What a total ****** ****ing tossing pr*ck

What a total ****** ****ing tossing pr*ck



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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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Well one of my friends have had his wage cut and not being paid like he should. half of the staff have been layed off. and everyone one has had a pay cut and the MD says its looking bad and they might have to shut the company, then this morning the MD turns up with a 07 plate AM. he already has a Bentley C on a 08 plate. way to go MD rub everyone's face in it what a total fking wker! Really pisses me off no thinking about others! Fine fair enough if you want/ get one but don't then rub it in when people could lose there house/jobs.

P.s he is keeping the Bentley
Has a new Merc
Has the merc Ml
And a Porsche

I first class tt!!!!!!!

Morning everyone smile

Edited by 02verco on Monday 22 July 08:29


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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pork911 said:
like when move off tools into management and get fat, some people!!!!!! wink
Ha ha


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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Yes I agree with fair play to him and its his company and money. etc but you don't go buying a car like that bring it into work and then brag and tell all the staff to cum and have a look, being quite and not rubbing it in people's face would be nice! God I have nice cars and spend my money on nice things but I then don't go and rub it in someone's face!

Just glad I do not work there!!!! smile


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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Well I have just been told that in the last two months the MD has take. Out to large payments to himself £50k+ each time and his old merc he has sold to the company for the grand some of £25k when it should be worth around, 15-18k at the most! One lady has been made redundant this morning and told there is no money to pay her any redundancy and people are getting a pay cut there! To add insult to it all he is getting the work force to do work on his new houses as well. This is taking the piss a little,

The MD from what I'm told is as thick as two short planks and the only reason he has ever made any money was because of his staff working there nuts off, no pay rise in the last 6 years and nothing to say well done at Christmas, what a nice guy!


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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Muzzer79 said:
And another thing

Car envy does my head in.

It is completely up to the MD how he spends his money - whether he drives to work in an Aston or a Kia.

You think he should sell these cars to support the business? Would you sell your cars to support where you work? Thought not...... rolleyes
It's not car envy its not saying he should not buy himself nice things, but he shouldn't rub it in the staff's face! AM DB9 for 55k it also sounds a bit OTT


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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R11ysf said:
I'm sorry but this is just bks. What you are saying is that someone who has set up his own company and EMPLOYED people, like your mate, for at least 6 years is thick as two short planks and only got there because hard working people, like your mate, made the business for him?? If you really believe this then there's definitely one person who's thick and it isn't him.

If your friend is hard working and not thick then I presume he'll have a bigger, better company employing twice as many people with 6 years then? Or he'll still be employed sitting around moaning about people who are actually out there doing and creating things. I think the latter.

Taking risk is a skill. Setting up business is a talent. Not everyone wants to take risk and responsibility, lots just want to sit around and be told what to do so they don't have to think for themselves. Lots of people like to leave at 5pm and not have to think about anything, not be awake at 2am on Sunday wondering how you are going to pay your staff that you've employed for 5 years. What will you do it the bank want that loan back? How can you expand whist still keeping your current clients happy? ETc etc etc.

Those who can do and those can do. Those that can't sit around and moan about someone else buying a new car.

PH - moaning matters.
Okay so a bit of background.

Company was started up about 7 years ago, there was a gap in the market in a town, a company that was about 100 miles away thought it would be a good place to set up another company doing the same as he was, offered a friend of his the money and all the information he had to start up same company. Guy welcomed this idea with open arms and started up company in town, he then employed most of the staff from another company that was doing well with the promise of pay rise better conditions etc, MD and the guy who put the money up have an equal share of the company, then the new company using documents from the company he employed people from used them to tender for a large contract with the government. The MD at this point would only go into the office if he had a falling out with his wife to sleep in the office or to blow of his steam, the manger is in charge of everything, he has lots of contacts and is very very good at his job, and grows the company for the MD.

Now from what I have been told over the years this guy is very lucky and has been in the right place at the right time but it is down to his manger for where the company is and like you said a lot of people think that if they are employed there jobs are safe to a certain fact,

So to sum it up, jealous nope, pissed off that someone like that rubs salt in a wound and has no respect for others yes!
Respect for what he has done with the company ummm kind of a lot of underhand deals and been very lucky!

Just personally I wouldn't act like that and it has been proven many times that if you keep investing in your company it can grow! Yes not all company's, but look at BOSC

H read about the history and that is amazing!

Edited by 02verco on Monday 22 July 15:39


Original Poster:

158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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R11ysf said:
I'm sorry but this is just bks. What you are saying is that someone who has set up his own company and EMPLOYED people, like your mate, for at least 6 years is thick as two short planks and only got there because hard working people, like your mate, made the business for him?? If you really believe this then there's definitely one person who's thick and it isn't him.

If your friend is hard working and not thick then I presume he'll have a bigger, better company employing twice as many people with 6 years then? Or he'll still be employed sitting around moaning about people who are actually out there doing and creating things. I think the latter.

Taking risk is a skill. Setting up business is a talent. Not everyone wants to take risk and responsibility, lots just want to sit around and be told what to do so they don't have to think for themselves. Lots of people like to leave at 5pm and not have to think about anything, not be awake at 2am on Sunday wondering how you are going to pay your staff that you've employed for 5 years. What will you do it the bank want that loan back? How can you expand whist still keeping your current clients happy? ETc etc etc.

Those who can do and those can do. Those that can't sit around and moan about someone else buying a new car.

PH - moaning matters.
Okay so a bit of background.

Company was started up about 7 years ago, there was a gap in the market in a town, a company that was about 100 miles away thought it would be a good place to set up another company doing the same as he was, offered a friend of his the money and all the information he had to start up same company. Guy welcomed this idea with open arms and started up company in town, he then employed most of the staff from another company that was doing well with the promise of pay rise better conditions etc, MD and the guy who put the money up have an equal share of the company, then the new company using documents from the company he employed people from used them to tender for a large contract with the government. The MD at this point would only go into the office if he had a falling out with his wife to sleep in the office or to blow of his steam, the manger is in charge of everything, he has lots of contacts and is very very good at his job, and grows the company for the MD.

Now from what I have been told over the years this guy is very lucky and has been in the right place at the right time but it is down to his manger for where the company is and like you said a lot of people think that if they are employed there jobs are safe to a certain fact,

So to sum it up, jealous nope, pissed off that someone like that rubs salt in a wound and has no respect for others yes!
Respect for what he has done with the company ummm kind of a lot of underhand deals and been very lucky!

Just personally I wouldn't act like that and it has been proven many times that if you keep investing in your company it can grow! Yes not all company's, but look at BOSCH read about the history and that is amazing!

Edited by 02verco on Monday 22 July 15:40


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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CraigyMc said:
Presumably you'd rather he stopped shaving, lived rough for a few days and walked to work in slippers having soiled himself, in order to disguise his wealth?

There isn't any point whining when some people are doing better than others.
There isn't any point whining that someone is showing off their wealth when others are losing their jobs.
The MD could easily be wealthy from other sources than the failing business.

Presumably some of the folk on here would prefer it if he spent more money buying a shed, just to drive it to work.

Well I know he has been sleeping in the office for the last 3 weeks as his missis kicked him out, witch is quite funny! Should call channel 4 they would love to send some cameras around ha ha


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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blueg33 said:
But he may have carried loads of financial risk to get there in the first place.

If it is easy and risk free to get to be a Director of a business and driving newish luxury cars then everyone would do it.

Fact is, to get there is not an easy ride (generally). The people who currently are holding a grudge against said Director may not have jobs at all if he hadnt taken risks and started the business.

All he has done is failed in diplomacy IMO
I wouldn't say it's a grudge but just poor respect for others


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158 posts

133 months

Monday 22nd July 2013
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Muzzer79 said:
So, to summarise, man spots gap in market at the right time.

Gets someone in to run it for him quite successfully, whilst he puts his feet up.

Remind me which part of him again you think is stupid?

The only fool here is the manager running the business without a stake in it (if that's the case) instead of starting up himself.

You seem to have a quite simplistic idea of what starting and running a business entails.
There is a lot more to starting and running a company but this guy has had it easy in most terms!


Original Poster:

158 posts

133 months

Tuesday 23rd July 2013
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With regards to this company and MD we are talking about luckily for me I do not and would not work for him! He has no tact! I just know how much my friend has been pushed over and around, but he stays there because he keeps getting promised pay etc but never materialises. I work very hard and put my all in for my company and boss knowing that one day I will be paid the same respect in turn, just some people are not as lucky and just wish my friend would grow a pair and leave, the reason I know so much about the company is I know his ex wife, the accountant and he is a competitor so you have to know the ins and outs!!! smile


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158 posts

133 months

Tuesday 23rd July 2013
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MX7 said:
That was easy to read.
It's late.

Just finished gym.

And my fingers are to big for my phone!

And I love to make excuses smile


Original Poster:

158 posts

133 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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markda said:
In complete contrast, I work for a huge Global Corporate Company, where our EMEA President who is knowingly on almost seven figure salary turns work every day in a very modest circa 9-10 year old silver Mercedes CLK220. A very personable, professional and overall nice guy!

I'm reliably informed he owns some serious exotica with a prancing pony on the bonnet, but chooses not to rub his success in the noses of his employees.
Why can't ever boss/manger be like that and have respect, some of the people I employ can not afforded to run a car so we give them the works van ( they have to put there own deisle in if there using it out of hours)


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133 months

Friday 26th July 2013
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MX7 said:
You're asking why everyone isn't really nice? It's like you want everyone to treat you with kid gloves.
Nope just respect !!!


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133 months

Saturday 27th July 2013
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Papa Hotel said:
Respect? You don't know the meaning of the word. Regurgitating second-hand cobblers, laughing because his wife left him, it's been said before but you're a nasty piece of work.
Okay in the respect of his wife leaving him I have not told you the full story on this and what he has done, now if I were to tell you, (pm) only as this is something for his wife's sake would not be nice to be broadcast across the Internet. I do know the meaning of respect and I also share a lot of respect with my work force and they share the same back. I think the biggest thing here is that you only know half the story! The other half to be to would be going to far in to this man personal life and a boundary that I would not like to cross, I understand both points of view and in another sense agree with both and looking at what has been put can see the good and bad for what I have said!