Leighton Buzzard Meet 'n' Beer II

Leighton Buzzard Meet 'n' Beer II



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254 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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bigtone said:
And before anyone starts moaning about having kids there, he's a junior petrolhead in the making, and can spot a Tiv at some distance, even at the age of 2!


Ah, but can he tell the difference between grey and metallic winter steel blue? If not, he's as unwelcome as his dad

(only kidding)



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254 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
Maybe we should all wear a red carnation and carry a copy of the Times under our right arm

I'd settle for you just turning up this time


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254 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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tonyrec said:
Sounds like its going to be a great turn out.....looking forward to it.

Just hoping the pub's big enough! Do you think I should warn them?


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254 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
Have you been there yet?

If not I'd be up for a recce later this week to....er....make sure the....beer is...er wet..(how about Thursday 8pm?)

Got to go to college on Thursday, need to decide of I'm doing the mechanical course they're offering this year. What about tomorrow?

Edited again to remove the reference to training, I think I'll skip it for one night (don't tell my sensei!!)

>> Edited by sheepy on Tuesday 16th September 16:19

>> Edited by sheepy on Tuesday 16th September 16:23


Original Poster:

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254 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
PS I'll make it easy and wear my PH cap

And I'll be coming in my "grey car", "grey car"


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254 months

Tuesday 16th September 2003
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trooper1212 said:

sheepy said:

FourWheelDrift said:
PS I'll make it easy and wear my PH cap

And I'll be coming in my "grey car", "grey car"

I'm not doing anything tomorrow night, how about a pre-meet meet?

I'll be coming in my grey car too.

L-B Mini-meet? See you there

Wahay, I've made 300 OK it's not in Mrs Fish's league, but hey it's a little milestone for me!!


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254 months

Wednesday 17th September 2003
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Gazboy said:
I think parking may be a problem.

I'm just back from a recce of the pub with FWD and Trooper (Thanks for the help guys!!).

Monday is a quiet night for them. Parking is not an issue (there's loads of space which you can't see from the road). The beers is OK, they have Guiness and they do food which looked pretty good.

If you're in the area, be there on Monday!



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254 months

Thursday 18th September 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:

Yah hooligan

Did you hear what I said when I pulled up alongside you? Following the chat about people cutting us up at roundabouts I think I got as far as "Are you going to cut........" and you'd gone

Sorry, I thought you said "What does your car sound like when you hit the rev limiter whilst pulling away"


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254 months

Monday 22nd September 2003
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Just for the benefit of anyone going who doesn't know anyone else:

I'll be wearing a distinctive dark-red Tshirt with an "8" on the back and front (No it's not a ManU or Arsenal shirt!!). With any luck FWD will also bring his PH hat, so you should be able to find one or other of us.



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254 months

Monday 22nd September 2003
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rude girl said:
Anyone mind if I turn up too? Might be pushing it a bit because I'm not leaving Derby for home til 5, but hey, what the hell?

Come along! We'll be there all night, so don't worry about being late. I'm assuming "home" is somewhere round these parts rather than Derby, because that's one hell of a detour on the way home!!



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254 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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Morning All,

Well, I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who turned up, despite the little bit of rain! With over twenty turning out on a damp Monday evening, this was easily the best Leighton Meet n Beer

No prizes for guessing who wins an award for travelling the furthest, but it was worth it just for the noise made by the Griff (as well as the stories from CarZee's party).

Five Bells at Stanbridge will probably get the benefit of our company next time, because everyone keeps telling me it's got a huge car park. Keep an eye out in the events section in the first or second week of October when I'll suggest some dates.



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254 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2003
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bigtone said:
to those on the other table who I didn't say hi to!

Hah, we didn't want to talk to you anyway!

What happened to bringing the kid? With five or six TVRs, an Exige, a Ferrari and a grey XJS, he'd have been in heaven with the noise (well most of us were!). Dunno what the pub staff thought, but one of them did thank us for coming!!



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254 months

Wednesday 24th September 2003
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Oggs and I started the talk about a weekend meet / run. It came up for the same reason others have covered here: It's dark of an evening and you can't really get to see the other cars very well (Mind you with my Jag, that may be best ).

I've no intention of changing the LB Beer-n-Meet into "just another weekend thing", I think it's great having a night in the week where we can meet up and have a and . However, we've been asking about to see what people thought about making one month's meet on a Sunday lunchtime.

Of course, if FWD gets his finger out and arranges an MK meet for a Sunday, then it will save me doing any extra organising (hint hint!!!)



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254 months

Friday 26th September 2003
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tonyrec said:
Thanks Rich,
Im hoping to have one of those Leven ones fitted before the next meet.........(with a bit of luck).

So basically, if we want another meet, we need to help you pay for a new dash!


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254 months

Friday 26th September 2003
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tonyrec said:
Just bought a nice Leven Dash...should arrive Monday, so you can just buy me a beer instead.

Ah, only if you take me out for a spin. Oggs just gave me a lift home Are you going to fit it yourself?


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254 months

Friday 26th September 2003
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tonyrec said:
Yes iam......

If you need any help....dont call me


Original Poster:

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Thursday 2nd October 2003
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I was thinking either Five Bells @ Stanbridge or Grove Lock for the next evening meet. Date will depend upon when I can be bothered sorting something out If FWD / Bigtone sort out a weekend run for October, then the next evening meet will probably be in November.

Having been to the Fox, I'm probably never going back! I wasn't taken with the beer, the staff or the security of the car-park (or the lack of smoking areas)

As for being the "kingpin" of local car theft, I could give a few names more likely to be involved, but PetrolTed would probably bin my post

I won't even rise to Trouser's "clapped-out" dig over my Jag, especially from someone with a clapped-out Golf! I'm posting less often, because I'm trying to spend less time on here. I'm not succeeding very well, I'm currently in a meeting with a key customer, but I'm still on PH



Original Poster:

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254 months

Thursday 2nd October 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
Grove Lock? Do you mean the 3 Locks Pub or is there another to which I'll then respond "Oh.....yeah that one!" when I realise which one it is

New pub, instead of turning towards Ledburn after leaving the bypass, continue toward Tring / Cheddington. About two or three hundred yards after the Ledburn turn, then you will see the entrance to the new place. Used to be an abandoned / empty house on the canal.

edited to add : here

>> Edited by sheepy on Thursday 2nd October 14:56


Original Poster:

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254 months

Thursday 2nd October 2003
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tonyrec said:

Noodles 4.2 said:

They have advised in future not to leave cars (particularly nice ones) in the area when dark as it is a hotspot for vandalism and break-ins.

Don't worry, we're not going there again.

How's the Dash?


Original Poster:

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254 months

Thursday 2nd October 2003
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It's not "the three locks"

Grove Lock is a much nicer new pub on the south-side of Leighton. "The Three Locks" is a grotty dive of a pub between Linslade and Stoke Hammond.



PS Trooper: Congrats on selling the NSX. Griff next?