Who is the new Stig?



Original Poster:

201 posts

265 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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Sorry if this has been raised before but I would be interested any suggestions as to who the current, classical music loving Stig is on Top Gear.

>>> Edited by porky on Wednesday 7th January 16:56


1,528 posts

271 months

Wednesday 7th January 2004
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Ken Livingston?


17,999 posts

259 months

Saturday 10th January 2004
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Jenson Button


602 posts

258 months

Saturday 10th January 2004
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john cleland


7,553 posts

267 months

Sunday 11th January 2004
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It's still good ol' Perry McCarthy, just in a white racesuit instead of a black one. He signed a new three year contract just before the start of the latest series.


123 posts

274 months

Monday 12th January 2004
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Teppic said:
It's still good ol' Perry McCarthy, just in a white racesuit instead of a black one. He signed a new three year contract just before the start of the latest series.

so what was the point of Killing the old Stig off then?...they cant be that short of features to fill air time...shureley!


10,430 posts

258 months

Monday 12th January 2004
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um, maybe to make people ask the questions again? the more questions asked the more free advertising TG gets.


13,591 posts

253 months

Monday 12th January 2004
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How else to make an half an hour programme stretch to an hour...

>> Edited by Frik on Monday 12th January 23:31

Mark Benson

7,935 posts

279 months

Tuesday 13th January 2004
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Teppic said:
It's still good ol' Perry McCarthy, just in a white racesuit instead of a black one. He signed a new three year contract just before the start of the latest series.

You sure? Maybe I'm imagining it but the 'new' Stig doesn't seem to be as good a driver as the 'old' one.


268 posts

258 months

Wednesday 14th January 2004
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Don't mean to sound too unknowledgeable but who's Perry McCarthy and whats he done previously?




1,571 posts

261 months

Wednesday 14th January 2004
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At the age of 42, Perry McCarthy is one of Britain's top racing drivers and is already part of motor racing folklore. He is known to millions of motoring enthusisasts as 'The Stig', the mysterious racing driver who races some of the world's most powerful cars for the BBC's flagship motoring show, Top Gear.

McCarthy's rise through the ranks along with close friends Damon Hill, Johnny Herbert and Mark Blundell, has been against all odds and in a sport dominated by finance he recalls how he 'started with nothing and then lost it all!'

Perry's 10-year fight to reach the sport's elite paid off in 1992 when he was chosen to drive for the fledgling Andrea Moda Formula One organisation. The dream however turned into a nightmare as the team stumbled from one disaster to the next and in recent years he has turned his attention away from Grand Prix to Le Mans and the demands of Sports Prototype racing.


204 posts

291 months

Wednesday 14th January 2004
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His Autobiography is a good read!!!


53,274 posts

294 months

Wednesday 14th January 2004
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minghis said:
Perry's 10-year fight to reach the sport's elite paid off in 1992 when he was chosen to drive for the fledgling Andrea Moda Formula One organisation. The dream however turned into a nightmare as the team stumbled from one disaster to the next
From what I can see on the internet he entered 7 x F1 GP's in the Andrea Moda car but failed to qualify for the grid in any of them, is that correct? Seems a bit harsh! Rich...


7,553 posts

267 months

Wednesday 14th January 2004
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That's correct. His pre-qualifying runs were always left until the last minute as Andrea Moda didn't have a spare car, so Perry's was effectively the spare for Roberto Moreno. Roberto was allowed to go out and try his hardest, secure in the knowledge that he could jump in to Perry's car if his own developed a problem or if he threw it off the circuit

Things came to a head for the '92 German and Hungarian GP's when he was only allowed out for qualifying with 30 seconds left on the clock, which meant that by the time he had completed his out-lap the chequered flag had been shown, so he was unable to qualify.

Mark Benson

7,935 posts

279 months

Thursday 15th January 2004
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Perry McCarthy's Book

Good read, I'm about halfway through. makes you appreciate what drivers go through (I can't even afford Locost Racing this year....)


12,058 posts

274 months

Saturday 17th January 2004
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I thought Perry was 'fired' after changing his book title to "Tales of the Stig" and for just taking the piss.