3 perfectly decent car fans hounded off PH.

3 perfectly decent car fans hounded off PH.



6,646 posts

209 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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twinturbos said:
I rarely if ever bother with ph now but the cowardly slagging of people on ph should be clamped down on much better by admin as it is on the bike and car forums I do frequent.
I was at the 02 in London with a good mate Corvette Convert last night who was accused of lying by six or seven jealous tossers here who hadn't the courage to face him and see his cars and bike as I did. We went to see Jeff Lynne and ELO.
Any of the libellous pricks who still need proof get along to the east Midlands classic car meet first Tuesday of each month. He was there in the Corvette last month and when he gets back from USA we will both be there first Tuesday in June either in the corvette or his V8 m3 coupe. Both have private elo plates so come and say hello to us and introduce your ph name and see for yourself.
The crap that made that bloke concentrate on yank forums was envious bollix and the six or seven of you should front up or shut up.
Ask yourself this how many if you fly business class 10 times a year? How many of you have worked for car and bike magazines? How many of you raised almost 200 grand for charity.
The bloke is an honest diamond so come and say hello in June.
Selling him a little short aren't you ?
What about the 2 million miles driven in cars and on bikes ?
All the car and bike racing in the UK and US ?
Doing well in the London property market ?
Retiring at 45 ?
240 cars owned was it ?
The geese ?
The 3 course meal ?

Don't leave out details man.


4 posts

105 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Roo said:
Good lurking.


4,969 posts

203 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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forntonup said:
Roo said:
Good lurking.
Alright gobby....Settle down.

daddy cool

4,006 posts

231 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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sealtt said:
twinturbos said:
Ask yourself this how many if you fly business class 10 times a year? How many of you have worked for car and bike magazines? How many of you raised almost 200 grand for charity.


4,150 posts

177 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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What time and where is the east Midlands classic car meet on the first Tuesday of each month held?

It would probably be worth the time and money to travel down to meet this mythical character, i'm not looking for any more friends but I would be interested in meeting a man that keeps attack geese and flies business class first hand.


61,775 posts

219 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Faust66 said:
Byker28i said:
By the way, has anyone normal got a fking clue what OP is on about?
His special 'friend' is all upset because people doubted his exaggerated claims about car ownership. Said friend has now allegedly left PH 'cos of all the abuse…He's rich and doesn't have to put up with that sort of thing, don'tchaknow?

Claims that his friend is wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice, does a lot of good work for charidee and can leap tall buildings in a single bound should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Is this a corvette/american car thing? I once had an owner upset as I asked him to park in the car porn section we'd created at a show, as him and his friend as soon as they arrived told me how special it was, faster than all the other cars there, rare etc.
Thought the parking wasn't worthy.


4,150 posts

177 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Byker28i said:
car porn section we'd created
What happens there out of interest?


61,775 posts

219 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Fartgalen said:
twinturbos said:
I rarely if ever bother with ph now but the cowardly slagging of people on ph should be clamped down on much better by admin as it is on the bike and car forums I do frequent.
I was at the 02 in London with a good mate Corvette Convert last night who was accused of lying by six or seven jealous tossers here who hadn't the courage to face him and see his cars and bike as I did. We went to see Jeff Lynne and ELO.
Any of the libellous pricks who still need proof get along to the east Midlands classic car meet first Tuesday of each month. He was there in the Corvette last month and when he gets back from USA we will both be there first Tuesday in June either in the corvette or his V8 m3 coupe. Both have private elo plates so come and say hello to us and introduce your ph name and see for yourself.
The crap that made that bloke concentrate on yank forums was envious bollix and the six or seven of you should front up or shut up.
Ask yourself this how many if you fly business class 10 times a year? How many of you have worked for car and bike magazines? How many of you raised almost 200 grand for charity.
The bloke is an honest diamond so come and say hello in June.
Selling him a little short aren't you ?
What about the 2 million miles driven in cars and on bikes ?
All the car and bike racing in the UK and US ?
Doing well in the London property market ?
Retiring at 45 ?
240 cars owned was it ?
The geese ?
The 3 course meal ?

Don't leave out details man.
At least do it right. Shouldn't that have therefore been:

What the fk did you just fking say about me, you little bh? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my driving class , and I’ve been involved in over 2 million miles driven in cars and on bikes.
I am trained in racing in both cars and bikes and am top in the UK and US.
You are nothing to me but just another road user. I will wipe you the fk out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fking words. You think you can get away with saying that st to me over the Internet? Think again, fker.
As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, having retired at 45 and I can cook you a three course meal the likes of which you've never had, and that’s just with my bare hands.
If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will st fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fking dead, kiddo.


61,775 posts

219 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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R8Steve said:
Byker28i said:
car porn section we'd created
What happens there out of interest?
Just rather than mix all the cars up, we had an area to put the interesting cars (the car porn selection), keep them all together, plus they were right under the noses of several of the event organisers so extra security.


4,150 posts

177 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Byker28i said:
R8Steve said:
Byker28i said:
car porn section we'd created
What happens there out of interest?
Just rather than mix all the cars up, we had an area to put the interesting cars (the car porn selection), keep them all together, plus they were right under the noses of several of the event organisers so extra security.
I actually thought you had made a typo laugh Where did he expect to park if not there? Some kind of pedestal set up for his superior car?

Some people are a bit odd.


2,295 posts

118 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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And i thought i was having a bad week. OP just fk off and leave the men to the cars and stuff. We don't need this st again and again.

And just for the record i have never flown business class, don't have a big house, can not run a Sub3 marathon and loads of other stuff i can not nor ever will be able to do.

Respect is earned not given, try it. You may find people will like you for who you are rather than what you claim to be.
2 cents.

With kind regards, ASIR.


2,654 posts

212 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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twinturbos said:
I rarely if ever bother with ph now but the cowardly slagging of people on ph should be clamped down on much better by admin as it is on the bike and car forums I do frequent.
I was at the 02 in London with a good mate Corvette Convert last night who was accused of lying by six or seven jealous tossers here who hadn't the courage to face him and see his cars and bike as I did. We went to see Jeff Lynne and ELO.
Any of the libellous pricks who still need proof get along to the east Midlands classic car meet first Tuesday of each month. He was there in the Corvette last month and when he gets back from USA we will both be there first Tuesday in June either in the corvette or his V8 m3 coupe. Both have private elo plates so come and say hello to us and introduce your ph name and see for yourself.
The crap that made that bloke concentrate on yank forums was envious bollix and the six or seven of you should front up or shut up.
Ask yourself this how many if you fly business class 10 times a year? How many of you have worked for car and bike magazines? How many of you raised almost 200 grand for charity.
The bloke is an honest diamond so come and say hello in June.
/needless to say, I had the last laugh.....

Couldn't sound more Alan Partridge if you tried smile


86 posts

189 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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He does sound a little bit of a narcissist. I imagine he is one of these unfathomable bores that sends round robins to people they have fleetingly met a handful of times, usually explaining how great and successful their year has been and how great they and their children are. To be quite honest, I couldn't care less.


175 posts

112 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Ha!! Business Class!!! First!!? Scumbags!!! I've got my own fking plane, I'm the pilot with my own steering wheel and little room to myself!!! Maggots!!! And my mates got a corvette and buys a new poppy every year. Yes EVERY year!! rofl

Quite liked ELO though... rolleyes


8,770 posts

147 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Am I supposed to believe that a grown man capable flying business class without his mum would attach number plates reading ELO to his cars because he's a fan of the work of anally-retentive Brummie Beatles plagiarist Jeff Lynne?


8,505 posts

137 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Fartgalen said:
Selling him a little short aren't you ?
What about the 2 million miles driven in cars and on bikes ?
All the car and bike racing in the UK and US ?
Doing well in the London property market ?
Retiring at 45 ?
240 cars owned was it ?
The geese ?
The 3 course meal ?

Don't leave out details man.

Rich bd.


276 posts

224 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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twinturbos said:
I rarely if ever bother with ph now but the cowardly slagging of people on ph should be clamped down on much better by admin as it is on the bike and car forums I do frequent.
I was at the 02 in London with a good mate Corvette Convert last night who was accused of lying by six or seven jealous tossers here who hadn't the courage to face him and see his cars and bike as I did. We went to see Jeff Lynne and ELO.
Any of the libellous pricks who still need proof get along to the east Midlands classic car meet first Tuesday of each month. He was there in the Corvette last month and when he gets back from USA we will both be there first Tuesday in June either in the corvette or his V8 m3 coupe. Both have private elo plates so come and say hello to us and introduce your ph name and see for yourself.
The crap that made that bloke concentrate on yank forums was envious bollix and the six or seven of you should front up or shut up.
Ask yourself this how many if you fly business class 10 times a year? How many of you have worked for car and bike magazines? How many of you raised almost 200 grand for charity.
The bloke is an honest diamond so come and say hello in June.
I'm really confused, we all found out that you and Corvette convert are in fact the same person.

So with that in mind when you pleasure yourself are you actually playing with another man?

br d

8,411 posts

228 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Roscco said:
I'm really confused, we all found out that you and Corvette convert are in fact the same person.

So with that in mind when you pleasure yourself are you actually playing with another man?
This has me puzzled too, wasn't it proved by some PH sleuth that these two were different log ins from the same IP?
Perhaps I'm mis-remembering.


9,674 posts

135 months

Friday 22nd April 2016
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This thread has livened up an otherwise boring PH evening.

Many thanks to the OP.


2,896 posts

190 months

Friday 22nd April 2016
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pincher said:
What happens if you've done 11 or maybe even as many as 12?
I can only dream of such numbers! I've never flown business class ever. Kill me, just kill me now. I thought of myself as a proper man too, what was I thinking.