Not really sure what I want to do anymore

Not really sure what I want to do anymore



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Wednesday 11th January 2023
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I know there has been many threads in the past along the theme of "I'm done / bored with cars" but bear with me, this is sort of like that, but not quite in the same way laugh

Ever since I was a kid, cars have been in my DNA. Many years later, I've got what most would consider to be a very fun little car. I spend hours on PH reading about other cars. Reading peoples tales about cars, their adventures etc. I will quite happily sit and watch car videos for hours. I spend time on Autotrader fantasising about what I want next, nothing about any of this would suggest any kind of boredom.

Yet, since the pandemic, I've worked from home, so no need for a car to commute in. I have my car for weekend blasts and as a runabout. However, I seem to need to force myself to actually go out in it, and more often than not, I just elect to stay in for whatever reason; weather crap, hangover, stuff to do in the house, people to see, whatever.

It's got to the point when I'm wondering why I bother even having the thing. Yet I know if I was to sell it, it wouldn't be long before I yearned for a car again. In fact, I did the same a few years back with my old MR2, I sold it because I didn't need it and rarely used it, and I lasted over 18 months before I caved and bought a car again.

The other fact is that while I don't need a car, it does come in useful and it would seriously inconvenience me on an infrequent basis to not have one. Theoretically, a sensible person would just get an old Aygo or something else that's nearly as cheap as walking, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I've actually been thinking for the last month what car to buy next, which will likely cost me more money that I could put to better use, and it makes no sense whatsoever because I probably still wouldn't use it anymore than I do now, I guess I'm hoping the novelty would spark something in me again.

I guess, being totally honest, there's an element of 'been there, done that, got the T-shirt' too. I've been given some serious thoughts about whether my tastes have changed, before I would like nothing more than a B-road blast, but now I'd quite happily have a comfy, relaxing car with some good tunes.

It's a weird paradox of being keen on all things cars, owning a petrolhead car, happily discussing them or watching videos about them, but otherwise just leaving the one I've got on the drive and barely using it. It just doesn't seem to make any sense, and I cannot fathom what I should do about it.

Has anyone else felt this way? What did you do about it? I guess the reason for this thread is I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. The most sensible decision seems to be to just keep what I've got, be happy with it, and just use it whenever I want, but why do I find myself drawn to the next new thing when I know it makes bugger all sense laugh


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Wednesday 11th January 2023
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Cheers all, some interesting thoughts here.

First off, no I wont be moving abroad!

V8... well, that's an itch I'm yet to scratch. Thing is, many V8s are found in executive cars, where they're quite muted, and usually come with scary bork factor. If I did, I couldn't justify too much money. Only thing I can think of at the top of my head that has a bit of a voice and costs no more than £10k is a Monaro, which I've gotta be honest, never done it for me really, but maybe worth it for the noise alone.

On a semi related note, the cars I've been looking at are all 6-cylinders so clearly I do get the attraction with a big old multi-cylinder ICE lump!

As for classic cars, I don't have a garage so I wouldn't like to leave a vintage car exposed to the elements 365 days a year, even my MX5 suffers badly with damp and condensation at this time of year. The tinkering thing doesn't, and nor will it ever appeal to me I'm afraid. Just not my bag.


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Thursday 12th January 2023
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Thanks all for the replies, good to know I'm not alone with these thoughts. I wanted to address some of your comments now...

croyde said:
Mustang GT V8
Heaveho said:
If it's a unborkable V8 you want, buy a Lexus IS-F. I wish I'd kept that and the R8 more than anything else I've had.
Nice, but both cars more money than I have or am willing to spend.

Chubbyross said:
OP, I’ve been feeling very similar to you for the last few years. Covid certainly hasn’t helped. WFH has made me more and more reluctant to get out and about these days. I decided to shake things up considerably last summer. Out went my comfortable garage queen 911 and in came a Caterham. It’s certainly reignited my love of driving, although for me it’s definitely going to be an occasional weekend toy. The social scene is also the best for any car I’ve owned in the past - another incentive to drive and meet new people.
Caterham is a great car, and I'm sure I would love to drive one occasionally, but it's not a practical proposition, as it would have to live out on the drive, which is in a public courtyard, so not really even on my property, and I don't have a garage. I'm also not 100% sure it would really solve the issue of me not using it - maybe at first. To be honest, the MX5 I'm tooling about in now was a nod towards that sort of experience, just more practical to live outside.

A poverty spec 20 year old civic aerodeck for the necessary car and then get yourself a motorcycle.
Chainsaw Rebuild said:
Look into motorbikes. It’s a whole new world of exciting machines to get into. It’s a broad church too, you have dirt bikes in various guises, track days, touring and so on.

You could test the waters at an enduro day for beginners. About £250 for a cracking day out.
I would love to, but my living arrangements ultimately make it completely impractical as I have nowhere secure to store it unfortunately.

littleredrooster said:
Complete empathy on this point. We retired and relocated to Thirsk from Rugby - almost back to our Durham roots. On our doorstep are the Yorkshire Dales & the NY Moors - both less than 15mins away, so a complete contrast from Rugby where I had to travel bloody miles to find some interesting routes.

Despite this, an MX-5 on the drive and a maxi-scooter in the garage, I struggle to motivate myself to go anywhere. Billy-no-mates - new area, no mates within easy reach and the appeal of thrashing something around some truly fabulous roads with unlimited time on my hands sometimes seems difficult.

Two years of lockdown and restrictions (and maybe increasing years!) has really knocked the enthusiasm out of me. In a moment of wine-fuelled madness however, I now seem to be a holder of an RS Clubmans licence. What on earth I'm going to do with it (sans navigator or car) is another matter!

Sorry that I don't offer much support or any answers to your dilemma, but I do know where you're coming from.
We're not that far away actually, I'm further north. It's not like the quality of the roads are a problem really - they're excellent to drive on (when not covered in craters) and not too heavily trafficked, but still I don't bother. I think my problem has pre-dated covid as I felt a little like this before, when I had my MR2 Roadster, but it certainly hasn't helped.

StuE39 said:
What cars have you owned previously? I went through a similar stage after owning relatively 'warm,' saloons - straight 6s, V8s.

Felt bored, didn't know what to do, then bought the obvious choice. A FN2 Honda Civic Type R........laugh

Completely the opposite to what I'd wanted or driven for 15 years. It was an absolute revelation; despite the reviews.
Take a look at my garagesmile

It includes an FN2, which had a Hondata FlashPro ECU upgrade, which made the car even better. I agree, it was an underrated car I thought, and I also had a DC2.

Gad-Westy said:
Maybe consider planning some proper trips in advance. I swear if I didn’t do this I’d probably never use my lotus. It requires other cars to be moved to get it out the garage and consequently I don’t really use it in any sort of casual sense. It’s all a bit pre-planned but I can say that I really do look forward to those longer pre-planned trips with it. A night or two camping in the lakes or a trip up into the highlands maybe 3-4 times per year. Great roads all the way. Doesn’t have to be days on end and certainly doesn’t cost much but it absolutely rekindles my love for driving every time.
I keep meaning to do this actually, we were planning on the NC500 last year but for one reason or another it didn't happen. Nothing planned so far this year, but we'll see. I might be going up to the highlands with some mates in the Spring. Actually, it seems to be often when my mates go glamping that I use the car most and I do really enjoy those trips (except for the one where my Boxster got written off and I was a bit too close for comfort being decapitated).

Ecosseven said:
I get where you are coming from. I still enjoy driving and I would never be without a car as it provides freedom to go where I want when I want. I also need to drive for my job. However, as I've got older I'm far less inclined to just go for a drive for the enjoyment and with no particular destination in mind. I've had the same two cars for almost 8 years now and am in no rush to change either - when I was younger I changed cars every year! Increased traffic congestion, lower speed limits, new cars which I find both less interesting and much more expensive and therefore less attainable than in previous years. All of it serves to dampen my enthusiasm and yet I will always have a car on the drive. As other posters have said what about getting a motorcycle? I have my bike license but haven't had a bike in years. I'm seriously considering getting back on two wheels as it opens up a whole new world of research, anticipation, and enjoyment when you finally get the bike you want. there are motorcycles for all tastes from race replicas to adventure bikes to cruisers to scramblers.
Much the same here really, although for me, in the North East, traffic isn't always too bad, not too many cameras and speed limits are, ahem, advisory biggrin I don't think it's that really. See the comments above about the motorbike idea, I like the idea but it's not really a goer.

A car club sounds like the answer to me, go on organised runs out and waffle on about cars with like minded folk. If you don't fancy joining a club just go to cars & coffee meets or race meets, you soon end up making friends with folk.

I kind of get the making excuses to stay in thing and I think working from home contributes to this mindset.
Maybe I should join the MX5OC! I used to do a few runs with PH but they died a death sadly, and also the MX5Nutz back when I had an older MX5. They were excellent. The car scene somehow seems a bit dead compared with back in the day. Working from home has definitely made me a bit lazier for sure yes

Unreal said:
TameRacingDriver said:
I've actually been thinking for the last month what car to buy next, which will likely cost me more money that I could put to better use
Are you sure about that? What's the better use you have in mind?

I could spend money on things other than cars but I don't believe any of the alternatives would improve the quality of my life.
I could spend money on the house that I moved into 3 years ago now, where I spend most of my time. I could go on more holidays. I could put more money towards retirement as I loathe working. I do get your point though smile

UTH said:
Hangovers - the single biggest reason my Corvette doesn’t get the driving it deserves. Hopefully I’ll rectify that this summer. But Friday/Saturday boozing is so tempting.
laugh yeah, I get that. I'm not as bad as I used to be, to be fair, I'm rarely ever too hungover to drive unless I've been on a late night session.

Koolkat969 said:
Got a Scale Model car as part of my Xmas gift also, so I've decided to turn that into a hobby and since, been looking at some others that i would like to add to the collection. Good way to satisfy that itch of getting another car whilst enjoying your current......even if it's only in Scale Model form. biglaugh

My RS in Scale Model 1:24....good size as i at least get to open the doors and boot plus the wheels turn biggrin

That's a nice model you have there! I did think about getting some model cars actually biggrin Although I don't have a lot of space for them, apart from my office, you have given me an idea though!

Lotobear said:
I think this just happens naturally with age, I feel the same but my answer is probably not what you want to hear given your postings above

I've done the Caterham thing, the Evora, then the S2 111S Elise (that I still have) and none really did the trick. I just find modern stuff boring

Then I decided to undertake a complete nut and bold restoration on a '68 Elan during lockdown (the second one I've done) which is approaching completion.

It's the only thing that excites and fulfills me - the process, the creativity and then the driving flawed though it is. I can't find the same buzz from modern stuff - even the Elise whilst lovely to drive, and as analogue as any 'modern' car can be, lacks the sense of occasion or mechanical 'connectedness' found in a classic car. Just IME of course everyone is different.

Generally I find more excitement these days in riding my MTB than driving. That and walking the dogs in the Lakes - it's an age thing!

PS: I also tried learning to ride motorbikes year before last - got the MOD 2 and just thought, do I really want to do this? So I dropped out - I only really fancied it as I wanted an XT500!

I'm 60 BTW
I do wonder if it's just getting older, to be honest frown Funnily enough my petrolhead mate gets more out of his e-bike these days and his downhill romps. I am hideously unfit though so something I'd have to work towards. Ultimately, if I did, I'd probably end up needing a bigger car to transport one in biggrin

Dirknights said:
I can relate to this.. 2 x cars sat in the garage (classic mini MK2 track car) but I just can't be arsed to get them out!! Tinkering has got to the point where I'm doing the same.bits as I've done before so it's not much of an adventure and I'm stuck. I know I'd regret selling but maybe it would release a burden... I had a £1000 mr2 a couple of years ago, bloody brilliant to not be precious about it, good fun to use everyday too so I'm thinking maybe just go back to something like that..
Although as many people have mentioned I got my motorbike licence a couple of years back and I love it. Nothing quite like it even just going with the flow of the traffic... I've got something with ~500bhp/ton, quick shifter, great noise, challenges you to ride, and you are such a part of the machine it's great and less than buy, 50mpg and.a couple hundred to insure! If it's just me going somewhere I'm on the bike..
Yeah the MR2 was a great cheap car, although even these aren't that cheap anymore, £5k for a decent one now. Again, motorbike - nice idea but not gonna happen for the time being (see earlier comments).

J4CKO said:
Get a Fiesta ST, im quite happy with mine, keep looking in to getting something else but I dont need anything and will end up spending loads of money for no real gain.
Yours does look fun, isn't about 300 bhp, must be mental! Can't help but feel I'm done with FWD hot hatches, but... I've never had a turbo one (other than a Mk1 Fabia vRS and that doesn't count as its a dirty derv), so never say never.

w8pmc said:
I can 100% agree with the O/P on every point, as am kind of in the same frame of mind.

Really is a quandary & i'm yet to find the perfect answerfrown
Join the club. In a way, I think the conclusion I'm coming to is either stick with the MX5 or get something around the same time and don't sweat it if I'm not using it all the time.


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Tuesday 7th February 2023
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scottos said:
Reading between the lines, you're somewhere in the North East? We are at an epicenter of amazing driving roads, North Pennines, North Yorkshire Moors, North Yorkshire Dales, Northumberland and the Scottish Borders.

I only really found purpose with my car obsession around 5-6 years ago when i moved further North and i found myself towards the edge of the Weardale/ North Pennines. I went from commuting/ cleaning my car once a week to not cleaning the car at all, if i had the time to do that then i would rather go out for a drive.

Drives out became a bit of a hobby and i'd generally do it alone too (i quite like my own company). I'd spend time on google maps and plan some routes out and then pick off shoots at random once i got to know the roads. A lot of the Evo photo shoots/ videos happen on these roads and i always liked to find the same roads/ series of bends etc. I was working on a classic car for road/ occasional track use and i ended up building it solely around these roads and the drives out in it on a quiet summers evening are genuinely glorious.

As a byproduct of the above, i've met a lot of great people (some of which are now friends). The odd wave at an interesting vehicle, obviously out doing the same thing as you, turned into stopping for a chat, then organising drives out etc.

If you dont NEED a car then now is a better time than any to get out and enjoy it whenever and wherever you wish, if you have an mx5 you have one of the best cars available for these roads in terms of engagement and drivability too. If you drop me a line i'd be happy to give you some routes in a given area if it would help you to get out and drive.
Yep, you're correct, I'm in the North East, and I know many of the roads you're describing, so it's not a lack of local knowledge. I have been blasting around them for years, but that said I think there's a combination of things going on. Maybe a little mix of familiarity (of the roads, and the activity, and to some degree, the car), getting a little older and slightly more risk averse, not having the time I used to have.

I probably do need to perhaps make a little more of the trips though, rather than just drive in a big circle, stopping only for a piss laugh I should probably make a thing of visiting a place, going for a walk, or a bite to eat or drink on the journey. It will at least give the journeys a sense of purpose.

I think the other issue is having had too many of a similar type of car. When I was younger, I think there was nothing better than a little raw, light, thrashy car, kicking its head in on a few country roads and generally being a little bit of a hooligan, but as I get older, I feel like I want the experience to be a bit more special but at the same time, I want to relax a little at times, so with that in mind, I'm currently scoping out the possibility of getting a nice GT car like a Jag XK/XKR, something with a nice big rumbling V8 and sense of occasion.

As for the motorbike ideas, that's been explored but ultimately I don't have storage for one, I would need lessons etc. Never say never, but with my current living arrangements, it's not practical.


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Wednesday 8th February 2023
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white_goodman said:
1) New car always seems to re-ignite some passion but I think that you're right to go with something that offers a sense of occasion rather than just fast. I always wanted a BMW M3 but in reality, I think that I would just find it a bit boring. A Jaguar XK8/XK is a great shout!
Yeah it does for sure, however for me at least it always seems to be short lived. When I got my Porsche it was wonderful at first, but within a few months I was already feeling "meh" about it but then I was saddled with a car that could bankrupt me overnight. Took some of the joy out of it for sure!

The XKR looks great and it would for sure be an event but I'm also wary at the same time of throwing more money at a problem when because of my fickleness, it wouldn't really solve anything.

white_goodman said:
4) Plan a route with a destination in mind eg seaside, country pub for a nice lunch etc. I always enjoyed my motorbike rides more when there was a destination/objective, rather than just riding a loop and with company, whether it's another person in the car or a group ride/drive always seems more enjoyable.

5) Plan a road trip - Cornwall, North Wales, Scotland, Europe, wherever. I always enjoy a road trip to different places on different roads, even with the family or in a fairly mundane car. In an MX5/interesting car, it should be a blast and the cost of the fuel less of an imposition because it's in the name of enjoyment rather than necessity!
I definitely need to do more of this though for sure. I haven't been able to use it much recently which I don't think has helped but the better weather is coming.

axel1990chp said:
I'm always and probably forever will be in two minds to change my car. I have a battle at the moment trying to talk myself out of buying a V8 RS4 Avant, I can justify the purchase price but I cant justify the regular maintenance and running costs. However, I am always drawn to the fact that not only are good nick V8s slowly dying out, in 10 years when I maybe CAN afford to keep one going and really enjoy ownership, they'll probably be well out of my price range due to the nature of the beast, more years gone, more miles, less perfect examples around. I've kind of resigned in part to keeping my current vehicle until its not fit for purpose, should my family grow and an estate becomes necessary, but there lies another argument for my own head. Get a normal estate or be a silly bugger and go for a big engine classic one? I know the PH answer, I don't know my missus and my bank accounts answer biggrin

My advice would be to follow your heart (within your financial means whatever that may be) and get a car and enjoy it for what it is. If you get to have a good drive out once a month, it will be worth its weight! Your current *Edit*: MX-5 if its going to have bugger all mileage and you're going to keep it pristine may well fetch you some decent return later down the line, whilst giving you thrills during.
I definitely sound the same as you as, like you, I feel the need to jump on the v8 bandwagon while I can but there's still questions about the affordability or whether I can justify it and even more so about whether it will solve my particular problem. I'm guessing it probably won't, and so with that being the case I may end up doing the same.

I was out again this morning in the mx5 and even though it was just a fairly mundane trip I did end up taking a slight detour and it got under my skin again. The thing is the mx owes me nothing and I'd have to find more money to upgrade to something else, do I have the appetite? Not sure, in all honesty, it's nice not to have any debts or to have a car that's going to financially ruin me, it's quite liberating.

I hate my fickle brain sometimes. laugh


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Wednesday 8th February 2023
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MBVitoria said:
Get a camper?

Not necessarily a VW but something like a short wheel base Transit or Vito.

Lots of fun to get away for short trips. Also fun for a drive out to a beach, warm dry place to brew up, eat chips and watch the world go by. Also handy for day to day use, tips runs, chucking a bike in the back and going on trips etc.

Now, that's not as bad an idea as it sounds and my mates would love that as we always go glamping or whatever. I have thought about how good it would be to be able to just go wherever, festivals and whatnot, throw a bike in the back etc, it would be very useful for sure.


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Wednesday 8th February 2023
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Blib said:
May I suggest a something completely different?

A few months ago I invested in a racing PC and sim rig with an integrated motion platform.

I've really enjoyed driving the different cars and tracks. Each faithfully rendered, their characteristics emulated. Its been great fun. I can either race against other players, matched to my skill level, or take on the games' AI cars. Use the supplied setups, or I can tweak my car to my heart's content.

Depending on which sims you purchase, just about any car and track from any post war era, anywhere in the world is available to race.

I can travel the world and smash spectacularly into the scenery from the comfort of my own garage, a cup of tea by my side..

In my experience sim racing can be very immersive. Couple a VR headset with a high level, dedicated sim racing PC, a motion rig and a copy of Assetto Corsa and I guarantee that you'll be throwing up with motion sickness within the hour! hehe

Thoroughly recommended!
I had the early makings of something like that, I had a g27 on a frame with an ultra wide perched in front of it, in my old house, but I had to get rid of it when I got kicked out as I no longer had the space. I doubt I could squeeze a motion rig in the space I have, but I guess with some clever configuration I could get a VR setup in here. Mind I didn't use it as much as I should when I did have it, computer games were a passion of mine but I can rarely be bothered now frown

Edited to add photos:

Edited by TameRacingDriver on Wednesday 8th February 16:18


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Wednesday 8th February 2023
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swisstoni said:
Op should get rid of the car and see how it goes.

It’s ok to change your attitudes and interests. Just because you’ve labelled yourself a car enthusiast doesn’t mean you have to live up to that all your life. Nobody is taking names.

And if you find you are hankering after a car again after a while you can just get one.

I can can’t talk of course. I’m here writing this on a car forum instead of doing something useful with my life.
I tried that actually when I went through the same feelings before, and sold my MR2 Roadster and went without for over 18 months. By then I was itching to get back in the game.

To be fair on that occasion, I lived really near the city centre so was going out socialising a lot more, I now live more in the sticks and where all of the good roads start, and although I still socialise, perhaps not as frequently.

The problem is, especially now, even though I don't use it much, I do kind of need a car, or at least, it would seriously inconvenience me not to have one at certain times, and I can't bring myself to drive a 1.0 shopping trolley all of the time, I get enough of that when I borrow her car for quick trips. Add to that mine is worth basically piss all and costs peanuts to run (apart from the tax), as another poster said, I may as well just keep it and if I drive it only once or twice a month, so what.


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Wednesday 8th February 2023
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leef44 said:
Unreal said:
TameRacingDriver said:
I've actually been thinking for the last month what car to buy next, which will likely cost me more money that I could put to better use
Are you sure about that? What's the better use you have in mind?

I could spend money on things other than cars but I don't believe any of the alternatives would improve the quality of my life.
As an accountant and a car enthusiast, I would say this is sound advice. If you sell the car, you will get the itch and then need to get another one and now it's cost you the margin between buyer and seller.

I have two cars and do less than 4000 miles a year. The SLK V8 keeps me going. I hardly use it but then you get bored, you watch youtube or read a car magazine or an article on PH then you get that itch and you want to drive.

It's almost like an addiction, I have to have that V8 in my life! If I sold it then I know I will want to buy another V8 car at some time in the future. So this is a sound financial investment because it saves me from spending again!
laugh that's one way of looking at it, I suppose smile

leef44 said:
littleredrooster said:
TameRacingDriver said:
We're not that far away actually, I'm further north. It's not like the quality of the roads are a problem really - they're excellent to drive on (when not covered in craters) and not too heavily trafficked, but still I don't bother. I think my problem has pre-dated covid as I felt a little like this before, when I had my MR2 Roadster, but it certainly hasn't helped.
Well, if you ever want to meet for a coffee and to chew the cud (or go for a jaunt somewhere), just let me know. If coppice sees this, perhaps he may want to join us too?
ooh! ooh! Count me in!

I don't live too far from Thirsk. We've just moved up to North Yorkshire a year ago from overcrowded Surrey. It's been a manic year and have not had the time to explore yet but I'm taking early retirement soon and will have time on my hands.

I've always loved this part of the country and back in Surrey, it would take me 30 minutes' drive to find clear roads and now I have clear roads almost at my door step. This was one of the main reasons for the move.

PM me if you are planning something or when I've finally packed in work and have more time on my hands I can try to coordinate something for us.
Drop me a line too thumbup

Hoofy said:
I'm in a similar position and realised that I needed a more interesting driving experience. Noting this thread it really does highlight that you might need to consider something that's older or more basic. Forget speed and handling - it's how it feels when you jump in the driver's seat. Is it going to make you feel alive at 30mph or make your drive as interesting as a microwave oven?

My 996T is certainly no Caterham but even rolling along at 24mph in traffic, I'm finding the drive absorbing. I'm well aware that others find it boring - perhaps drive it after driving a Mercedes C class rather than comparing it to a Caterham R500.

I'm currently looking at a replacement just because, and I'm torn between getting something that sounds and looks nice but is comfy (because I'm lazy) and getting something that makes me sit up and pay attention even when popping to Tesco.
Off to look at the thread now thumbup


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Thursday 9th February 2023
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SonicHedgeHog said:
Don’t underestimate how much money plays on your mind. When you were 21 you were probably single and mortgage/rent free. You didn’t have to worry about children, pensions, partners or aging parents. You just looked at what you could afford that took your fancy and went for it.

When middle age hits you look at how hard you work and how much of that effort is required to pay for a new car. It doesn’t add up, especially when you factor in boring responsibility.

I could afford a much more expensive car but don’t because I want something that excites me. Something like my EP3 CTR did in 2002. There isn’t anything. The only way to do it is modification and that gets very pricy very quickly and resale become a problem. The regulators and the car companies have conspired to bugger up the industry. It’s really sad and I don’t know how the problem can be reversed. Good job I’ve got the TVR.
Oh I don't underestimate that, I'm someone who has a bad history of stretching themselves to debt for cars just because I fancied it at the time.

I am looking at other cars but at the same time the sensible part of the brain which remembers the trouble I got myself into is screaming at me to make do with what I've got.

It's not like the car I have isn't fun either. Sometimes I feel like I'm never happy with what I've got, which is annoying and something I've been working on over the years. I'm better than I was for sure, but that little devil on the shoulder never goes away.