RE: Lorries to be banned from overtaking?

RE: Lorries to be banned from overtaking?



4,241 posts

255 months

Monday 6th December 2004
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once again on here is demonstrated that the tactics of this goverment are working. They devide and rule. there are many on here who find it acceptable for the goverment to penalise individual groups be it huntsmen, shooters, caravanners, maxypant types and now truckers so long as it is not them. The key to all this is that the goverment has seen the railways descend to a level where there is no option but to transport loads by road. It is now cheaper for railway operators to transport carriages and locos on the roads rather than rail. They could make it easier for rail transport, yet when the issue of imigration came up it was EWS railways who were paying massive fines for illegal imigrants on the trains from France. They have a policy of letting the roads get worse and like the M25 the M42 all were built on the cheap and not wide enough in the first place,to widen them now would cost billions and years. We will never stop trucks overtaking each other, we cannot stop anything if the manpower to police it is not there in the first place, which is why I see daily trucks in lane three on the M4. This sort of release is to appeal to the base instincts of the British people, the "I'm alright jack syndrome", if people really belive this will improve the roads the goverment is winning. We need better railways, better public transport and more roads and we need them now before it is too late.


13,864 posts

235 months

Monday 6th December 2004
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So, that's the trucks dealt with then.

Now, Luton bodied vans, elderly Transits, motorhomes, towed caravans and trailers, buses and coaches, elderly collectables, anyone running on a spacesaver spare, people with car problems and no doubt a few other groups.

And then - hard shoulders - how to get back onto the motorway?

Someone earlier hit it on the head - courtesy. If the driver's don't like the idea they could do somethining about it. Don't overtake of your higher speed is marninal. back off for a couple of seconds and let an overtaker in.

A wonderful thing common sense - just not very common.

Mr John

574 posts

251 months

Monday 6th December 2004
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331 posts

264 months

Monday 6th December 2004
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TUS 373 said:

robyn said:
Ive got a problem with this, if you have a long stream of lorries which all have the safe breaking distance of 30 cm between them how are the cars supposed to enter and exit motorways etc.

I cant see lorry drivers not only living with the slow lane but also making sure that car drivers are able to slot in and out happening.

Very good point, to which I will add:

How do me get to see the road signs that are not over the carriageway - its hard enough now when you are looking for a junction and cannot see the sign as some perfectly position lorry is between it and you.
Vehicles joining the carriageway do not have right of way and must give way to vehicles that are already on the carriageway.Miles of HGVs bumper to bumper in nearside lane,you won't be able to get on the motorway and traffic thats on won't be able to get off.If this comes off HGV drivers will have there payback!!!!


57 posts

265 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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wavey said:

Miles of HGVs bumper to bumper in nearside lane,you won't be able to get on the motorway and traffic thats on won't be able to get off.If this comes off HGV drivers will have there payback!!!!

That's one of the best points. If I was an HGV driver I'd do it just to show how pissed I was...

Then we'd get the motorists revenge of slowing to 45mph in front of a lorry and everybody's stuffed!

Belligerence is a wonderful thing to behold...

stin hambo

627 posts

239 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Can't they give more power to the HGVs that allows them to maintain their top limited speed?

It is when they approach a hill and lose their steam that other trucks overtake by the miniscule speed differences...

Anyway, they should have built four lanes on the motorways. Inside two for trucks, outside three for cars.


913 posts

262 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Use trains instead


14,938 posts

241 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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bar555 said:
Any felt the same on the M23? Last time I was stuck on the 2 lane motorway with lorry overtaking each other at 55mph!!! It took almost 5 mins to complete the overtaking move. I welcome the banning movement

Erm, the M23 is 3 lane!

k wright

1,039 posts

261 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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This is a huge problem in the USA as well. We have four lane divided highways that cover most of the country with "speed" limits from 55-70 mph.

If the driver that was being overtaken would slow down for a few seconds and allow the inevitable to occur this would be a non-issue.

Is there anyway to import this proposal to the States?



4,589 posts

280 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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thru5h said:

Battlecat said:
I don't think this law is a good idea. I am not as arrogant to think that just because I want to drive at 'X'mph there should be a law to stop others getting in my way. Fair enough I live in London and don't use motorways etc everyday, and therefore I can only sympathise with those of you who do regularly get stuck behind inconsiderate lorry drivers, but I can't remember a time when I've been stuck behind a HGV for an unreasonable period of time. I can see the benefit in an alternative measure to stop lorries travelling side by side over significant distances but I don’t think a ban on overtaking is the right option. As someone else said earlier the law would be punishing drivers simply doing their job, and we don’t need to create contempt between drivers. Also if lorry drivers are prevented from overtaking they will drive in chains and prevent other road users from using junctions thus creating more traffic jams and accidents which the government will use to support more cameras, road tolls, higher petrol tax, and other anti-car measures.

This strikes me as another example of a bored civil servant meddling with the motorist, dreaming up ideas to kick road users in the nuts and justify his/her job – feck off !!

£0.02 well spent I think.

This also forces traffic from lane 1 across into lane 2 then again lane 3 to get past the lorries, now do you think that is safe considering the observation and signaling skills of the majority of drivers in the UK.

>> Edited by thru5h on Monday 6th December 14:24

oh well done thrush - lets knock another nail into the overtaking coffin. FFS - overtaking be it on a motorway or an A road is a skill involving observation and timing. It is safe if done correctly. Just because numpties can't do it doesn't mean people like you should harp on about how it shouldn't happen at all. I am sick of people flashing their lights and sounding their horn after I have completed a perfectly safe overtaking manouevre.


397 posts

284 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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For all of you against - a perspective from one of the countries where this was tried - Holland, as said in the actual article. It does help, and from own experience it makes for a lot less stressful driving. The "wall of lorries" thing does not really happen, maybe you need a bit more anticipation to leave/enter the motorways. In Belgium they have this as well, and generally it has been an accepted success with everyone maybe except some truckers. Before you start, many Dutch roads are (much) busier than UK ones. And this is limited, so far, to certain roads only.

Of course it is more boring to the lorry driver, I think they overtake mainly of boredom (that excludes of course overtaking the 30-mph caravan towers).

Nevertheless, this is difficult to enforce widely, what with the police also in Holland being stretched thinly. So what happens is that more and more "professional" truck drivers choose to ignore this rule, out of boredom or pure civil disobedience. More or less like speeding, really. Only, instead of looking at ways to enforce (like the beloved speedcams for speeding) the government decided this thing is unenforceable or more likely too expensive, and has actually withdrawn this rule in many places - WTF??? One of the few things except new roads that has been shown to have an effect, is cheap to impose, and it gets canned because lorry drivers do not listen... oh well.


5,269 posts

237 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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yeah, this thing is ridiculous, it all depends on the circumstances. a blanket ban on lorries overtaking will mean that 4am when there isn't another car on the road, they will still have to travel as slow as a heavily laden lorry / caravan / random numpty.

i agree something needs to be done, especially at rush hour when someone overtaking with a small speed differential not only holds up the immediate traffic behind but causes a knock-on effect down the motorway as more and more people slow down which then snowballs (maybe this is the cause of those really annoying traffic jams where you get to the end of it and there is nothing there to have caused the hold up apart from the car in front, and you just speed up again )... however, there is no way in the world that this problem can be solely attributed to lorries - this isn't the answer.

it's been said before, we just need to rely a lot more on common courtesy and common sense.


312 posts

263 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Just hope we get the same level of support from truck drivers when they eventually make the 3rd lane on every motorway a coach/bus/taxi lane as they have done on the M4 into London.

Wont be long before:

inside lane = hgv drivers
middle lane = all cars / vans
oustide lane = public transport options and mass people carriers.


22,227 posts

235 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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stin hambo said:

Anyway, they should have built four lanes on the motorways. Inside two for trucks, outside three for cars.

Was it maths or english that was never your strong point?

I take it you were trying to say one lane for trucks, two for cars and one in the middle for both?

Yet again almost all that has been said here has merit but the real problem is the same as ever.

Most drivers are great and get on with what they are doing, in their own little way, casuing others on the road as little trouble as possible. Then there's the other idiots who fk it up for them.


11,430 posts

268 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Why don't they just connect all the lorries together with drawbars, and give them their own dedicated road, even better, let them run on steel tracks that could run to/from every major town/city. If they got it right, they'd only need one driver and the road network would then be free'd up no end.

Oh, that'd be a decent train network then, wouldn't it?

Knobends, the lot of em!

De-restrict the bloody trucks ffs!

>> Edited by mondeoman on Tuesday 7th December 11:08


178 posts

244 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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mondeoman said:
Why don't they just connect all the lorries together with drawbars, and give them their own dedicated road, even better, let them run on steel tracks that could run to/from every major town/city. If they got it right, they'd only need one driver and the road network would then be free'd up no end.

mondeoman said:

Oh, that'd be a decent train network then, wouldn't it?

Knobends, the lot of em!

De-restrict the bloody trucks ffs!

Or simply have the balls to rip up the mess left when we sold off the railways and start again - ie track and rolling-stock owned by same organisation (you can argue private/public - dont't care which personally) as long as it's sorted.


206 posts

241 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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3. Tractor units restricted to a max load weight, based on specific power output (that should stop cheapskate operators useing units not up to the job of maintaining an acceptible road speed when shown the slightest incline)


All goods vehicles are subject to a minimum power/weight ratio.

They have been since about 1980!


23,378 posts

235 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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willyworm said:
It works well in Holland

not where i drive (southeast holland, limburg) it doesn't. they are always overtaking each other on 2 lane motorways (a74 for example)
and in germany the dutch trucks are the worst culprits of the 100kmh/99kmh half-hour overtake


22 posts

234 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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Hi everyone, Andrew here. This is my first post.

I have three ideas to increase motorway capacity in UK, and it's not all aimed at lorry drivers (they do a lot of driving and are usually pretty good at it)

Firstly, this ban of lorries overtaking should only be active during rush hour traffic. If you're on major motorways when it's busy, overtaking lorries can waste vast amounts of motorway's capacities. If the road is empty, thy can do what they want.

Secondly, the general public should be educated that lane hogging is unacceptable, and perhaps even be fined for travelling in the middle lane if the left lane is clear for miles.

Thirdly, the motorways should have a minimum speed limit. The law must change to match the times. In the beginning cars had engines that could maybe get them up to 90mph, and brakes to match. Nowadays even a supermini can do over a ton no probs. Lets up the ante, and increase the amount of blood flowing through the arteries of great britain. 56mph sounds good to me.



9 posts

245 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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The rule makers have it a45e about face again.

Rather than slow the trucks down even more so you lot that agree with this can moan about your tins of polish not being in the shops.

How about we speed the trucks up, they are limited to 60 mph so even on a flat road overtaking another vehicle ( does not need to be a slow truck how about the 45mph brigade) is going to slow traffic.

Truckers have been campaigning for the speed limiter on trucks to be raised to 70mph. truck technology has vastly improved since the limit was brought in, so the trucks are more than capable of handling the extra 10mph. it would also make the inside lane a more inviting place for all those people that dont use it ( and even less inviting for the 45mph muppets).

Piston Heads should get behind the truckers campaign, once it has been won then we can start pushing the national speed limit up to 90mph for cars( 150mph for bikes)