Wanted - Hamer car lift

Wanted - Hamer car lift



Original Poster:

819 posts

217 months

Saturday 14th September
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Long shot I know, but does anyone have one of those Hamer lifts (four post with farm jacks on corners)? They stopped making them a good few years ago, but I'm hoping someone out there has one they're willing to part with. Collection not an issue. Thanks.


17 posts

205 months

Sunday 15th September
quotequote all
I have one that am willing to sell. Located in Luxembourg
so I guess collection will be a problem


Original Poster:

819 posts

217 months

Sunday 15th September
quotequote all
Thanks for getting in touch. You're right, Luxembourg is a bit too far!

smokey mow

1,068 posts

206 months

Sunday 15th September
quotequote all
I was looking for a while a before I changed my mind but they seem to come up for sale on eBay every 6-months or so.