VFR750 " Barn Find " Diary

VFR750 " Barn Find " Diary


Private Pile

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754 posts

197 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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Around four years ago i had to visit the chiropodist. Whilst chatting away i discover we both have a love of older cars. He would tell me about his GT6 and his MX5. He also mentioned that his son had a motorbike stored at the back of his garage but he hadn't used it for some time.

Fast forward to last month and i'm up seeing John again getting a veruca burned off. During our motoring blether i ask if the motorbike is still sitting in his garage. I shouldn't have asked, 'cause i have a bad habit of buying things i don't need, especially cars and bikes. Anyway, he tells me it is a VFR750 that his son used when at university. He ( Chris ) now lives in Canary Wharf, and as far as John knew, he had no further plans for the bike. I could feel my excitement rising and made plans to view the bike.

I arrived at Johns house on the Sunday morning. First signs were promising. The house was a lovely cottage with tidy gardens and clean cars on his driveway. I've bought a lot of older / classic cars / bikes over the years and i believe you are as much buying into the seller as buying the bike.

To be honest, i was hoping for a early (late 80's) Diamond White VFR ( i remember when they were brought out, and i think Senna had one ). I was shown to the back of the ( dry and well ventilated )garage where John took the dust cover off and told me about his lads bike. John is proper old school and left me with a cup of tea and left me on my own to have a good look over the bike.

Anyway, here ( i hope ) is a picture of the bike ;

It is a 93 VFR750 FP, in silver / blue with, i think, 30,000 miles on the clock. Last taxed in 2003. The bikes off side was hard up aginst the wall and the front brake was seized on so i couldnt move it. Here is a list i made at the time.

Front tyre is flat and will need replaced

Front brake seized on

Fuel tap seized

Most of the fasteners on the bike are rusting

Centre stand seized

Clutch lever floppy

Downpipes look corroded, but i couldn't get a proper look

Petrol in the tank smells foul and looks green!

No electrics working ( obviously no battery )

Collecter looks rusty

Rear brake seized

Offside not checked, but there is signs of lower sidepanel damage

Rear tyre will need replaced ( that'll break my heart ' cause it looks brand new )

I hope the above doesn't sound too bad, because the bike wasn't far from being in very good condition. I've seen worse bikes at 18 months old. It also had Givi luggage, heated grips, Meta alarm, carbon hugger, braided lines and a Scotoiler.

Once back home, i started pricing parts and spares so i could work out a price to offer. Both John and Chris had been decent to me and i wasn't going to make a silly low offer. I also had to bare in mind the price to get the problems i had found fixed and also the gamble of not hearing it running.

Chris and i exchanged emails ( first time i've bought a bike through email! ) and finally settled on a price. Chris was a pleasure to deal with and is cut from the same cloth as his dad.

I managed to " borrow " a 18 tonne truck from work to collect my new project ( like i need another project! ) and delivered the bike to its new home where it'll live with some other old Hondas.

This is by far the newest bike i have owned, it even has disc brakes on the back! I'm planning on using this diary to keep me motivated and ask for advice. The bike doesn't warrant a rebuild as such, i'm hoping a right good service will get the majority of problems fixed.

The only thing i've done so far is give it a wash and i got a Givi top box from Gumtree.

The above was written a few weeks ago, and i've managed a few odd jobs since. I work away Monday to Friday so progress may be slow. I'll update the thread ASAP and would appreciate any advice.

Thanks and sorry for the long post.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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Thanks for all the replies. Motorsport Tom, i'll probably be asking you a lot of questions. Peterg, i think you are bang on with regards to the clutch slave cylinder.

My first post, above, is about two weeks behind. I'll use this to bring it up to date.

Firstly, my C90 is sold. I dont have space for 3 projects bike and a car. The good news is, it was bought by a guy who manages a BSB team and he's using it for a charity John O Groats to Lands End run.

Back to my VFR. After getting the bike home and giving it a hose down i've made a list of jobs needing done, and i've made some progress on the VFR.

I drained the tank of 12 year old stagnant fuel ( that went in my Clio ), put a gallon of fresh fuel in, and fitted a new battery. After checking the levels, i gave the starter a try. It didn't start first time, but it did on the 5th attempt! It ran rough as fk, but after 5 minutes, once the fresh fuel was in the carbs it settled down to smooth idle. I was amazed. I was convinced the carbs would have to be removed and cleaned out properly. At least i know now that the engine is sound before i spend money on it.

My " to do " list is now ;

Full wash / polish /wax

New front tyre ( any recomendations? )

Front brake was seized. It has free'd up quite a bit now with getting pushed about. I'm hoping a clean of the pistons and new fluid will be enough.

Front forks lowers need a repaint.

Forks. Hoping to get away with polishing the chrome and changing the oil and seals

O/S/F mirror needs repainted

Fuel guage wasn't working, but its starting to respond now. Think the sender may have been semi seized. Its getting better every time i work on the bike.

Fuel tap was seized solid on the on postion. I've lubed the cables and its starting to move. I think it will free off with some attention.

Engine needs a full service.

Clutch pedal is floppy and the master cylider is dry. I've assumed it is the salve cylinder ( as Peterg said earlier ). I bought a used one off ebay for £10.

It has a carbon fibre tank protector which is falling off. I assume 3M tape will be fine for this?

The downpipes and collecter need a good wire brushing, and if sound, then painted.

The back tyre is like new, but i need to change it ( any recomendations? )

Rear caliper is sticky. Needs a clean and fresh fluid.

The Meta alarm works fine, even the remote. Unfortunatly there is no spare alarm fob or code card for the alarm. I may end up removing the alarm as you can't get a spare fob without the code card. I'll have to look into it more.

That's enough to be getting on with just now. I want to get the bike into the same condition it was when it was laid up in 2003. I'm already planning a MotoGP Euro trip with my brother for next year ( He's got a ZZR 1400 ).

Lastly, does anyone know where i can get a carbon fibre end can? I've never had a bike new enough for CF and i'm quite excited about it!

Thanks for reading.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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Sorry, I forgot to add

Front brake doesn't work the brake light. Pretty sure this will be the brake switch.

Gear and brake lever need reprinting.

Thanks again for reading.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Tuesday 21st October 2014
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Neelyp, i think you're from Falkirk so your probably right.

Gareth and Bgunn. I was a bit premature saying the carbs were fine. I'll keep running fresh fuel through them while i'm doing other jobs but they'll need a clean before it goes back on the road ( next Spring ). And yeah, i've seen the prices! I've already spent £100 on odds and sods from Wemoto and Silvers. They're a bit of a shock when your used to paying buttons for CX500 parts.

Managed an hour on it this afternoon and got the front brake switch fitted ( there was a pattern switch fitted, so its been done before ). That's all the lights working.

Also got the slave cylinder fitted but ran out of time before i could bleed it. Hopefully get an hour or so on it tomorrow.

Private Pile

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754 posts

197 months

Wednesday 22nd October 2014
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Managed a bit of time on it this afternoon. Got the clutch bled OK, the second hand slave seems to be oil tight. Took the bike a wee run up the street and the clutch and gearbox both working fine. Riding it shows that the fueling isn't 100% though.

The ignition switch started playing up last night, so i soaked that in WD40 and fingers crossed it's now working fine.

The remote fuel tap was seized solid. This is now freed off, i just spent some time working it back and forward with WD40.

While bleeding the clutch i noticed that one of the clamps on the front downpipe was missing and the other badly rusted. I've ordered 2 from Ebay.

And lastly, that's the tat buying started. I got these allen bolts from Ebay. I'll try and not go overboard. Apart from wanting a carbon can!

I've got a service kit on order, so that's the VFR plans for the weekend.

LOL Just noticed while previewing the post that i forgot to fit the new banjo to the clutch master cylinder.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Sunday 26th October 2014
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Thanks Stang and Tom. The rear hub hadn't even crossed my mind. I'll need to fit a new rear tyre before it goes back on the road so I'll give it a check over then.

Thanks again.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Thursday 22nd January 2015
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Cheers london john , the bike is basically still the same as my last post. I'm not expecting to work on it again until February. I'll definately take up your offer of advice.

I'm provisionally booked to take it over to Europe in June, so I want it on the road well before then so I can give it a decent shakedown.

Nice to hear from you Tony. Hope all is well with you. Yeah, I know what you mean by tinkering. Ive got too many half finished projects on the go! I blame ebay and a lack of talent!

Thanks, and hopefully update soon ( probably with a new ebay project ).

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Thursday 12th February 2015
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Managed to get the garage tidied out of rubbish, and make enough space to get the VFR in

and the David Silver service kit i bought last year

Started off changing the 4 plugs. The rear 2 are easy enough, but the front 2 are a bit tight. The radiator swings forward to allow access though. Also changed the oil and filter, air filter ( old one was manky ) and fuel filter. Also drained, flushed and refilled the coolant. No seized or rounded bolts, so the service was fairly sraight forward.

The battery has been on charge over the winter and once fitted the bike fired fairly quickly. The idle and fueling is way to fk though. I had a look at the carbs when the air filter was off, they look quite a tight fit.

The carbs are a lot more complicated than i'm used to. If i can find someone local then i'll probably get them to service the carbs.

Hopefully i'll have some spare time soon to give the bike a good going over and get it on the road for spring.

Private Pile

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754 posts

197 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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Had a spare afternoon today and thought i'd better get on with removing the carbs. I've read about it online and it was meant to be a pig of a job. Firstly, whipped the tank, side panels and airbox off. Then heated up the rubbers with a hair dryer, and they pried off fairly easily.

And then there was none.

I didn't have time to strip the carbs today, but i did remove 1 fuel bowl. This is where i need some advice.

There are 2 brass jets that i can unscrew and clean. What is the third brass tube with just the hole in it? Does this need removed and cleaned too?

Hope to get the carbs cleaned and ready to fit for next week.

Thanks for looking.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2015
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Thanks Guys.

I've been putting off stripping the carbs, but fortune favours the brave, so i bought them and the tools indoors to the kitchen and cracked on.

( Thanks to whoever on this forum linked the Vessel screwdrivers, they're excellent )
I removed this from each float bowl.

No pictures of the next stages. I bought a secondhand ultrasonic jewelery cleaner off Gumtree for a tenner, and cleaned the jets, floats etc in a mixture of vinegar / lemon juice / carb cleaner and they came up very well. All the varnish and staining was gone. I also removed the diaphrams and cleaned the needles in my new cleaner.

Last job was to take the carb bodies to my mates garage where i could borrow a airline. Sprayed carb cleaner down every hole i could find, and blast out with compressed air and repeated several times.

All going well i'll get them rebuilt tomorrow, but it'll be next week before i can get them fitted.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Wednesday 4th March 2015
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I'm surprised you've not heard it already Tony, had both the neighbours out last week!

Managed an hour earlier, started off with this

Diaphrams and covers on

Jets, floats, bowls and jazzy new allen bolts fitted

And hopefully fitted back on the bike next week. Once the engine is running sweet, then i'll make a start on refreshing the brakes.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Thursday 5th March 2015
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Cheers MTB, I'll let you know.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Wednesday 25th March 2015
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Just a quick update from last week.

Got the cleaned up carbs refitted, and fitted a new second air filter. I think it has something to do with the breather / emissions.

Then refitted the air box and tank.

Good news is the bike started on the button and idled well. Bad news is that it wont rev. As soon as i touch the throttle the engine dies. I sprayed some easy start around the carb inlet rubbers and the revs increased so it must be drawing air. It was at this point that tonytifoso came round to mock!

I'll have to remove the carbs again and inspect the rubbers and then refit them with new jubilee clips ( the old ones were slightly twisted. One step forward and two back.

Hopefully i'll get back in the game this afternoon / tomorrow.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Wednesday 25th March 2015
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Lol tom, truth be told, the only reason I bought this was that it was a project.

Yours doesn't have a carbon can or a baglux tank cover?

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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I've stripped and cleaned the carbs twice now and the bike still wouldn't run right. I couldn't get the slow jets properly clean, so I bought 4 new jets from eBay and got them fitted this morning.

Success, the bike now starts,idles and revs cleanly.

I need to pull my finger out and get the bike on the road, I'm missing the good weather . I'm getting paid off from work in the next fortnight so hopefully I'll get the VFR and my CX on the road soon.

PS I'm not convinced the electric fuel pump is working,should I hear \ feel a buzz \ vibration from it? I take it there will be a set of points in the pump?

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Wednesday 13th May 2015
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Cheers Ray, my pump is giving an occasional pulse so I guess its working OK. I'll double check it next time I'm at the bike.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Sunday 24th May 2015
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Lol Evil Len has near rebuilt his bike and i'm still messing around with the carbs!

Got a few hours on the bike yesterday and got some tidying up and wee jobs crossed off the ever growing list. Fitted 4 brass adapters ( 5mm for Hondas )to the carbs for when i balance them. These can be left on permanently, hopefully making balancing easier and quicker.

Also renewed a lot of the fuel hose and jubilee clips.

Only fly in the ointment this time is the remote fuel tap. I cant remember where the cables go! I'll have a dig through my phone and see if i can find a picture. I've searched online and cant find a decent picture of the set up.

I finish up at work in the next fortnight so hopefully i can get the finger out and get it MoT'd before summer finishes. Unless i buy another broken bike.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Thursday 23rd July 2015
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Right, a quick update, though i haven't done a great deal to show for my time. I've been off work for a while, but i've also discovered daytime telly, pub lunches and buying more broken tat from Gumtree.

To recap, i have rebuilt, fitted new jubilee clips and refitted the carbs and the bike seems to start / idle and rev ok.

Before refitting the tank, i've gave the airbox a clean, renewed some of the petrol hose and clips. The remote fuel tap has been lubed and rebuilt and is now working. I also gave all the electrical connections a clean and all the cables a lube. The tank is now on, and hopefully that area is done.

Tank polished and back on

In a fit of energy i removed the seat and sidepanel. Gave this area a clean, checked and cleaned all the electrical connections, cleaned and lubed the seat catch and helmet lock. Then polished and refitted the sidepanel.

I'm sure someone mentioned on this thread that the rear hub is prone to seizing, but mines seems fine. I have never had a single sided swingarm bike before, so i'll dismantle and grease it. And misplace some vital spacer.

I also need to give the alarm some thought. It works fine but i dont have a spare fob or the code. I only got the one fob and no paperwork when i bought the bike and i cant order a new fob without the paperwork / code. I may have to uninstall the alarm which seems a pity.

Anyhoo, refitted the carbon tank cover and bought some carbon tat off ebay.

And lastly, my brothers bike. I expect to be looking at the back of this.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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It's about time I updated this thread. It'll be no surprise though that at the speed I work at the bike still isn't on the road.

The bike has been stored under cover outside over winter due to other half finished projects filling the garage.

A few weeks back I started on the bike again. These pictures and jobs are a bit out of time order but I'll try and bring it up to the present day.

Cover removed, quick wash. No sign of deteriation.

I snapped the wires to the o/s heated grip when I was fitting / removing the carbs. Wires snapped pretty close to the grip, but using heat shrink I've managed an invisible repair and it's working fine.

Private Pile

Original Poster:

754 posts

197 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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Been buying tat on eBay over winter including this baglux cover and tank bag. The tank cover is a terrible colour match. For some reason I always buy touring stuff for my bikes then never go touring.

2 X Michelin pilot 3's to replace the new ( but 15 year old ) Pirelli Dragons. I've bought rim protectors and levers. Don't know why, but I'm very excited about fitting the tyres myself. I'm easy pleased.