Bus Driver Got me angry need help FINE croydon area:furious:

Bus Driver Got me angry need help FINE croydon area:furious:



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109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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so I got cut up by a bus driver almost had a collision and was forced to drive though a bus station today on my birthday! I live in Croydon so if you know the area you would know west Croydon station.. anyways here is the view https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.378643,-0.100943...

I drove through it, they was currently rebuilding so the station was all closed off and smashed down... anyways I asked several drivers after I parked up about the incident ( I wanted to find the driver that cut me up I was fuming ) they said yep its restricted you will get fined etc etc ... 65 quid one said 200 quid :O

if anyone knows any info or advise to help me calm down please do.. I worried now im get fined and lose money for getting into road rage when I shouldn't have frown

ps.. do you get fined for driving into stations..


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18 posts

109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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TooMany2cvs said:
sciroccoGT210 said:
so I got cut up by a bus driver almost had a collision and was forced to drive though a bus station
You might want to get your brakes looked at. And your eyesight...

sciroccoGT210 said:
ps.. do you get fined for driving into stations..
For ignoring a No Entry sign, y'mean?
look at this view https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.378495,-0.100754...

the place was all being worked on looks far more confusing than you think and several of the lanes weren't even there so don't worry brakes are fine and my eyes.

just want to know if anyone has had a fine driving into a station


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18 posts

109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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BuzzBravado said:
Cant see any cameras, so you might be ok. Looking at the picture i cant see how another driver has forced you through that no entry.
there was two cctv cams put up.. that aint in the pic.. white long ones


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109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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R8Steve said:
You should be ok, they will check your date of birth first and see it was your birthday so you shouldn't get a fine.


nice to meet you all !! laughlaughlaughlaugh


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109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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Troubleatmill said:
im 23 :P


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Monday 25th May 2015
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TooMany2cvs said:
sciroccoGT210 said:
Yep, still says "BUSES ONLY" in large letters between the two big red (-) signs.

sciroccoGT210 said:
so don't worry brakes are fine and my eyes.
So how, exactly, did this bus "force" you through there?

sciroccoGT210 said:
just want to know if anyone has had a fine driving into a station
The fact it's a station, open or closed, is irrelevant. Rather more to the point is the bloody great big (-) BUSES ONLY (-) signage. There's what is commonly known as a "clue" there. And, yes, lots of blind idiots have been nicked for ignoring road signs telling them not to do what they promptly went and did.
you are absolutely right, the bus lane you see in the photo was full of buses and the driver drove out and forced me to swerve, the road is a dead end but I made a mistake wrong turning I didn't know what to do. I missed the sign cause the bus was in front. I saw it later when I went back.

im only asking dude. thanks for your input anyway, appreciate it.


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109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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garyhun said:
Go and ask your mum for the dictionary. It's good to use words of your own to show what a big boy you are.
me : "mum get me a dictionary!"
mum: "why my dear?"
me : "because I ain't a big boy"
mum: "who said such a thing?"
me : "garyhun the guy who thinks he's badass on the internet"
me : "thats garyhun for you"


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Monday 25th May 2015
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R8Steve said:
I'm not sure how you managed to get forced into that road having looked at google street view but you can probably expect the standard 'bus lane' fine which is typically £100 reduced to £50 if paid within 30 days.

You can appeal though of course and use the mitigation of the bus cutting you off and the fact it was your birthday.
thank you Steve that's all I asked for. appreciate the reply. that's fine I will appeal he almost smashed into my car.


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Monday 25th May 2015
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R8Steve said:
Worse case scenario is that it would be treated as a 'TS50 - Failing to comply with a traffic sign (excluding Stop signs, traffic lights and double white lines) and you could get 3 points.

I think that is very unlikely and you'll get a fine of between £30-£100. I can't see any way of arguing that you were unaware that it was a no entry with all the signs and you did have the option to turn round.

You could try over on Pepipoo and see if anyone there can help if anything does come through the post.
omg steve don't say that! for what I do I could get sacked for points! now you made me feel 1000 times worse frown oh god no !


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Monday 25th May 2015
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279 said:
As someone who spends a lot of time in croydon I don't have a clue how you getting up in the bus station.

I am not sure what the signage is like now they are doing building but anyone with an ounce of local knowledge knows that the road leading up to the bus garage just does that - leads to the bus garage.
if you go past it you'll see, all road works and site shut off proper confusing. yet avoidable scenario, but I was angry and really frustrated the guy cut me up forcing me to go straight into it. words were exchanged got really upset..


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Monday 25th May 2015
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mgtony said:
R8Steve said:
Worse case scenario is that it would be treated as a 'TS50 - Failing to comply with a traffic sign (excluding Stop signs, traffic lights and double white lines) and you could get 3 points.

I think that is very unlikely and you'll get a fine of between £30-£100. I can't see any way of arguing that you were unaware that it was a no entry with all the signs and you did have the option to turn round.

You could try over on Pepipoo and see if anyone there can help if anything does come through the post.
Looking at the street view map and working back towards the main road, it does show it's a dead end but not bus station only. If you come around the bend and there are buses stopped at the bus stops,you may see the car park to the left but then realise it's gated off. Then there is then nowhere to turn around, especially if the buses pull out behind you.
absolutely spot on. clever man, either way i hope nothing happens... and if it does ill just pay the fine and learn my lesson.. never get angry stay calm and drive away.


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Monday 25th May 2015
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LovelyTia said:
Expect a fine
Croydon is the worst for fining drivers over anything and everything possible. Pay up and just take it on the chin.

My mum got one for letting a passenger out in a no stopping route whilst sat in traffic. She wasn't stopped, she was sat in traffic and my dad could walk to where he needed to be quicker than waiting in the car, so he got out of the car. Week or so later, a fine appeared.
yeah i hope not but if so will do. thanks tia.


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Monday 25th May 2015
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itannum990 said:
Marginally off topic but croydon is just horrid to drive through, they've altered both ends of Wellesley road so trafic is forced to play pot luck with lane choice and merging - an accident waiting to happen. And all traffic currently being diverted down station road, barely wide enough for a bus now. I can see how OP was forced to make evasive manoeuvres.
Yeah its mayhem nowadays.. for previous poster I followed the bus driver cause he almost clipped my car, I was angry and went to say a few words. heated exchange occurred and there I was stuck and quickly went through. I was angry and didn't think.

ill take in on the chin take whatever fine that comes through, and just drive away from idiots on the road.


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Monday 25th May 2015
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DonnyMac said:
I know Croydon very well. I cannot think of how or why you would be on that road in the first place. It serves no purpose for the public, just buses and I've not seen them use it either, they use station road which is the next on the left.

How did you approach it, from the main drag, Wellesely Road? And if so why did you turn left down there, it doesn't go anywhere.

There's no opportunity to be cut up as there are three lanes approaching the lights, the only traffic not going in your direction is controlled by the lights so I can't see how you accidently found yourself there.
I got cut up into it. felt intimidated didn't want to smash my car so I followed through. I was forced and didn't know what to do and how to turn around the only place I see now is the church but the gate was shut so I had no choice/wasn't thinking straight.

just wanna say a massive thanks to all the input from everyone thanks guys.


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109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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garyhun said:
Tickets please!
Wouldn't be surprised.


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Monday 25th May 2015
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Centurion07 said:
sciroccoGT210 said:
so I got cut up by a bus driver almost had a collision and was forced to drive though a bus station today on my birthday!
sciroccoGT210 said:
I followed the bus driver cause he almost clipped my car, I was angry and went to say a few words.
So which one was it?
He cut me up pushed me into the road and pulled out in front which caused me to swerve


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109 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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paintman said:
And if you had a shout at him in the bus you may well find it's all on the cameras on the bus. All ready for the nice policeman to see & have a copy of when the bus company make a complaint of one of their drivers being abused/threatened.

Shout & swear inside your closed car by all means, but going to confront the other party is never a good idea. Have a Google for Kenneth Noye/Stephen Cameron.

Happy birthday BTW.
I was in the car not on the bus :-/

I said why cut me up ?
He said "what you gunna do hero"
I said I made a wrong turn now just be patient
He said F off
I replied with get a job where you don't drive.
And he pulled out and forced me straight into the station