My Very Cheap Mini One D Dooer Upper...

My Very Cheap Mini One D Dooer Upper...



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Saturday 13th August 2016
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Yeh it's a 3pk863 belt. Same as the original that I had to cut off.


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Sunday 14th August 2016
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marmitemania said:
I used to have to put these belts on Transit vans, st idea. I would try putting the belt in boiling hot water for a few minutes to see if it will soften/ stretch a bit more.
Yeh I was thinking about giving that a try. Annoyingly nowhere has another belt in stock so I'm having to wait until Tuesday/Wednesday before one arrives!


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Monday 15th August 2016
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threadlock said:
That doesn't necessarily mean it's the correct length. Highlighted a few words above smile
Haha good point, however the belt that Mini supply is also the same.


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Thursday 18th August 2016
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I have a positive update smile

When I got home this evening I decided it was time to give the belt another try. I had changed my mind about which one to order and ended up getting one about 5mm longer than the original. I gave it and the pulley a liberal coating of WD40, attached the belt fitting tool and started to turn the crank. Again it was just trying to pull the belt off and it looked like I was going to break another chunk out of the pulley if I kept trying! I decided that this approach really wasn't getting me anywhere so I figured I'd try a different approach. I made the decision to try winding the belt on the other way. Now this meant having to turn the crank the wrong way which I really didn't want to do, but needs must and all that. I set it all up and started turning the crank and miracle of miracles the belt went on! I really hope I never have to replace it again. It's the most stupid design I've ever seen!

Anyway, I then spent an entire 5 minutes putting the second belt on and tensioning it up (with a proper tensioner! What an excellent idea!).

At this point I was on a roll and figured it was time to get the engine off the stand so I could bolt the flywheel, clutch and gearbox back on and at least get it set up on the dolly ready to wheel back into the bay. I went in the house to get my Brother and I honestly could of screamed when I realised he'd gone out frown

So that was it for this evening. The engine is too heavy for me to lift down by myself so I'll need to wait for my Brother to be in and then it's engine back in car time (hopefully!)


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183 months

Friday 2nd September 2016
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I have an update. It's a proper one too, not one of my sorry excuses for an update that I've been giving you recently!

I've had this week off work which in theory meant I could get loads done to the car. It hasn't quite worked out that way but I've got a decent amount done and I'm happy! So Monday I couldn't do anything as my Daughter was staying with me for the day. I have tried working on the car when she's here and she gets bored extremely quickly and then wanders off so I have to go and keep an eye on her. Tuesday I had my ARDS test at Brands Hatch so that ruled out the majority of the day too. However I did pass my test so I can now send off for my National B race license smile Ok, so Wednesday was going to be the day! Or maybe not. My Brother left for work at 6am and didn't arrive home until about 10pm. This meant I had nobody here to help me get the engine off the stand. I tried it by myself and nearly crapped out a kidney so ruled that idea out pretty quickly. So today I woke up pretty late and panicked that I might of missed my Brother again. Thankfully he wasn't working today so I sat and ate some leftover Chinese for breakfast and then informed him that he was going to help me for a bit.

First things first we lifted the engine off the stand and onto the engine dolly. It was surprisingly heavy with everything bolted back on! Once on the stand I could get on with bolting the flywheel and new clutch on. Now when I took it all apart there wasn't anything wrong with the old clutch. In fact it looked almost brand new, however I'm not one for tempting fate so a brand new LUK clutch has been fitted along with a new release bearing. I was amazed that I managed to line it all up by eye as the gearbox slid straight on with no arguments!

With the gearbox all bolted on it was time to manoeuvre the engine back into the bay. Now it's been a while since I removed it and I obviously had my rose tinted specs on because I seemed to think it was going to wheel straight in and that would be it. Ohhhhh how wrong I was! My Brother and I spent the best part of an hour twisting, tilting and turning the engine and gearbox trying to get it lined up so I could do up just one mount. My Brother eventually admitted defeat and went for a shower so he could go out. I wasn't going back in the house until that engine was bolted in, so I sat and had a think about what I could do. Eventually I had a plan that I thought might work. It consisted of the engine dolly and 2 trolley jacks. About 2 hours later (yes 2 bloody hours!), the engine was in and I could finally sit down and admire my handywork.

After a little rest and a pint of squash I headed back in to plug in some of the wiring before calling it a day. I managed to get the majority of it plugged back in, although I have 1 cable left over and no idea where it goes so that's going to be interesting. I reconnected the gear linkage cables, bolted the downpipe to the turbo and decided that was more than enough for one day (it was only about 3pm but I'd had enough!).

So that's it for today. I will try and get a few more hours on it tomorrow and maybe manage to get the front end on smile


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Saturday 3rd September 2016
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Shadow R1 said:
Nice update. smile
Thanks smile I'm hoping to get out there again at some point today and get a bit more done.


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183 months

Sunday 4th September 2016
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So Saturday I got into the marquee around 10.30am with a view to getting a little bit done. I say a little bit because my Dad was coming round to help me replace all the fencing that got blown down in the storms earlier this year. I had barely shuffled myself under the car (to fit the rear pendulum mount) and I heard my Dad knocking on the door! The fencing took the majority of the day (we had to dig up what was left of the snapped wooden posts and put up the new posts) so I didn't venture back into the marquee at all. The fencing looks good though smile

This is what the garden looked like after the wind had blown the fence down and then I knocked the shed down.

Once the garden had been cleared and the new post were in the ground.

With the panels slotted in. Looks so much better!


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Sunday 4th September 2016
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Anyway, today I was determined to get some more done to the car. So after breakfast I headed straight into the marquee to see what I could get done. Now at the last (Mini related) update I had plugged in most of the wiring and was left with a plug and no idea where it went. After wracking my brains I eventually remembered it plugged in underneath the fuse box. So all that came back out so I could plug this in, and then refit it all. Once that was done I started fitting the pendulum mount (complete with poly bushes) at the back of the engine. The poly bushes are so stiff that it took an absolute age to get this on, but I got there eventually and the engine is absolutely rock solid now!

The next thing on the list was to get the heater matrix pipes connected back up, along with the turbo boost hose and inlet hose. I also remembered that I'd bought a replacement earth strap (the original one had been mostly even if you remember from my first post), so that got fitted too. The engine bay was suddenly looking a little more full!

After that lot was on I figured it was about time to refit the front panel! There wasn't really much else to plug in or connect that wasn't attached to the front panel so it made sense.

Once the front panel was on I could connect up the remaining coolant hoses, the boost hoses and reconnect the A/C pipework. Before I put it on I replaced the oil filter as it made sense while there was plenty of access. I also replaced the air filter element and refitted the air box.

Then it was time to put the bumper bar back on. This meant undoing the front panel and sliding this over the bolts before tightening it all down again. The front of the car is suddenly starting to look like the front of a car again!

At this point I filled the engine with oil and thought I better check that it turns over. Now I wasn't expecting to get this far today so annoyingly I hadn't bothered to put the battery on charge this morning. As expected it was as flat as a pancake so that was the end of that idea! I've brought the battery in and stuck it on charge so hopefully I'll be back out there after work tomorrow to try turning it over! I'll let you all know how it goes.


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183 months

Monday 5th September 2016
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I've just arrived home and the battery is still charging so no starting tonight I'm afraid. I'm going to go running instead!


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183 months

Monday 5th September 2016
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Shadow R1 said:
Fair play. smile

I do 5k on wednesday and 10k on a friday, round the local forest trail.
I usually do 5k on a Monday and Wednesday and between 10-12k on a Friday. I've been slacking lately though!


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183 months

Sunday 11th September 2016
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Evening smile

Sorry for the delay. It's been a busy week so had no time to work on the Mini. However this afternoon once I'd watched the MotoGP I decided to head back out there for a bit.

Today was the day that I was going to try and get the car started. As far as I could see I had reconnected everything to get the engine to start, however I wanted to fit the replacement steering wheel and airbag resistors before reconnecting the battery. It would be one less light to have to turn off if I had the resistors fitted. So I got my steering wheel boss out of the box and straight away found a problem (surprise surprise!). This boss wasn't meant for a car with an airbag which meant it was missing a hole in the back for the steering angle sensor to clip into! Determined not to be defeated by silly little problems today I got the tip ex out and coated the steering angle sensor locating plug. I then offered up the boss so the tip ex made a mark. With my fingers crossed that the mark was in the right place I got the drill out and drilled a hole through the shiny new boss! Nervously I pushed it back onto the column spline.... My plan had worked! The hole was in the right place smile Next I fitted the airbag resistors and secured them down with cable ties and black tape and then tucked the two plugs back inside the boss. I sorted out the horn wiring and then was just about ready to fit the wheel.

Now originally I had bought a nice Nardi wheel for the Mini. I got it out of the box and offered it up to the boss. It didn't look right at all! Thankfully I had a backup wheel to try. About six months ago I had a knackered set of Weber 40's for sale and ended up swapping them for a brand new Momo Team wheel. I got it out of the box and offered that up and really liked it. Problem solved smile Just need to get a horn button for it (not a priority right now!)

Now the next step was to see if the car would start. I wanted to get that bit out of the way before refitting the drive shafts, brakes etc and doing everything up tight. The way my luck goes I'd get all that done and then the engine would need to come out again hehe. Anyway, I fitted the battery and for the first time in almost a year the interior lights flickered on smile I clicked the key a couple of times and the doors locked and unlocked! That's a good sign. I got in, put the key in the ignition and turned it. The dash lit up and I heard the fuel pump prime. Another good sign! I turned the key again and..........

Nothing! No clicks, no sparks, no nothing! My heart sank and my mind started running through everything I had done to try and remember if I hadn't plugged something in. Suddenly I remembered an extra wire that I had unplugged when removing the engine.

The long red wire in that picture was plugged into the starter motor and routed back into the car and then vanished. When I replaced the engine loom I removed that wire as I was replacing the original wire that it had replaced (I think that sentence makes sense!). I needed to find the other end of it and that would probably be where my problem was. I removed the steering cowl and lower dash panel and low and behold there was the red wire.

That was after I had cut through it. Basically when a mouse/rat had chewed through the starter wire, rather than rewiring the plug someone cut through the ignition trigger wire behind the ignition switch and ran this new wire (seemed like rewiring the plug would of been much easier!). I cut and removed the red wire and reconnected the original.

Ok, so with that done it was time to try and start the car again. Key, back in the ignition and turned. Everything came on again and once again the fuel pump primed. Here goes nothing.

Edited by Sammo123 on Sunday 11th September 21:38


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183 months

Sunday 11th September 2016
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Sorry for the link but I have no idea how to embed the video!

So, it started! I'm as amazed as all of you that it actually started! I was expecting a bit of half hearted turning over and that was it! It seemed to rev quite nicely but annoyingly it still had a lumpy idle. That's been there since the car was on about 80,000 miles and not a single garage has been able to figure out why it's like that. Once the car is driving I'll look into it and see if I can figure it out.

Anyway now that that was out of the way I decided to fit my new gear gaiter and knob (something nice and simple of finish the day off).

While I still had the lower dash panel off I thought I may as well remove the aged handsfree kit that was nestled behind there and remove the standard radio while I was at it. I've got a nice Alpine unit to go in eventually so it was coming out eventually anyway.

Just as I was packing up I suddenly remembered that the tailgate release wiring had been chewed through and seeing as I was leaving the battery connected I would need to close the tailgate. I rewired the plugs for the tailgate release and there was something else I could tick off the list smile As I had cleared the boot I figured I may as well fit the new (unchewed) boot trims and carpet. I forgot to take a picture but it's another step close to looking complete smile

That's it for today. The next update should be the fitting of driveshafts and brakes etc. It's almost there!


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183 months

Monday 12th September 2016
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threadlock said:
Does it say "Norks" on the top of the gear knob? You'll feel a right tit changing gear if it does...
Haha I hadn't noticed that at all! It actually says John Cooper Works but the sun has somewhat changed what the camera can see!


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183 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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BlueHave said:
Great that it starts, i actually quit like the lumpy sound, reminds me of those old Bedford or Volvo buses I used to get to school.
Funnily enough that's exactly what I thought it sounded like too!


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183 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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smn159 said:

Although your temp gauge suggests that it might be a bit cold to be wearing shorts smile
Ahhhh it's never too cold for shorts!


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183 months

Saturday 17th September 2016
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I managed to get another hour on the car this afternoon. I decided today was driveshaft day. I've been putting this day off because I absolutely hate CV grease, but seeing as I couldn't really go much further without the driveshafts being in then today was that day frown

Annoyingly I forgot to take a before pic of the driveshafts but needless to say they were disgusting. Covered in oil and grease and all sorts. Anyway, I stripped the old joint and gaiters from the N/S shaft and gave it a good going over with the degreaser, which left me with this.

I then got on with fitting the new joint (if you remember from the beginning of the thread, I destroyed this joint when the hub nut wouldn't come undone!) and gaiters. The finished product looked satisfyingly clean and tidy.

Now the O/S shaft comes in 2 bits so I started off with the main part that goes into the gearbox. I gave it a damn good clean up and then shuffled under the car and refitted it. It was annoyingly easy to fit compared to the absolute nightmare I had removing it.

Once that was done I sat back down to clean up the outer part of the shaft, only to realise I'd run out of degreaser and forgotten to buy a replacement outer CV gaiter! I'll order one tomorrow and get it fitted one evening next week. I decided that I'd had enough of the driveshafts by then so decided on a nice clean job instead. Replacing the interior lights with LEDs. Again, I forgot to take any pictures but they definitely look much better than the regular bulbs.


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183 months

Tuesday 4th October 2016
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Another update!

I took a half day today to try and get this finished and back on the floor. I started off cleaning up and rebuilding the O/S driveshaft and then fitted them both. I tightened up all the ball joints and track rod ends while I was there and then fitted the shiny new discs & pads and refitted the brake calipers, new brake hoses, new ABS sensors and brake pad wear sensors. I also refitted the arch liners which seemed to finish that bit off nicely smile

Once all that was back together I refilled the gearbox with oil, filled the cooling system and filled up the PAS reservoir. Then it was time to refit the front bumper (finally!). All of a sudden it actually looked like a car again!

Now, at this point I decided to bleed the PAS system (I probably should of done this a few steps before this!). I started the engine and started turning the steering left to right and back again. As the system sucked up the fluid I kept it topped up and kept turning the steering. My heart started to sink as the steering was doing exactly what it did when I bought the car, kicking in and out as I turned the wheel frown I checked the fluid was definitely topped up and that it wasn't leaking anywhere, which it was and wasn't! I now have no idea what to do! I just want to burn the thing! There is absolutely zero chance of me taking it apart again so I really have no idea what to do now...


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183 months

Tuesday 4th October 2016
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dom9 said:
Keep going - You're so close now!
The thing is I don't know what to do now! I've replaced the PAS pump and steering rack and the same problem is happening. What are the odds of the replacement parts having he same problem as the original knackered parts?!


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183 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Ok, so I got back out there after work this evening and checked everything was doing what it was meant to be doing. Which it was. I got back in the car and started turning the wheel again and realised the steering was getting heavy in exactly the same spots every time. It suddenly occurred to me that it was likely to be the rack rather than the pump so I scurried under the car to disconnect the column with the intention of clamping some mole grips to it and see if it was the same. However, as I was taking the UJ off I noticed it was really stiff. I tried turning and twisting it and it was barely moving! I think I found the problem smile I sprayed the joint with a load of grease and tried wiggling it about. Slowly it got better but I think the joint is just worn out! So tomorrow I'll be getting a lower column on order. They look pretty simple to replace so should have that done on Saturday smile

Seeing as I'd (hopefully) got to the bottom of that problem I figured I'd do a little more before dinner. I'd borrowed a diagnostic computer from one of the techs at work today with the intention of getting all the warning lights off the dash. I plugged it in and there were a few engine codes, ABS sensor codes and drivers airbag codes. I cleared them all and the only one to come back was the airbag one. Now I've removed the airbag and fitted some resistors to switch the light off so I figured one of them wasn't making a good connection. I stripped the plugs back and got the resistors in tight and taped them up. I cleared the airbag code again and it stayed off smile Now that was sorted I could fit the steering properly along with the horn button! Once that was back on it was time for one more start to check it was all doing what it should smile


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183 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Oh, and since clearing the codes the idle has settled down!!!