investments+savings protections 2008!

investments+savings protections 2008!



Original Poster:

7 posts

207 months

Tuesday 8th January 2008
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hello folks
would love to hear some feedback on the impending issue of new buzz words 'credit cruch'+sub prime' etc many people iam guilty of claiming a little(or more)expert knowledge in recent months.........(a bit like the propert magnet down the pub with 1 buy to let)...anyhow i wanted to gas for a bit on somethings that i hope a)is helpfull and b)satisfies my ego!! the title suggests i've been spending quite a bit of time looking at some patterns in our tiny little planet from at least for now a monetary perspective.......hopefully as layman to layman my personal take on some of the things ahead for this year might as mentioned be of some help or at least faintly interesting?????....

....if this is too obvious for you folks apologies...most of the media has picked up on the situation in the USA of late and has even suggested that it's imposible for brits to aviod..i've been looking a little at things from a more fundamental take and discovered some very obvious and obscure insights combined!!!......this pattern of a weak doller/high precious metals(gold always gets the attention...MR T BLING BLING STYLE) one that might be of interest to us all in general.

..i suppose i shall start with what pro AUSTRIAN economists start with and that's that USA withdrew from the BRETON WOODS agreement in many may know this was basically when USA decided to favour printing machines that make paper with dead peoples faces on it as opposed to being backed by a precious GOLD standard...this then proceded to be the currency of the world...(central banks and governments worldwide held/hold reserves in the then favoured mighty dollar) far so ..far...anyhow although not the 'hot' topic like house prices or car shows it is central to this post..this then became a period which began an experiment which we may or may not be witnessing unravel in slow motion this year ahead and beyond!!......this then has set the scene for a form of economics that is known as kensian in a free market capitalist west this may seem innocent enough but since i personally have looked a little deeper out of concern/curiosity i think some madness awaits in world economics......remenber the wheelbarrow of money to but a loaf(well the pictur at least!!)....1929..a vintage year....only for a very few though!!!actually the great depression made many many people very rich and i hope this may help in at least making some of us at least not poor!!!...iam getting to the bling part soon..

..a gold bullion coin bought a roman a suit 'back in the day'..2000 ish years later it could get a nice little paul smith number still!!!..the same amount in cash then can get you a 'there not really worth much sir' respone from a cion dealer today...little statement number 1 coming up....ALL PAPER CURRENCY SINCE CIVILISED MAN HAS BECAME WORTHLESS(collectors aside)EVENTUALLY....sometimes takes decade sometimes takes millenia....though over time unlike wine it tends to go off.....another wat to look at it is like it goes to money since the USA governmet has over the years gave more power to the federal reserve to print print print and massage places like wall st and create easy money(have you noticed ski masks don't seel like before other than what they were designed for ie-skiing...bankrobbers have just took out loans in the last 10 years or so with no intention to pay back...forget needing a get away car for jack regan to chase these days)///// since this time post 1971 money values have been controlled by small set ups and large too from behind the scenes..nowadays we all are involved with 'greenback' one way or another...some governments like china are too...LIKE $1.7 TRILLIONS much of their growth,china that is has come from eager yanks who were given remember the mantra .print print print' from the powers that be...looking for things they a)did not need or b)could not afford!!...but in this new era of economics everyone was winning..yanks had money chine growth 10%ish per year..lovely jubs...trouble is now is that as the dollar has weakend around 40% in 5 years then some,in fact many countries around the world who hold their reserves in $$$ can't be bothered losing anymore...just now china is looking to dump(i know it's a horrible word at times)..alot of that $1.7 trillion may be a fairly accurate metaphor to consider in some ways USA/CHINA as being both drug dealers and addicts together as same time....i'll rob you to pay you to sell to you then buy back etc..i will gather pace with the main point which is GOLD versus PAPER CURRENCY.this is generally not given the importance that it deserves in mainstream media i belive...partly due to the fact alot of our media papers tv etc recive HUGE
amounts of money from financial institutes around the world like wall st...another place where there is lots of the hush hush stuff goes on understandbly...a bit the the earlier mentioned federal reserve in USA superb massage all round with figures....i like the quote warren buffet 2nd richest man in the world said 'wall st is where wealthy people turn up in thier cars to give their money to people who get the tube to work'...who by the way had the forsight to buy tons of gold and silver in mid 90's for pennies and also bought loads of euros too...well he aint 2nd richestfor nothing,10 years ahead of the game....!!

!.....although our own former chancellor who some say did a great job let a few bargains himself go in late 90's early 200's buy selling severall billion of uk reserve gold for about 1/6th of what it's worth today...sounds a black wednesday if ever i heard one...though i did'nt really hear it..certainly not in the papers in my newsagents....this situation may perhaps get exasperated by another (not available on tv dear sir)thing called BASEL 2..iam to say the least a little out my depth with all this BASEL 2 stuff but know it may make certain banks become like poor BASIL did in fawlty towers a bit of a laughing stock....again whats happened in my understanding is that banks and banks and banks have told each other what their value is worth and bizarrely no ones been questioned as to whos put the values on them...this BASEL 2 will kick in next year and again vague as iam about it means all of a sudden there will be trasnparency and no one able to tell any porky pies anymore...what one chap has spectulated this means is that banks will begin to be penilised in one or various ways for not complying to this mandatory transparent system set to begin next year......most of USA's banks are not equiped for this and even more are not equiped to handle penalty points or they may face bank-bankrupcy....although this seems like free market gone wild much of it is been very select buisness/government fidling from the very start but it's always good to have a dig at the so called free markets for playing with our money/pensions etc....still it could be worse the new financial superpower china is run by control freaks who are/will make USA's CIA+FEDERAL RESERVE BURUEA look soft thanks to their strong communist ideology and capitalist export trade to confuse everyone(none more than china it'self).....all of this may well mean that this year ahead we all suffer the fallout to lesser degrees than what will it mean for us UK citizens??...well unlike your average 20k per year journalist i a little hesitant to say what i think about the housing market but if you do have a bit of spare still i do think it's still a great time to buy precious is the biggie though silver is well worth buying big is you can...theres also the consideration that copper made the REAL money back in the goldrush era as it was the material used to connet USA phone system....these above investments are probably better looked upon as anti-investments as they stand a much better chance in surviving the year ahead than paper money of a printing press...again warren buffet quote-'as long as i don't lose as much as i make it's ok'...or something like that...also worth mentioning is platinum and silicon...these may not all be
forever the case as eventually new technologies like NANOTECHNOLGY will become scaleable but i am sure this is well worth serious consideration short-mid term..

.all the above can be traded as stocks and it's pretty easy to set up accounts for such...also as i have done since 2002,buy kruggerands from your local coin/antique jewelers....i paid around £250ish-£290ish around that time and their worth around £380-£420 today...and todays price is only $5 more than it was 27 years ago so it's reasonable to assume the bull market has a good bit to go go go....also for the more adventurous out there i would recommend INDIA as a place to consider investing the drud dealer/drug addict i reluctanly used as metaphor for USA/CHINA i mention INDIA as the possible antidote to this scenario...basically it's not been reliant on selling/buying the same way as USA/CHINE have traded and pulled the wool over each others eyes as much...furthermore in the coming decades there is most of the worlds scientists emerging from this part of the world so i think INDIA could be starting a more balanced blast off than CHINA has done..although it's always good to hear an exstimated 300 million people have risen about the poverty lever in CHINA in last 2 decades which we must partly thank globalisation the US elections are well underway now sadly none of the main hilary or obamas seem to be talking too much on this economic situation...there is one candidate RON PAUL who is a strong supporter of a GOLD backed currency and overall supporter of smaller government...overlooked in much of the mainstream media he has taken the internet by storm and looks like he has cured many peoples apathy...well worth a look and something we should all make our own minds up about..also looks like USA may also be as part of their save our dollar plan forcing CANADA and MEXICO to join a new currency called the AMERO(i've seen a few youtube specials on this coin straight from the mint factory).....god knows what it means but if it's all part of this same old silly crap economics then i suspect there's more cons than pros.....regardless of this fact i belive european central banks aint going to like such a weak dollar as no americans will be able to afford our goods we begin a competition at the printing press on our side of the water as the sort of 3-D inflation/deflation/stagflation juggle with each other...which again i belive will ultimatley result in a lessening the value with ALL the paper currency oce again if you want to safeguard your assets i would seriously consider a switch to precious's been around longer than government do gooders bent cia guys and i'll informing financial advisors......i hope this is of help to some of you...

Edited by huna1950 on Tuesday 8th January 13:04


13,330 posts

232 months

Tuesday 8th January 2008
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Holy moly!

I would trade this knowledge with mine of the . button, the use of the Shift key just after it and the return button once in a while.

Reading it without those sounds like a written version of a coke-fuelled city traders post snort life story!

(I am sure it is not though) smile

Very Bret Easton Ellis... My hat is off to you and I am off to sleep after all that I can feel my brain falling out of my nostrils already!


19,761 posts

237 months

Tuesday 8th January 2008
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That's completely unreadable.

Paragraphs are your friend.


14,724 posts

211 months

Tuesday 8th January 2008
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and breathe................