black leather dye



Original Poster:

5,132 posts

290 months

Tuesday 4th January 2005
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Hi can anyone point me towards a good supplier? I've used croftgate before (very good) but need a tiny amount in black for my mr2; dont need a litre at £26.45 as shown on their site.



458 posts

259 months

Tuesday 4th January 2005
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Try these touch up kit £12.50


72,857 posts

245 months

Tuesday 4th January 2005
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Cherry blossom?


3,337 posts

268 months

Wednesday 5th January 2005
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Not so stupid. Church Shoes cream polish works a treat for small scuffs. Remember to polish it away and wear an old T-shirt the first time you drive it.


72,857 posts

245 months

Wednesday 5th January 2005
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Of course it's not stupid

I use the brown cherry blossom shoe cream on my sofa and the black on the car seats. Works a treat, just buff it off well.

Anything that can rejuvenate kids school shoes gets my vote


Original Poster:

5,132 posts

290 months

Wednesday 5th January 2005
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interesting idea!


15,035 posts

203 months

Friday 2nd August
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Bumping an old topic back up, the seats on my E46 and the steering wheel on the Kitcar are both looking a bit tired.

I expected to just get a 65ml Scuff Master kit (was Liquid leather, now Gliptone) and give it a quick rub over as I've done before but the price seems to have shot up and its recommended 250ml or even 500ml for two car seats, so ive started to have a look at other options quickly.

Does the Cherry Blossom shoe 'scuff cover' actually work ok?

And doesn't transfer onto your clothes at all?