Pistonhead stickers

Pistonhead stickers



Original Poster:

17 posts

293 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2002
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Hi there Ted,
I'm going to Lemans in a convoy of 7 Cerbera's how can we get our hands on and fly the flag with some of your lovely pistonheads stickers.

Phil O


34,444 posts

313 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2002
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You mean the big 'uns?


2,984 posts

293 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2002
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Got ours stuck on the back of our Viper already!


34,444 posts

313 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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Stickers are available in the shop ( www.pistonheads.com/shop ) or I do have some vinyl lettering for those seeking something two foot wide to go on the outside of the car


16,370 posts

294 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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Stickers are available in the shop ( www.pistonheads.com/shop ) or I do have some vinyl lettering for those seeking something two foot wide to go on the outside of the car

Can i have a some vinyl for the coach?
i dont think the stickers i've got will show up black glass and all that...



34,444 posts

313 months

Thursday 23rd May 2002
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I'll get some in the post today Graham.


Original Poster:

17 posts

293 months

Sunday 26th May 2002
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Hi there Ted,
Yes we need those big stickers that go down the
side of a car.

Imagine the scene 6 cerbies all sporting PISTONHEADS.

If I mail you my address off line can you mail them to me.

Phil O


34,444 posts

313 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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Of course - mail away!


58 posts

292 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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Octave - convoy of 7 Cerberas, eh? I'm also going in a Cerbera. How are you going across? And what day and time?


998 posts

294 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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Make it happen Ted - I am in the parade des pilotes on Friday so you WILL get some good advertising -


13,318 posts

290 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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How much are the big stickers, the bigger the better, for the back of the motorhome, and the side of the tent


16,370 posts

294 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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mmm I think everyone going should purchase a pack of stickey stickers, and maybe Ted could put up a prize for the most imaganitive/ cheeky / stupid/ dangerously stuck one with extra points for getting one on TV...

mmm im sure i know a couple of French LAYDEEZ that i might be able to persade to wear a couple ..... just dont tell the wife....

MMM and maybe Ted should add Flags to the list for next year... now that would be easier to get on TV at the end of the race...

>> Edited by Graham on Monday 27th May 20:57


13,318 posts

290 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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Well Miss Racegirl, did manage to get on Eurosport last year, running down the start/finish straight at the end of the race, waving La La, and wearing a union flag as a sarong


34,444 posts

313 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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How much are the big stickers, the bigger the better, for the back of the motorhome, and the side of the tent

I have a limited supply of these which I can send out. Let me know your address and I'll get some in the post. It's vinyl lettering (it does peel off) as you'd get on race cars.


Original Poster:

17 posts

293 months

Monday 27th May 2002
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Hi there Jedspeed, we're on the Eurotunnel on Thursday morning please join us, there will be a meeting point before hand somewhere near Dartford tunnel, the more Cerbies the better

spread the word
Phil O


Original Poster:

17 posts

293 months

Tuesday 28th May 2002
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Thanks Ted, you really are the man

Phil O


58 posts

292 months

Saturday 1st June 2002
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Thanks for the offer Octave - I might just do that! Which Eurotunnel crossing are you planning to catch?