Can MG win?

Can MG win?



Original Poster:

1,647 posts

281 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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We are only 3.283 seconds of Audi.
That is only about 2/3 laps over the 24hours!
Are the MG's upto wining the year?


247 posts

294 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Would be great wouldn't it - was watching the ALMS yesterday and they had a nightmare with their electrics in the rain - lets hope the weather stayd nice then!

Nick M (nmilton)

449 posts

292 months

Monday 20th May 2002
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Much as I'd love to see it happen, I have a funny feeling that the Audi steam-roller will just do it's usual efficient job of keeping the cars running like clockwork and out of trouble.

The MGs are quick but, I fear, still a little fragile. And I'm not sure how long a gearbox change takes but if it's more than 5 minutes then they've lost another lap to Audi right there.

Don't get me wrong, I'll be cheering them on all the way, but I think they've got their work cut out to get an outright win.


6,442 posts

279 months

Tuesday 21st May 2002
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Would also love to see MG or Bentley get one over Audi..

However, at the PreQual weekend Audi looked ultra dominant, the car looked quick, was quick but also didn't look like it was straining. MG looked quick, but slightly on the edge. Methinks they'll try a quick 'turn up the boost' for Qualifying to get a good Qualifying position.. 24hrs though? Not sure... Bentley looked supreme, but just a tad slow. The Oreca's looked slow, but were quick and the Caddies looked quick but were slow!! If Caddie sort out their (possible) power problem then they'll be right on it - their chassis looks good, but their engine seems down on power (IMO).

Who knows what June will bring... Audi are pushing for something, which might be just out of their reach, same 3 drivers winning for 3 consecutive years, but it might just be the Audi of JH which stops this from happening.

The Panoz's win recently should add a bit more interest, but by all accounts JH was all over JM in the final few laps.. and I think was quoted as saying he could have lapped the whole field!! (I think another Panoz, innocently, got in his way)

As long as it's not a "walkover" it should be a good race. Last year was bit of a washout (apologies for the pun... ).



903 posts

272 months

Thursday 6th June 2002
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Blundell was the fastest car on the circuit during the night when it was p*ss*ing it down last year, if it's another 24 hour wash out I think MG could have a chance. Don't think the LMP900's could get the power down on the standing water.

Personally I'd rather it stayed dry and warm in which case I think the Audis will do it again.


42,200 posts

293 months

Thursday 6th June 2002
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It's a tough choice - should I wish for rain and an MG win, and face the consequent 'I'm never camping a f***ing Le Mans again' wrath of my girlfriend, or good weather, and an AudiVW (sorry Bentley) whitewash?


1,851 posts

294 months

Thursday 6th June 2002
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well working on the basis that the socialising and beer are actually far more important than any racing I'll vote for the great weather

But if we could have both I'd like to see either Panoz or MG win, anyone really as long as it's not fg Audi again

>> Edited by MikeE on Thursday 6th June 15:30


789 posts

294 months

Thursday 6th June 2002
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MG may not be quite as fast as the Audi's but they are more fuel efficient, so if they last the distance they could come in with a chance. Someone (can't remember where I read it)has calculated that at testing and qualifying pace the MGs should be in front after 24 hrs when fuel stops are taken into account