Does buying a Porsche get you laid? Discuss..

Does buying a Porsche get you laid? Discuss..



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283 posts

214 months

Friday 15th September 2006
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Generally I'd say yes.

Now of course on it's own, you are not actually going to improve your bed score by just buying a porsche, but for anyone who's worked in sales (oops sorry this is the Porsche forum not the BMW forum) for anyone who has employed sales people, you'll realise that an excellent way to 'close the deal' so to speak (ie, last train home leaves in an hour luv, you want to stick around and come back to mine?) is to throw in the excellent last line ('Don't worry, I'll drive you home in the morning in my porsche) heh heh heh

Now this is a topic worth further discussion...! thumbup


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283 posts

214 months

Friday 15th September 2006
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Works every time for me fellas, the girls say 'I'm not interested in cars' but in the morning they all say.. 'can I see your car then?' ...yeah baby!

Best line yet in a bar in the city to some blonde after some chit chat.. 'aw I'm not talking to you any more because I can tell pretty girls like you are just looking for rich boys. You'll be wanting to drive my Porsche like all the other girls' cool

worked a treat!!


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283 posts

214 months

Friday 15th September 2006
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bounce drove past three blonde birds in a clio on the A1 coming home last week, they were loving it, waving and flashing their headlights. Must try and practice taking numbers down whilst driving..!

Mobile pulling.. now why don't they put that it the brochure!?

<cue deep voiced porsche guy on the ad video> Porsche, a car with precise handling and agility. Porsche, gets girls wetter than a british summer holiday. Say goodbye to the old bag you pulled when you were skint as a student. The Porsche will allow you to meet girls that BMW drivers only dream about. Girls WILL shag you. They will even bring their best friend and she will too, maybe at the same time. And they'll make you breakfast in the morning. Because when you drive a Porsche, you have, big cahones. <cut to girls dancing on a beach> bandit


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Friday 15th September 2006
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Right well the bars of St Pauls and the City beckon.. so I shall leave you chaps as I hunt down some Friday night city sexretaries, now my gear stick has recovered from the bird last friday who thought biting the ol soldier was supposed to feel good!? wha' the feck!?!

Adios amigos! thumbup


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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Glad to see the banter continues apace. It's made my week getting jibes from a C-class Merc driver!? Isn't that the A-class merc with a boot? No wonder he's angry at me, spending all that money buying under aged girls in bars a drink before you dump them in the woods afterwards. Next to the AMG badge will no doubt be a bumper sticker with 'I've got sweets in my car!' as he cruises schools.. hehe

Well the social experiment continues, I've never actually used 'Hi I drive a porsche' as an opening line but will have to give it a go. To be fair they're normally introducing themselves to 'me' first... (heh heh) Pin stripe suits in city bars, all you need to do is look for the essex girls in 'party dresses' and you know they've made a special trip to the city to pull a 'rich boy'. Buy a bottle of champagne, order up a couple of cigars with the boys and you could chuck a jam jar in a wasps nest and get less of a swarm! As you get your wallet out for the next round you mention you can't get too hammered because you're taking the porker in for a service and your porker will be well and truly be in for a service before the sun comes up..


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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yeess, good lad, another man joins the 'social experiment'.. !

Forget NCAP ratings or the TopGear car survey, this is much more interesting.

I suppose that's a fair point and not to exclude our poor married fellas, I'm guessing when you're wearing the old ball n chain it could have the reverse effect when purchasing your Stuttgart beauty.


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283 posts

214 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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anniesdad said:
Undoubtedly if I wore a bag over my head.

Personally I prefer beer to the paper bag, why wear a paperbag when you can make 'everyone' look like Cameron Diaz. (Just don't stay the night!) yikes


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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Ugly chicks and fat chicks... don't count guys..

Like mopeds, their fun to ride till your mates see you on them.

Nor do your long term girlfriends Fidgy

or erm salesmen... even if they do offer you an extended warranty on yer Boxster!? hehe


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283 posts

214 months

Tuesday 19th September 2006
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Don't knock fit chick gold diggers!?! That's like saying you've never test driven a car you have no intention of buying...!

Just becuase I take it for a blast round the countryside doesn't mean I have to buy it, just don't leave a deposit in the err.. showroom.


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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If only I'd known how amusing this discussion was going to be..!?! I've never known so many people to get soo upset over the suggestion that you could get some action when you drive a nice car!?! Or is the real issue that us single lads are out pulling fit chicks, driving a porsche, going out to bars and not worrying about calling the missus, or when the last train leaves Waterloo because we live in a leafy suburb.. we're the James Dean of the City!

Birds love us, their fathers hate us, Ken Livingstone wants us to ride bikes and we burn petrol like we all own oil refineries... who's for another glass of champers!?! party



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283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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giw12 said:
and we all know what happened to James Dean......fingers crossed

oh dear, must have been your daughter I dropped off at the taxi rank this morning was it?? She makes a great fry up, tell her to do it a bit quicker next time though I was late for work... yum


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283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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giw12 said:
Will do it next time mate...

what your daughter? nice


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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bring it on..

your mommas so fat her ass is in three different time zones. rofl


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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uh oh.. seems to be an invasion of CSL drivers to this post who are wreaking their vengance because I said a CSL was a tarted up mum-bus that was designed for the school run. Slap a carbon roof on it and a fatter engine and hey presto, you've got an erm.. 3 series..! LOL

They're all angry at me now, I dunno why? Must be because they're not getting laid in their BMWs laugh

Edited by framps on Wednesday 20th September 13:07


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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The girl I pulled last week said her ex-boyfriend had a BMW and that's why she left him. I asked her what type and she said 'I don't know, they're all the same aren't they' ...we laughed. I lit my cigar with a fifty and we had another cocktail.


Original Poster:

283 posts

214 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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ok lied, it was actually a 20, I didn't want to look to flash