Who's NOT going?

Who's NOT going?



Original Poster:

3,829 posts

284 months

Sunday 2nd June 2002
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Well, me for a start! I'm desperatly trying to get Sky Digi installed in the next 14 days so I can watch it on Eurosport but at the moment there is a 6 week wait so there is bugger all chance of that happening

Anyone else gonna be floating around here that weekend??


12 posts

272 months

Sunday 2nd June 2002
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Don't forget you'll be able to watch some of it on C4 as well!

johnny boy

340 posts

281 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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I thought you were going Stuart - change of plan?



Original Poster:

3,829 posts

284 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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erm, I had intended to go, but a couple of the people I was going with decided they would do something else that week instead! So I decided it wasn't worth it back in February or March!

I need to get back there so I'm going to try for next year!


12,441 posts

277 months

Monday 3rd June 2002
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Been the last couple of years - giving it a miss this year - decided last year whilst being drenched by the mother of all downpours in the centre of the circuit miles away from any shelter that American Style Winnebago / Motorhome preferably with bath and bar in back parked in the middle was the only acceptable option..... maybe next year (suspect that If I do go down that route there might be a few short term squatters.....)


76,579 posts

282 months

Tuesday 4th June 2002
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Well Cosmic and I can't go, because due to monumentally bad planning we're getting married that weekend!


17,035 posts

281 months

Tuesday 4th June 2002
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Well Cosmic and I can't go, because due to monumentally bad planning we're getting married that weekend!

Well, I've heard of some excuses but ...

Well I'm going, but am beginning to think maybe I should't have said yes, as we're on the 22.00 ferry from Pompey to Cherbourg (I think) as I've not arranged anything. It's all been sorted by the best man at a mate's wedding. We have no camping space BTW so he thinks we're just gonna turn up, throw some euros in the direction of a corrupt Frog (sorry Thom, Roms) and Robert's yer dad's brother.

He's gonna get a good kickin' BTW if we can't get in anywhere . Anyone got any views of our chances? I did post this on another thread but got no response

>> Edited by MikeyT on Tuesday 4th June 23:22