Lands End to Lowestoft on midsummers night 2014

Lands End to Lowestoft on midsummers night 2014



Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Monday 16th June 2014
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We will be doing the Lands End to Lowestoft run on midsummers night, i.e. Friday 20th to Saturday 21st, 2014. If anybody plans to do likewise, please feel free to contact me. We will leave Lands End at 9:36. Car is a Mercedes 500 SEL.


54 posts

163 months

Friday 20th June 2014
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We were just talking about this over dinner, thought I'd have a look if anyone was trying it. Good luck!


Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Saturday 21st June 2014
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We did it, and we did rather well. Parts of the A30 and A303 are amazing at night, and the run towards Lowestoft in dawn after having driven spirited for seven hours through the night is worth remembering. The schedule was very tough though, due to unexpected roadworks. A powerful car was clearly of help. In summary a "must".


Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Monday 23rd June 2014
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Lands End, June 20th 2014, dusk

Lowestoft, June 21st 2014, dawn

Jim Sprinzel

12 posts

123 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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We’ve all seen the Top Gear Race Against God.

I thought, “I could do that.”

Even though the start is 560 miles from home, why not?

A hunt around the internet found the original Pistonheads run and report and other tales of folk who had done it.

I had a word with my mate, David and he was up for it too.

I’ve done a couple of Round Britain Reliability Runs in my 1973 Triumph GT6, one with David and we’d also done a similar run in an Alfa Romeo from Ardnamurchan, the furthest westerly point in the UK to Boddam Ness, near Peterhead for the furthest easterly point in Scotland. For that run, we made it with 40 minutes to spare without doing ludicrous speeds.

I like to plan these things out and had prepared spreadsheets with intermediate times and distances to driver change locations and the obligatory fuel stop. Some may say that it’s a bit anal but I know from experience that when your brain isn’t running at 100% due to tiredness, a bit of paper showing you what comes next can be invaluable.

Anyway, the weekend approached and we set off from home, just north of Glasgow, David and I, in my MX5 heading south to Cornwall at 2am on Saturday 21st June.

When I picked up David from his house, I was a bit worried about his choice of shorts for the journey, particularly what could be hanging out of them, and I don’t mean legs. They don’t call him “Big Boy” at work for nothing!

Anyway, that aside, we were booked into the Travelodge at Hayle as it offers an early book-in at noon where we intended to sleep all day before the run.

Someone had sent me a note via Facebook that a guy called Christian was trying to contact me so that we could meet up at the start and, hopefully, at the finish. However, it turned out that he was doing the run on Friday night into Saturday morning.

We had looked at this but chose the Saturday start as we knew there were about 20,000 people going to be at Stonehenge for the summer solstice celebrations and were concerned that there could be loads of people strolling about on the unlit A303 when we were coming through.

However, Christian did complete the run but finished 6 minutes after the sunrise. He was delayed by roadworks on the A30 at Hayle directing them through the village into a set of temporary traffic lights that caused chaos. Plus, he was directed off the M25 near the Dartford Crossing which made his chances of successfully completing the run beyond reach.

Christian e-mailed me to let me know that the roadworks that we anticipated to come across on the A12 didn’t hold him up and would be no problem for us on the following night.

Christian must be some guy, as he had driven from Dusseldorf, crossed on a ferry, made his way to Land’s End, did the run, then drove back down, hopped on a ferry and drove home. He must have been totally knackered!

After talking to some locals at Hayle and Penzance, we discovered that the Hayle roadworks weren’t on at the weekend, which was a big relief. Plus, we were doing the M25 clockwise avoiding Dartford in any case despite the fact that we were aware of roadworks with a likely 50mph speed limit on them.

We grabbed a bite to eat at a McDonalds, then cruised down to the start at Land’s End.

The first person we met was a biker with two additional fuel tanks strapped on as panniers, who had motored down from the sunrise at John O’Groats to Land’s End without using motorways and stopping only once for petrol. And when I mean he only stopped once, I mean it. This guy had a catheter fitted so he didn’t even have to stop for a pee.

A bit too extreme for us!

I told David not to even contemplate a used water bottle. “I’m not having pee all over my leather seats. They’ll smell a treat when I turn the heated seats on!”

We then met a young couple who had hired a Mercedes C Class but were given a B Class, much to their dismay. It was her birthday treat to do the run. Why could I never meet women like that when I was younger?

Next, a guy with his wife and young son in tow showed up with a Golf convertible.

Neither of these two crews seemed to have given much thought about the run or even the route they would take other than they were going to give it a go.

Finally, two bikers arrived, Rich and Lawrence. Rich has been running a blog about the trip for the last few months and I had been passing on information relating to proposed roadworks along the route to him.

It was good to finally meet Rich and we had a good chat but we were all nervous and keen to get on our way.

We heard stories of other crews dotted about Land’s End but were unaware who they were but we would keep an eye out for them.

Slowly the minutes counted down towards the start and we settled into the MX5, sat nav programmed to our first driver change near Bodmin and the Bullitt music on the stereo to build up the atmosphere. You know, the music that’s played when the Mustang and the Charger are about to race round the streets of San Francisco.

Two minutes to go and I put the speaking clock on the in car phone through the stereo.

“At the third stroke, it will be nine thirty six precisely.” Beep, beep, beep and we were off.

Leaving Land’s End, in front of us were a Mitsubishi GTO and the guy in the Golf convertible but no sign of anyone else. The folk in the B Class weren’t even in their car!

We started down the narrow twisty section of the A30 towards Penzance at a fair lick between 40 and 50mph, where possible. After about 5 miles, the Golf got past the Mitsubishi, who showed no signs of backing off and we tucked in about 100 yards behind.

We were through Penzance in no time at all and out the other end. There was no sign of the Golf, just the Mitsubishi.

We followed him for a few miles then on went his indicator and he pulled into a lay-by and we drove past. I started to wonder why he had pulled over then looked in horror at the sat nav. We were on the wrong road!

We were so intent on following the Mitsubishi, that we had missed our turning on a roundabout. What a schoolboy error on my part since I was supposed to be navigating!

A quick u-turn and back up the two and a half miles to pick up the route again.

Faux pas over, we made the decision to pay more attention to the sat nav in future.

Much quieter roads than expected and a clear dry night meant we had no trouble making up about 3 minutes on our scheduled time to the first driver change. I took over for the next stint to Exeter, virtually all on dual carriageway and an easy run for me, making a little more time in hand in case we ran into trouble later on. If only we’d known what was coming.

David took over for the next leg and at the traffic lights going from the M5 onto the A30 at Exeter, the B Class suddenly appeared beside us along with two motor bikes but not Rich and Lawrence who were taking the M5, M4 route.

The lights went green and all three took off like a bat out of hell.

We hung back and let them disappear into the distance. We were making up time in any case and they looked like they were heading for a big fright or even tangling with one another.

This may be a quick run but it’s no sprint and we still had a long way to go.

On the twisty section at the Blackdown Hills on the A303, we caught up with three slow moving cars and no prospect of passing. We sat back until one pulled off and then a section of dual carriageway saw us past them and on our way again without too much time loss.

David then remarked how we had less than half a tank of fuel left. Despite doing just under 30mpg, we were indeed less than half full. A quick calculation and I decided that we would make it to our scheduled refuel point, a large petrol station, the Buck Services east of Andover with a little fuel to spare.

We backed off a little to save fuel and finally, the Buck Services came into view and with a sense of relief, we cruised up to the pump.

Then the big shock. They had no unleaded fuel in any of the pumps!

I had made a contingency plan in case of a problem here and knew there was another Esso station a few miles further on, so we changed drivers again and drove at about 50mph until we reached the petrol station, brimmed the tank and headed off into the dark again down to the M3.

However, after a few miles at a good speed, we encountered roadworks and the dreaded specs average speed cameras with a 50mph speed limit. They went on for miles and it took what seemed ages to reach the M25 where we changed drivers at the Junction 17 off ramp.

Back up onto the M25 maintaining a steady 70mph with the sat nav pinging at every overhead gantry warning of fixed speed cameras and every other car whizzing past us at up to 85mph. Do they know something we don’t?

Then we hit more roadworks and mile after mile of specs cameras. We finally came out the other end of them and a white Transit passed us on the inside and put on his hazard lights for a few hundred yards.

I had been aware of a hissing sound during the last stint but couldn’t work out what it was. There must be something wrong with the car and he’s seen it, so we pulled over onto the hard shoulder.

Sure enough there was. At the petrol station, David had tried in vain to pull the boot opening release before giving up and using the key fob. In his unfamiliarity with the car, he’d pulled the bonnet release. Still, no harm done and we were on our way again.

At the last driver change, I had dropped the folding hardtop and the cool night air reinvigorated us. We felt more confident that we could do it despite losing time due to the roadworks and were now about a minute down on our planned schedule for a 4:20 finish, 10 minutes before sunrise.

Making up some time earlier on had been our saviour with our fuel problems, motorway roadworks and specs cameras whittling away our time cushion.

However, even the intermittent fog around Ipswich couldn’t slow David down and I took over at Woodbridge for the final stint.

We finally reached the place we were dreading, Blythburgh, where we knew there were temporary traffic lights. The roads had been completely deserted save for one Jaguar which we were now sat behind. We waited for about a minute for the lights to change to green but we knew that, barring a disaster, we were going to make it. As for the Jag, we had to wait for a short section of dual carriageway to get by as he clearly knew the roads. Clarkson wasn’t driving it though.

And now we were on the outskirts of Lowestoft. Every traffic light was at green as we cruised the streets of Lowestoft except for one that changed within a few seconds.

We were now in the industrial estate where the finish was located. The sat nav said turn left.

“Rubbish! I know where I’m going!” I said as we promptly turned into a cul-de-sac. A lesson not learned from my earlier faux pas.

Then I thought, “Maybe the sat nav has a better grasp of the situation than me.” and we followed the route round into Gas Works Road and the finish came into view.

We had done it!

We arrived at 4:13, a full 17 minutes before sunrise.

Waiting for us was the B-Class, which despite going like a bat out of hell earlier on, arrived only 3 minutes in front of us. They looked knackered.

Also, the two bikers from the A30 junction at Exeter, the Golf convertible, a Honda Civic Type R and a BMW Coupe were there too.

We moved all our cars down to the Euroscope at Ness Point, the furthermost eastern point in the UK and everyone shook hands on a job well done.

It was quite an uplifting moment, all these total strangers coming together with the same idea and intent of purpose.

Shortly afterwards, an elderly large Citroen estate arrived but still no sign of Rich or Lawrence.

We all stood and watched a magnificent sunrise at 4:30, mimicking Clarkson’s calls of “Loser!” ringing through the morning air.

After that, it was all strangely subdued as we waited to see if anyone else would arrive, but no one did.

We left at 5:00am and headed for our hotel in Great Yarmouth and a good sleep and cracked open a couple of bottles of Stella Artois from my luggage in the hotel room.

Neither of us finished them.

We were too tired.

Next morning, we headed home to Scotland with another challenge crossed off the bucket list.

We had averaged 65.1mph and 29.7mpg over the route and the MX5 never missed a beat.

I later contacted Rich via Facebook and was relieved to find out they were okay.

An emergency petrol stop and a wrong slot on the M25 roadworks taking them south down the M11 meant that they arrived at the finish 45 minutes late.

When you’re so tired, it’s too easy to make a wrong slot as your decision making processes become more and more confused. Especially when you can’t change drivers every 50 minutes or so like we could.

Still, much respect to two young guys earning the iron butt award for the longest time in the saddle on the run.

I must thank David for his great company and our respective wives, Ruth and Kirsteen for putting up with yet another hair-brained scheme that I came up with.

I would also congratulate all those who took part on the night and the previous night.

I feel happy knowing that there are people out there, like me, who have that can-do attitude and are up for a challenge.

Whether they were successful or not doesn’t matter a jot. The fact is that they did it for the thrill of it all and the love of the open road.

I’m glad that I finally did this run as it’s been at the back of my mind for a long time to give it a go.

I would thoroughly recommend this run to anyone on here.

It is achievable but there is also the distinct possibility of not getting to the finish before sunrise.

It seems easy. Drive just over 60mph on dual carriageways and motorways but once you get out there, you quickly realise that this is no cruise along deserted roads.

Now, what hair-brained scheme for next year?

Jim Sprinzel.

Edited by Jim Sprinzel on Thursday 26th June 11:00


Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Friday 27th June 2014
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Five minutes before sunset at Land End, June 20th 2014, 21:31

Somewhere in England, June 21st 2014, 01:10

Approaching Lowestoft, June 21st 2014, 04:10

Jim Sprinzel

12 posts

123 months

Saturday 28th June 2014
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Land's End shortly before sunset.

Jim Sprinzel

12 posts

123 months

Saturday 28th June 2014
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The sunrise beyond the Euroscope at Ness Point, Lowestoft.

Jim Sprinzel

12 posts

123 months

Saturday 28th June 2014
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The successful finishers watching the sunrise. A job well done.


2,068 posts

208 months

Monday 30th June 2014
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Thanks for the writeup, makes me wish I'd done it this year, we had nothing else on!


2,884 posts

151 months

Monday 30th June 2014
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Great thread, really enjoyed reading your experiences. Definitely want to do this myself someday.


52,483 posts

289 months

Monday 30th June 2014
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"So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again." biggrin

Jim Sprinzel

12 posts

123 months

Monday 30th June 2014
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If you're thinking of doing the run, here's a spreadsheet showing due times at driver change points along the route based on arriving at the finish bang on sunrise.

It may seem a bit geeky to some but it gives you an accurate idea if you're on schedule for a successful run or not.

If you're that keen, you can work out our exact position of the driver changes using Google Maps - it's what I used.

Some will question why we didn't have fewer driver changes and saved time that way but I wouldn't want to sit bored for two hours or more waiting on my turn to drive.

Also, it makes you both work more as a team, one driving, one navigating, watching the time schedule and keeping an eye out for one of Fox-Talbot's creations.

Apologies for uploading the time schedule as an image. New to this forum and can't work out yet how to upload an Excel spreadsheet.



Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Thursday 17th July 2014
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Land's End, June 20th 2014, 21:36


Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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God's starting light, June 20th 2014, 21:40


Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Friday 25th July 2014
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God playing dirty, June 20th 2014, 21:42


Original Poster:

186 posts

145 months

Monday 4th August 2014
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The sun has already risen in Sydney, June 20th 2014


129 posts

172 months

Monday 4th August 2014
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Well done all who completed this -
an epic run!

You've inspired us - now planning 2015!


1,445 posts

126 months

Monday 4th August 2014
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Utterly pointless exercise, of course, but a great writeup, good pix and a good blat.

What are the start and finish satnav coordinates for the "proper" run?

Jim Sprinzel

12 posts

123 months

Wednesday 6th August 2014
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You don't need sat nav co-ordinates as there is no official start and finish "line".

We started round the back of the Land's End Hotel, exiting round the south side of the building but other participants were starting anywhere in the Land's End complex as long as they had a view of the setting sun.

The finish is at Gas Works Road, Lowestoft.

However, we didn't realise initially that it was possible to take your car through an opening in a wall down to the Euroscope. When you look at it on Google satellite view, it looks like a big circle with different coloured segments.

If anything, that is the definitive finishing point.


Edited by Jim Sprinzel on Wednesday 6th August 09:11

Edited by Jim Sprinzel on Wednesday 6th August 09:12