Mock my Riding Position

Mock my Riding Position



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Friday 31st May 2013
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Right first things first I know I’m crap but I’m looking for advice on how to improve my awful riding position.

I got some photos back from my first track day and I was like wtf was I doing, I’m really ste.

Normally I hang off a bit more but I was that focused on not dropping it that I’m practically bolt upright and probably made it worse.

So can anyone give me advice as to how to position myself better. But be gentle it was my first track day and I’ve only been riding 2 years.

One thing I was told on the day 15 minutes from the end was to ride on my tip toes, which I clearly wasn’t doing and its made a huge difference.

Any other advice?

to be fair I think someone has went off in the last picture thats why im looking in that direction, probably Prof Prolapse.

edit to add - photos from


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Friday 31st May 2013
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AceOfHearts said:
I have only done one track day too, and the main thing I was told by the instructor was to keep the pegs on the balls of my feet, and shift my bum slightly off the seat (so i still had 1 and a bit cheeks on it) and look to the exit of the corner. All helped massively and by the end i was running to the edge of the tyre, and felt much more comfortable feeling what the bike was doing under me. Just need to get another one booked up this year to get some more practice in!
this worked wonders, I'd have liked to have tried it out more on the track but some bint binned it and wrote off the last 10 minutes of the day.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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mckeann said:
moanthebairns said:
this worked wonders, I'd have liked to have tried it out more on the track but some bint binned it and wrote off the last 10 minutes of the day.
Don't be too hard on her, eventually it'll be you that crashes and everyone gets annoyed at.
Sorry that seems like a bit of a dick comment when taken out of context.

I don’t mind people coming off but she was constantly cutting me up and others all night.

We were told only to overtake on the straights not into corners or in braking zones. If so we would be black flagged.

I’d come up behind someone at a corner, think “im faster than him, I’ll sit behind him at the corner give him time and space then overtake him on the straight” next thing she’s jammed her bike up my inside just as im turning into the apex causing me to go upright. She done it to me and others all night, it pissed me off to be honest because it fked me up for the overtake and your not expecting it.

Maybe this is the done thing on advance/intermediate sessions but I thought it was a bit pish patter for an intro night (3 trackdays or less). That said there was wkers there with trackbikes, tyre warmers, wets and a full tool kit going on about how they had been round the neverbeen 6 times…...Really so you come to an intro night!


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Friday 31st May 2013
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998420 said:
Nothing to mock, just relax and enjoy, miles under your belt are the best training, Superbike school and others can help..

Well done for running an older bike that costs less than repairing the fairing on a new 600, not worrying too much about the machine helps relax you so you can really learn.
Actually I wished I'd taken my Daytona.

Within minutes I seen others come off and thought, "I like this Ninja too much to fling it down the road". That was another reason for not trying to fling it about more, Oh plus I was pushing it home if I came off as I rode there on it.

I'm telling myself, "look MTB its only worth £1500, if you bin it no big deal, I'll buy you a fking other one just ride the thing". But I wouldnt listen, I've bonded with it so thats why im looking for a track bike I dont care about.

The ninja will never return to the track. cloud9


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Friday 31st May 2013
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MrKipling43 said:
moanthebairns said:
I’d come up behind someone at a corner, think “im faster than him, I’ll sit behind him at the corner give him time and space then overtake him on the straight” next thing she’s jammed her bike up my inside just as im turning into the apex causing me to go upright. She done it to me and others all night, it pissed me off to be honest because it fked me up for the overtake and your not expecting it.
Standing people up at a track day is a bit st.
she actually hit into someone coming out of Taylors harpin. after that anytime I seen her I just rolled off and let her past as she was going to take someone out if she continued like that.

I was riding mines home, she wasnt. Willy waving can be done the next time Im there with a trailer/van.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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Steve Evil said:
.blue said:
"Ride on your tiptoes" - is that good advice for riding on the road too? WHat's the logic behind it?

Apologies if already discussed - have only read OP and looked at photos.
It's mainly for ground clearance. Riding duck-footed with your toes hanging off the sides mean that they're the first thing that's going to touch down when you're leaning as far over as you do on the track. Keeping on the ball of your feet and twisting your heel back towards the bike both gives you more ground clearance and lets your leg open out which makes it a more natural knee-down position (if that's your thing).
this could be why my @stars boots are fked it the slider thingy and why I had to get new ones for it.

That and my foot has been known to come out a few times.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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she wasnt fat she was husky.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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one thing I started to do as the night went on was trail brake, especially at duffus dip it actually felt so much better.

Just a little but seemed to feel more natural that brake in straight line, lean in and throttle on.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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Graham said:
.blue said:
So it's balls of feet on pegs
probably a stupid comment and maybe because i've only ridden on the road, but when i put the balls of my feet on the pegs im conscious i can't reach the gear leaver and rear brake..

do I just need to accept i need to move my feet and body around the bike a lot more than i do..

is there a particular method to move your foot forward to grab a gear or brake?

i await sell the bike and get back in your cage comments hehe
I was told not to ride like this on the road by my das instructor. There is no need for it.

Having done the balls method I will be using it on the road more.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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mu0n said:
I never really understand why most riders ride with their feet out like ducks – I am pretty sure I don’t?
they're affraid of the BILL if they drop it


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Friday 31st May 2013
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that is exactly how I looked on Morrison forecourt a few weeks ago with the daytona.

I'm a riding god!


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Friday 31st May 2013
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I really should have cleaned the bike looking back at it.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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for the next one I'm just going to ride like I do on roads I know.

hang off a little more, adopt the feet thing (surprisingly comfey) and maybe try putting some air in my tyres.

just checked them, 26 psi on the back I just topped them up 2 weeks ago!!!

I did wonder why the fk they squirmed so much on the track (pr3s)


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Friday 31st May 2013
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thanks for all the tips.

the track bug has bitten and I'm away to look at a few bikes for the track this weekend

something I don't mind dropping.

I'll post my progress hopefully before I'm potless and in the gutter.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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the front badly needs a rebuild it's never even had its oil changed in 15 year.

confidence isn't an issue, lack of ability probably is however.

I'm not looking to lean it anymore the lean angle is enough.

mainly just looking for advice as to where I park my arse so the bike behaves

to be honest though I wish I'd never listened to all the people who go "oh I'd never do a track day, you'll bin it"

i probably ride quicker on b roads that I did on the track that night.

the tracks wide, if you come off there is nothing to hit, there's paramedics why the fk I was ever even a slightly but nervous ill never know, compared that to tight twisty narrow pothole riden roads around the troassachs with cars coming the other way and endless things to hit and if you come off no one is around for miles.

still it was my first time. everybody is st their first time


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Friday 31st May 2013
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MC Bodge said:
moanthebairns said:
the front badly needs a rebuild it's never even had its oil changed in 15 year.
Get that sorted!
I know, I plan to get it done soon, it feels sloppy as fk like its going to tuck under a few times you really notice it going to another bike.


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Friday 31st May 2013
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Fats25 said:
MC Bodge said:
Get that sorted!
He is right - I never bothered getting suspension setup on my bikes for first few years of riding, and now it is first mod I ever do to any bike.

I have said it before I nearly got rid of my 675r because it was such a pig to go round corners. Suspension setup (and proper tyres) and it was a different bike.
that reminds me I need to fk about with the 675 as well


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Friday 31st May 2013
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well my name is moan for a reason

next time I'll wear the hizzy lid I ride much quicker in pink


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Friday 9th August 2013
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Wee update.

Done my second track day and thought I’d let you know how I got on and thank everyone for all your help.

Knockhill again on my recently purchased zx6-r in the novice group. I’d been looking at the weather for weeks. Nearly every forecast came back as dry for my booked time, the sun was splitting the sky at lunch, I was dead excited, then just as I left work the heavens opened.

fk I thought as I rode up in torrential rain on super corsas, why the fk didn’t I change my tyres to my PR3’s I kept thinking. Got in with plenty of time and had a few fags to calm the nerves. Met a few guys and got chatting, experience varied from first track day to advanced. It was a much better atmosphere than the previous night where everybody stayed in their own wee group.

After the briefing it was on to the track first. Only 15 out of about 30 novices went out in the first section, lots were holding off thinking it would dry.
It was soaking but they gave you two sighting laps behind the safety car. This helped massively instead of just being flung in, great idea. I was dreading a track day in the wet, I don’t mind riding in the wet on the roads but least there I can knock my speed down to the speed limits if I feel uneasy… after a lap or two I started to love it, completely different challenge and I learned loads.

My throttle was smooth as silk, down changes and rev match was great, my lines were spot on, my head was up, I was looking at the exit before I hit the apex and to my surprise I was the quickest out there apart from the guys on the full race wets with track bikes. It probably was slow as fk compared to what some on here can do but as I said I learned loads. The super corsas came out a few times but on the whole were ok. Much better than I thought they would be. Im actually glad it rained as I loved it.

Next session it was damp but drying, everyone went out and what a laugh it was. After riding in the wet you had much more confidence, speeds were up and later braking. I was gutted to see the session end. Again the only people who passed me were on track bikes or 1000cc machines.

Final session was the best though, bone dry now, leaning the bike over much more, head and body out at the wing mirror, no more duck feet, looking beyond the apex. I tried thinking about what I was doing a few times but then I started making mistakes, so I switched my brain off and thought of nothing. this seems to be the only way I can ride a motorbike, a complete trance of emptiness. Every once in a while a thought would pop into my head, a quote from here of “look up, past the apex” bloody hell this works especially when you’ve hit a corner too quick and having just watched twist of the wrist for some reason the presenters gay voice would creep in a few times in my head. Two guys went off in the final session on duffus, one ran wide and the other target fixated onto him and binned it after going into the back of the guy. Looked fking sore but all I could think of as I seen it develop while full on braking was “survival instinct number 2 target fixation” in that wky voice. Out of the 30 I was in the top ten easily, again the only people who passed me were on track bikes or 1000cc. my only problem in the final session was that my brakes had gone. I was cleaning the pistons up the day before where I found all bar one were sticking, I cleaned them up as best as I could but they need rebuilt but I never had the seals or the time. The new pads that were in them are now fked (pish gold ones at £12).

I was gutted to see the flag come out to finish it, on my first visit I wasn’t bothered. I’ve well and truly got the bug now. My arms were bloody sore from the braking though, maybe im holding on to the bars a bit much in the braking (need to use my legs more to hold the tank).

It was such a better experience than the last time, I got chatting to loads, everyone was dead friendly, overtakes were courteous and having a bike that had track tyres and suspension rebuilt compared to my other ninja with 15 year old oil in them made the difference. People I ride with say they would never ever buy a bike that’s been round the track, after a few days I feel the complete opposite. The track highlights any flaw in your machine instantly. I can see why people spend thousands on their machine now as a small niggle can feel huge.

Sadly the photographer never showed up last night (quite pissed about that) and to my knowledge there wasn’t a replacement, so no photos. But here’s one of my tyre that I’m quite pleased with.


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Friday 9th August 2013
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Prof Prolapse said:
More evidence that you're god's gift to motorcycling then?

sorry i should add that I'm ste compared to some on here. But hey, at least i dont fking bin it in the litter after a SI number 2........