Four killed in West Yorkshire quad bike collision with car

Four killed in West Yorkshire quad bike collision with car



Original Poster:

695 posts

285 months

Tuesday 29th September 2015
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Not sure which section to post under, so here goes.

Yes, it is tragic when 4 young people die in an RTC but my take is that 4 people were riding on a vehicle meant to carry a maximum of 1 passenger that was not registered, hence not MOT'd or insured or road legal after midnight on an unlit section of the A6201 (,-1.339284,3a,75y,122.76h,75.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stO6xwmBZzlQorDsjx2OiYw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) and somehow it is the fault of the car driver.