xj8 with nikasil problems new engine or new liners?

xj8 with nikasil problems new engine or new liners?



Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Friday 7th April 2006
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I have just bought a xj8 and discovered it has Nikasil problems, does anyone know if the engine can have new steel liners fitted and if so who does it? Or is the engine a writeoff and if so does anyone know where i can get a good secondhand one?


Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Saturday 8th April 2006
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I have had the car taken to a garage, they have done a blow-by test and the results are not good, it looks like I wall have to go down the replacement engine route, unless the cylinders can be relined. I have looked on the web and there are some companies that will replace Nikasil linings but they advertise their service for motorbikes, and they are in the states. Has anyone had any experience of relined engines?


Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Saturday 8th April 2006
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thanks for that I have sent an e-mail to david marks, will keep you pasted on the reply.


Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Saturday 8th April 2006
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typo.......will keep you posted.


Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Thursday 13th April 2006
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I contacted Jaguar consumer services and spoke to Craig Anderson there, who asked me to take the car down to Ryebrook Jaguar in Warrington, they have had a look at it and couldnt get the engine started, they have spoken to Craig Anderson, but all they will offer is 25% of the new engine cost with me paying for the labour and the other 75%. Which when you add vat comes to something like £5400. (way too much).

It looks like my only affordable alternative is to get the engine taken apart, the block sent off for relining, and then everything reassembled again.

Or to find an affordable reconditioned unit.

do you know of anyone who does the relining, or a reliable engine supplier




Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Thursday 13th April 2006
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thanks for that Alex, you summed up our situation perfectly, we are curremtly getting prices for replacement overhauled engines, from anyone who can get us a price. and trying to evaluate the warranty verses milage verses costs on offer. it looks like we will make our final decision after easter, but although you have made the advantages of a jaguar replacement unit clear, there is no way that our budget will stretch to their prices, weather its 25% discount or not. will keep you posted on the outcome.
thanks again


Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Saturday 15th April 2006
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thanks for the advice guys, have currently got an indipendant jaguar specialist looking into a replacement engine, he will get back to me after easter, have asked my local mechanic for a price to strip engine down and send block off for relining,(but I dont think I will take this option, there seems too many pitfalls with this method, and not a huge saving over the replacement engine option). I have discounted the new engine from jaguar, the bank manager/purse will not stretch to that, and like has been mentioned in this thread before, the car has still done 135k so I might have a new engine, but it doesnt mean that the running gear isnt going to cause additional costs in the future.


Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Wednesday 19th April 2006
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I have had a quote from Stephen Heywood in Littleborough to fit a replacement engine, its done 70k miles and comes with a 6 months parts warranty. Having investigated the relining/rebore option I think that this will be the most beneficial solution, both financially and to give me peace of mind to know that we will be getting what we want at the end of it. I am looking forwards to getting my car on the road and putting it through its paces with the new engine, cant wait. with luck all should be ready the end of next week.......look out northwest


Original Poster:

9 posts

218 months

Thursday 20th April 2006
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Thanks for the advice Alex, no I dont know what year the engine is yet, I will be going over to visit Stephen Haywood after the weekend.
The light at the end of this particular tunnel is well and truly in sight, although it will leave a hefty dent in our bank balance, I suppose thats the cost of driving something so rewarding as a Jaguar.