Living with a McLaren 650s Spider as an (almost) daily

Living with a McLaren 650s Spider as an (almost) daily



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Tuesday 29th October 2019
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ferdi p said:
IMI A said:
Makes sense to me and totally intuitive. One door cf and closes like its plastic the other ali or steel with typical porsche thunk!
Most have soft-close so they close like a modern kitchen drawer!
Mine doesn't - but I've never noticed it being particularly flimsy compared to other cars.


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Tuesday 29th October 2019
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speedick said:
Just a thought - You dont have PPF on the headlights by any chance ?.

I've got a Hymer Motorhome that I recently had to buy a new (£1300 !) headlight for after stone damage - I PPF'd them after that and it ruined the lighting performance (not that it matters much @ 60mph)
No - car doesn't have PPF.

I think it's purely the adjustment. If I am going up a slight hill, then as the road levels out, I can briefly see perfectly in the distance. The lights themselves seem perfectly bright - but only about 10ft in front of the car, even on high beam! They need to point much further forwards / higher.


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Wednesday 30th October 2019
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So, today I decided it was time I forced myself to use this again:

Didn't get a decent run in, was stuck behind slow cars - although it definitely is the case that the steering is faster which I like.
On the other hand, it seems the windscreen washer has failed since I last used it. The Ferrari has been mostly reliable in the time I've owned it. Maybe the niggles are catching!


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177 months

Tuesday 5th November 2019
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Only used the 650 a couple of times last week - didn't use it at all at the weekend, and so today was the first I'd used it since Thursday last week. At least my plan to keep my mileage down slightly seems to be working.

The roof does seem leak free now - I'm surprised, but pleasantly so. And in fact, the car has remained mostly problem free so far.

It does seem to have developed a squeaking door today. It was fine first thing this morning, but now when I initially try to lift the door it squeaks quite badly from the bottom of the strut. It also feels a little like the door is reluctant to initially lift - as if it's being held down. I guess the strut might need replacing. It might be possible to squirt some lube on the strut I guess - I'll take a look at the weekend if I don't get a chance before.

I also noticed something odd with IRIS. I am using a USB stick and noticed that some of my albums were missing when I browse by artist. If I browse by album I can find them - it seems that it doesn't like something with the tagging, so about a dozen albums are listed under artist "The Music". A couple of them are compilations, but most aren't.
If I go back to using my ipod - which is using the same MP3 files - the artists are there, so that seems happy with the tagging. But for some reason, if I use an ipod then music doesn't seem to play again when I get in the car - it remembers the track but I have to tell it to play - but with a USB drive it simply works. Now that I know it isn't listing everything under artist, I can just browse the directory structure which works fine.

The door squeak is very minor - but annoying. A car that keeps having issues - combined with the fact that it's dark and raining (or at least wet) when I leave for work each morning, means that the inclination to use it gets less each day.

I think I own an amazing supercar. And at the same time, I'm finding it a pain in the arse. Every issue I've had is trivial - the squeaking door is hardly major, especially if it's just the strut. But I think it's more annoying that it's always a different issue. If it had one problem, then it could be fixed - even if it took several attempts. When it keeps having different problems, it makes it seem like it's just badly built and is never going to be problem free. But hopefully, I'm wrong about that.......


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Wednesday 6th November 2019
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Used the 650 again today - didn't actually want to, since the roads were wet when I left but for various reasons it was simpler.

As it happens, the main roads were completely dry which was a nice surprise - and I got a nice clear run in, which made me feel a bit more positive about the car.
Decided I needed to clear my head at lunchtime, so decided I needed petrol and would........ enjoy the journey there and back. I am conscious of the fact that the roads are pretty cold, and my traction control is crap - but even so, that was fun. I think I might need petrol again soon - it doesn't half burn the stuff at 70mph........


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177 months

Wednesday 6th November 2019
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Yep, overall it is positive.

But when I left work the damn mirror failed to fold out again. Third time, very irritating.
It seemed like the window was slow dropping too, almost like the driver side was slow waking up, and just didn't have enough time to get the mirror out more than a little bit before the waking up / door open sequence finished.
I'll pay more attention each time I get in the car now to see exactly what happens next time.

Edited by davek_964 on Wednesday 6th November 17:58


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177 months

Thursday 7th November 2019
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Quick wash of the car, and found slight play in the passenger headlight. Might be coincidence I guess - but that is the one that was adjusted last month...... On the other hand, the lights are so crap that I suppose it doesn't really matter if they're moving around of their own accord........

Does look damn good clean though - hopefully it will stay dry tonight and tomorrow.

I've actually decided that I need to use the car more than I was planning, at least until the service. I want to find every niggle it has (and the list is getting longer) - and I want them fixed when they are servicing the car!


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Friday 8th November 2019
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Well, despite getting repeatedly annoyed with the niggles - and I really am! - this is the reality of owning this car:

I was supposed to work from home today. But having given the car a quick wash last night, it was gleaming. It stayed dry over night, and the roads were dry. So although it was dark, I had to scrape ice off the windscreen, the car was repeatedly telling me the roads were icy so I couldn't go fast anyway - I decided I'd rather work in the office today, purely so I could drive the car. I even considered turning around when I got to work so I could enjoy the drive back and still work from home, but decided that was a step too far!

Bit damp from the condensation / melting ice - but I know I don't post enough pics so :

Recieved a mail from McLaren Ascot yesterday, about an organised breakfast run in a few weeks time - looking forward to that (assuming it's not monsoon weather, which it often seems to be this Autumn!)


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Friday 8th November 2019
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RSbandit said:
That’s Volcano Orange ?
Yep. It's stunning when in direct sunlight (and dry!)


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Tuesday 12th November 2019
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I had found a similar thread on there which seemed to imply that low beam can be adjusted, but high beam can't - but I'd not found that one. I'll take a look later.

Since I'm posting anyway, quick update :

Didn't use the car much over the weekend - was intending to go on a small Ferrari meet on Sunday (but probably in the McLaren) but although it was a gorgeous day in the end, it wasn't when I woke up at 5.30am - so I cancelled the alarm and went back to sleep.
I must admit, that part of the reason I didn't go was mileage concern. I have hit 2k since buying the car in August - I have a 250 mile round trip this coming Sunday which I'll probably use the McLaren for (although if I can't find an end space in the car park, we're going to have a problem!), and another ~100 mile round trip for a McLaren run the following weekend.

I don't really care about the mileage of the car - my assumption is it's going to be worth 50p if / when I come to sell it anyway, so if it's only worth 45p because it's got more miles on it - who cares. I don't care about the insurance either, since I can simply increase it - but the extended warranty is limited to 12k miles a year so I simply can't go over that - which is becoming frustrating.

I avoided using it for work yesterday (wet roads when I left, hence I stuck to the rules and used the Cayenne) - but did have to nip to the shops in the evening. Very short journey, but drove back with the roof down which was lovely - enough so that I used the 650 this morning and put the roof down again. Lovely run in - although the cleaner saw me arrive and has told me I'm insane for driving with the roof down in November.

Minor glitch the other day - no sound from IRIS. Second time it's done it, and had to reset it to get sound back. Need to be careful with that actually - I'd been driving for a while before noticing I had no sound and that means no speed camera warnings!


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Saturday 16th November 2019
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Not used the car since Tuesday, and was really looking forward to using it today - plus have a 200 mile round trip tomorrow.

As usual, another electrical issue. Air con seems to be switched off and can't be switched on.
It comes on if I start windscreen demist - and stays on when I switch demist off. But then can't be turned off.

Another one to add for the service. List is fairly long now, and there's another month to add to it!


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Sunday 17th November 2019
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Seems the climate system really has a mind of its own now.
Air con goes on and off randomly. So does mono. So do the rear window heater and windscreen demisters. And they can't be turned off.

This one seems to be more than a one off glitch. And the fact that I can no longer select where the air is directed may limit the use of the car - I can't demist the windscreen or the rear window now. The climate system might decide to do it itself, but I can't change the settings anymore. Temperature and fan speed seem to be the only things still under my control.
Will have to keep a sponge in the car....

Edited by davek_964 on Sunday 17th November 20:59


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177 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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I was intending to try and get all the issues sorted at the service in December - but the list is now a bit long, and I don't want them keeping the car over Christmas / new year if I can avoid it. So I've mailed them with a list of faults this morning, and asked when I can drop the car off.

Hopefully, they can fix :

- The climate system which appears to have become sentient and no longer does what I want
- The driver side mirror which has now failed to fold out 4 times in total
- The headlight which seems to have been left slightly loose after being adjusted the last time they had it
- The fact that a candle would throw more light than high beam
- The rattle from the passenger door

Etc. etc.


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Monday 18th November 2019
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Crazy4557 said:
You won't have much to write about if it's ultra reliable;)
Seriously, I'm looking for the same car now and my search is just beginning. I'm expecting niggles with any car to be honest, it's all part of the ownership experience. If I want motoring perfection then I'd buy a Skoda or whatever the most reliable car is but I want the supercar experience and that comes with challenges which I'm prepared to accept.
My last McLaren tried to kill me which is a niggle too far so it's gone, onto the next one now.
I could live with "occasional" niggles. I've owned an Alfa, an Aston Martin and two (old) Ferrari's - all of which are expected to be full of niggles, especially electrical.
They are a million times more reliable than the McLaren. Did they occasionally have electrical glitches? Of course. But it was occasional - the McLaren feels like it's always got something wrong - the only surprise is : what.


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Monday 18th November 2019
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Crazy4557 said:
My point here is that McLaren's are not high volume production products where robots give you consistent quality time and time again. Before anyone say's it I'm aware that this can also mean consistently bad as well as good. These cars are hand made mostly by humans and most things that humans touch when on a production line like these will be inconsistent and that's why I'm accepting this variance of quality whether right or wrong. I'm just more pragmatic than others I guess and to be fair I can pick up the phone to the local dealer and they despatch a lorry to collect the car, take it away and fix it. If I had to drive the car and get a lift back or a bus god forbid then quite possibly I'd take a different approach.
Each to their own on this point.
I kind of see your point - but there has to be a threshold where even you would get sick of it.

It is - in many ways - an astoundingly good car. And if it had less issues, it would be the best (stupid) decision I've ever made. But at the moment, it doesn't feel like it is.
I am aware that it could be worse - I've even read examples of how it could be worse in various places. But it's happening too often.


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Monday 18th November 2019
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I may start doing that with the emails. They really need to step up their customer service.

Car is booked in for a week tomorrow. It had better come back with all these issues fixed - and behave itself between then and the 16th when it gets serviced.

(If not, there will be an orange McLaren parked at a TBD location on a TBD date, and anybody is welcome to start it with a screwdriver - although I suppose that's tricky without an ignition barrel.......)


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177 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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Larry5.2 said:
Fire! Like the Murci thread a couple days ago... smile
Most of my issues seem to be electrical - it could end that way!


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177 months

Monday 18th November 2019
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I might get fed up with it, but it seems that most people still love it.

Stopped at the supermarket on the way home. As I got out of the car, a group of guys were walking past and were very complimentary about the car. And they clearly don't depreciate as much as people say, because one of them reckoned it must be over a million.

When I was leaving, had started the car when somebody suddenly appeared at the drivers window - a guy of about 20 who seemed very excited. Apparently, it is 'the bks'. At least, I think he said that - maybe he's just read this thread and said 'it's bks!'.

I don't actually like the attention it grabs most of the time - but today, it did make me smile.


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177 months

Tuesday 19th November 2019
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I don't have soft close - I've never felt I needed it, since the doors seem to close OK without being slammed.

I guess it's an option - but I'm a bit reluctant to spend £1k if it's to solve the fact that the car isn't built well enough to be able to close doors normally.

I'll give it some thought.

ETA : Car is back with Ascot next week anyway - I'll ask them what they'll charge for it. Although if I do decide to get it, I may wait for the service and make sure there are no nasty surprises.

Edited by davek_964 on Tuesday 19th November 08:42


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177 months

Wednesday 20th November 2019
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johnwilliams77 said:
Jeez - only a macca owner would say a thousand quid to close the doors softly is 'money well spent'......if only the doors works ok from the get go?!
I think it's unlikely I'll do it anyway - I paid attention to how I close the doors today, and they really don't slam. If that's enough to break everything, then frankly the car isn't fit for purpose. (Plus, according to Thorney's website it's £1,400 not £1000).

Used the car again this morning, and although the heating system is still playing up it was only slightly playing up and mostly did what I want. Had a lovely drive into work with the roof down - it really is a brilliant car. I really hope McLaren can sort these annoying issues.

Had winter mode on this morning, and the traction did seem better than the last time I used it. I still didn't see any traction light on the dash, but reasonable acceleration was possible with no wheelspin. It is a funny mode though - it still seems ridiculously fast and would destroy the 360 in a straight line!