2006 Houx Annex crash

2006 Houx Annex crash



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Wednesday 26th March 2008
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I'm not dead yet! If you are interested in the red speedster that crashed at the Houx Annex in 2006, then read on.If not,don't bother coz its a long one!
I'm the fella who owned it & I was the passenger in my own car. I've spent many hours trawling the internet for information and photos of the accident, but had found nothing until this week. I recently signed up to the Pistonheads Noble forum as I bought an M12GTO last year and needed some info. I mentioned my previous car and by chance a member mentioned he'd read about it in the LeMans forum and here I am.
First, I would like to thank all of you who helped at the time and those of you that have sent your best wishes via the forum since. I'm sorry for taking so long to find you! Yes, it was a Chesil Speedster, and yes it had a Busa engine. I had only got it back from ZCars the previous week and to be honest there were problems that Zcars had failed to sort before I got it back. The problem at the time was a slipping clutch. I'd got a replacement that weekend from Suzuki in LeMans. A decision had to made whether to change it in the campsite or risk getting back to Kent on the original and we all know what its like to breakdown in France. As it was sunday evening and a bit quiet, we decided that we would run it down to the roundabout and back to see if we could prove it was slipping. My mate tried it out by accelerating hard off the roundabout to listen for excessive engine noise against performance. I still don't know if it slipped, but I do know 0-60 was 4.5sec. Which meant 80 could have easily been achieved on the straight.But this is just hearsay from the hospital staff. The Picasso just came straight out of the site without stopping, our brakes probably didn't even get touched. Hence, no skid marks.(not on the road anyway) I know we were probably going too fast for a B road, but I'm sure we've all done it. Please remember that in certain parts of France, unless a STOP or GIVEWAY sign is present, you still give priority to the right. Please also take note that I have heard from more than one French source that if you are a Brit in France you WILL be guilty! I was even told this by hospital staff. Also, check your insurance policies, coz my mate has 2 full comp policies, neither of which gave him 3rd party on any other vehicle.(unbeknown to us at the time).That meant 25 grand down the drain.
Now, check this out. From day one I believe a woman was driving. Some of you guys mention the woman driver. The police report has her husband as the driver. At the time the two of them said they were not injured. Later that night she went to hospital with a cracked sternum. According to GPs, this is common to steering wheel impact. How did she crack her sternum on the opposite side of the car to the impact? It leap frogged her husband some how.Anyway, it's all a bit odd and it can takes years to sort this sort of thing out abroad. The bottom line is the French got 13 grand from me.
My injuries: 9 days in a coma, compound fracture to my left arm(the bone saw daylight!)This now has a titanium rod and 6 screws. Femur smashed through hip socket(I'm stiil awaiting a hip replacement)Pin through my knee and I was put in traction for weeks. 3 ribs, jaw in 3 pieces, now has 2 titanium plates and 8 screws, broken nose, missing and dead teeth, cracked cheek ones, tracheotomy, 2 punctured lungs, 3 stomach injuries, 12 pints of blood. 100percent oxygen and twice given 3 hours to live. To top it all after 63 days in intensive care, you become constipated and I was fisted by the biggest doctor you will ever see, with hands like a bunch of bananas! Luckily for my mate, he got away with minor injuries. Unfortunately though, he has to suffer the psychological damage and guilt. If this woman is proved to be lying, it would help him no end. Had I not survived, he could be behind bars. Not good if she was pissed or uninsured.
Moral of the story? Lifes a bh, enjoy yourself while you can and then buy a Noble.
P.S. If I can find how to post pictures, I will put some on.

Edited by bernhund on Friday 28th March 08:07


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Wednesday 26th March 2008
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The whole thing stinks but what can you do? especialyy in my state. It was bad enough just trying to get incapacity benefit and stuff. Wll email some pics. Thanks


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Wednesday 26th March 2008
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G T 3 said:
We were on the way to Mc D got detoured, cos of a death.....but not thank god...R U Lemanning this year?
Hope you didn't get too hungry, some of us are so sellfish!
Not been to LeMans since coz wife and family have suffered a bit. Was planning to go this year but nobody wanted to go with me! Next year is definate. Its been an annual pilgrimage until now.


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Wednesday 26th March 2008
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Oversteer said:
I was at the scene and am glad even after all this time to hear what happened
and that you are alive. As I said in the original thread the Picasso had white
ribbons attached to it which is usual for wedding attendees. I wonder if the
French ever sample a glass or two of vino in such situations? It was remarkable
how incredibly rapidly the occupants were spirited away from the scene.
I'd thought exactly the same thing. Can you imagine a French wedding without wine? I'm convinced it's all dodgy. Still, when you survive something like this, just being able to walk again is a bonus, the rest is just money!
I'm not gonna sg the French off in general. The hospital was fantastic. If you're gonna have a r.t.a, have it next to a major race circuit.


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Thursday 27th March 2008
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Thanks for getting the pics up. Anyone notice I had two gearsticks?


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Thursday 27th March 2008
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sw3367 said:
Glad to hear you are OK now, it was shocking what happened that night. I stayed at the camp but others in our group did go to see what happend and I'll forward your request for witnesses. I am a Barristers Clerk and I wonder if you have a good lawyer? There are many good lawyers who specialise in overseas claims and I'd be happy to help try and find you a good one that you can trust. Contact me if you want any help as a fellow le Mans enthusiast, I'm happy to help. Will be in the usual spot in a few months!
You know this is all a bit surreal. I would love to prove that I've been stitched up. I've turned down a big personal injury claim to protect my mate, lost my car and 7 months off work. Not to mention more time off when I get a hip replacement & possibly 5-10 grands worth of dentistry. Then there is the stress my wife and family suffered. What do you do when you get a phone call from France saying your husband will be dead in 3 hours? You'd be lucky to get out of England in that time.
If anyone has any other contacts who were there & if anyone would honestly be prepared to be a witness I would be eternally gratefull. I won't conact my insurer yet, but will see what else might crop up.
Thanks again fellas!


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Thursday 27th March 2008
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hugh_ said:
Crikey, scary stuff, but glad you are on the mend. I'm going to Le Mans for the first time this year, looking forward to it smile

Oh and 2 gear sticks because 1 is for (an electric?) reverse? I've got a similar arrangement!
No, not an electric reverse. We married the 6 speed sequential to the Beetle box, put in a bomb proof 4th gear. So no chain drive. But....... 6 speed forward and reverse! Gearing too high for fun though.
Enjoy LeMans and look out for cars exiting from the right!


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Thursday 27th March 2008
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melv said:
bernhund said:
I was fisted by the biggest doctor you will ever see, with hands like a bunch of bananas!

P.S. If I can find how to post pictures, I will put some on.
Er, no thanks! wink
Fantastic, that really made me laugh. Hadn't realised I'd worded it quite like that!


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Saturday 29th March 2008
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heebeegeetee said:
Christ on a bike, what a story. One thing i'm not clear about, who actually had right of way?
according to the french law, where there are no signs, you give way to the right. But does this include drunk or un insured drivers? Was she driving? Was she pissed from the wedding? Its difficult to say. But if this is true, I've lost my health and a lot of money!


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Saturday 29th March 2008
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ol' dirty said:
Glad you are on the road to recoverythumbup

Were you camping at Karting Nord???
I remember seeing a red speedster replica (I thought it was a rep anyway) parked up under the trees by the karting circuit.
Looked nice frown

I can't think there would be too many red speedsters about.
Yep, that was me. Same place 2 years running.


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Saturday 29th March 2008
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heebeegeetee said:
bernhund said:
I would love to prove that I've been stitched up. I've turned down a big personal injury claim to protect my mate,
I don't understand this - why do you think you've been stitched up, and what do you mean by turning down the personal injury claim - oh, just realised, you mean by not claiming from your mate? The 13k you had to pay, you had to pay that to the french couple?
Correct, its a bit difficult to explain in great detail without boring you.
The bottom line is that the french had the right to pull out in front of us, so my driver is guilty. However, because it appears she was possibly driving and lied, then maybe she is guilty. Its not the money that matters, but its the possibility of her being pissed, nearly killing me and being paid to do it.


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Saturday 29th March 2008
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heebeegeetee said:
Then again, doesn't the driver paid the claim? - but then its your faulty vehicle he's helping you with? Jeez, doesn't it get complicated?

have i read right, you were the passenger? Were you belted in?
An accident is an accident, I'm very cool about this. Money is not my God and we all cock up. We weren't being partcularly reckless either. We assumed my mates full comp insurance would cover him 3rd party, it didn't. So, I've taken it on the chin(in more than one way)see pics!)But nearly 2 years down the line, I find witnesses saying the woman was driving. Why would she have lied, except if she wasn't legal? This puts a different slant on it. I was the passenger in my own car and as far as I know we had our belts on. To be honest, had I not, I might have had fewer injuries.


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Saturday 29th March 2008
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fatspud said:
bernhund said:
heebeegeetee said:
Christ on a bike, what a story. One thing i'm not clear about, who actually had right of way?
according to the french law, where there are no signs, you give way to the right. But does this include drunk or un insured drivers? Was she driving? Was she pissed from the wedding? Its difficult to say. But if this is true, I've lost my health and a lot of money!
one thing i could'nt figure out was were you coming from the annex roundabout and if you were how did the picasso pulling out of the campsite hit you on the passenger side
We were coming from the roundabout, they pulled out from the right. Their exit is in the inside middle of a 45 degree right hand bend. Which in itself is insane.They pulled out to turn towards us, so were pretty much head on, so my mate attempted to turn in towards their exit or he would've possibly hit on coming traffic. So we ended up sideways on to them.


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Saturday 29th March 2008
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Driller said:
The right priority thing over here really pisses me off. People are so arrogant about it. They drive out at high speed deliberately into major junctions just to "assert" their right of way, not giving a st about the consequences. The guy that gets forced to slam on his brakes then goes and does exactly the same thing to someone else when he comes out of a right priority side road. I'm sorry about your accident and if it was caused in this way then it's absolutely sickening.

Edited to add, even if you know it's your priority, what kind of muppet deliberately drives at high speed out onto a main road on which he knows people will be travelling at high speed. The really stupid thing though is that because he's turning, he then has to slam his brakes on to avoid skidding over the other side of the road and mounting the pavement after he/she has "asserted his priority". Makes me mad mad

Edited by Driller on Saturday 29th March 20:06

Edited by Driller on Saturday 29th March 20:07
Its a crazy rule us Brits don't understand. It's illogical and apparently to do with when vehicles were horse and cart! I believe its the older generation of French that refuse to change, but you might know different.


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Saturday 29th March 2008
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Tam said:
Good to hear you're OK, the rumours were flying around Le Mans that made it sound much worse. I was camping opposite you, so have pictures of your car when it was in one piece, nothing of the accident though.
Thanks for reading the story. Perhaps remember it next time your at LeMans,very real possibility it could happen to anyone.


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Sunday 30th March 2008
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Deva Link said:
bernhund said:
This puts a different slant on it.
Does it?

I don't see that you're going to get anywhere with this except to get yourself worked up. If their car had priority then it had priority. End of story.

You allowed your car to be driven uninsured - usually a hanging offence on PH. Did you and the driver get done for that? You almost certainly would have been in the UK.

Presumeably the priorité à droite rule must regularly cause carnage in France/
Don't get me wrong. I know where our responsibilities in this lie. My mate works for me and is insured on my works vehicles. He has 2 of his own full comp policies on his vehicles. We both wrongly assumed he would be covered 3rd party on mine. I accept he was irresponsible with his right foot. I accept I shouldn't have let him drive, even though we were trying to sort out a problem with the clutch. However, it does appear that the woman has lied and there must be a reason. I can only think of illegal reasons. But she has walked away with a payout, which I am more than happy about if she was legal. Deep down I know this is going nowhere, but knowing the truth makes a difference to me. Even if I saw a photo of her at the wheel, its improbable that I would pursue it. Its a harsh lesson learnt!
P.s Neither of us were prosecuted and having spoken to a lot of people, the majority can quote a story regarding a priority to the right scenario.


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Sunday 30th March 2008
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heebeegeetee said:
The purpoes of the priority a droite (sp?) is to slow traffic down. If the junctions to the right have priority, it means you have to slow down to the point of being near to stopping at every junction, because any vehicle that comes from the right has right of way over you. So therefore, you simply cannot travel at any speed at all on these roads. Don't get me wrong, of course i've had problems myself on these roads, but that doesn't necessarily make them a bad idea.

Bernhund, the terrible accident you had so easily could have happened to me. I went to Le Mans for 18 consecutive years, and jeez, i misbehaved at times. Quite a few times. I've read your story with a degree of horror - it could have been me, and i really feel for you and your family, because i could have so easily inflicted all that distress onto my family.

BUT - i strongly feel that if you were to walk into a court of law over this, you'd be ripped to shreds, and forget nationalities and other distractions. I don't think you should worry about any possible illegalities over the other party because, let's face it, you were both operating highly illegally yourselves. And i think you should bear in mind that clearly you ruined somebodies wedding.

It's time to move on. You're alive, and without any exaggeration you're obviously bloody lucky to be alive. From what you've described i too believe that if you'd had that accident in this country you wouldn't have survived.

I know its very easy for me to say these things, but i say them in all cordiality and honest friendship as one car enthusiast to another - you've got to move on, forget the past, and get on with the rest of your life as best as you can.

I have pretty much accepted the situation and deep down know that nothing more will come of this. I suppose because I was the one with all the injuries and financial loss it makes it much harder to accept. I wasn't driving either car but have picked up the tab! I coud have claimed a personal injury compensation from my driver, but simply would not do that. I think my driver was tripped up by the right hand exit as it isn't a proper road and in addition, having been back myself to look at the scene a year later, its barely visible as there are bolders along the road side. I too understand that this makes exiting tricky. Just one of lifes lessons I guess.
I think its all been redeveloped around Houx since


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Sunday 30th March 2008
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Ok fellas, time to bring the debate to an end. I am grateful for your concern and well wishes. Thankyou for your views and opinions, for and against. They all help me relate to what happened. I accept my responsibility in this ugly incident. Unfortunately for me I've got the worst deal. My mate is guilty certainly for ignoring the priority to the right rule, as for the speeding, we don't know. There is no mention of it in the police report, just what I was told by a nurse in the hospital. Having considered the situation even more closely than ever, I honestly cannot imagine that ANYONE in the crash would have survived an impact at that speed. That is not to say he was driving within the limit. As for the French driver, I believe it was the woman and I would guess she'd had a drink. I think she is also partly responsible but we will never know as I will not pursue the case. Please don't judge me by this incident. Nobody on pistonheads has ever stuck entirely within the law all the time or you'd be travelling around on the bus. Hopefully we can all learn a lesson or two from this. As the french say 'C'est la vie'.


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Monday 31st March 2008
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gary11 said:
What a story.Good attitude,youve taken it well ,Im sure it will all work out OK,you are right, hands up the drivers who havent had a near one on the way down! I know I have but we all think it will never happen to us,I hope you dont have any problems with your health in the future,in a way I suppose financially they couldve wiped you out so you can knowing the financial liabilites if you lost un uninsured court case in France as you say move on,at least you have the werewithall to get on and put it behind you good luck may see u at le mans
Thanks for your support Gary. I'm not here looking for sympathy or trying to show off in some bizarre way. I hoped to confirm things regarding the French driver and deal with my own conscience, as well as let you guys know what can happen when it all goes pear shaped. It is getting out of control at LeMans and we all need to take a step back and see it.
p.s I've had a bit of a chat on the Lotus elise forum too if anyone is interested in other comments. Some of which were more aggressive than on this forum.


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Tuesday 1st April 2008
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A10ARF said:
lazyitus said:
Good to hear you're OK.

I remember reading about this on Pistonheads, it sticks in my mind because we were camping at Houx when it happened although I never saw anything.

My word, glad you're getting through such a truma!

I was also in Houx but near the entrance side so , didn't see it but certainly heard the impact.

We clambered up the wall to see the shocking aftermath, and thought the worst. Glad we were proved wrong.

It's good there are some sober witnesess around in case you need it in future.

Also sobering info about fully comp insurance abroad, a painful way to find out indeed !
Thanks for your comments Arthur.