RE: PH blog: Why Bernie makes me angry

RE: PH blog: Why Bernie makes me angry



172 posts

220 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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It isn't about how many tickets the circuit sells, Bernie doesn't give a nuts about that. He makes his money on TV rights and countries/circuits paying for the GP to be there. It is only the circuits that lose out on low ticket sales. Venue GP's tend to go for two reasons. 1. The circuit is no longer attractive or safe enough for F1 or 2. The circuit can no longer afford the race fee.

Bernie is in fact doing good things for F1 as far as making sure it remains financially secure. This way he can continue to make the huge payments he makes to the teams and continue to make a spectacle worthy of the TV millions that are oh so important to the sponsors of the teams.

That is where the money is not in ticket sales.


213 posts

186 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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I hate what has happened to the sport and I hate the disrespect to the heritage.

The sport I loved is dead.

Shame on you and shame on the FIA.


1,859 posts

180 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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cliffie said:
It isn't about how many tickets the circuit sells, Bernie doesn't give a nuts about that. He makes his money on TV rights and countries/circuits paying for the GP to be there. It is only the circuits that lose out on low ticket sales. Venue GP's tend to go for two reasons. 1. The circuit is no longer attractive or safe enough for F1 or 2. The circuit can no longer afford the race fee.

Bernie is in fact doing good things for F1 as far as making sure it remains financially secure. This way he can continue to make the huge payments he makes to the teams and continue to make a spectacle worthy of the TV millions that are oh so important to the sponsors of the teams.

That is where the money is not in ticket sales.
That's my point. Is he not milking the circuits dry to the extent they cannot go on? He will eventually run out of new countries and new, gullible circuit promoters, surely?

Fair enough if a venue loses a GP on safety grounds, but you can't base the sports financial security on the financial insecurity of circuits? Can you?


4,591 posts

280 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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mightysquirrel said:
It does seem a real shame that Bernie is doing this. I'd like to see places like Estoril, Paul Ricard, Imola and Turkey make a comeback but that's looking increasingly unlikely now. At least Silverstone can relax now it's secured a 17 year F1 race contract. The only European race I wouldn't be sorry to see go is Valencia as it always generates very dull racing. But then I think it would be good to see a comeback from Argentina and Mexico and the race in Russia could be interesting. I think a balance between Europe and the rest of the world is needed but just five races in Europe, isn't enough. And please Bernie - no more Middle East races!
Having been to Estoril this year, I can't see that place lasting much longer as a circuit, it is totally hemmed in all the way round (so you can't even spectate trackside!) and the seating areas (other than the massive concrete grandstands) are very small and very old. Beautiful place to spend a holiday mind you, just the circuit is not somewhere to take a family and enjoy a day out as there is nowhere to wander.


5,524 posts

167 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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cliffie said:
Bernie is in fact doing good things for F1...
Look, seee there it is. Somebody, eventually, had something nice to say about him.

another 3 points

947 posts

199 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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Ahh, Bernie, Sir,
No one buys Mercs or Renaults or Ferraris in Europe any longer.

I'll pass the word around adland being the good art director I am; tell the media Co's to pull all their car advertising.


522 posts

194 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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Well..............What a bunch of unhappy campers you all are. Riggers cracks the whip and you all dutifully get up on your soap boxes, hackles duly raised.

Bernie is of course no charmer....but he does have a point (or two) and at this juncture in our history Europe faces a very different future to the one its darling socialist empire makers had envisaged. This is not the place to debate this (or is it?) but as F1 seems to a financial ignoramous like myself to plonk itself at the forefront of both marketing, sponsorship and big business, it has a stake in the way that Europe adapts to a very different future.

Bernie's colourful language is I suspect his way of making his voice heard in a world that consists of a blizzard of sound bites.

Of course we cannot become like China we dont have the where with all to save for the proverbial rainy day like they HAVE to because there is no state hospitals and welfare systems; and therefore we cannot provide our masters with the readies to finance an economic miracle.

We are dependent on politicians that dont pander to our desire for ever increasing property costs, ridiculous growth and bankers that have a brain and a conscience (unlikely on both counts) and wiser public sector spending; but unless Europe does change course it will become the worlds biggest Disney Park sometime soon.



617 posts

177 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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Just look at that old dwarf. He looks naughty, and you can see he only thinks of money.
He only wants money-money-money.
We, the REAL car fanatics, can go to HELL.
As well as our cherished racing circuits.

As someone wrote, he will be DEAD before the end of F1,
so he doesn't care in the least what happens,
as long as he can go on showing his lovely face which only smiles
when an attractive girl is near him;
because he thinks she admires him for his face!
No no, money. Racing has NO SPORTING VALUE to his eyes.


452 posts

212 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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Bernie needs to increase revenue for his two daughters excessive spending shocker. "Billion dollar girl airhead" !! hehe


14,534 posts

250 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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sunsurfer said:
He's not much of a businessman as this article illustrates.
I think he's got a couple of billion reasons that prove you've just made a bloody stupid comment.

r11co said:
On paper Bernie is a pauper.
Yes. He's only worth 2.2 billion. What a prole. He's ex wife is now worth nearly a billion just from divorcing him - but don't let that stop you. Say something else - you're brilliant.


617 posts

177 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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Almeras said:
Don't worry, Bernie... your F1 show also belongs to the past for many european motorsport fans...
Motor racing for people who don't understand racing. This is Bernie's F1.
Those are the right words!

I know several strong car fanatics
who cannot be bothered
to look at F1 anymore.


13 posts

191 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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perhaps it was too much to ask because it might have become an interesting thread. Bernie is a remarkable individual. Anyone who could take F1 from an insignificant weekend amateur race meeting at brands hatch to what it is today and do that in their life time is pretty special.To say that he does not like the sport and is only in it for the money misses the point by a few yards even miles.
Did you not see his interplay with Vettel two weeks ago.
His market and audience is the world. not individual circuits. It is pretty foolish to say that the European following is
larger than say Brazil Japan and China.
What remains fascinating is that it has it base here in the UK. We still have the best brains for engineering and because there is not the time to outsource to cheaper countries and because they do not have the skills nor can they deal with such minuscule production runs it will most likely remain here.
It is a shame when we have the worlds best promoter and possible one of the cleverest that the immediate reaction is only to express envy and pour scorn

See managed to say all that without a single swear word.

plastic toad

170 posts

153 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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A total prat who has done more harm than good in F1
as already said he will be dead soon if he is not locked up first for corruption


529 posts

197 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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This is posturing.

What Bernie needs is 30+ customers chasing 20 or so races, so he can do a good deal. He's just poking Europe with a sharp stick to remind them not to think they're sacred because of their 'heritage' and that he'll never be afraid to drop them for a better deal somewhere else.

Odious little man.

And much as I love PH, I imagine we're furthest from Bernie's mind when he makes such statements...


14,534 posts

250 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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coleclough said:
perhaps it was too much to ask because it might have become an interesting thread. Bernie is a remarkable individual. Anyone who could take F1 from an insignificant weekend amateur race meeting at brands hatch to what it is today and do that in their life time is pretty special.To say that he does not like the sport and is only in it for the money misses the point by a few yards even miles.
Did you not see his interplay with Vettel two weeks ago.
His market and audience is the world. not individual circuits. It is pretty foolish to say that the European following is
larger than say Brazil Japan and China.
What remains fascinating is that it has it base here in the UK. We still have the best brains for engineering and because there is not the time to outsource to cheaper countries and because they do not have the skills nor can they deal with such minuscule production runs it will most likely remain here.
It is a shame when we have the worlds best promoter and possible one of the cleverest that the immediate reaction is only to express envy and pour scorn

See managed to say all that without a single swear word.
plastic toad said:
A total prat who has done more harm than good in F1
as already said he will be dead soon if he is not locked up first for corruption
These two posts sum up everything brilliant and everything awful about PistonHeads.

A reasoned, balanced, well thought out post with logic and understanding of the situation applied.

Followed by a moron.

Stuart Dickinson

998 posts

209 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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JohnGoodridge said:
This is posturing.
Agreed. Bernie is a cockroach and I mean that in the best possible way. The guy is what, 150 years old, has accomplished a huge amount... people talk about Teflonso but what about Bernie? He goes from being team owner organizing the teams against the establishment, to being the establishement.... comes through crisis after crises where he ought to go down with the ship (for example how buddy buddy he was with Mosley and how everyone thought that might be the end of Bernie)and he emerges seemingly unscathed. He is undoubtedly a conniving, scheming guy and I wouldn't even consider doing business with him, but of all things he is, he is not stupid. And he is a pure wind up merchant. Half the things he says are just to get a reaction out of people, and because he knows he can say it and get away with it. This Europe comment is no exception. It's a private joke between Bernie and himself.


7,924 posts

267 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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There's no doubt that Bernie has made a significant contribution to F1. He's elevated it to the point where it now has a global audience and made himself and others very rich in the process. We now have new circuits with fantastic facilities, great TV coverage (OK, had) and the sport is more popular than it has ever been. Bernie has made people compete for the rights to stage races and for the rights to broadcast them, and as we all know, competition leads to inovation and standards rise. However, until recently, this was still all targeted in the counties that followed F1. Bernie is now expanding into new teritories trying to push everything even further and I fear that the interest in the new teritories is not sufficient and that he's alienating the sports history.

Of course he's a multi-billionaire and I'm not, so where as I have an opinion and a fear for the future, he probably has a plan, and that plan probably has several fall back plans. I'm out of F1 in the short term because of the Sky deal, but hopefully Bernie's trial of these new teritories will fall flat and we'll get F1 back on the BBC and back at decent circuits in countries where F1 is loved.

plastic toad

170 posts

153 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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_dobbo_ said:
These two posts sum up everything brilliant and everything awful about PistonHeads.

A reasoned, balanced, well thought out post with logic and understanding of the situation applied.

Followed by a moron.
And exactly who are you to judge my post ?
Having followed F1 since the mid 1970s
and attending at least one GP every year
I am as qualified as any F1 follower to say what I see in anyway I wish

You remind me I why I rarely post on forums
With all of your 1000s of posts I guess you rarely do anything else


2 posts

150 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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zebedee said:
Having been to Estoril this year, I can't see that place lasting much longer as a circuit, it is totally hemmed in all the way round (so you can't even spectate trackside!) and the seating areas (other than the massive concrete grandstands) are very small and very old. Beautiful place to spend a holiday mind you, just the circuit is not somewhere to take a family and enjoy a day out as there is nowhere to wander.
I assumed as some racing series still go to Estoril, it would still be in a pretty good state of repair. I guess places like Imola will be in a similar state after not being used for F1 for a few years. Shame...


56,370 posts

171 months

Wednesday 7th December 2011
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Bernie is sadly absolutely spot on.

It's not too late and Europe should take heed of what everyone like Bernie has known for a long time.

F1 is a visible mirror into the future of global economics and Europe is steering itself with its self rightous laws, global arrogance and posturing and debt ridden lifestyles to be a bit player of the future.

The next generation of designers, engineers, global businesses and people will not be European. Our laws firmly prevent us from competing against the BRICs and our education systems are waning in contrast to their waxing.

Europe is handing its wealth, dominance and future to the BRICs. Bernie sees it and if we open our eyes and look we can very clearly see it as well. Remaining in denial about it is the sure fire way to ensure we end up there. The generation in charge won't change our course as they don't have long to live and are focussed on short term goals of enriching themselves.

I'm not going to disagree with anyone's opinion of Bernie but everyone should take heed of what he portends as he is 100% on the money and we in Europe are living in complete denial about it.