



Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 11th June 2004
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Is any body around.......??


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 11th June 2004
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aw i'd just dropped back off to sleep then

looks like this has been deserted now


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 11th June 2004
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Both feet are now back on the ground... although my insides are going

already purchased some baby things (baby stuff taking priority over a new set of wheels....i'm ill)

3 minutes better than last time....?? you obviously went in the car then

i wish i could run for three mintues let alone beat a time by 3 minutes


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 11th June 2004
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Jane Smart said:

So no new wheels for you this year then?

I have certain Persuasive powers so enything could be possible

Look at it this way, the calories you've lost while jogging now need replacing....how better else than an indian and a or


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 11th June 2004
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Party round yours it is then for indian take away and champagne get the invites out

as for myself got the dredded 2 flights back home (although it's the last time i've got to do it..)

Then it's meet the wife and.... errr "Peanut"..."orange"....!!...little muscles...


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 11th June 2004
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habe....?? instead of jane...

are your pressing all them 9 keys at once again..?? you'll wear them out..... or is it an early start


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 11th June 2004
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oooppss must dash plane to catch

I'm sure Jay-aim is lurking in the background....


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Tuesday 15th June 2004
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Jane Smart said:

No anyone can join in!!


all that's needed is a PC...!! (oh and a boxster)


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Tuesday 15th June 2004
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(psssst whisper whisper) ca you hear them in the background too....???

anyway Jane,

Yep i'm back needed the whole of yesterday to sleep though (i hate driving through the nights but there is less traffic so easier to concentrate..!)

so what's been happening ...?? i'm all


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Tuesday 15th June 2004
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Overcast but still 22 degrees (that warants the roof off) despite the red head and arms from diving Sunday..!!

so, you beat your time again....?? only run half way...??

how's sunny Scottland


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Wednesday 16th June 2004
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Jane Smart said:
So I did even better in my run..........the full distance as it is so hot!!

Even the poor dog was panting on the run this morning

One complete ciruit of your country manor grounds then...!!!

got up this morning to find..... damn cars been tree sapped...!! and there's no trees in sight....!!


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Thursday 17th June 2004
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Jane Smart said:

I wish I was close by with a camera if you got your feather duster out Not a bad idea though is it?


(there's no smiles legened on here where the one slaps the other on the head.....you get two of them here..... move on nothing to see please keep cameras in bags)

The 's' is back to normal (with an even bigger shiney coat on now, tree sap all gone with ease no feather duster, pinny or anything else required either (don't stop to capture that vision read on)...!!

jane, jane, jane...... you drove in looking the part, your t-shirt made you look the part..... but unfortunately you left looking like you'd borrowed your hubby's car for the first time....!!!

(but your not alone i did it at some traffic lights at the weekend....... nobody there though so it doesn't count )


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Thursday 17th June 2004
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Jane Smart said:
I did have a picture in my head and suddenly you took it away!

I find you have to "rev" a wee bit harder to pull away. Do you find that? I was pulling out of a junction a few months ago now, hood down, shades on, when I stalled it. These teenagers were walking past and all I heard them say was " yes but she can't drive it""

As long as that picture has completely gone now, god i'm getting visions myself and it aint pretty

As for pulling off at junctions......nah it's just you... or try taking the handbrake off
it can catch you out at times but i've been fortunate nobody's caught me...!!

Especailly a group of teenagers..!:driving:
soon you won't be able to go anywhere without people pointing....!!!


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Thursday 17th June 2004
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at this rate i reckon give it a few days more and you can get your running time down to zero.....!! perfect, saves you going then...!!

so much for the usual excellent German summer, it's raining.....!! (so much for cleaning the 's')

oh well have to stay in and be forced to watch the footy with a few


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Thursday 17th June 2004
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conversation is light overhere... you offered and nobody excepted...

i thought about going to one of these classic events but i don't think me old man is old enough yet....!!!


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 18th June 2004
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overslept, sore head and it's absolutely chucking it down. today is not a good day at all


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 18th June 2004
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just back from a design review meeting,

did i not need that on a friday morning with a sore head and to top it off it's (as they say in scotland) pishing it down and to top that off i did your trick....!!!

i stalled at a junction

not going home this weekend so coming to work tomorrow (well depend how much steak and red wine i have tonight...!!)

how was the run...?? did you come back before you left...???


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 18th June 2004
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[picking myself off the floor after reading your statement of abstaining from alcohol]

I'm just off up the road tonight to the Argentinian steak house, and i'll be chomping my way through a 400g fillet with a bottle of red and a selection of vegetables (might need rolling back down the hill though after all that)


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Friday 18th June 2004
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Chateauneuf du pape i can't even say that in english never mind in german...!!

i know i'll do the typical and ....!!!

nope i'll just type it down and say ....!!

so i guess your a conisuer of anything alcoholic that comes in a bottle then....??


Original Poster:

112 posts

243 months

Monday 21st June 2004
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head was fine didn't drink hardly anything, had a real lazy weekend appart from cleaning the 's' for 5 hours on Sunday morning (and broke my wind deflector in the process). then went for a top down cruise around berlin centre.

how was the classic car show..?