finance - confirmed an ambitious development plan to boost tourist numbers. Bold promises of two million visitors a year and a total of €219m of investment were proclaimed, building work starting in 2007. But according to the locals it's as if a giant, Nürburgring-branded spacecraft has landed on the track, intent on sucking in every last Euro that comes into the region.

Linder hotel - lights on, anyone home?
Linder hotel - lights on, anyone home?
By May 2010 Kafitz and Deubel were gone and in their place a partnership between hotel owner Jörg Lindner and investor Kai Richter - two of the key players in the controversial redevelopment programme - took out the lease to run the whole shebang from the local government as Nürburgring Automotive. A local government bailing out a project whose claimed visitor numbers had been exaggerated, whose costs had spiralled, whose investors turned out to be non-existent and whose vision was flawed.

Who's paying? PHers who, like thousands of others, pump in laps of the world's greatest racetrack at a rate of €24 a pop. Manufacturers, who fight it out for 'fastest round the 'ring' bragging rights. And local taxpayers, many now finding their livelihoods threatened by the same monolithic complex that is sucking their local government dry to the tune of €350m and counting. No wonder they're angry.

Sabine Schmitz and 911 GT3 'taxi'
Sabine Schmitz and 911 GT3 'taxi'
"They are destroying everything," says local legend and Save The Ring figurehead Sabine Schmitz. "Everything we build up in 80 years they destroy in one year."

"We are scared," agrees Sabine's sister Susanne, the family's fortunes inextricably linked with the Nürburgring through racing and the Am Tiergarten hotel - a favourite of visiting 'ringers, racers and industry faces alike.

Nürburgring Automotive's control over access to the circuit as well as the resort's hotels and restaurants mean discounted rooms and meals can be bundled in with lap tickets for the Nordschleife. The Ringcard payment system for all the resort's facilities means control over all the money spent on site. Good for consumers short-term, bad for local businesses long-term.

Event organisers and local hoteliers also allege the Nürburgring demands event organisers place guests with the resort hotels as a condition of booking the track, an accusation flatly denied by our official source. "This is absolutely not true," we're told. "All of our customers are free to choose to stay wherever they like. It is true we offer all our customers a stay at the Lindner but if they choose not to this will absolutely not have an influence on track time."

Developers want more of this...
Developers want more of this...
And Nürburgring Automotive says at peak periods there still aren't enough beds in the area and new, non-motorsport events like the Fisherman's Friend Strongman Run will bring in thousands of new punters to the benefit of all.

Caught between the need to pay back the government (80% of profits and a minimum of €12m a year from 2013) and turn a profit for the leaseholders every Euro counts too.

PHers and other weekend visitors might wince at increases in lap ticket prices reaching 26% but we've got it easy compared with the manufacturers' industry pool. An attempt by the Nürburgring to hike charges by a factor of 10 for the collective's 16-week block booking earned a flat refusal to pay. As it stands negotiations are ongoing with several threatening to go elsewhere.

...but claim tourist laps are safe
...but claim tourist laps are safe
Were they getting it too cheaply? "Absolutely," says our Nürburgring spokesperson. "They were paying less per hour than it costs to rent the kart track ... but we're confident the industry pool will be at the Nürburgring in 2011."

Event organisers are also hurting. Take Scuderia Hanseat. This prestigious race school has been coming here since 1958 and has, over the years, included the likes of Stirling Moss among its instructors. Supercars that wouldn't dare mix with the riff-raff on public days are de-rigueur.

Exactly the sort of people you'd think Nürburgring Automotive would welcome with open arms. But even Scuderia Hanseat faces price rises and restrictions in track access that a source told us were "unacceptable" and, at the time of writing, has no dates fixed for 2011. Legal action is being considered.

RSR is undergoing a legal battle
RSR is undergoing a legal battle
But if the example of Ron Simons of long-established rental and instruction outfit RSR Nürburg is anything to go by Scuderia Hanseat shouldn't get its hopes up. Annoying the new management at the Nürburgring is a risky strategy and after challenging a number of alleged infractions against circuit rules Simons fought it out in the courts, only to lose and find himself, his cars and his employees banned from the circuit. An appeal is pending.

So could Save The Ring's darkest premonitions be true and the gates to the Nordschleife be locked? The Nürburgring says absolutely not.

Will local businesses be driven out...
Will local businesses be driven out...
"The Nordschleife and public driving is just so important for us!" says PH's source. "We are doing everything we can to keep the Nordschleife and tourist drives alive," a ker-ching from the barriers every time they let a car out onto the circuit almost audible in the background.

Things are, quite clearly, on a bit of a knife-edge. Though if you're planning a 'ring trip this year you're unlikely to notice much change, beyond steeper prices and greater competition for your Euro among the guest houses and the Lindner complex up at the GP track.

But as the 'ring makes the transition from a uniquely charming petrolheads' paradise into a more ruthless commercial enterprise the very things that have inspired such passion among the faithful will be marginalised.

...and will we be able to afford to play?
...and will we be able to afford to play?
That famous outline of the circuit, a badge of honour worn by those initiated in the Nordschleife's fearsome and uniquely challenging tarmac, has now become a piece of branding, a symbol of a new age in which the 'ring caters to those with the deepest pockets, not simply the willingness to lay it on the line for a taste of motorsport glory washed down with a frothing glass of Bitburger.

Is the Save The Ring movement alarmist? Possibly, but it at least gives something for those passionate about the Nürburgring and all it stands for (or, perhaps, stood for) to rally around.



Original Poster:

281 posts

180 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Would be very sad to see it go... I'm planning a trip this year and all I read about is the ridiculous amounts spent on rollercoasters, hotels and restaurants. It's a racing circuit!


30,250 posts

237 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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It was going to happen sooner or later - the N'ring's success and fame was going to attract investors/developers.

Just a shame they're of the 'bigger is better' mould that Bernie E seems to love so much, and not someone sympathetic to the true fan/enthusiast (like the Wheatcroft family and a certain circuit closer to home...).

I would hope the State steps in and reins the owners (?) in a little - it's still a public road, right?!?


154 posts

201 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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I've been to the Ring every year since 2005 but won't be going again in a hurry.

In 2005 it was distilled petrol head nirvana with great cars and great people, almost all of whom were quick, safe and courteous drivers. It also wasn't too busy.

Over the years it has got so busy that you will never get a lap that isn't interrupted by a crash/near miss and the driving standards have slipped to a level that means what used to be a controlled risk is now an accident waiting to happen. For me this is because of the 'touristification' (for want of a better phrase) of the place meaning that Joe Bloggs who has never done a trackday in his/her life and has no experience of a performance car can fly in having played on his/her playstation for a day and hire a track car and do his worst.

It is a shame. But when Top Gear let the cat out of the bag years ago it started a series of events which has brought us to where we are today.

I hope it will one day return to being a destination for what I can only describe as pure petrol heads as the place has such a romantic mystique and history it is a shame to see things as they are at present with the place resembling Blackpool.

Anyway, I'll sign off now. Next thing you know Porsche will be moving production to China.......


35,349 posts

236 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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An interesting write up, thanks yes

It seems like the company responsible have just done the wrong thing and tried to turn the place into a theme park. The fact that their superficial materialistic neon laced "fun" park was empty on the evening PH visited, and yet the pubs and bars in Nurburg (and probably Adenau too) were full says it all really.

I think I'm a typical ring visitor - I want to drive the track in the day, chat to other people about their cars, have a few pints and a steak in the evening, and perhaps chill out in the forest watching the cars go by.

On a final note, it's a shame that Ron Simmons has had a coming together with the GmBH; I didn't know that. I've rented from his company in the past and had a few laps with one of their instructors and found them really great.


779 posts

207 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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AIUI, the 'ring has been leased to Lindner & Richter. These guys know nothing about motorsport and are only interested in capturing every euro spent on anything remotely connected to the 'ring; be it hotels, food, car rentals, tuition, memorabilia, you name it.

I suspect that the debt burden will prove to be too high & they will eventually fail to pay it and go bust, but the amount of damage they will do to indigenous businesses before that happens is what is justifiably concerning both 'ring regulars & the locals (who will also have to foot the bill when this folly crashes & burns). I urge everyone to continue to support the local businesses as we have always done so that the end to this madness comes as soon as possible.


81 posts

279 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Having spent 15 years in Australia and just got back to Blighty my list of things to do included a run around 'the ring', having read about it so often and knowing there's no tarmac rallying here (I've run in Targa Tasmaina a few times), so it's worrying that this automotive experience appears to be turning into a Sunday drive for the family...


375 posts

217 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Even though I'd joined up to the 'Save The Ring' campaign, I still didn't full understand what on earth was going on over there so thanks for shedding some light on the topic!

It's a complete shambles and a real shame for petrolheads that it's become so overly commercialised. If the allegation of not being forced into using the ring's own facilities for an event is true, I suppose the only thing we can do is vote with our feet and support the independent firms as much as possible. If it isn't true, well...

If you're interested the 'Save The Ring' Facebook page is:

RB Will

9,678 posts

242 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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WMP said:
I've been to the Ring every year since 2005 but won't be going again in a hurry.

In 2005 it was distilled petrol head nirvana with great cars and great people, almost all of whom were quick, safe and courteous drivers. It also wasn't too busy.

Over the years it has got so busy that you will never get a lap that isn't interrupted by a crash/near miss and the driving standards have slipped to a level that means what used to be a controlled risk is now an accident waiting to happen. For me this is because of the 'touristification' (for want of a better phrase) of the place meaning that Joe Bloggs who has never done a trackday in his/her life and has no experience of a performance car can fly in having played on his/her playstation for a day and hire a track car and do his worst.

It is a shame. But when Top Gear let the cat out of the bag years ago it started a series of events which has brought us to where we are today.

I hope it will one day return to being a destination for what I can only describe as pure petrol heads as the place has such a romantic mystique and history it is a shame to see things as they are at present with the place resembling Blackpool.

Anyway, I'll sign off now. Next thing you know Porsche will be moving production to China.......
I feel exactly the same way. When I first started going in 2005 I only knew 1 other person who had been. Now I can list about 20 or more. I think it is starting to head towards becoming Butlins for car fans. I too blame Top Gear for making it so public and giving people a target time to aim for.
It has got too busy for it's own good. When I first started going I bought a year pass and went about 5 times that year doing countless laps. Mostly uninterrupted and enjoyable and about half the price it is now.
I went last in May 09 as I felt I just had to having fiddled with my car a bit.That trip was such a chore. It was not on a bank holiday and I even went for weekdays for it to be quiet. The place was heaving. There were queues to get on the track and numerous closures for accidents which leaves numerous parts of the circuit under caution/ roadworks.
I only managed to get in about 4 laps and just spent the rest of the time spectating and visiting local towns like Cochem.

I miss the old ring.


6,761 posts

208 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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there really is no point bleating on about how things were better in the olden days.

if Nurburgring Automotive GmbH doesn't pay the €15 million annual rent then a new operator will take its place. i suspect they would be even more ruthless.


6,082 posts

205 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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I would love to do a trip to the ring but as people have said it's so much of a risk with people either trying to beat 8.00 lap time or not knowing how to drive fast. Think the only way I would do it is in a cheap car I purchased just for the track.


35,349 posts

236 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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It's interesting reading the comments above, seeing as I haven't been to the ring for about two years now. I first visited the ring about 3 or 4 years ago, and have been back twice since. I must admit, I don't think I've ever done a single lap without slowing to 20mph to crawl past an accident. All this talk of ten minute or 9 minute laps BTG seems largely academic now when there are so many offs. Admittedly, my visits have been at weekends, and often UK Bank Holidays, but I had assumed that a weekday might be quieter. Is that no longer the case?


40,601 posts

242 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Daston said:
I would love to do a trip to the ring but as people have said it's so much of a risk with people either trying to beat 8.00 lap time or not knowing how to drive fast. Think the only way I would do it is in a cheap car I purchased just for the track.
Watching the ever increasing YouTube clips of 'Ring crashes I feel the same. Much like I wish I'd bought a 964RS when they were affordable, I wish I had visited the 'Ring years ago when I used to wave friends off on weekend trips there.


20,449 posts

233 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Daston said:
I would love to do a trip to the ring but as people have said it's so much of a risk with people either trying to beat 8.00 lap time or not knowing how to drive fast. Think the only way I would do it is in a cheap car I purchased just for the track.
Why not rent a ring car?


56 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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It might seem strange for a PH to admit this, but i've never really seen the point of the 'ring!!

It's too fast, and too long a circuit to learn in short order, so you can never really attack it with any vigour without the peril of an incident (and it sounds like the higher numbers are now making this happen more), and it's so fast and smooth that any road car developed there is basically an excercise in high speed stability, which is not really how we used to drive in the uk (i could ramble into a long story of how the 'ring destroyed the handling of the mk1 RS focus, but i sharn't lol!)

There are lots of alternatives the industry pool can use, so i can't see them getting to upset (it's about time we stopped the silly "developed on the Ring" rubbish anyway!

I feel bad for the locals, but perhaps, if the "funfair" dies, things might return to how they used to be??


30,250 posts

237 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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I've been once, in '08. Went for a weekend, spectated the first day (amateur race), then drove the second day. Only got 4 laps in due to queues, taking it easy (first time - didn't want to go OTT) and 3 closures during the day.

- First lap some twit in a bright-green heavily modded Supra (UK reg and apparently 'well known') nearly takes me out by undertaking despite me indicating - life-saver did exactly that.
- Second lap was sublime - found a Scooby to follow who knew the track better - perfect! biggrin
- Third lap had 3 accidents which ruined the flow.
- Fourth lap was also pretty good...equal to a good B-road blat, certainly.

So all in all a bit mixed. But a lot of bad driving there, even then. And one dead biker too! frown
So if it's got busier and with more idiots, then if/when I go back (hopefully when), it'll be on an RMA trackday or similar, not a TF day.


40,601 posts

242 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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monthefish said:
Daston said:
I would love to do a trip to the ring but as people have said it's so much of a risk with people either trying to beat 8.00 lap time or not knowing how to drive fast. Think the only way I would do it is in a cheap car I purchased just for the track.
Why not rent a ring car?

I think I'd only consider a private session so I could be amongst like-minded chaps and have a worry-free time.


3,301 posts

198 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Blame Top Gear? Blame Gran Turismo more like!


35,349 posts

236 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Garlick said:
Daston said:
I would love to do a trip to the ring but as people have said it's so much of a risk with people either trying to beat 8.00 lap time or not knowing how to drive fast. Think the only way I would do it is in a cheap car I purchased just for the track.
Watching the ever increasing YouTube clips of 'Ring crashes I feel the same. Much like I wish I'd bought a 964RS when they were affordable, I wish I had visited the 'Ring years ago when I used to wave friends off on weekend trips there.
Chin up! biggrin You can still buy a 964 for £12k, strip it out and lighten it (I read a review in 911 World about a guy that does this for people and his results are absolutely stunning), and visit fantastic places such as Cadwell, Oulton and Spa Francorchamps. driving


2,868 posts

284 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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RB Will said:
I miss the old ring.
Yeah... Times have changed a lot since I first went there.

I still remember that very first moment, when I drove up to the Dorint parking in my then one month old Elise, only to see two MacLaren F1's tucked away nicely.

Drove to the Ring every year several times, but I stopped going that often about 4-5 years ago, as has been said on here, it has become way too touristic.

Shame, really...


588 posts

191 months

Tuesday 18th January 2011
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Sounds sad it went the funfair way anyway but some of this was inevitable I suppose. Always wanted to go there (have done a few track days in the UK) but have heard so many horror stories of relatively inexperianced drivers like me having an off - and whether its your pride or your pride and joy or something more serious it doesn't sound like its worth the risk!

Edited by Johnpidge on Tuesday 18th January 13:29