Average Speed ??

Average Speed ??



Original Poster:

10,005 posts

283 months

Wednesday 29th May 2002
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Having driven across France a few times I know a decent cruising speed can easily be maintained, so can
a high figure be kept up this time around ?? (never done Lemans before)

Nick M (nmilton)

449 posts

292 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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On the autoroutes yes. On the Route Nationals, no, not really. They're quite busy and you can end up with long sections where overtaking isn't that easy.

We always seem to end up averageing about 50-55mph which includes fuel stops, etc.


1,547 posts

273 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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Yes I'd agree, every year we seem to average the same, I think its down to all those trucks you have to get past on the route nationals! Anyone been on the new autoroute from Alencon to Le Mans?


2,526 posts

293 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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I hardly touched the nationals when I went down in May for testing, I think we made it in about 4hrs.


6,442 posts

279 months

Thursday 30th May 2002
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Quickest time ever (for me), was about 3hrs and 30 mins, but I stress this was lateish at night and the right foot was definitely planted solidly. We knew the route, didn't stop and didn't make a mistake getting there. Watch out for late/confusing/missing (!) signs...



888 posts

272 months

Wednesday 5th June 2002
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I got back to Calais in 3 hours 15 minutes returning from pre-qualifying in my X5 using the new stretch of road, going down was a bit slower due to my Sat Nav getting confused off of the main roads...