RE: Motorsport on Monday: 21/07/14

RE: Motorsport on Monday: 21/07/14



704 posts

141 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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He looks like a tt in that hat and he has a strong air of arrogance about him. It probably comes from having Ron Dennis wipe his arse for him since he was knee high to a grasshopper so I don't blame the lad too much. He is a pretty good driver in any case.

Get rid of the hat and we'll talk.


13,698 posts

249 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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Hamilton conundrum?

Really?! I mean, Really?

The only 'conundrum" being spoken of is from bored hacks with no imagination writing about how "enigmatic" he is.

He is not any of these things.

He is a profesional racing driver and one of the most well known sportsmen on the planet. The media follows him around everywhere.

Faced with this, there are two choices: either adopt a frosty persona and shut it out or just be yourself and try to make the best of it. Hamilton trys to do the latter.

There really is no story. No conundrum. Just an elite sportsman with unprecedented levels of attention and st from the media heaped upon him.

Just let him drive. That is all I am interested in.

Mike Brown

585 posts

189 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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I just wish he would get rid of those silly earrings, they say so much about him, or tell us that there is not much to say?


1,035 posts

182 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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I like Hamilton. He's the most talented British driver we've had in a long time. I'm glad he always seems pretty pissed off when he doesn't win, no one cares about 2nd, 3rd or whatever, F1 is about winning; especially when you have the best car!


2,934 posts

192 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning


293 posts

210 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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The tussle between Rosberg & Hamilton is clearly the story of 2014. Unless Mercedes suddenly turn collectively stupid, or, one of the competitor teams should happen to find the equivalent of "downforce" in their 2014 R&D programme, then the only debate left is which Mercedes driver wins the championship this year.

And, I must admit that I thought Hamilton would walk it this year. Which has not happened, at all. Rosberg has kept his nerve, maintained a stable sense of self-confidence and worked assiduously at his car set-ups. He's also played the internal situation at the Mercedes F1 team quite cleverly. The Times had a story in their Friday edition that said Rosberg took the 24 (24, ye gods!) engineers on his side of the garage out for a track-driving day at the Jonathan Palmer facility near Bedford; this done before the British GP.

Result - a very motivated team in his corner, focused on getting their man the best kit and set-up they can give him. Then Rosberg quietly delivers (Germany), as long as the car holds together.

F1 championships need consistent performances and good self-management of your mind. [As Jackie Stewart is always banging on about] That last item is the Rosberg ace in the hole; he has the ability to manage his feelings and impulses [at least, when near any media, anyway] and Hamilton currently doesn't. That is the difference between them. The next 5 months will show us how much it matters - for both men.


432 posts

232 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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I think asking Hamilton to relax and enjoy his privileged life a bit more is missing the point - he wouldn't be as good as he is without an unhealthy obsession with being the fastest and winning. It's who he is and good on him for it.

However, there's more to winning a championship than driving a car to it's limit and where he does have room to improve is in mind management and team management, especially in taking responsibility. If something doesn't work then best to assume it's your fault and analyse where you could have done it better, not blame someone else. If the team makes a call in the race, then you as a driver should have the knowledge and ability to decide whether or not to go with that call - if you go with it then it's your call not the team's, if you reject it and do something else then that's your call too. Don't just do what the team says then moan if it turns out to be wrong.

He's already fabulous at driving a car on the limit, if he can get the mind side of it sorted out then he'll be unbeatable.


906 posts

144 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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I did predict before the start of the season Rosberg would be champion. Just more consistent, less rash, than Hamilton.
Rosberg probably learnt a lot and kept his trap shut when teammate to Schumacher, no easy job I'm sure.

Not knocking Hamilton either, but he seems a bit too 'superstar' now and Rosberg remains quite humble. Hamilton bringing up Rosberg's 'easy' upbringing (hope that makes sense) was not wise really, as I don't remember seeing Hamilton working in Tesco to fund his karting. Going jet skiing with Nicole after the Monaco race this year is hardly going for a game of bingo at Gala to relax.

With Hamilton there is a touch of Mansell, with his something in his eye (again at Monaco) excuse.

And I can't get my head around round anyone who takes issue with Vettel, Hamilton, Alonso, Massa etc when they don't win and look unhappy. They want to win, believe they should, and hate being beaten. In the history of the sport that has always been the case. Look how tough a character Lauda still is even now, and Hakkinen was too. Every single champion has been tough.

I think Kubica had the right attributes to be champion, along with Montoya.


5,138 posts

198 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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Gifted the win at Silverstone.......Massa first lap incident gifted Hamilton places.......uses Raikkenen to stop him going off track and smashes into Button. Oh and driving the best car in the field. Best driver on the grid - I think not. Let's not get carried away Hamilton is miles away from being a British great.


22,278 posts

203 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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leedsutd1 said:
The term spoilt brat comes to mind , its like watching kids in a playground with Hamilton and rosberg,
mansell , senna ,prost the best years for me
Because Mansell never did any complaining... or Senna never let his emotions get away from him...

carsnapper said:
Seriously, Lewis needs to get a sense of humour and some perspective. He's a multi-millionaire doing the sport that he loves and travelling the World driving with the best Team in F1 currently. It's the most privileged, lucrative and amazingly fun lifestyles on the planet...watching him spit his dummy or throw a 'look at me being introverted, grumpy and quiet' episodes just annoys people. He is obviously a gifted driver, but he's difficult to admire on a personal level. Perhaps Kimi & Webber could give him some life coaching?! Rosberg is very easy to like; good sense of humour and clever.

Watching Alonso and Ricciardo go hammer and tong in the Ferrari and Redbull was captivating this weekend. I think both drivers would leave Lewis for dust given the Mercedes hardware. Maybe Lewis needs yet another 5 years to mature a little...oh and hopefully loses those diamond ear rings and awful haircut wink
And yet as Jenson has said I suspect Hamilton would give the wealth up for championships and wins. You're either a hypocrite or not super competitive. If you were you'd always get annoyed when you could have done better, be frustrated when things mess up stuff for you etc. You speak about Kimi and Webber, but they have been good drivers, never the best (Kimi is up for debate and is obviously a WC, but look at him now for example...).

I suspect neither would do that, and that we would see some similar battles we see to Hamilton and Rosberg now.


252 posts

164 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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Talent - yes

wannabe rock star - perhaps

When he says things like ''maybe it's because I'm black''.... back in '11 Monaco for being called to the stewards offices 5 out of 6 races for driving incidences. In his deffence, he has matured somewhat since then!


334 posts

243 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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NRS said:
And yet as Jenson has said I suspect Hamilton would give the wealth up for championships and wins. You're either a hypocrite or not super competitive. If you were you'd always get annoyed when you could have done better, be frustrated when things mess up stuff for you etc. You speak about Kimi and Webber, but they have been good drivers, never the best (Kimi is up for debate and is obviously a WC, but look at him now for example...).

I suspect neither would do that, and that we would see some similar battles we see to Hamilton and Rosberg now.
Please elaborate as to why you think this 'makes me a hypocrite'? Ta very much. Then read the good comment from cmoose above.


22,278 posts

203 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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carsnapper said:
NRS said:
And yet as Jenson has said I suspect Hamilton would give the wealth up for championships and wins. You're either a hypocrite or not super competitive. If you were you'd always get annoyed when you could have done better, be frustrated when things mess up stuff for you etc. You speak about Kimi and Webber, but they have been good drivers, never the best (Kimi is up for debate and is obviously a WC, but look at him now for example...).

I suspect neither would do that, and that we would see some similar battles we see to Hamilton and Rosberg now.
Please elaborate as to why you think this 'makes me a hypocrite'? Ta very much. Then read the good comment from cmoose above.
It wasn't necessarily meant in a bad way - just that if you are super competitive and push yourself to be perfect then you would understand why Hamilton gets so annoyed with himself/ situations outwith his control. And by understanding that you would be a hypocrite if you complained about him. If you're not then it just seems like he's complaining when he has a very good life. And yet almost all of these drivers as I previously mentioned about Button's comments would swap that lifestyle for championships.

As for the comments by cmoose - well, I have felt like that before when I've messed something up far less important, but something I wanted to do my best in. Just drained and the body just doesn't want to do anything. Which is basically the after effects of the chemicals that were at work in your body. Yes, it's not the end of the world and there are far more important things in life. But at the time you don't think like that. And do remember he's young, so he still has to learn a lot about life and the most important things there (i.e. parent's dying etc).

Senna is always held up as the ultimate racing driver, and yet he was basically a complete nutter at times - potentially far worse than Hamilton. Putting his another driver's life at risk by ramming them off the track just to win a championship? He really should have got a grip and thought about the big picture, stop taking his job so seriously etc...


8 posts

127 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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Well and if it goes wrong and he doesn't win the championship he can blame relationship trouble with his girlfriend again. He has a distinct lack of constancy to raise him to the very best drivers.


130 posts

148 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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The pressure gets to him as it would anybody. It is the pressure of once being the best, being told you are the best, and not always getting the results that show that. I know it is hard to put on a good face when you are on the podium and not the top step. He owes everything to racing and knows it; his family wasn't loaded from what I have seen.


1,556 posts

152 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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I am not a Hamilton fan, yes he is the fastest driver out their at the moment but for a f1 driver, for me he is not the best out of the car and interviews his persona etc.

Coming from 20th to 3rd in a car that is 2 seconds a lap quicker than the rest of the field maybe only 1 sec for the Williams is not as impressive as the story makes out.

yes Lewis is faster than Rosberg, but Rosberg is keeping it together all race weekends and getting the points in the bag, I also wonder, I think it was Bahrain, when rosberg on fresh tyres all over hamilton was forced off the track several times, if they were not both Mercedes drivers would there have been a complaint to the race director as Hamilton has had several yellow cards for a lot less misdemenours.

Ps Bottas is having a great season and long may it continue as the williams is the best looking car on the grid......


188 posts

161 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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I thought that Lewis winning four on the trot this year would be too much for Nico. Clearly Nico has a very cool head on his shoulders and is not letting Lewis change his game plan. Perhaps also we can see Lewis also this year keeping things in perspective. Sure he looked rattled by the Silverstone qualifying, but I guess that was shock at the result as much as anything. Nico seems as unflappable as his father. I think to beat him Lewis will need to be the same.


318 posts

162 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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Good article.

I think a lot of people forget that Lewis is still only a young chap. He's under a lot of pressure and scrutiny all the time. Yes, he's lucky to be in such a fortunate position but he and his family have worked damn hard for it and he has proven his ability time and time again.

I have read various criticisms of him through the comments on here...'I don't like his earrings...' is one that stood out. I mean, really? For gods sake, give the kid a break and show some support! He's British and one of the two best drivers on the grid and I'd love to see him win the championship this year but, will it go to the German in a German car....?


44 posts

157 months

Friday 25th July 2014
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The reason Lewis was so dejected after the British gp qualifying is that he wanted to be on the top step for the fans not just for himself.

Yes hes passionate about winning, you have to be otherwise you fade into insignificance like so many do, thats why hes one of the top 4 in the world.

The guys a natural born racer, those that are - understand him (brundle) wink Those that aren't (press) never will rolleyes


44 posts

157 months

Friday 25th July 2014
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911F said:
Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning
Brilliant bow Agreed.