Car Mileage issues



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2 months

Wednesday 28th August
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16/02/2023 I have financed a vehicle on PCP through a dealership.
The Contract i have signed states that the vehicle has done 34,511 miles on. I didn't check the actual vehicle to see if the mileage matches, which was a bit stupid of me.

5-6 months go by and i have went to sell the car, for someone to tell me it has a mileage issue. It turns out there is a mileage difference of 6k miles (roughly). So i Have rang the dealership and explained to them that the person who sold me this has not made me aware there was a mileage difference on the vehicle compare to the paperwork i signed.
I must have been in the dealership atleast 20 times trying to find out whats going on but i kept getting told that, they didn't have anyone that could see to me at that moment in time.
So i have rang to book an actual appointment about the issue, I have turned up to the appointment only to tell me they are all 'busy'.
I have rang the finance company and they have told me that they can't do anything apart from sending in a complaint form which i did. Again i have been told they would sort this. So i left it for a while and again i went to sell the vehicle only to be told again that the car has been clocked.

I don't really know what to do in this situation, Does anybody had any similar experiances or they know of someone you can help me out as i am stuck with a vehicle mileage issues.