B-road attacking coupe in reasonable budget?

B-road attacking coupe in reasonable budget?



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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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Looking for a coupe as my second car. Meaning it would be my daily unless I have the whole family with me. Which means we take the family car.

But I would like a proper coupe. Not a 2 door hatchback such as a Scirocco, or a 2 door saloon like most BMWs. More like a fastback type.

I would like front engine, RWD, manual transmission, 6 cyl. and up, nimble, sporty and fun drive on B-roads but good on the motorway too. Needs to be something on the more reliable side of things and not expensive to run or buy. Meaning I'm not looking for Ferraris and Porsches. Something not too old. 10 years old max. 15 if really checks all other boxes and is super all around. Needs to be LHD. Closed top. No open tops with detachable roofs please.

I have already considered these:

Z4 coupe-too expensive around here and not happy with some of the design.
Crossfire- Pretty bad sports car,weird styling.
V6 Mustang- Can only afford last generation with retro style and rigid rear axle.
RX7 FD- Too old. Wenkel. Refuse to pay the prices they go for. Basically all wrong. Just getting it out of the way. Same for Supras, 300ZX etc. Too old and just not what I'm looking for.
350Z- heavier than what I wanted but so far seems the best option. Boy racer or ricer image is a bit of a downer for somebody in his 40s. Price is right on the limit. So ok there.
370Z- Kind of like it better than 350Z is some ways. It's smaller. But here costs basically the double as a 350Z, so no go.

Any other suggestions I have not considered?


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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Thanks for the suggestions. But most of them are not what I asked. A Clio for example is a hatchback like a Golf. Or is there a Clio coupe fastback type model I'm not aware of?

Evora is a middle engine. I asked front engine.

944 and 968 are old yes. But also only 4 cyl.

Monaros are not available in LHD or here.

Don't want foldable solid roofs. Not any open tops.

Like I said 350Z is about the budget limit. So this is the budget.

So far 350Z is looking like not just the best option but the only one. Checks most boxes, Looks the best of any suggestions so far, is within budget. But let's see. smile

Edited by ZackM on Monday 17th September 18:28


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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DoubleD said:
What country are you in? And what is your actual budget?
Southern Germany at the moment. As I said budget is about the price of a 350Z. So 10-15K.


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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blueg33 said:
Apologies, I missed the front engine bit, any particular reason why you want front engine? Evora or Elise or Cayman are way more fun than an 350z
What's wrong with a 350Z? The more I think about it the more it seems like the best choice. Thinking about it, it really seems to be underrated and under priced for what it is, if you compare to some other options. I wonder what the 370Z brings to the table for double the price. I will have to do some reading.

Nothing against middle engine. It's just a different type of car. With a front engine RWD coupe you get a different type of drive and fun. The type I'm looking for.


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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It's indeed looking like the best option. But it's intriguing that it's the only one so far, along with the updated 370Z. Does this show there is a big hole in the market for such cars?


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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blueg33 said:
If you like the 350z get one, it’s your money and your life. For me I found that you really feel the weight of the 350z especially in the corners, it doesn’t feel especially quick. Car choice is subjective, but in reality to meet your requirements there aren’t many options.
Yes you are right. There doesn't seem to be many options. Strange because there was a time that cars like that were plenty or at least more. But today unless you go much older it's difficult. Maybe we can blame Crossovers.

If the problem of the 350Z is weight and power, power can be easily increased right? It's a tried and tested platform. Would more power solve the problem? If not, maybe there is something to lighten the car up?


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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CABC said:
The reqs and budget does narrow things down to the answer you’ve got.
Though a Z isn’t really agile. 330i would be more fun imo.
Which 330i? Are they really lighter? They are larger 2 door saloons.


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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CABC said:
They’re not light but feel a lot more agile.

Personally I’d look at feel rather than layout. Why FR specifically? Especially over MR?
Like I explained above. smile


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74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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blueg33 said:
Power is easily sorted, weight is harder. On a B road blast you will really feel the weight in the bends and when braking. In a straight line power can compensate for mass.
Sure. But if the 330i he mentions is heavier and can feel lighter, surely there is a way? Maybe suspension set up?


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269 posts

74 months

Monday 17th September 2018
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Do you have one? What do you gain by going 370Z?

These 2 seem to be the only option if you want a classic RWD coupe experience without flappy paddles.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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SWTH said:
Given your requirements for RWD, FR, etc, I'd be taking a long, hard look at a 2dr 335i M Sport, and then driving one back to back with a 350Z. A quick Google suggests the BMW is 25kg lighter. Having driven a 350Z I have to say I found it felt slow, though it handled well. It could be chucked about in the corners but it felt to me like it'd be happier on long sweeping A-roads rather than point and shoot B-roads.
Watching old 350Z reviews. Fifth Gear gave it stellar marks every time they reviewed it. Even mentioned it out performed the Cayman. From where I'm standing it's looking better and better.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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Mr Tidy said:
Shame - your budget would easily get you one of those in budget in the UK. And they're way lighter than the Nissan Zs.
Yeah. But where it wins on weight it loses badly in the looks department. It's an ugly duck next to the 350Z. I think the 350Z is aging much better. The front of the E85 Z4 looks sad. Also I really dislike the steering feel. I drove one. They are ore common here than 350Zs so you can find them on dealerships to test. Not too mention the price.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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Mr Tidy said:
Fine, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that - but for me a 350Z has been hit with an ugly stick, and it's a lard-ass!

But I'll agree Z4 Coupe steering with EPAS isn't BMWs finest moment!
Indeed eye of the beholder. I think the only angle the z4 keeps up is from the rear. The next generation z4 is not bad looking and of course the new 2018 looks great. But no coupes.

Interior, despite being uglier than the 350z I'm sure it should be better finished.

The more I look the more I'm realizing to match all my needs, besides a 350z would have to be something like a V8 Vantage or something. I guess that's the only modern Aston with a manual transmission. But I can't afford that, it's unreliable and if it breaks I have to sell the house to put it straight.

Apart from that can't see another option. Corvette C6 is more money and not my kind of car. Then there is nothing else RWD, front engine, manual and coupe.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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Even with the top up. Even if I welded the top on permanently, how is it a coupe?


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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blueg33 said:
Its a 2 door car with a metal hard top - sounds very like a coupe to me, surely that's close enough? Not only that but iots has a superb engine, is quick and handles ok.

It strikes me that your requirements are so ridged that they totally ignore what a car is like to drive.

This is one of the closest matches to your requirements

6 cyl or V8
front engine
rear drive
coupe (meets the dictionary definition)

ps. Your replies come across as quite tectchy, to people who are trying to help you.

Seriously if you have decided to get a Nissan just do it, but you are missing out on better cars
Not trying to be tectchy, sorry. I'm glad for all replies trying to help. But when you take the time to write a detailed opening post and people proceed to just ignore it and offer suggestions which clearly don't match the request, it can get unproductive quickly. It starts becoming annoying.

Having a metal roof and 2 doors doesn't make a car a coupe.

I haven't decided to buy a 350Z yet. But it's looking like the only option so far. If nothing else comes up it will probably be it.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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If you look at my opening post description you will see I'm looking for cars which fit this shape:

I could post more, but I guess this is enough to paint the picture.

Most of those are eliminated by either engine, age, price or being automatic only. But I may be missing some other car, which is why I started the thread.

Thanks for all the replies.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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snake_oil said:
We can of course debate forever. But that's a 2 door saloon. smile

But regardless, not the type of car I'm looking for. wink


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74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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ilikejam said:
What about a Jaguar XK (possibly XKR)? Don't really know anything about them and not sure if you get them in LHD - just a coupe I thought of that might be in budget! 5.0 V8 and possibly lighter than the 350Z?
Problem is the XK is automatic only. I want manual.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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stevekoz said:
You will always get some options as you may end up considering something you hadn't before. Compromise is the key. Unless you find a vehicle that ticks every box for the budget and that is rare when the conditions are so strict. Not saying there is anything wrong with that.

That said. You have already stated yourself that the 350z seems the most logical box ticking choice.

Go drive one. See how you feel about it and if you like it then buy one. To hell with what anyone else says. We all have or have owned cars that others hated. It's personal choice and what is one persons favourite is another persons worst ever.

If however, you do drive one and find it wanting. Then as stated above. It could become a question of compromise. You might find you have to give a little, in order to find something better suited to the majority of your requirement.

I always like to sit down and consider why it is i want a specific type of car or a specific car. In case i can't find the one i want. So i'd sit and ask myself, Why don't I want a convertible or a folding roof? Is it due to the additional weight it adds to the body or how it effects the handling of the car? Or is it purely cosmetic reasons and I simply don't like it and couldn't live with it? Why front engined over mid. Why RWD etc. etc.

I'm just trying to point out that by revisiting your initial requirements. There may be areas you can reconsider to open up the choices. And if not. Is it better to live with something you perhaps aren't in love with because you could not make any other compromises.
That was a good read. Thanks. Yes, I guess it will boil down to that. Drive a 350Z and see if I love it. If not, as you say, go back to the drawing board and see where I can compromise.

Now is finding one near enough to me, preferably being sold by a dealer so I can drive it. Not an easy task I can tell you. They are very rare here. Can't remember last time I saw one or even if I have seen one since I'm living here. But I don't want to travel far just to drive a car. Reason why I'm trying to do as much reading on it as possible to see if any unforgivable red flags pop up. Bu so far so good.


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269 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th September 2018
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MaxSo said:
Apologies in advance
Yes I did think about Camaros and Mustangs. The problem is price. The old Camaros from the 90's and early 2000s I don't think are any good. The new ones, at least here are above budget. Also, if the 350Z is thought as heavy, wouldn't the new Camaros be even heavier? I haven't checked.