Ouch (possible NSFW pictures of my rear to follow)

Ouch (possible NSFW pictures of my rear to follow)



Original Poster:

12,942 posts

242 months

Tuesday 19th March 2019
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Rewe said:
Really pleased that you are on the mend!

Ok, I'll ask the question we are all thinking: I can see your squashed knackers but where in the name of all that is holy has your todger gone??????????

It’s sort of tucked away... difficult to explain and I’m not going to take a photo to demonstrate! I did ask the (thankfully male) X-ray technician why it appeared I had no todger and apparently one’s knackers are “denser” than the todger, so show up more easily!


12,004 posts

231 months

Wednesday 20th March 2019
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Dibble said:

It’s sort of tucked away... difficult to explain and I’m not going to take a photo to demonstrate! I did ask the (thankfully male) X-ray technician why it appeared I had no todger and apparently one’s knackers are “denser” than the todger, so show up more easily!
So, it's nothing to do with it being an x-ray machine and not a microscope? whistle


26,677 posts

183 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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How's it coming along Dibble? Have you got any dates for the physical therapy with the coppers?


Original Poster:

12,942 posts

242 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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Krikkit said:
How's it coming along Dibble? Have you got any dates for the physical therapy with the coppers?
Funny you should ask... I’d been getting more and more pain in my leg and was pretty cheesed off with it. Yesterday I had the MUA (manipulation under anaesthetic) in hospital, done as a day case and I was back home last night, in my own bed.

My lovely GF got me to the day case unit about 7.30am and they sent me to the “SEAL” ward (surgical elective admissions lounge). Last time I went in, I went to SEAL and they fired me off to the day case unit... I had checked both times where I was supposed to be going, but they just juggle the lists about I think to make sure the work is evenly spread. The SEAL unit is right by the physio gym anyway, so I pretty much know all the staff down there, which is a bonus. At least I get some exercise walking between the two!

I went down to surgery at 10.10am, which was the earliest so far and I was in recovery almost exactly two hours later, then back on the ward after half an hour or so in recovery. I had a very dry, unbuttered chicken sandwich (which even a couple of sachets of mayonnaise couldn’t help) and a cup of tepid beige... I was pretty much given the all clear to go home straight away, but I had to be on oxygen for four hours, so the earliest they’d let me leave was about 4.30pm. Lovely GF was working, so she came for me about 6.45pm and I was home about 8. I spent the afternoon surfing on my iPad and leafing through this month’s “Ride” magazine.

The pain in my leg is much less now, which is great and I probably could have managed the physio I was originally booked in for today - it was planned before my op date was listed but I cancelled it once I got the op date through. The only bit of awkwardness is because of how the pins have been adjusted, the rail is now sitting a lot closer to my leg, but hopefully, that should only be for another 6-8 weeks or so. There’s a bit of post op swelling too, so once that goes down, it’ll be a bit better. I’m not going to have the rail taken off before my birthday in May, which is a bit of a pisser, but it can’t be helped.

I’m still a bit sore where the pins have been pulled out/pushed in, but that’s all it is, soreness. The actual pain I’d had in my leg the last week or so is definitely reduced, although my back/arse/sciatic nerve are still playing up. I’ll be back to out patient physio next week and I’ve just submitted my application for the Police Treatment Centre at Harrogate, so it can be “pre approved”, as it’s normally a minimum of 6-8 weeks from sticking the form in to being given a date, which then may be another 4-6 weeks away. This way, I’ll get “fast tracked”, so as soon as I tell Harrogate I’m ready, I should get a date through and be there within 2-3 weeks.

So all in all, everything is good. I’ve taken today “off” from working from home but I plan to be back at it tomorrow. It’s only a few hours of stuff on the laptop, basically dip sampling/QAing reports submitted for vulnerable adults/children and domestic abuse victims and making sure the right referrals have been done/highlighted to partner agencies. It’s not exciting or glamorous, but it keeps me on the payroll.

I’ve had a bit of a trawl on auto trader looking at bikes, but I’m not really sure what I want (if I do decide to get another once I’m fully mobile). The current long list is pretty varied - another Tiger Explorer, Royal Enfield Himalayan, Honda CB500X, BMW 1200 RT or GS, KTM 790R, Africa Twin, big scooter, one of those three wheeled Nixxen things, Volvo V50 or V70R.....


Original Poster:

12,942 posts

242 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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Some (inoffensive) pictures for your delectation. Not a single squashed up knacker in sight!


2,339 posts

167 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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Nice update and really pleased progress is so good. May I recommend the KTM790R. It’s a cracking machine.
Has your girlfriend got a sister?! She sounds great, you’ve done well there fella .


19,271 posts

209 months

Wednesday 10th April 2019
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Full of admiration and I have a feeling that you will get through this well. Very well


39,146 posts

100 months

Wednesday 10th April 2019
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Great to see you still making progress mate!!


26,677 posts

183 months

Wednesday 10th April 2019
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Great to hear it Dibble, keep that cheery outlook going.


Original Poster:

12,942 posts

242 months

Thursday 11th April 2019
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Cheers for all your continued good wishes chaps.

Lovely GF does indeed have a sister, but she’s happily married with two kids. Lovely GF is indeed and absolute superstar, followed by 99.9% of the NHS.

I don’t anticipate I’ll be realistically getting a new bike any time soon, but I am sorely tempted by a more “middleweight” adventure type bike - KTM 790R, Tiger 800 XRT, BMW 850 GS Adventure... I tested an 800 Tiger back to back with the Explorer I ended up buying and found it a bit too small/underpowered, but I’ve just read a review in Ride or Bike (can’t remember which) as well as the 790R review.

The middleweight bikes do seem to be a fair bit cheaper than the “full size” models and although the BHPs tend to be lower, published top speeds are similar. I just wonder if the smaller models would be but enough for my Scandi trips - obviously they will, but I’m a bit of a lump, so a bit more oomph might make things less laboured. Hopefully Lovely GF will come away with me again in the future.

Once I’m back to driving it’ll be time to do some window shopping and then further down the line, look at doing some test rides. I’d set my heart on an 800 Tiger once before and then immediately changed my mind once I’d ridden it! There are supposed to be a lot of improvements on the newer model though. Decisions, decisions...


21,761 posts

227 months

Thursday 11th April 2019
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Dibble said:
Rewe said:
Really pleased that you are on the mend!

Ok, I'll ask the question we are all thinking: I can see your squashed knackers but where in the name of all that is holy has your todger gone??????????

It’s sort of tucked away... difficult to explain and I’m not going to take a photo to demonstrate! I did ask the (thankfully male) X-ray technician why it appeared I had no todger and apparently one’s knackers are “denser” than the todger, so show up more easily!
This thread took an unexpected turn! biggrin

Glad to hear you're still doing well - it's been a very long road.


Original Poster:

12,942 posts

242 months

Friday 10th May 2019
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fking, cocking, arse wk, tit bks.

It’s just under 4 weeks since I had the “alignment” surgery (number nine) and today was the follow up with my consultant. When I saw her at the start of the year, getting the scaffolding off was “probably” going to happen in time for my birthday, earlier this week. That all changed with needing the realignment, but I was hopeful that I’d be getting the rail off in another couple of weeks or so, with the pins removed a couple of weeks after that.

That plan was thoroughly shot down in flames today. First off, the realignment isn’t completely “straight”. Because of the length and position of the existing pins, it’s not possible to get everything completely right, without removing some and repositioning other pins. The benefit of that extra couple of millimetres isn’t really worth it apparently and the consultant is happy that it’s “close enough”. She was initially more concerned about my leg lengths but after seeing today’s X-rays and measuring me, she’s happy the lengths of my legs are close enough that again, the small benefit of extra lengthening is far outweighed by the risk of further infection and dragging things out even more.

That was the good news. My new bone is taking forever to form and harden properly. It is doing it, it’s just taking ages. There’s nothing I can do with any exercise, diet, medication or supplements that’s going to speed things up, it’s just a case of sitting tight and waiting. The consultant really doesn’t like giving time frames and I understand why. It’s very much a case of wait and see. Were we talking another four weeks? Eight weeks? Twelve weeks? Yep, it turns out twelve weeks is a “realistic starting point”. FFS.

On top of that, the angle of the “top” pins has changed, so they are now “pulling” at the top edge of the pin site holes, which really, REALLY stings. Constantly. When I manage to get comfortable, it doesn’t take much movement to set them off again and you can only really stay in any one position, sitting or lying, for a finite length of time.

I’m really cheesed off, mainly because it means at least another three months where I can’t really travel anywhere and it’s my GF’s birthday at the end of next month. I was hoping to be able to take her away for a few days and spoil her rotten, but that’s not a goer now, unless she ends up driving us somewhere within an hour or two of where we live.

I know I’m lucky to be alive and luckier than Remy as I’ve still got all my limbs attached. I’m luckier than Prof Prolapse’s mate too, who’s been paralysed from the neck down. That said, I’m pretty cheesed off today and have felt close to tears a few times this afternoon since seeing the consultant. I’m trying to remain positive (the consultant assured me it IS just a matter of time until I’m completely sorted), but I’m pretty fed up to be honest. On 31 May, it’s two years since the original accident and it’s already 13 months since I had the rail initially fitted. I’m fed up of being a burden on my GF and not being able to do stuff for myself. It feels never ending.

I’m having to seriously rethink whether I want to get back on a bike when I’m better. It’s not just a case of what happens to me, it’s how it’s affected people around me, particularly my GF, who has been an utter super star throughout, even when I’ve been being a weapons grade, 24 carat, bell end about stuff.

Sorry for the rant/moan. Please, rip the piss out of me, as I know that’ll cheer me up.


39,146 posts

100 months

Friday 10th May 2019
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Ok you asked for it........
Where to start? Number 1. You have all your limbs, and your sight, and your hearing, I work with a guy who was blown up in Afghanistan and both his retinas were detached, 2011 and he's only just had an operation to correct one back to 75%, he's an engineer in the aerospace industry, number 2. You said it yourself, Remy Martin, say no more, number 3. My oldest friends partner has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, she's 51, she's got less than 3 months, he's signed off work indefinitely as he's chosen to care for her till the end.
These things are not your problem, impatience is, you will recover it will just take longer than you wanted it to, your fantastic girlfriend has put up with you, looked after you and loved you through all of this, 12 more weeks isn't going to change that, and anyway it's the Idiot (Jussi the wonder dog) she loves not you!!!
You have my email address, use it if it helps!!!!


8,546 posts

178 months

Friday 10th May 2019
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Dibble said:
fking, cocking, arse wk, tit bks.

It’s just under 4 weeks since I had the “alignment” surgery (number nine) and today was the follow up with my consultant. When I saw her at the start of the year, getting the scaffolding off was “probably” going to happen in time for my birthday, earlier this week. That all changed with needing the realignment, but I was hopeful that I’d be getting the rail off in another couple of weeks or so, with the pins removed a couple of weeks after that.

That plan was thoroughly shot down in flames today. First off, the realignment isn’t completely “straight”. Because of the length and position of the existing pins, it’s not possible to get everything completely right, without removing some and repositioning other pins. The benefit of that extra couple of millimetres isn’t really worth it apparently and the consultant is happy that it’s “close enough”. She was initially more concerned about my leg lengths but after seeing today’s X-rays and measuring me, she’s happy the lengths of my legs are close enough that again, the small benefit of extra lengthening is far outweighed by the risk of further infection and dragging things out even more.

That was the good news. My new bone is taking forever to form and harden properly. It is doing it, it’s just taking ages. There’s nothing I can do with any exercise, diet, medication or supplements that’s going to speed things up, it’s just a case of sitting tight and waiting. The consultant really doesn’t like giving time frames and I understand why. It’s very much a case of wait and see. Were we talking another four weeks? Eight weeks? Twelve weeks? Yep, it turns out twelve weeks is a “realistic starting point”. FFS.

On top of that, the angle of the “top” pins has changed, so they are now “pulling” at the top edge of the pin site holes, which really, REALLY stings. Constantly. When I manage to get comfortable, it doesn’t take much movement to set them off again and you can only really stay in any one position, sitting or lying, for a finite length of time.

I’m really cheesed off, mainly because it means at least another three months where I can’t really travel anywhere and it’s my GF’s birthday at the end of next month. I was hoping to be able to take her away for a few days and spoil her rotten, but that’s not a goer now, unless she ends up driving us somewhere within an hour or two of where we live.

I know I’m lucky to be alive and luckier than Remy as I’ve still got all my limbs attached. I’m luckier than Prof Prolapse’s mate too, who’s been paralysed from the neck down. That said, I’m pretty cheesed off today and have felt close to tears a few times this afternoon since seeing the consultant. I’m trying to remain positive (the consultant assured me it IS just a matter of time until I’m completely sorted), but I’m pretty fed up to be honest. On 31 May, it’s two years since the original accident and it’s already 13 months since I had the rail initially fitted. I’m fed up of being a burden on my GF and not being able to do stuff for myself. It feels never ending.

I’m having to seriously rethink whether I want to get back on a bike when I’m better. It’s not just a case of what happens to me, it’s how it’s affected people around me, particularly my GF, who has been an utter super star throughout, even when I’ve been being a weapons grade, 24 carat, bell end about stuff.

Sorry for the rant/moan. Please, rip the piss out of me, as I know that’ll cheer me up.
You fking tt!!

Seriously Dibble you really need slapping into the middle of next week you biblically inept bucket of rancid monkey spunk!!

When you first fked your leg things looked bad, then it got worse. Now you have a Consultant that is making your recovery her personal quest and you're bhing that it's going to take another few weeks to get you walking??

How about I pop over to scouse land to slap some sense into you and then give you my petrol bill for getting there? If me knocking some sense into you doesn't piss you off the 20mpg super unleaded bill certainly will.

You tt!!


19,271 posts

209 months

Saturday 11th May 2019
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it is very hard to take reverses in the situation and you have done astonishingly well in managing it. I would be surprised in you were NOT upset by the timing of the recovery and would only say that it does appear that you are progressing, though more slowly than anyone would want.

I know you will return to your normal determination to keep at it, and never give up, and eventually you will get there. May have to give up your dream of becoming Rudolf Nureyev, but you will get back on your feet. All the best.


261 posts

108 months

Saturday 11th May 2019
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Like others on here I've been reading the posts and I hope you recover fully soon as possible you've been through the ringer! I am now 62 I've done all sorts of biking and had a fair few injuries including a rebuilt achilles twice. I ended up realising that the pain I had been through over the years outweighed the enjoyment I was sick of being in pain and immobilised. Trust me as you get older you take longer to heal so I took up golf! I am glad I did I now would not entertain getting back on a bike and I am glad I made that decision years ago. Life's way too short to be spending 2 bloody years like you have in pain and being a burden, can you imagine the financial burden if you were self employed? The thought of you getting another bike and coming off with that leg doesn't bare thinking about!

After an op I asked the orthopedic surgeon at Wrightington hospital "will I be able to go trail riding again on my bike? " he smiled and said don't worry your brain will instinctively tell you what you can and cannot do.... He was so right there!

Lots on here telling you to get back on the horse again but take my advice don't....... Its not worth it as reading through this topic you've been very lucky not to have lost the leg as infections can end up being a serious issue as in life threatening .... Don't tempt fate eh.


6,759 posts

207 months

Saturday 11th May 2019
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Want some inspiration? Dead on the 20th Feb walking around the house with no sticks 11 weeks later. I will walk around in public but my physio says use the stick out side so I do when in doing st loads of walking. Summon your inner selma and stop giving a fk about pity.

You have a very understanding GF so enjoy that don't worry about motorbikes you may decide you want to revisit them again in a few months, years or decide never. It's not life and death. You'll be reet, NW200 next week then TT.


1,016 posts

94 months

Saturday 11th May 2019
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Dibs, at least you still have your meat and two veg (although we only have your word about half of that!) laugh


6,721 posts

139 months

Saturday 11th May 2019
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Dibble, just because others have problems too (some bigger, some smaller) doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to be pissed off some off the time. You’ve been through plenty but hopefully you’re getting close to being up and about. We’re all wishing you well.


7,483 posts

215 months

Saturday 11th May 2019
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Dibble said:
which really, REALLY stings.
Stings? STINGS?? Ah, diddums, Dibble wink

Dibble said:
I’m fed up of being a burden on my GF and not being able to do stuff for myself. It feels never ending.

I’m having to seriously rethink whether I want to get back on a bike when I’m better. It’s not just a case of what happens to me, it’s how it’s affected people around me, particularly my GF, who has been an utter super star throughout, even when I’ve been being a weapons grade, 24 carat, bell end about stuff.
As I may have said earlier on the thread, that's exactly my thinking following my accident. I only had 3 or 4 months of relying on my (wonderful) wife, but it feels like it might be too selfish to start riding again. I'm still on the fence, 4 years later...
Daughter is learning to drive now though, once she's independently mobile, I'll have another serious think about it.
Still got a vague feeling I might get a classic of some sort - would provide plenty of tinkering, and some low speed, nice days, only when it's running ok, riding. I would happily step outside originality to make sure it had decent front lights though!