Not driven for 3 years - second car advice

Not driven for 3 years - second car advice



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63 months

Monday 28th November 2022
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Hi PistonHeads people,

I have been a fan of the forum and the classified section of this site for many many years, and made an account back in 2019 but never made a post until now. Just made my first post/comment on another topic as the "start a new topic" button didn't appear for a bit some reason, but I wanted to ask for some advice regarding what to do in terms of my second car.

I'm 24 and a bit under 3 years ago, in March 2020 just before the first lockdown, my first car which was a 140PS Fiesta that I was fortunate to have from factory basically was written off by a rear end crash from a large delivery truck while I was passenger. The car actually seems to have been repaired and is back on the road under a different number plate as the original registration was on a personal plate of mine, but that's a whole different story maybe for another day, where I may be able to find out more the history since.

I haven't driven since a few months before that as I had been busy with my final year of University, but also I live at home and train commute was much better than driving to university etc, and so driving would be more for the weekends and holidays.

Anyway, I don't want to make this first post too long but I would like to get a second car sometime over the next few months, ideally so by May/June time when car show season etc is on along with the nice weather that I have a means of getting to them myself and maybe have some driving experience / confidence back by then.

Budget wise I'd probably be looking £12-15k at the very most, but it seems anything German has quite the premium even if it's several years old, like any Golf GTI from 2010 onwards still holds a pretty fair value compared to a 2016/17 Fiesta ST. (Maybe even finding something in the £3000-8000 area would be even better because of this next part below)

I had a chat with my parents after finding a pretty nice example Fiesta ST fairly local, but they suggested that knowing how I am, and the fact that I haven't driven for so many years, maybe getting something less powerful and perhaps under the radar makes sense at least for a year or two, and building my savings up for if I want to do modifications to something more sporty etc while I build my confidence. I do feel though that life is too short to drive a boring car, and my last car was great however I wasn't able to modify it for several reasons, and now I'm 24 and still don't feel like I've had much

(edited bit out here to keep it shorter)

I don't have a huge amount saved outright to just buy anything in cash right now, but finance is an option, or I think my folks may help with the cost of the car, but insurance and fuel and mods/repairs etc is all on me. Safety and also reliability is important in whatever I go for to be honest. I love the look of pre-2010s hatches etc because nowadays, cars are designed so big that it just doesn't seem fun, but I think I may have to compromise and get something newer at least until I have a fair bit more experience, and I guess the really solid examples will be mostly the only ones still standing because of rust etc.

Unfortunately, we don't really have any small size / low displacement engine cars unlike some families that I can just use so just looking for some advice on what to get given my circumstances. It may be slightly biased asking a petrolhead forum, but should I get something like a city car or Focus/Polo (which could cost up to £8-10k depending on spec), or just go straight for something more sporty, however that may be too overwhelming as I haven't driven for 3 years and need to build some experience back up? And any recommendations?

Edited by Stallzy on Monday 28th November 07:09


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63 months

Monday 28th November 2022
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Didn't want to make the original post too long, even though I sort of have, but "something sporty" was thinking classed as 125-240 bhp range, and something more sensible to build confidence etc like 70-125bhp. My 140 Fiesta never really felt slow at least in my use, but I never really went above 60/70 and didn't use fifth gear outside of dual carriageways. Still not driven on a motorway before, but have been passenger when my dad drove us to a meet via the motorway and maybe there's not much acceleration power past 70, but I'm not really someone who speeds and most of my driving was on the twisty roads / quieter country roads in my area, or brief bit of dual carriageway that I was familiar with. I haven't had any points or driving bans etc, just not driven for basically three years.


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Monday 28th November 2022
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nordboy said:
Quite a long post, buy what you want? But reading that, buy what you can afford, don't overstretch yourself financially too much. If you are paying a load out each month on finance then you may well be living at home for quite a few more years.
Thanks for the reply. Wasn't sure whether to wait for more replies to come in hopefully before replying to them, or maybe this won't get much interest which is understandable. Maybe I went into quite a lot of detail for basically my first post on this forum, but I've probably already discussed bits and pieces of backstory all over the place.

I guess I'm not really sure what I want and that's why I'm asking biggrin I don't know whether a sort of boring city car (Toyota, Hyundai, maybe even French lol), or maybe something in between like a 1.0/1.2 Focus/Polo or getting something that I actually want to own by my later twenties straight away. I just worry about how much time we've got to enjoy it before things go electric and also noise cameras etc being installed in our area, but that's more in the town centres etc I believe, not on the back roads.

It's a difficult compromise situation between safety, peace of mind and something fun. I just really don't know where things will be in two or three years time. Anything much more than the 140hp I had before may be too much to handle, but it seems sort of painful to put off things for another 2-3 years after I've been car-less for basically three already as I'd like to maybe try track days or attending car shows and having a car that is actually showworthy, not just being a spectator if you know what I mean. Right now though, I have barely been out more than 5 times since first lockdown and so I'm basically permanently at home but there's only so much you can live vicariously confused


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Monday 28th November 2022
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sherman said:
I would go for something with at least a 1.6 engine as that will give you enough power to startvwith and be ablecto take a few mods later on.
At 24 I would be wanting to build NCB for a couple of years before any serious modding though

Also anything will feel quick for a while if you havent driven in 3 years. A better chassis over power would be my aim for your new car just now.

Your whole bit about your job is meaningless to the purposes of your post if you want to cut post length down.
Thank you! Well, there's the old MK7 Fiesta which had a NA 1.6 at the top, but you can get the ecoboost 1.6 ST instead which is a better platform to modify. In terms of getting something maybe as an in between stage to build my confidence, a Fiesta S1600 or something could be a decent shout, or even an older MK6 but my last car was the MK7.5 so I know they can hold up decent if the worst happens.

I'm not sure if I still have my no claims from my previous insurance. I was looking at quotes across a few different cars and they were all under a grand, but then I realised it was on the basis that I had been accruing no claims over the last couple of years, which I haven't because my policy obviously finished when my car was written off. The other party admitted fault after apparently coming up with a false timeline of events and I had dashcam to prove otherwise, so maybe I've still got my no claims, but I'm not sure I'd be going with the same insurance company.

Trying to keep this reply short but happy to have a dialogue with people as just trying to figure out things, and maybe there's manufacturer/models of cars that are budget that I'm completely not thinking about. I even thought maybe an older IS200 could be decent biggrin I've cut down the original post as I did have the same thoughts myself. I guess I just feel like I haven't really found a job that benefits from doing my degree, but I would imagine the majority of PH userbase is probs 25+ and maybe it's not really relevant to mention, but just feels like my own progress car wise has been slower partially because of that and I haven't had much time driving whilst studying also.


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Monday 28th November 2022
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daqinggregg said:
My stock answer to similar questions, is a Volvo C30, why? Insurance is reasonable, IMO they are cool, fairly dateless, and have decent safety rating.

5K should get you into a very reasonable example. I wouldn’t bother with modding, until you’re in a better place insurance wise.
Yeah the C30 is pretty cool. I used to like them a lot when they were pretty new tbh and the huge rear glass. Only thing is I may kinda have some gripes now after the windscreen on my last car smashed completely on impact and glass went everywhere.

Also just noticed this got moved into a Car Buying section. I guess that's fair enough and might get more dedicated feedback now.

Good shout though on the C30.


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Monday 28th November 2022
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Olivergt said:
I'm surprised no one else has already mentioned it.

Surely the answer is an MX5!

OP, it sounds like you really want a focus ST and you want PH to confirm you are making a good decision?

The way I look at buying a car is in this order...

I want car X
I have Y pounds to spend
How old do I have to go to get car X for my Y pounds?

There are amazing cars out there at good prices if you are willing to go a little older and look a little longer.

My lad just bought a 21 year old Nissan Micra, one owner, 37k miles, full service history. A good focus ST might be harder to find, but buy on condition, not age or mileage and you should be able to find something that suits you.
I mean not Focus ST, but Fiesta ST had been a thing I'd liked for like 3-4 years or so. It's very similar to my last car though and it's a bit cookie cutter car wise and I usually go for stuff that's not completely the normal spec.

Budget isn't super important as I think I will be able to get help with the car cost side of things, but insurance and fuel and reliability is on me. That being said, everyone wants a good deal, and also I'm more likely to go from a retail/trade seller than a private individual because there's not much recourse private. Not had any work tonight so just been browsing through. A decent C30 seems to be around the £5k mark, but for £9-11k I'm pretty sure you can get a pretty decent VW Polo/Focus from say 2016 ish or even newer in the city car kind of things


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Monday 28th November 2022
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bearman68 said:
Well I'm going to buck the trend here a bit and say spend as little as possible.

Citroen C1 can be a bit of a hoot to drive, the chassis is very good, and the handling is excellent, even if it is on bike tyres. Buy one for £1,000, keep it for a year, cheap as anything to insure and run, and then change it for something a bit more 'fun' (Doubt that) in a years time.
The only real problem with the C1 is the size of it if you were going on holiday in it, and possibly the banter from your mates.
In a year, you'll get most of your money back (if it isn't modified).

But for £1k, plus some small insurance and running costs, you're mobile, in a fun little machine, that's reliable and cheap. There's worst places to be.
Fair point. Not sure where you'll find one for £1k though, considering the first generation Ford KAs I was looking at just for fun are around £1500-2000 at the least. Seems a decent C1 would be in the £2000-3000 range. Found some pretty decent Volvo C30 examples but they're in the £4500-6000 area I think, and I'm not sure how I feel about lack of sat nav system or parking sensors etc. Was pretty fortunate with my first car to have those things, even if the Fiesta's SYNC system was nowhere near as good as the Sync 3 in the Focus/Mondeo/Transit etc. Not had any reversing camera experience though and to be honest, sensors probably aren't fully needed if visibility is good and I guess if the car is cheaper, then I shouldn't worry as much about small damages


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Monday 28th November 2022
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CrgT16 said:
Something basic will do. As you said you haven’t driven much so perhaps better to get some miles in in something you don’t care too much and a few years down the line but something nicer.

You may well be a confident driver but from your post I don’t think you have many miles under your belt so to speak so a cheaper care free car is probably adequate for now.
Yeah, I'm agreeing with that, just sucks a bit that I feel behind compared to other people my age or even just being born later haha, but that's life I guess. Just hope that time won't run out to enjoy those cars if I have to wait longer. Hard to believe there's kids and teens younger than me probably feeling the same biggrin


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Monday 28th November 2022
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bearman68 said:
Yeah, you'll find a C1 for a grand. I buy and run these all the time, and my target price is about £500, and I bought one last week for £350, so they are about. By privately, from Gumtree or Marketplace. It's not particularly risk free in either of these places, but the C1 is pretty robust and reliable, so you can afford to accept a bit more risk.
I wouldn't be too precious on either mileage or condition, as they can be quite rough around the edges at this price point, but in their favour, they are very tough little beasts, and I've seen them (got them) with 200k miles on without any issues. The one I drive, has 175k, a cracked windscreen, missing syncro on 3rd gear, and poor tyres. On a B road on the weekend, I had an absolute hoot. 30 miles of twisting, wet, and empty road through a forest, and it was the best fun driving I've had for ages.
Reversing is not difficult in these little things. Keep it simple, get some miles done, and confidence built, and when you know what you're looking for, buy what you fancy. You won't go far wrong with it.
Interesting, but the 175k, cracked windscreen, missing syncro part has me cringing quite a bit haha
I was sticking to just Autotrader and PistonHeads for the most part, however I found a site randomly which seems to collate several of the main platforms into one search engine, which can be pretty handy for really classic stuff


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Monday 28th November 2022
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bearman68 said:
Interesting. But in fairness I bought it like that, for a few hundred £, intending to use it for spares. And I sort of fixed it, and am now using it. It still starts and drives fine, and I have no worries about taking it anywhere. I have several others too, and this is the worst of the lot, which is why it's with me. <shrug> It's OK, it runs fine, and has a good heater.
What's the collation website called? I'd like to have a look at that.
Yeah, fair enough. As for the site, not sure whether I should promote it and it may be handy if I keep it to myself just for a bit nerd

Should probably reply to the other guy regarding this but just watching reviews on the C30 and just realised they've put the handbrake basically on the opposite side so that your passenger can use it instead?? Not sure what that's about, plus the phone-like infotainment.

The Honda CRZ looks like a space ship and I think it would probably take a few days just to figure out all of the buttons located all over the place on that lol

Maybe a Mini is also not a bad shout, but like 2014 or newer perhaps just because not sure about having the speedo in the centre and newer infotainment etc


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Monday 28th November 2022
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jam_up said:
Suzuki Swift Sport 1.4 140 bhp.

They’re meant to quicker than what they are on paper. Could get a nice approved example for your budget.
You mean the recent one like 2018 onwards? Seems decent but not sure if it really offers best value for money as you're getting into like German hatch pricing or a few thousand more than even a FIesta ST or a 1.0 ST-Line. Maybe not in the MK8 but definitely MK7/7.5.

Man, it's frustrating, there's like one really good C30 example out there and it's being sold by some small dealer who doesn't exactly have the best mix of reviews, and then I go and check their social media and it's put me off. I'd be tempted to say something to them directly but it doesn't look professional when you put pictures forwarded from staff of stock via Snapchat onto your business page lol... And just other things in terms of presentation. Some adverts of new stock are good but then other things where they bump previous posts with "!!" or whatever just seems so lacklustre.


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Monday 28th November 2022
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Pica-Pica said:
They have a common layout for left and right hand drive, hence the handbrake position is designed for the majority markets, that is left hand drive. Not at all unusual.
Ah, interesting. Thanks


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63 months

Tuesday 29th November 2022
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Hi guys, sorry for the delay in replying but I work nights so read them a little earlier and only just got to replying back.

CG2020UK said:
I’m going to advise something different that I done at your age and recommend you go a small hot hatch like the Fiesta ST or 208 GTI.

I’d take a personal loan >£200 a month (~£10K) and buy the best condition hot hatch you can find. Try a few and see what you like.

Avoid the temptation to go and spend more as you’ll eventually want to save for a house or have flexibility regarding career choices so the low cost of small hot hatches make them brilliant as well as getting 99% of what the bigger cars get.
Cut a bit of the quote down as I will try and maybe incorporate multiple into one message if that's possiible, I'm still kind of new and getting used to the formatting. I don't know much about the 208 GTI but a lot of people seem to be recommending them! I've not considered the personal loan option, but I guess it's something to look into, however I might be able to get some help as previously said as my last car's value after write off was around that kind of area.

I'm not really sure getting something that's so blatantly a hot hatch is the best idea perhaps if I want to build confidence a bit under the radar. I found a maybe good example of a MK5 Golf GTI, however the head unit in them is pretty basic and so I'd need to figure out how to change that or a way to get my bluetooth audio / navigation sorted, or could buy a sat nav / use phone mount short term for nav side of things.

Super Sonic said:
Honda Civic.
Could you give a bit more detail? What kind of Honda Civic? There's a vast array of different generations with different engine setups etc.

jam_up said:
Yes, though not the latest mild hybrids. I recommended as you seem unsure whether to go for a hot hatch or a city car, and the Suzuki is a sweet spot in-between. It's faster than a Fiesta 1.0 ecoboost 140 (a draggy on utube recorded 0-100 kph in 7.4 secs) but not as 'lairy/in your face' as an ST. They come fully loaded too unlike most German hatches (coming from a VW fan wink) and aren't a thief's favourite car like a ST. One thing to check would be insurance as I've just noticed they're group 35?!? Rather odd, possibly expensive to repair? confused

Quite like the Mini Cooper suggestion. I've always had a soft spot for them. 208 GTI is brill suggestion too, although the dash is a bit marmite.

From personal experience I'd probably go down the sensible route and leave money for modding. I spent my entire budget on mk6 Golf GTI when I was 25, and whilst it was a terrific car and gave me a taste of "speed", I kinda regret not getting something a few £k's cheaper and gradually spending on modding.

Edited by jam_up on Monday 28th November 16:38
Good recommendations, again I don't know too much about the 208 GTI so maybe something to look into, but I thought a French car or Alfa Romeos are kinda not the best known for reliability etc (at least the old ones), but maybe things have come a way forward. What are your thoughts on the MK5 Golf GTI? I have found a few nice examples but they're in Red, and I'd maybe prefer a Black or Blue car next. My last car was gray by the way, and I'd maybe not want another grey car after for a change. Silver is okay. Don't really need over 200bhp or sub 9 second 0-60 tbh, my 140 Fiesta always felt pretty quick up to national speed limits, which is all I did truthfully as I didn't really drive frequently and wanted to keep a clean license biggrin

ZX10R NIN said:
The worst thing to do is buy a stop gap car, if you want a hot hatch & want to mod what you buy, then I'd suggest taking a good look at some of these.

Astra GTC VXR Nav: You can get a decent one from 8k

Peugeot Sport 208 GTI:

Peugeot Sport 308 GTI 270:

You can get a PS 308 GTI 250 for 10k:

Giulietta Cloverleaf these are a good buy & decent value:

If you fancy something different then a GT86 may work for you but I'd say test drive one first:
Maybe you didn't need to fully quote the OP again, but all good. Thank you for taking the time to find some AutoTrader links. The Alfa is pretty interesting to be honest, very unassuming. Definitely some interesting recommendations, but again, 200+ bhp isn't really a must unless you think I'd get bored or want more power etc than 150-200 max. I'm not really a badge / brand snob but not too sure about Peugeot or Vauxhall in terms of reliability or just owning one lol. I'm very much a Ford guy but I don't mind exploring German, but I feel there is a premium compared to their counterparts from other places if that makes sense. I've removed the links from the quote just to keep things clean, but also it has a postcode in there which I don't know if you noticed. Should be able to edit the characters to a different postcode so I can still use the links, or you can remove the links entirely if you wish as I have copied them onto a notepad file.

Thanks for the help guys but do let me know if you have more recommendations because I definitely didn't think of some of these. Also what are your thoughts on a MK5 GTI, or MK6 Fiesta (non-ST or ST), or maybe something else. There were some decent examples of Ford Focus ST-Lines even maybe but like the 11k mark, but maybe basically fully equipped and 125PS. There's definitely a lot of options to think about. I wasn't really thinking of making any moves on this until like March/April time even, but it might happen sooner. Not sure December is the time to be buying a car though for multiple reasons. MK5 GTI air con apparently doesn't fully work below 5 degrees lol if I wanted to test everything worked on the example I saw.

Again, I'd prefer to deal with trade sellers as private seller means basically full amount in cash with not much recourse if something bad happens which I'd rather not have the hassle, and would rather keep options open of maybe doing a finance on 24-36 months or something.


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Tuesday 29th November 2022
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ZX10R NIN said:
The reason I recommended the full fat versions was because if you plan on modifying a car with around 120-150bhp you'll end up with near 200bhp anyway so why not start with the car that already has the good brakes/suspension/tech etc.

Also look at getting your own finance as you'll probably get a lower interest rate.

Also Vauxhall/Peugeot/Citroen/Alfa Romeo are just as reliable as anything else suggested so far.

You can also get the Alfa in 1.4T 170 bhp form.
Oh, I see. Well I wasn't planning on making modifications straight away until I'm familiar with stock power as even 120-150bhp would feel very quick. I see what you're saying about having the better platform, especially when it comes to those things like brakes, suspension, tech.


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Tuesday 29th November 2022
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jam_up said:
The mk6 Fiesta is a pretty old car and i’ve not had experience of one personally. The mk7/7.5 ST I have - it’s a proper hot hatch and good fun but I couldn’t get on with the ride comfort myself (was too hard for me).

The mk5 GTI is a good choice too. The mk6 is essentially the same car with a more modern engine, but prone to timing chain issues so I’d avoid (the reason I got rid of mine eventually!). If you can find a mk5 edition 30/Pirelli edition or mk6 edition 35 (the latter uses the older engine so it’s fine) then they have huge tuning potential. They have the bigger K04 turbo from the S3, so even a basic stage 1 remap sees them hitting big bhp numbers. That said all recent GTI’s are good daily’s and the best all round hot hatch imo. If you want something more driver focused then there are better options, such as a Megane 250/275 or Fiesta ST as previously mentioned.

Saying all that I’m a bit confused as you‘re happy with a moderately powered car, but also want to mod? The mk5 GTI is no slouch, even in standard guise! You’ll find it a lot quicker than your old car.
To be honest, I just want the option for mods maybe to be there, or it depends on whether I get a car that I just keep stock and then part ex it against something more sporty down the line etc. I was just reading threads about people complaining about MK5 GTI understeer somehow and the various mods included in making it better but that's all a bit overwhelming. First thing that would need changing pretty soon is the head unit to some sort of Android one it seems, and there's various options with that. I don't think I want something with base 230 or 250/275 horsepower lol because my last car was 140 and I'd rather have something maybe that gets to 230-250 with mods but has a lower base figure if that makes sense.

I got to get back to work right now but I am very much considering this MK5 GTI example, but I'm not even sure whether I get excited looking at it or whether it's forced, and it's manual btw and near everyone on various forums I've read prefers the DSG, but I'm not sure I really want an auto right now as the whole point is sort of getting accustomed to driving in general as it was before, so with a manual box. Maybe I should literally just go for something boring that doesn't need much attention like a 1.0 ecoboost again or something like a city car, however brought the Citroen C1 / Peugeot / Toyota to one of my parents and we both agreed that would be a nightmare on a motorway etc.

Just so confused. I get hooked into looking at the same thing again and again, and right now it's "what am I going to get for my next car / first car that I actually use". I'll be back later :/


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Tuesday 29th November 2022
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LightningBlue said:
You’re definitely overthinking the whole thing. Research, test drive and buy what you like - it doesn’t matter if others prefer DSG if you actually like the manual. And on the Android thing, you could just get a USB stick and put all your albums or playlists on there instead - bit old school but still works well for a lot of us.
Dash layouts you’ll get used to and confidence can be boosted quickly when you get driving. You’re young and combustion engines are being phased out - the market is getting really boring with SUVs dominating so for you I think now is the time to get something interesting but you might have to be clever with your car choice to beat insurance premiums
Hi, thanks for your comment, it does mean a lot. I think you're bang on. The thing is though, I haven't driven for basically three years as I said so I'm not sure if I'll be comfortable doing lots of test drives considering I've not driven in so long or maybe that's not a problem. It might be a red flag if I mention that to a seller, not sure, or maybe some would understand my position and maybe be accommodating, I honestly don't know*

I don't know whether I need to travel to places with another person, or whether I can go visit on my own etc as well lol given my situation. Some places I can get a train and then taxi the rest of the way. My windows weather thing has said 1 degree celsius basically all the time I've been awake today, I've been awake since 10pm last night as I find I'm more productive through the night but need to adjust my schedule a bit as even this is a bit crazy for me biggrin Where I was going with mentioning the weather is I'm not sure that plus the run up to Christmas is really the best time to be buying a car, plus there's really a limited number of examples on the market and maybe more will come up if I stay patient for a few more months, particularly when the next lot of registrations occur I guess and more people part exchange or whatever, but honestly I don't see how a lot of people can see a brand new car is good value right now when there's so much variety on the used market for a considerable fraction of the price.

Oh, also, nearly forgot but I ran Comparethemarket on this MK5 GTI example I was looking at and quotes were pretty much bang on £1000 or like no more than £1100, and that was with 0 years no claims down and just one of my parents as an extra named driver. So, that doesn't seem too bad. When I messed around with quotes a couple weeks ago, it was around £650-900 or something on a few different cars, but that was on the basis I had like 6 years no claims, when I realized I had done that wrong after, as I had 3 years before I had an accident, and maybe my NCB was not affected, but I've not had a policy for 3 years now and also may be going with a different insurer in future. I've not really had much experience in sorting out insurance completely myself as previously I had some help, and when the accident happened a few years back, I couldn't really deal with the stressful phone calls while juggling university past a certain point. All this car stuff is pretty stressful in the buying process or when things go wrong, but when you own something and all is smooth then it's great...

Edited by Stallzy on Tuesday 29th November 16:18


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Tuesday 29th November 2022
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jam_up said:
I wouldn’t worry about things like this - they only become apparent when you push the car, often beyond legal speeds, or track them. Same goes for DSG - I prefer auto as it’s seemless daily driving, but others like the engagement a manual provides (I do miss heel n toeing mind smile). If you do go for a DSG in a GTI or any other VAG car, then make sure the gearbox has been serviced regularly (I think it was around every 40k miles that gen).

Regardless, I feel you need be more clear cut on the size of car you want, budget and your needs. As you’ve rightly said for example, a mini city car isn’t ideal for doing big miles on a motorway. Make a shortlist and have a sit/test drive in them. Only then you’ll actually know.

Two more to consider: VW UP GTI or a Leon 1.8 TSI. The former is much smaller and will obviously depend if you want that size. The latter is essentially a Golf but much cheaper. The 1.8 unit makes 180 bhp so it will allow the sort of numbers you want if you decide to mod.
A friend of mine who unfortunately was dealing with some dodgy activity round his property ended up going from a M2 to a UP GTI and they've been very happy with the swap. Some auto bloggers on Twitter also rave about them. Think it's just a bit small for me though and the infotainment / dials are kinda meh. Definitely need to look into Seat a bit more as it's not really a brand I know too much about besides the old Cupras being driven by a certain type of person and the newer ones with the DSG having the same appeal as the newer mk7/7.5 Golf R.

Size wise, I think I'm pretty clear cut on size anywhere from Festa/Mini up to a Golf/Polo/Focus if that makes any sense (I don't even know if that's a huge range). Budget is pretty flexible to be honest up to a certain point, and insurance up to £1500 or so shouldn't be too much of an issue I think

Do read my last reply before this as I kind of went into more detail there about test drives etc and I'm not sure if that will be awkward. I'm going to have to head to sleep soon but it really is great getting input here and I still need to do some research into some of the options mentioned here, like the 208 GT etc. Been so focused on researching MK5 GTIs, but then so many people's opinions seem to be based on the DSG version. The thought of a previous generation Audi TTS auto also went through my head, but that's maybe a bit on the pricey side and not tons of examples out there on trade outlets.


Original Poster:

166 posts

63 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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ZX10R NIN said:
The throttle works the same if you have 100-200bhp.

As an example you can get an Astra GTC in 140/180/200 form.




Now although they look the same the 180/200 come with the HiPer strut suspension (but not the adjustable dampers & LSD that the full fat version gets) the same as the VXR model & bigger brakes.

So take your time to workout what the key things that you want from your new purchase.
Sorry for taking quite a while to reply back. As said before, I don't really feel comfortable perhaps handing a full amount of cash to a very small dealer (low reviews, small forecourt etc) or maybe wishing to have a car in grey so may have to find other examples than those three. Interesting to know there's different levels though. I really don't know much about Vauxhalls nowadays lol. The price of the 200 one though is about £1000 more than this MK5 Golf GTI I found which may priced high itself, but the Astra GTC is a much newer car and maybe I shouldn't be looking at old cars, but at the same time I like them so it is pretty confusing.

Maybe I just need to take some time and do research, read/watch reviews and look through the classifieds a bit more and maybe test drive a few different cars including both manual and auto DSG, but I am leaning more to manual at least for the next car. Budget isn't a huge worry as long as I'm getting good value if that makes sense, and there's bigger obstacles or concerns for me to overcome first as I don't have a car I can physically use to get to places myself and so I may have to restrict my search to more local unless I'm comfortable forking out hundreds just to go on test drives cross country...

December probably isn't the time to do it though even though this is on my mind quite a bit because of weather and not having big problems or issues to deal with right before Christmas. I would guess a lot of stock isn't really going to move over the next few weeks but at the same time, maybe the best time to get a deal is when not much interest is there and dealers still need to move stock or hit annual goals etc.

Sorry if I seem confused, it's because I probably am but just trying to juggle end of month work also before having a day or two as break. Part of me is half tempted to make the journey to a dealer over the next few weeks and maybe try a MK5 GTI or Fiesta ST or some of the other suggestions above plus some lower powered stuff or if they have anything with an auto/DSG, but I'm out of my depth a little lol as this is all first time stuff and it's again, maybe not the right time of year. May just have to wait a few months and use it as an opportunity to build some more savings, but more for maintenance and fuel costs side of things.

I don't have like a daily use case that needs a car as I work from home and as I might have said before, not sure, I've been out probably enough times to count on two hands, if not one hand since early March 2020, so every journey out is pretty significant. Just feel like by the time summer / show season is around that I want to have some confidence back and have a means of travelling around that is somewhat warm but isn't making a huge noise or drawing too much attention.


Original Poster:

166 posts

63 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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Eyersey1234 said:
Regarding no claims, I'm sure after 2 years without a policy it gets cancelled, so you may be starting from scratch
Yeah, as said, I plugged in some information from scratch (not sure I have a Comparethemarket account) and got quotes in £1000-1200 range from Admiral (and their derivatives / other owned companies) and also Hastings and Ford Insure and a couple others for a 2.0 200PS MK5 GTI, so doesn't seem too bad.


Original Poster:

166 posts

63 months

Wednesday 30th November 2022
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ZX10R NIN said:
Try to test drive some of the alternatives & the GTI, that's when you'll know what car ticks your boxes.

Remember you buy the car on condition, your not buying the dealer.

I know that sound flippant but having been in the industry for a long time a good car is a good car no matter who has it.

Do your checks & buy the best car not an okay car from the nicest dealer.
Yeah, I see. You must have deleted your last comment and then added some extra to make this one, rather than editing it biggrin That's fair enough, just trying to figure out what my list would be, but also got to figure out who has them and how I'm going to get there, as my parents may not be able to take me and so yeah...