Woo Hoo... got my first noise warning

Woo Hoo... got my first noise warning



Original Poster:

2,317 posts

245 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Well, got a thing in the mail today... apparently my car is too loud for the street, and they have had a complaint.

Honestly, don't know what it is about this place... why don't people just say something to your face. Think that might be my que to get out of here.


814 posts

227 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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TOO LOUD?!?!?!?!?

Think I might put that down to jealousy. My god there are some cars in this neighbourhood that are way off limits when it comes to decibels, cant say I have heard of anyone here getting any warnings. There is a STR-10 not far from here with some serious exhaust system, and I have been at the side of the street when it has belted past and no-one has batted an eyelid. That thing is LOUD!

Anyways, what have you got on the car to make it too loud for ppl down the street to bear??

>> Edited by mose on Monday 3rd October 21:00


Original Poster:

2,317 posts

245 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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I think an engine more than 2 litres! God, maybe when I leave this place, can do tour of duty past here at 1am in the morning!

Yeah, pretty bad... don't know what it is about this place, but god, it doesn't take much to go and talk to someone. Going to go do a door knock tommorrow night, and see who it is that has the problem. Going to confront them, and say, mate, just come and talk to me.. that is all it takes.


814 posts

227 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Good call, but I suspect that nobody would have the balls to own up!! My dad once this problem with his Shelby Cobra, that was one very loud car, but the neighbours all got on at him about the noise level. Want too long before he had a series 2 E-type 3.8 with custom quad pipes and that made one helluva noise.

When CB radio came out I eventually ended up with a Thunderpole II on the roof and everyone complained about that.

PPL will complain about anything. If one person round here makes a complaint about the noise on the Monaro when I've had the work done to it, then I am going to cause WW3, cos anyone who is anyone in this neck of the woods has modded his car to the hilt and they are obviously not road legal!


Original Poster:

2,317 posts

245 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Yeah, just sucks big time... makes me actually wonder why I am living here.

Actually thinking of moving somewhere else, cause can't handle not being able to get a park when I want to.


2,535 posts

232 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Jace... day after you leave, lets have a 3 am HSV/Holden convoy burn up & down yr street for about 15 minutes!


717 posts

232 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Damn, your exhaust is nice but not that loud! Your neigbourhood sucks! We should orgainise a meet there, that would really piss them off! Where we are I'm quite good, try to keep quiet when cruising past houses etc, save the noise/speed/burnouts for other peoples neighborhoods


Original Poster:

2,317 posts

245 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Honestly, think it is a jealousy thing. They are like it in this street... the old, what do you mean I have to work to get nice things?

Yeah, well, think I know who it is, and yeah.... big time right outside their house that is for sure. Not normally that mean, but god, I don't think my car is that loud. Anyhow, going to get one of my mates at the council to check it out..


2,535 posts

232 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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[quote]try to keep quiet when cruising past houses etc, save the noise/speed/burnouts for other peoples neighborhoods[/quote]
Yeah... I've kept it under wraps but I have a mate with a silver SS & a noisy exhaust.. buggered if I'm gonna piss off mine or his neighbors, I always light it up in Jason's street! hehehehehehehehehehe
(sorry mate.. can't resist a shit-stir!)


Original Poster:

2,317 posts

245 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Will I send the possible fine to you? So you can send it onto your mate?

Yeah, oh well.... definitely need to look at moving somewhere else though.. Might move up to Abingdon, so be careful..


9 posts

237 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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Ahhh, two words spring to mind! Whinging poms....mate!
They never seem to stop...round here the neighbours complain that our back gate slams to loud when it blows shut in the wind! Seriously.....even though our HSV has a very loud and unruly exhaust on it! Work that one out!

boosted ls1

21,190 posts

262 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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What was this thing you got in the post?



Original Poster:

2,317 posts

245 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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I write to inform you that I have recieved complaints alleging that revving of a car and other noise in the street by your house is regularly causing nuisance to neighbours. It is alleged that the noise occurs in the evening and at night.

We have a duty to investigate that noise is interefering with people's enjoyment of their property (me: Umm, what about me??? ) It is important to note that at this stage I have no evidence to substantiate the allegations. However, it is our policy wherever possible, to write in the first instance so that you and opportunity to consider the matter and remedy any noise problem that may be caused. (me: could this be fixed by shooting the neighbour?). It is important that you are aware that should I recieve a further contact from the complainant, I shall commence an independent investigation with out further notice. (me: no worries, what happens if there is a false allegation?) If it is proven that noise nuisance is being caused, I would be obliged to server an Abatement Notice upon you. This would formally require you to prevent further nusiance being caused from your property. Failure to comply with such a notice is an offense subject to a maximum find of 5000 quid. (me: woo hoo, do they still ship crimes home on leaky boats?).

Should you wish to seek advice on how to remedy the noise problem (me: ok, there might be one slight noise when the gun goes off), or discuss the issue more generally please do not hesitate to contact me on the number listed above. (me: you beat your little knads on it mate... I'm gonna ring ya)..

Yours sincerely.


2,535 posts

232 months

Monday 3rd October 2005
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NE way Jace.. make more noise, get more tickets, let them try & trace a "silver vauxhall" with "belgium" plates! Save the letters & we can frame them with my unopened parking tickets for a "black vauxhall" rego "HOVER" - might be worth somthing to a collector of trivial shite one day - probably the sort of person who complained in the first place!


814 posts

227 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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Typical letter from the Environmental Health dept.

I would get the car checked for legal sound levels and get them to give you a certificate, then wave it in the face of the EV ppl and let them know all is above board and to stop wasting your time and their's writing daft letters!

Once you got the all clear on the car, and if you get another letter, you can have them for harrassment.

I can understand if you were playing music late at night or all hours of the day, or had a garden full of cockerals and chickens that wont shut the feck up, but a car that is legally under the noise limit is a case of tough shyte!


310 posts

234 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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Hey Jace,

I agree with all the posts so far. The letter is highly speculative and is meant as an early warning notification.

According to the law (Environmental Protection Act 1990) it appears that the initial proceedings (evidence data collection) may have already begun.

The first step should be that the affected person should make their sentiments known to the person making the noise in order to resolve the issue calmly. In your case it appears that this wasn't done.

EPA_1990 said:

If the problem persists, or you feel unable to approach your neighbour direct, contact your local Environmental Health Department for advice. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA), they must take "all reasonable steps" to investigate your complaint.

If the noise continues, an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) or Technical Officer should call, ideally at a time when you expect the noise to occur, to see whether in their judgement the noise is a statutory nuisance. They will consider the type of noise, how loud it is, how often and at what times it occurs. If they are satisfied that a statutory noise nuisance exists they must issue a notice requiring the neighbour to stop causing the nuisance. If the person, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with the notice, he or she can be prosecuted. In some cases the local authority can confiscate noise making equipment (eg, hi-fi, musical instruments).

EHOs are the recognised experts and their professional judgement is very important - if they consider that a nuisance is being caused a magistrate will normally accept their view. In some cases the EHO may be sympathetic to the effect the noise is having on you, but unable to say it would represent a nuisance to the "average" person.

Usually the advice given to the person reporting the noise to the Environmental Health Department is:

EHD Advise said:

If the problem continues, start a diary recording dates, times and cause of the noise, and the effects it has on you. Write to your neighbour explaining the problem, referring to any conversations you may have had and what, if anything, they agreed to do about it. Keep a record of any conversations you have or letters you write. If your neighbours are tenants, discuss your problem with the landlord. Most conditions of tenancy require that tenants do not cause nuisance to neighbours and the landlord should take action.

Proceed with caution but if I were you I'd have a chat with the Environmental Health Officer who wrote to you and invite them round to see the car and the environment. DON'T DEMO THE CAR. They can't tell you who reported you but it may be best to put your side of the story to them early and get a feel for the investigating officer.

You can find out more about this act/law using google. It makes intersting reading for both sides.


310 posts

234 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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What's that I hear Jace? A HSV themed BBQ at your place in order to celebrate your new job. What a great idea. I'm sure lots of other forum members would also like to attend. Whilst we're at it, why not invite the neighbours so they can sample multiple V8 symphonies all striking up at the same time. lol


1,791 posts

238 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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The notification suggests that the noise of a revving car is the issue not the actual noise level. If u had std exhaust would make no diff. Whoever is pissed is generally pissed at noise in general.

If that is the case then i dont think u have an issue, i have heard car and is certainly not above acceptable limits.

Maybe throw a curved ball in and complain back that they are revving their car also. Petty i know. But will put in perspective for the person.

Again, the letter is std issue and the person complained to does have an obligation to write to you. I would take there offer of ringing them to have a discussion, they may be pretty sympathetic.

Crazy of Cookham

740 posts

257 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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Perhaps a visit from the Ultima boys would do the trick. They may appreciate how lucky they are.


Original Poster:

2,317 posts

245 months

Tuesday 4th October 2005
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I guess the main thing is that, wouldn't have a problem if I was doing something wrong, other than driving the car. Anyhow, well, going to talk to the guy today, and say, well, dude, not going to stop driving my car. It isn't noisey, and would like the dates that the noise apparently happened.

Anyhow, yeah, definitely BBQ around my place on the last day I am there that is for sure. Duncan and Paul, think I found a new cool place for you to tune the cars!! Then that would give them something to bitch about. (Will, more than welcome to come park your car outside my place anytime).

I guess the main thing that is annoying is that you can't do it without annoying the other people in the street. The thing will be to invite everyone out on a holiday somewhere, and let Duncan, Paul and Will do their job!