My Story. Chassis Refurb.

My Story. Chassis Refurb.



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186 months

Monday 30th June 2014
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So I have been lurking about these forums for nearly six years, contributing a little when I could but happy to sit back and soak up the knowlege that is so freely passed about on this truly awesome forum.

I'm halfway through my chassis refurb at the minute and dont have much new to add to the many threads that are already on here except maybe to provide a little reading for a few of you with time to kill.

Found out the missus was expecting in 2008. I decided that it was time for me to give up the bikes and I told the wife about my decision. She was so happy that I was gonna give up both racing and road bikes that she immediately agreed to my caveat that I was gonna get a weekend car.

I went across to Scotland in December 2008 and looked at a couple of Cerbs, purposely not taking any money with me so that I would not impulse buy. The first one I saw wasnt for me, I was a lovely green on the outside and a "difficult" green on the inside. The second was in Dundee, when I pulled up to the house there was the red cerb, a red tuscan and sierra 4x4 cossy and a uk twin turbo supra in the driveway / garage. Long story short, I called the guy on my way home and agreed the asking price which back then was 8k. I flew over a couple weeks later and we handled the business side. I then made my way from Dundee across to all of scotland to put her on a boat from stranraer to Belfast.

I had a couple hours to kill in stranraer so i went and got some dinner in a local pub. Some other punters came in and one apporoached me, "excuse me mate, you dont own the TVR in the carpark do you" when i told him I had just bought it he asked would i mind taking his little lad for a run in it. When I looked at the wee fella i saw myself more than a few years ago and happily agreed when we got back the wee man was smiling ear to ear and if i'm honest i was to. The guy offered to buy me a pint and I refused on the grounds i had to drive. After that he even offered to buy me dinner which i also refused but it was very nice of him. Welcome to TVR style attention. Checked in for the ferry and had a word asking to be put on the lower deck with the lorries to avoid scraping the bottom or worse getting stuck at the top of the ramp. What pulls up next to me but a bus load of drunken football fans. I though "here we go" but they were awesome just wanted to know about the car and how long i'd had it. When i told them about 6 hours one of the guys said right boys back up the fella's only just got her. Shook my hand and off they went these cars really do bring out the best in people.

Back to Belfast and into Torque Flight garages, (thank you to the ph'ers who recommended them). The guy who runs it checked my outriggers while he did the service and told me "this is the cleanest Cerb i've had in hear for years, stop worrying and go out and enjoy it".

I garaged the car for 5 years while I worked away in the isle of man and just brough her out a few months ago. Still thinking that my outriggers would be ok. I went to get tyres and the fitter told me it was rotten under the cills. I probably should have waxoiled again before putting her away.

My little boy is 5 now and at the age where he loves cars. He thinks the cerb looks like lightning mqueen.
I cant stand the idea of selling it so I started my chassis refurb just over a week ago.

after being pulled out a 5 year stretch in solitary.

into the workshop and making a start.

1 week later

9 days (about 30 hours) in I took the body off and I would never have gotten this far without the help and guidance I found on this forum and from a good friend.

The diff is out now and the steering will be out next time I get a chance to get at the car. So far the only cost has been my time.

Chassis is not great but its not bad either. Both sil memebers have to be replaced and possibly 1 or 2 of those that connect them to the rest of the chassis.

Thats my story so far and I guess there will be a little more to come once the chassis comes back from the shot blasters.

bit long winded but I hope you enjoyed it.




Original Poster:

150 posts

186 months

Sunday 6th July 2014
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Chassis went to the shot blasters on friday, should get it back this friday when we can start the repairs.

Plan is to galvanise the chassis, epxoy primer, paint it up the same as the car and stoneguard it. The pal who is helping me is a bodyworker and that was his suggestion. If anyone thinks thats the wrong way to go about it please speak up. All advice greatly received.

as a side note we were trying to figure out what the hell these are for. They dont seem to serve any purpose at all. Can anyone shed any light???


Original Poster:

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186 months

Monday 7th July 2014
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Thanks for the reply mikesr,

The rear anti roll bar was attached, I removed it to send the chassis to get shot blasted. But it was mounted on the bottom of the chassis.

I am trying to figure out what the two bright members are. One horizontal and one 45 degs up joined by a couple bolts and flat bar.

All the other chassis's i've see seem to have them, though not always joined. Are you saying these have something to do with the anti roll bar or is it that my question wasnt clear enough.




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186 months

Monday 7th July 2014
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Thats what I needed to see and mine definately doesnt have it. Thanks lads.



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186 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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So my chassis is back from the shotblasters and the news is good. Apart from the outriggers that I already new about (so did bother to have him blast) the rest of the chassis is in a very good condition, to my very great releif.

This is the area the first alerted me to the problem and prompted the body off scenario.

Its alot worse now than it was when it was on the car.

While the chassis has been away have been stripping the rest of the gear.

if you are thinking about this level of rebuild dont underestimate the time this stage will take. After 17 years on the car every bolt is a battle to remove. Between corrosion and some diabolical design by TVR's engineers (I can only assume these guys had the same degree in engineering I do but never actually built a damn thing in thier lives) your time will be eaten alive by this process.

All thats left for me to do is the horrible bush removal process and all the running gear can make its way to the shot blasters as well. By the time it comes back the steel repair should be finished and then its off to the galvanisers.

Decent progress for 3 weeks i'd say.

One thing I did find was that when I started this process I thought to myself "if I put this all back on the car and 6 months or a year from now a ball joint or a wheel bearing goes do I really wanna strip this all back down to replace? Do I balls" so all that stuff is getting replaced while its apart.


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150 posts

186 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Weekends and nights for me at the minute.

starting work at 7am and getting out at 3, gives me 2.5 hours each night on the car and I can still get home for 18:00 to put the kids to bed.

If it hadnt been for the advice on this forum I would have been terrified to tackle this job. I'm still bloodywell terrified that when i put it all back together i'll wind up with some electric gremlins that will have me on the edge of a local bridge tout de suite!

But for now I am soldiering on and every time I read another post I think hmmm best do that. So i just order my metal t-piece for the water issue tongue out

I'm glad the thread is enjoyable and who knows some poor bugger might even find it useful!


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150 posts

186 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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All nuts and bolts are going stainless and all the bushes, fuel lines and brake lines are being done too smile

when i get some time i am gonna mark up those pictures of the running gear, numbering the bolts and giving lengths threads etc etc in the hope it might help someone out. For now its on the back burner. Need more hours in the day!


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150 posts

186 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Ball joints and wheel bearings to. Assuming they arent stupidly expensive.


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150 posts

186 months

Friday 11th July 2014
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Nice one that will deffo be helpfull and yep i'll add anything I think of that isnt in it.

cheers for the heads up to!


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186 months

Monday 14th July 2014
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Just back on after a few days unplugged.

Why shouldnt I be using stainless for the suspension, I hadnt planned on it necessarily but would be good to know why I shouldnt even consider it.


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150 posts

186 months

Monday 14th July 2014
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Good enough for me. Thanks guys!


Original Poster:

150 posts

186 months

Saturday 19th July 2014
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So I am a month into my chassis refurb and a few things are starting to come together. My buddy and I had been discussing colour schemes etc and he said he had a few ideas. I trust him totally and so gave him carte blanche to do what he wanted, we put one of the drive shafts back together this morning and he really has not disappointed me!

Thought you chaps might like to have a look and all.

The only new parts are the gators the rest has all been refurbished.

In case anyone is interested the blue is a flat limited edition Porshe colour the yellow is a pearl Renault colour and the graphite is pearl as well.

more to come over the next week.



Original Poster:

150 posts

186 months

Sunday 27th July 2014
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Slow going at the minute, stripping calipers today only to find that on the front i have one early caliper 4 bolts and one late caliper 6 bolts. What was that comment about bespoke being the factory standard tongue out

All parts should be painted by this time next week.

and a little bonus shot for anyone who ever wondered what the inside of the diff looked like. Wonder no more smile


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186 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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Rich912 said:
That looks absolutely brilliant, I'm part way through a full refurb at the moment and I hope you don't mind if I borrow that colour scheme. What a fantastic job your painter has done so far. That will be one special chassis when finished.
I'm pretty fortunate in that he's one of my closest friends. By all means use away at it Rich, I would say he'll be well made up.

If you want me to get you the actual paint codes let me know.


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186 months

Monday 4th August 2014
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cerdad said:
i have my diff out,its red rust, what did your painter use to de rust it to get the paint to stick?
We shot blasted the diff to get the rust off it mate. Was not sent off with all the rest of the bits to the heavy duty shot blaster but done with my mates home made one. He was concerned that the shot blasting contractors pressure would be far too high for the delicate parts of the diff.


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150 posts

186 months

Wednesday 6th August 2014
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I worked on the Cerb monday through thursday last week but I couldnt do the the weekend cause the missus was away (daddy daycare hilarity ensued).

Much of the stuff we have been doing up till now has been the slow and labourious stripping and prepping for paint. If I find it slow and labourious and i'm at it part time my friend who is doing the lions share must be driven to distraction.

But when I see the results of the labour I can see why he does it. My jaw hit the floor! Things are really starting to come together now.

Seems like all us Cerbera boys are picture wh0res.
So my fellow wh0res a treat for you.

As revenge for a weekend off he made me rub down brake calipers for 4 hours last night. Fingers are in pieces today!

I know he's lurking about the boards now and has found this thread, and so Robin "YOU ARE A GIT!!!!"

Gonna be worth it though cause from his excitement I am expecting big things from these calipers.

Hope you guys enjoy the update, deffinately more to follow as the work and my apprenticeship / initiation / hazing progresses.



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150 posts

186 months

Wednesday 6th August 2014
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djstevec said:
Looking a level beyond even my OCD!!
Love a bit of yellow tho smile
He is most certainly OCD mate and worst bit is that its rubbing off!

If he sees your car he's gonna have a coniption, he's obsessed with the idea of a black cerb and he loves the bright colours. You guys would get on grand me thinks!


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150 posts

186 months

Wednesday 6th August 2014
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julian64 said:
Why are you rubbing down brake calipers?

a clarkes beadblast cabinet is about 90 squid, and a polishing mop for a drill is a few quid.

You'd have them perfect with that in no time.
I can't say for certain, but as I rubbed down the backs for hours (roughly) Robin was doing the fronts. I noticed towards the end of the evening that he had a needle file in at all the edges of the TVR and AP Racing. I have learned at this stage of the game not to question his ocd but just get involved. Brake calipers are his absolute favourite thing to paint and he's excited about doing these.

I would say i'll have some pictures in a couple of days because they are going into primer today / tonight.


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150 posts

186 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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Slowing going of late with the stuff I want to do spiraling.

Called down to the coatings company to check out the chassis. Still work to do but what a change.


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186 months

Saturday 22nd November 2014
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ukkid35 said:
iamrtl said:
Don't forget to move the speed sensor to the passenger side where there is less run-out (top tip from Joolz). Alternatively wait a few months for it to fail and then ask me for a replacement (at a fraction of the TVR part cost).
Can someone explain to me what the run out is and why having less of it will help with the speed sensor. I'll definitely do it but i'd like to know why.

thanks in advance.