Do you recognise these tracker fobs?

Do you recognise these tracker fobs?



Original Poster:

459 posts

96 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
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Hi all

May seem like a random question but I have had these fobs in the car since I bought it......does anyone recognise them as a particular type of tracker?

There was nothing in the documentation and I am unable to ask the previous owner.

Thanks in advance. beer


6,498 posts

157 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
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433.92 mhz comes up with garage door openers.

So perhaps you could go back and help yourself to the PO's replacement car ? ;-)


552 posts

225 months

Wednesday 4th September 2024
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They're the same tracker fobs as mine.

My tracker was supplied by


Original Poster:

459 posts

96 months

Wednesday 4th September 2024
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Thanks both for the replies - that is awesome, just what I was looking for.

I have been in touch with them, very helpful and the system is indeed a Global Telemetrics, smartrack.

It was still registered to Mclaren Ascot, so looks like the previous owner did not put it in his name. I will look at subscription options and see if insurance will offer a discount if it is activated (Admiral).

Thanks again.


9,753 posts

186 months

Wednesday 4th September 2024
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PurpleFox said:
I will look at subscription options and see if insurance will offer a discount if it is activated (Admiral).
When I had Tracker, Admiral were cheaper with it - but the difference in premium was less than the Tracker subscription.


861 posts

86 months

Wednesday 4th September 2024
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I'm with Admiral for my 650S
The price with or without the tracker was exactly the same, so I didn't bother with the (rather expensive) subscription.


18 posts

104 months

Wednesday 4th September 2024
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I have Global Telematrics Smart Track in one of my cars (the only non Porsche). They have (and I prefer) an app that you can use instead of the fobs - you get a notification on your phone to confirm you are driving the car when you start it up. The same app also shows you the car's location, battery status, among other bits of data I can recall and you can do geofences on it, so you have a one stop shop, instead of fobs and an app.

GT Smart Track gets the highest Thatcham rating too, that my insurer insists on (Zurich).

I prefer Global Telematrics to the Porsche equivalent tracker system, if that is a useful reference point for you.

I'm on iPhone, but presume they have an android equivalent app.